Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1901, p. 8

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the stouffville tribune thursday may 9 1901 the alleged census cir culars tlie conservative press persist la asserting that the socalled census clr culars were issued jo tho census enu merators when all the evidence points to the contrary when the charge was first made in the housa that the census enumerators in ontar lo were using a bogus schedule in or der to make a political census tha mlidbtcr of agriculture wiio then pieard of the matter for the first time promised to mate an immediate en- iuirv and if he found the allegations irue have the schedules destroyed at once he accordingly sent out 10 the 111 census commissioners in the pioviiicc of ontario the following telegram the statement is made here that usheduo entitled junta re sidents sixteen years of ago and over hajs been placed in the hands of the enumerators if such a schedule lias been employed it is fraudulent and you aro required forthwith to in struct nil enumerators in your census district to discontinue under pain cf psmlsvjui from office- and prosecution and punishment under the census act any such schedule in the possession of the enumerators whether filled cr not must bo destroyed and the deliv ery or tiieiujto any person or persons or the detention of then by enumra tors will be visited with the full pen alty of the law see section 11 and 15 to 19 inclusive of the census act wire me tomorrow any information you may have regarding this matter of the use of the reported scheduled in your census district keplies wore received from every of the commissioners out of 114 in the province 102 stated that they had neer seen nor heard of the schedule and it was not in the handu of the enumerators hi their districts nina of them reported that they had seen a dkuiuent of this nature but that itjwiis not being used by the enumera tors three reported that a tew of the enumerators in their districts had it their possession and in accordance with the instructions received had taken immediate steps to have ucia destroyed not qiie of the replies indi cated that the schedule was being made use of by the enumerators as a matter of fact no bogus cen sus schedule waiver isued at all thf circulars whlehstavc been the cauce of all this bluster were issued by the liberal organization for the purpose of obtaining information for use in the revision of tha voters lists they were not sent to census commission ers or enumerators at all but totha candidates and officers of riding asso ciations the fact that ihpy were not mailed until a week aftar theenu aerators had commenced wcirk shows conclusively that there wasi no inten tion of making use of tho enumera tors for party advantage no inform ation was asked for which could not he given by any party worker fami liar with his polling subdivision the circulars speak for themselves and the instructions endorsed thereon are that two copies are toi be prepared by the gentleman so chosen for each lubdlvibion and sent to the liberal candidate i it is only natural to suppose that the gentlemen chosen by the riding officers for this work would in some instances also b- census enumerators tlte act ion of the liberal organization in sending out these circulars we ire tod was only following out what has bee do by both political parties foe yc4 jgrubbers from here to putagyjjula the wealth that is coined into the currency of smiles hero is laid up as a ire in heaven it is the only hat can bo left behind to add sum of human happiness and rrled forward to swell the joys world to come merchants re- little while so natural that wo fall aslety i tired children when the day is done i would question why the liv ing weep death has kissed the laughing lips of one not sigh when golden skits lavo donned purple shadows and the gray iof night ise we knowahe morning lies be yond we must wait a little while for light ivhen grown weary with care and strife loved ones find in sleep the the peace they crave should not weep but learn to count this life prelude to the one beyond tlie grave thus be happy for them noti die tressed t lift our hearts to god and em he we anon like tired ones will rest wewiil hope and wait a little while perhaps few people fully realize i the amount of murder that goes oa in the united states and the com parative immunity enjoyed by the fmurderers the total number of american officers and soldiers killed in the philipiucs during two years and a half is buf little over 3000 more than five times this number cf muders have occurred in the united states during thesamc period more men are killed in the country every six months than have been killed on the american side during the philip pine war in noother country in the civilized world is the- crliuo of murder so coiunio v under tho 8 lash the torture and torment of the victim of nervous drostration and nervous debility no one can rightly estimate ho has no been under the ruthless lash of these relentless human foes m williams of fordwich ont was for four years a nervous wreck six bottles of south american nervine worked a miracle and his doctor con- finned it 28 old reliable drug store stouff vilt s bfettoldrill ieo r 5yrgodfil loo wc ffuarmtcc perfect saussfactioa glcse optical go 93 yonr streot t to- -r- 3for 8ii a thorobred registered durham bull 2 years old also a quanttiy cf gcod clean wild goose wheat for seed at lot s concession 8 whit church a e gilmore for service a thorobred reg istered durham bull at lot 8 conccs sion s whitchurch baker iiii tonus si- a e gilmore notice on account of tuo scarcity of ilve and cedar timber i canuot bujily my customers with shiuglcs and timber at my milt for tliia puroose i am puttiuc a stock of lumber lath and slihigles in too yard of ttio stouf- fville riainlnk mill opp kailway sta tion j a heise a yearling thorobred durham bull also a thorobred durham bull calf at lot 14 concession 0 whitchurch d cukt1s bloomington i mums 0k coal got the but standing there he heard a scamp and readily believed today he sadly stands among the cheated and deceived some fools believe that other fools are wonderful and wise because they scoff at men whose faith goes soaring to the skies san jose scale will do much to develop a muscular body but the strength of the body is not to be measured by its musclebut by its blood if the blood is impure the body in spite of its bulk and brawn falls an easy prey to dis ease there is no medi cine equal to doctor pierces golden med ical discovery for the purifying of the blood it carries off the poisons which contaminate the life fluid it increases the activity of the blooduiauing glands and gives the body aii increased supply of pure body-builcf- irs blood it builds up the body with sound healthy flesh instead of flabby fat promotes the appe tite feeds the nerves and so gives to weak nervous people vital- ity and vigor there is no alcohol contained in golden medical discovery and it is absolutely free from opium cocaine and all other narcotics i feel it my duty to write to yon of the won- derful curative power of your golden med ical discovery write george s jfendrrton ksq of dcnaud iec co florida i had a bad bndc on my right ear and my wood wa badly out of order i tried local doctor but with no rood result finally i wrote you the particular in my case and you advised your hoolden medical discovery which i began to take from the lint bottle i began to feel better and when i had taken eight bottles the aore was healed up i wish you ucce dr pierces common sense medical adviser in paper covers is sent free on receipt of 31 onecent stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only address jr r v- pierce buffalo n v a large amount of nursery stock including trees and ornamental shrub 3ms this spring been imported into canada from the united states and has been treatedfat the various fum igating stations which has been erec ted by tliemiiiister of agriculture on the boundary line the season during which importa tions may be made into canada will end on may 15th if the buds have- burst and growth lias began there is some danger of injury from the pofsonpus gas which is used to des troy the scale insect should any by chance be present on the trees the government announces publicly at the beginning of the season that al importations must be ma do entirely at the risks of the shippers or own- ors in the case of belated consign ments in which vegetation may have begun the plants will be refused trca tmcntaud entry unless the owners signify their consent to have the stock fumigated and assume all the jiiftk owners will be promptly noti fied by the superintendents on the receipt of any stock whtchfls not jn a fit condition to be fumigated a tonic a merry heart hath a continual feast and this kind of a feastv never wants for guests tho presence cf some men is as good as a tonic their countenance is a benediction their grip nn inspiration and their cheery tone avertible lower of stren gth some men call forth all that is good in one just as others stln up all the mud pessimism cant live in tho presence of a merry heart sm 0clon flees like shadow before k ft sun shine meannehs shrinks away like fog before the breath of its breezy atmosphere tho greatest asst sora men have istheirgcnulnc open hear ty way it inspires confidence on tho part of creditors disarms the enmity of competitors and promoter tho good will of patrons a merry heart hath a continual feast after all tho man who gets the most satlsfnc tlon out of life is tho one who wins tlie greatest success what la tho good of success that kills every cap acity for true pleasure nntl linpplncflft fthcro aro some men of whom ti you can say is that they havo money there arc others that can hardly bo successful in tho judgment of tho world uho aro getting and giving more genuine satlfactlonout or lifonn they go along than all tho roomoy- some time ago there was a notable automobile procession in the city of buf- falo n y it was notable for its size and also for the fact that it was entirely com posed of automobile wagons like that in the cut above built to distribute the advertising literature of the worlds dispensary medical association propri etors and manufacturers of dr pierces medicines in many a town and village dr pierces automobile has been the pioneer horseless vehicle these wagons sent to every important section o the country are doing npre than merely advertise dr pierces remedies they arc pioneers of progress heralds of the automobile age and this is in keeping with the record made by dr pierce and his famous pie- parations which have always kept in the front on their merits dr pierces golden medical discovery is still the leading medicine for disorders and dis eases of the stomach arid digestive and nutritive systems for the purifying of the blood and healing of weak lungs women place dr pierces favorite prescription in the front of all putup medicines specially designed for womens use the wide benefits this medicine has brought to women have been well summed up in the words makes weak women strong and sick women well the reputation of dr pierces pleas ant pellets as a safe and effective laxa tive for family use is international it may be asserted without fear of con tradiction that no other firm or company engaged in the vending of putup medi cines can rank with the worlds dispen sary medical association either in the opinion of the medical profession or of the intelligent public the invalids hotel and surgical institute which is connected with the worlds dispen sary is alone sufficient to prove this supremacy here is a great modern hospital always filled with patients where every day successful operations arc performed on men and women whose diseases demand the aid of surgery no hospital in buffalo is better equipped i 1 i r with respect to its moderu appliances or the surgical ability of its stuff dr r v pi t h v sealed tenders addressed to the pro vilcial secretary province of ontario parliament buildings toronto and marked tenders for coal will be received up to noon oamisodaw may 0th 11hu for the delivery of coni in the sheds of the institution nam ed below on or before the 15th day of july next except as regard- the coal for london hamilton and brock vlllo asylums and central prison as uioted asylum for insane toronto hard coal 1200 tons large- egg size 150 tons stove size 151 tons nuc size soft coal 150 tons lump 15u soft screenings t asyj u3i or insane ixnwon hard coal2250 tons small egg size 250 tons stove size 00 tons chestnut size soft coal 40 tons for grate or tlie 250 tons s50 may not be re quired tilt jan 1002 asylum fok insane kingston ilurd coal 1350 tons largo egg size 250 tons smalt egg size 25 tons cheat nut size 500 tuns hard screenings 500 tons soft screenings 15 tons stoe size hurdj asylum tok insane hamilton hard coal 3700 tons small egg size 200 tons stove size 100 tons jchesnut size coal for grates 75 tons lor pump house 200 tens importtd stuck 120 tons imported screenings of the above quantity 2058 tons may not be required until january and february 1002 asylum toii insane mimico hard coal 1550 tons large egg size ho ton stove size 10 tois coal for grates 100 tons soft screen ings 50 coids green hardwood astlum fpk idiots ouiliia soft coal screenings or run of mine lump 1700 tons 7i tons hard ejal stove size 150 tons hard coal grate soft lump 10 tons asylum for insane ituockvllle hard coal 1750 tons largo egg size 200 tons stove size 50 tons small egg of tho above quantity 1050 tons may not be required until january and march 1002 asyulm for female patients coboukg hard coal 300 tons large eggsize central ikison toronto hard coat 0 ious nut size 100 tons small egg ll soft coal 2501 tons soft coai sreenings or run if mine lump the soft coal u be djli- cred monthly as required institution for ikaf and dumd belle ville hard coal 775 tons largo egg siw 100 tons small egg size 12 toftsjstovc feize 14 tons no if size soft coal for grates 4 tons institution for iuini urantfuuu haul coal 100 tons large egg size 150 tons stove size 15 tons chestnut size reformatory for hoys ienktami kighty tons egg size 57 tons stove size 10 tons nut size 800 toaa soft coal screenings or run of mine lump delivered at institution dock notics of application for ap pointment ojjiiardian henry miles burkitl deceased tate notice that after the expira tion of 0 days- from the first puoio tion of this notice an application wit bo made to the surrogate court cf the county of york to appoint the national trust company limited 0 guardians of the estate of c alonzo burfcitt jennie uurkitt and alturu burkitl children of henry miles uur kitt deceased who died on or about the 13tji day of june 1000 all be ing infants under the age of twenty- one years dated at stouffyille this 25th day of april 1001 tf suites mcculloiigh solicitor herein for the national trust company limited and ior sarah m burkitt the mother of hie aboe named infants oon no matter ivheit you shear your sheep but mash them efeau and sheuiv j before the wool becomes eotte9 j it is now an acknowledge fact that wo have been paying toronto price for woul in cash and 2c pyrlb more la trade for a number of years and would say that wo arc prepared lo do the same again this year we ihave always made it a specialty cf making our woolen goods outiiof pure wool using neither cotton shoddy or any inferior stock of any kind we have a good stock ol bianketej sheet ing flannels cloth yarns of all kinds and selling them at lowertpriees than ever before in fact we will not be undersold by any one for same ipial- ity of goods- have also a good stocc of socks pure wool fulled whiclv mak es them warmer softer and better than home made appreciated by everyone who sees them and selling them from 15c to 5c per pair worth 20 to yoc per pair and will knit other sizesto order if youjhavtigct any wool to sell cu itrado fop wool len goods or to hci manufactured go to almira woollen mills wo appre ciate your trade and will dothe befct we can for you s b lehman sons almira ont- carding spinning weaving and manufacturing dono as usual kk kkk7k our factory is now open every day from 7 to c pm to receive hogs when the high est market fried will be paid honesty lair treatment and courtesy guaranteed farmets will consult tlieir interest in dealing with ns the pakenham pork packing co stouffville ont austin bnljinger ouneral blacksmith and piactica horso sliihr overreaches knoo knockers interferers come and contracted hoofs successfully treated churgs modrate a lris1 solicited i e- smith licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario all sales offarm stock c attend ed to on the shortest notice and rea sonable rates mortgago and ballirt sales attended to jttsideucc stoaffvllle ont tie ton implement co as implements and repair shop in ytouflville and has appointed w- a mclean as their agent also agent for the tsiliuiial fence co 2sjerriclcvi lie fairveiw and okanaqan big 14 mining and milling co of bc limited r capitalization 1500000 shares par value 100 each- full paid and nonassessable holding iznmensctpror pertlea in one of tho richest mining districts of b c good facilities for shipping ore assays already taken giving 1g to the ton in copper be side values in silver and gold stopfer at present only 8c per sh but will be advanced to 10c per sh on tho let of juno this is one of tho best-bar- gains on the mijilug market as this stock will likely be i per sh when- mines are properly developed ad dress all orders to a s- balili secretary woodstock ont or to w malloyb a stouffviile ont f q ft the mu i 1 1 i tvcniciiu so that they give the impres sion that they are physicians without making the claim to be licensed those who write to dr tierce chief consulting physician to the invalids hotel and surgical institute buffalo n y may do so with the assurance that they will receive not oidv the advice of a competent physician nut the rdvicc of a physician whose wide experience in the trcatmen and cure of uiscasc and whose sympathy with human suffering leads him to take a deep personal inter est in nil thor who seek his help and that of his associate staff of specialists dr picrccv mrkcai adviser in paper covers ioos jigcs u kent free on re ceipt of v ouecvnt sumps or 50 stamps for the clothlouud volume to pay ex pens of customs- and mailing onlv ad dress dr r v lierce buffalo n y mii0li rrfokmatakv tokonto osft coal hwwmiigrf or run of mine lump 5u0 tons stove coat 110 tuns tenderers are to specify the mine or mines from which the eoiil wilt i lied and the quality of hiuntaud also furnisli katlhfaclorv qviuoi- hat the coal delivered is true to e fresh mined and in every rcl- t equal in quaiityj to the mlmidnru lea of coal known to tho trade livery is to bo effected in a mar- satisfactory to the iiikjjectors c us and public cliarties id tho said insjieutors inay rcqu- idditlonal amounts not iecedlug tor cent of the quantities here foro specif led for thcabovirnien ed institutions to bo delivered oat at the contract prices at any up to the irth day or july 1102 nders will be received for the e quantity above specified jr he quantities required in each in stitution an accepted check for s0i payable to tho order of tho honorable the provincial secretary must bo fur pished by each tenderer as a guaran tee of hisbona fides and two suffici ent sureties will be required for the dun fulfilment of each contract spe cifications nml forms and conditions of tenders may bo obtained from the inspectors of prisons ami public char ities parliament buildings toronto or from the bursars of tho respect vo institutions tho lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted news papers inserting this advertisement fclfhout authority from tho depart ment will not bo paid for it j k stratton provincial rfocretary parliament buildings toronto may ctli 1001 gmu tlie leading specialists of america 20 years in deirolt 250009 cursl- wecurestrcture thousands of younc and muhlloncod menaro troubled with tliisdisciso many unconsciously they may havo a t mart ins sensation small twisting flreini rhnrp cutting pains ut time fjhjhttlis- eharffp diiltcnlty in comoicncinff weak onrnn cmiion nnd all tho symptoms of nervous debility they havo sfkic- tuitk dont let doctors experiment on yoa by cutting ctrctchinb or tearing you thiswhlnotciirotnunshivill re turn our new 3iktji0i treat ment absorbs tho stricluro tisstioi henco removes thostrieturo permanently itean never return no pain no buffer ing no detention fiom business by our mothod- thofoxualorcansnrofltrenbtn- cned tho nerves aro invigorated and tho bliss of manhood returns wecure gleet yl thousands of young and middloaged ki roon aro having tholr tcj- 1 vijror nnd viuthty continually rapimu u lis di- 4 case thoy nro frequently iincjvin oftbocauioof the0fymtoms it iril wcaknesfl unnatural bipcharges kott ing jmttnhooi ncrvousncm poor menu 4 ory irritability attunes smarting scn- wition sunken vyen with dark cwclcs weak rack general repression lack of ambition varicocele shrunken part to 1lket and strtloiuite maybothocaufo dont consult family 1 doctors ns thoy havo no experionco in these special diseases dont nllon- iinif keip butcner keeps on hand all kinds of fresh axif salt j1eats sausages head cheese and fish in season in fact everything that is kept in a wellordered shop beefktm by the quarterand pork by the carcase at reasonable ratca not cash paid for mdf vkit a and tallow jj to loan st0uff2r goulsos have 500010 to loan at 4 12 too percent wo also rent sell or buy farms houses or acant lots on commission and have a number of snaps on hand at tho present time l agents for eight of tho best fire insurance i companies in canada general agents for the sun life assurance company this company stands at the head of all life com panies in the dominion agents and appraises for the can ada permanent and western mtg corporation if you want to save money call o us at tho sun life office old stand ard bank building stouffer coulson insuranch br0ki is bo years experience quacks to mmnracnt on yon conautt rrt specialist wlj havo maicajifoatiiwof w5 jhcaaesotmonaninvoincn onrnew i jikt110d tbbatmkni will poji- j tivoly euro you ono thouuml dollari f for a caso wo accept for treatment and 9 cannotcuro terrasmoderatoforftcuro i cures guaranteed bt ivkivp emissions a ctrictultr impotkscv skcitrt pr drains iivxatiiua i disdiiaku- es ki dnkyand ulaiinkll mnt consultation fbeb hooks fkkb if unablo to call wrlto for siflr9jf lot home tbeatilent xr9 wkennedy kergan i cor michigan ave and shelby st j detroit mich trade marks designs copyrights c anyono rending n nkctcli nnd doncrlptlon nuiy quietly asoorinin our oiiinlon frco wficllicr mi invontion is protmbly patentable communlrn- tloiiflhtricnycoiinilonluil ilnndbook on talents bent trcn oldest npenoy fornocarlnjrjatcnt- latcntfl taken ttironcli ruiin ss co receive rptclal notice wttlioulcliarce in tho scientific- jfinericdti a handsomely illustrated tvecilr ircest elr enatlon of nnv pelcniac jrmnal tcriim j3 n rear four months u sold bynil ncwudealer munnco new york ltrauch offlco c2s f fit wftahtnutton t c wiite for r in 0f5 llelit ii i v sctnl in i roj r vciition or i in j t c jfrceoiir opintii jatenlablc wejcti been siiccttsfniv jcuiidnct uuv t fim nml wfthtt 1 ly dijkitcli vor r- ns broii zsxui iiw furnished patmiti proci rion receive rjtc over ioo ii- ua- the 1 minion specialty t- iturcrsniit liit n marion j potent xct i offices f v i invent j- r rvlndled il cf yotirinj v iii tell yotl 1 r npobnbly i3i r have of ten ly ii5 we it montreal to prompt r aiire patents itt references r irfon st ma lfit chnrpje in stcu throughout of mamifac- arion solicitors lyltlf riontreal vf liinrtondcc m the famous wetmore truss i ircnenilly acknowicdoj lo 00 the moat corn tort ahlecuijf adjust el ami durable trunsontlio itarkflt sioltand be cori iirt al tho marm draff siore slonflrllle 0 cimbl briiggisb ismuji kcpairs promptly attended vjil to prices modervto

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