compan in heaven we may ah become residents and be princes and kings a despatch from washington says bag to the bible her beams are of rev ir talinage preached from the following text the spider tak- eth hold with her bands and is in kings palaces proverbs hi 28 it is not very certain what was the particular species of insect spoken of in the text but i shall proceed to learn from it in tha first place the exquisiteness of the divine mechan ism the kings chamberlain comes into the palace and looks around and sees the spider on the wall and bays away with that intruder and the servant of solomons palace comes with his broom and dashes down the insect saying what a oathsomc thing it is but under microscopic inspection i find it more wondrous of construction than the embroideries on the palace walls and the uphols tery about the windows all the machinery on the earth could not make anything eo delicate and beautiful as the prehensile with which that spider clutches its prey or as any of its eight eyes we do not have to go bo far up to see the power of god in the tapestry hang ing around the windows of heaven or in the horsss and chariots of fire with which the dying day departs or to look at the mountain swinging out its sword arm from under the mantle of darkness until it can strike with its scimiter of the lightning i love better to study god in the shape of a flys wing in the formation of a fishs scale in the snowy white ness of a pond lily i love to track his footsteps in the mountain moss and to hear his voice in the hum- of the rye fields and discover the rus tle of his robe of light in the south wind ob this wonder of divine power that can build a habitation for god in an apple blossom and tune a bees voice until it is fit for the ctcr- rial orchestra and can say to a fire fly let there be light arid from holding an ocean in the hollow of his hand goes forth to find heights and depths and lengths and breadths of omnipotency in a dew drop and dis mounts from the chariotof midnight hurricane to cross over on the sus pension bridge of a spiders web you may take your telescope ami sweep it across the heavens in order to behold the glory of god but i shall take the leaf holding the spider and the spiders web and i shall bring the microscope to my eye and while i gaze and look and study and am confounded i will kneel down in the grass and cry great and marvelous are thy works lord god almighty again my text teaches me that in significance is no excuse for inactjon this spider that solomon saw on the wall might havo said i cant weave n web worthy of this great palace what can i do amid all this gold and embroidery i am not able to make anything fit for so grand a place and and so i will not work mv spinning jenny not so waid tbu spider the spider taketh hold with her bands what ajesaoca that is for you and me you say if you had some great ser mon to preach if tfou only had a great audience to talk to if you only had n great army to marshal if you only had a constitution ito write if there was some tremendous thing in the world for yuu to do then you would show us yes pou- would show us i what if the lovite in the ancient tern pic had refused to snuff the candle because he could not be ahighpriest what if the humming bird should re fuse to oing its song into tho ear of cedar and her rafters of fire and her windows of agate and the fountains of salvation dash a rain of light it is a glorious palace the church of god is and yet sometimes unseem ly arid loathsome things creep up into it evil speaking and rancor and slan der and backbiting and abuse crawl ing up on the walls of the church spinning a web from arch to arch and from the top of one communion tankard to another glorious palace in which there ought only to be light and love and pardon and grace yet a sp 13 in the palace again my text teaches me that perseverance will mount into tho kings palace it must have seemed a long distance for that spider to climb in solomons splendid residence but it started at tho very foot of the wall and went up over the panels of lebanon cedar higher and higher until it stood higher than the highest throne in all the nations the throne of solomon and so god has de creed it that many of those who are down in the dust of sin and dishonor shall gradually arrive in the kings palace and god hath decided that though you may be weak of arm and i u ig baallv dieted thf nr slow of tongue and be struck through is mor ca jested the pre- wilh a great many mental and moral 1 senco of fat 1q tends to retard what a ian should eatithe sunday school a cobination of animal anb vegetable food a physician tells the exact amount for a healthy person scicntiflo imet for ono jay a famous physician has made up a new system of what people should eat to bo healthy ho figures this out in as exact scientific way as an engineer calculates how much coal his engine needs daily lie calculates that a person needs three and one- third pounds of solid food daily but the knowledge of what weight of food a person should consume a day does not settle tho diet ques tion which is one of tho most im portant things in life to every per son a set of this great physicians diet tables while not as lucious looking as a french chefs table dhoto menu will result in better digestion in these tables this physiologist shows the different degrees of nour ishment in tho various kinds of meats cereals and vegetables among meats beef stands at tho head of the list for its protcids or albuminous qualities with tho ex ception of fowl but as tho percent age of fat is loss in beef than in fowl international lesson may 12 ifae crcit commit on slatt 2s ic-w- coldf n text mall 38 t practical notes ycrso 16 then but the elev en disciples went away into galilee with simple faith obeying the direc tion of our lord given in verse 7 the disciples are now eleven be cause of tho treason and suicide of judas probably some of the disci ples were already in galileo john 21 123 meanwhile the enemies of our lord were disseminating a he verso 1115 trying to disbelieve their own consciences and to distort the testimony of eyewitnesses into a mountain where jesus had appoint ed them the revised version tho mountain may indicate a moun tain well known and although there is no fact on which to base the con jecture some scholars are disposed to identify it with the horns of hattin where the sermon on the mount had been delivered in galilee jesus and hi3 disciples would be among the closest associations of their lives 17 they saw him this was the first general information a few paragraphs which will bo found of great interest about ten million cattle are now to be found in the argentine repub lic they are said to be all descend ants of tiyt zzs and one bull whijh were brought to brazil in the middle of the sixteenth century an elaborate organ is now being built in london for york ifinster by an ingenious arrangement the wind for the instrument will be supplied by means of power obtained by a fjil of water from one of the towers of the cathedral the water being pumped up the tower by a gasen gine capo town enjys a certain dis tinction in respect to the height of its constables the tallest is a giant ofr s 12 in in height there are five men ranging from 6ft 3in to cft 4 in three men between gft 2 in and gft 3in twelve men from gft 1 in to gft 2inj and seventeen between gft aud gft lin mi bonne scotland interesting news from the highlands and lowlands- as in tho times of bobby barns many things happen to interest tho minds of auld scotias sons digestion by preventing the digestive fluids from making their way iu be tween fibres eggs aretobo regardod as complete natural food as they contain all th milk is the natural food cor tho deficits that by his almighty grace you shall yet arrive in the kings palace not such an one as is spoken of in the texrnot one of marble not one adorned with pillars of alabaster and throne of ivory and flagons of burnished gold but a palace in which necessary food principles god 13 ho kins and tho angels of heaven are the cupbearers the spider crawling up the wall of solo- y of all animals as well as of mons palace was not worth looking man under a microscope milk is after or considering as compared with seen to consist of a clear fluid filled the fact that we who are worms of i with small voily globes onemillionth tho dust may at last ascend into the j of an inch in diameter these globes palace of tho king immortal by j contain the nourishing quality of the grace of god may we all reach it milk called casein when taken into oh heaven is not a dull place it is the stomach it is coagulated but not a wornout mansion with faded passes on casly through the digestive curtains and outlandish chairs and j organs ci children cracked ware no it is a fresh and that the cereals are mot impor- fair and beautiful as though it were j tant and useful food is shown by the completed but yesterday the kings fact that they contain such large of tho earth shall bring their honor percentage 01 sugar starch and and glory into it a palace means gums called carbohydrates as well splendor of apartments now i do j a3 considerable amount of protcids not know where heaven is and i do or albuminoids rut owing to the not know how it looks but if our i celluose or woody fibre which covers bodies arc to be resurrected in the last the kernels they are somewhat dif- day i think heaven must have a ma- j cult of digestion terial splendor as well as a spiritual meat and vegetables grandeur what will be the use of vegetables vary greatly in nutrt- a resurrected foot if there be nothing uve value and digestibility the cel lo tread on or of a resurrected hand mulose in them however tends to 1 f n harp to strike and no i retard digestion for this reason plce to take hold m the kings palace 1 nearly all vegetables require cook- grandeur of apartments jing when subjected to heat and getting personal the- favorite scottish method of dealing with sleepers in church was publicly to denounce the delinquents when the rev walter dunlap min ister of a united presbyterian church in dumfries saw a member of his great gathering of the believers in j hock nodding while he was prcach- jesus wo say great for it 3 ioff jo stopped suddenly and said f doot some o yc hue taen ower generally conceded tfcat this was th wh p- the day sit up above five hundred occasion when brethren at once 1 cor 15 g saw the lord thoy worshiped him- it is implied that they fell prostrate at hs feet this was no unusual atti tude for those who regarded him with homage but it seems certain that or ill namo ye oot another caledonian preacher on like provocation cried out hold up your heads my friends and mind that neither saints nor sinners arc sleep ing in the next world then finding that this general ei- hortation was insufficient to deter a lord after hs resurrection had cortain wcll mcmber the oh what the honey suckle because it cannot like the eagle dash its wing into the sun what if the raindrop should refuse to descend because it is not a niagara what if the spider of tho text should refuse to move us shuttle because it cannot weave a- solomons robo away with such folly if you arc lazy with the one talent you would be lazy with the ten talents if milo cannot lift tho calf he never will have strength to lift the ox in the lords array there is order- for promotion but you cannot be a general until you have been a lieutenant a captain or a col onel it is step by step it is inch by inch it is stroke by stroke that our christian character is builded there fore be content to do what god com mands you to do god is not ashamed to do small things he is not asham ed to be found chiseling a grain of sand or helping a honey bee to con struct us cell with mathematical ac curacy or tingcing a shell in the surf shaping the bill of a chaffinch what god docs he does well what you do do well be it a great work or a small work if ten talents employ all tho ten if fire talents employ all the five if ore talent employ the one if only the tbousandtbpart of a tal ent employ that be thou faithful unto death and i will give tbee a crown of life i tell you if you aro not faithful to god in a small sphere yon would be indolent and insignifi cant in a large sphere again my text teaches me that rc- poisiveness and loathsomeness will sometimes climb up into very elevated places you perhaps would have tried to kill the spider that solomon saw you would jiave said this is no place for it if that spider is dc tcrmined to weave a web let it do so down in ihc cellar of this palace or in rome dark dungeon ah tho spider of the text could not oe dis couraged it clambered on and climbed up higher and higher and higher nnth after a while it reached thee kings vision and ho said tho spider taketh hold with her hands and is in kings palaces and so it often is now that things that arc loathsome and repulsive get up into very elevat ed places the church of christ for instance is a palace if king of hoare1 and earth live in li accord when that divine hand which plunges moisture not only is the texture of the sea into blue and the foliago into the vegetable softened but tho green and sets the sunset on fire starch grains are partially converted shall gather all the beautiful colors into sugar and other substances easi- ot earth around ins throne and when 1 ly assimilated potatoes when well taat arm which lifted the pillars of cooked aro easily digested becauso alpine rock and bent the arch of the they contain but littlo cellulose sky shall raise before our soul the j ripe fruits oranges lemons grapes eternal architecture and that hand 1 pears peaches cherries apples and which hung with loops of fire the cur- j berries generally have but littlo 52 corning shall prepare the up- nourishing quality as they consist uf 75 to 85 per cent of water but tho sugars and acids which they contain make them invaluable in making up a healthful diet there is a constant discussion about the relative valuo of meat diet as contrasted with that of cereals and vegetables br brubakcr has calculated the actual value of animal and vegetable diet in plain figures he shows that one quarter the vege table food taken into the system re mains undigested while in meats the undigested portion is only one- tenth as neither animal nor vara table foods contain the nutritive elements in proper proportions to satisfy tho human system mans instinct has led him to make a combination of tho two kinds of diet to construct a scientific diet it is only necessary to combine two or more foods insufficient quantities to furnish the amount of nitrogen and carbon required by the body in twentyfour hours here is what dr brubakcr conaidors a scientific amount and assortment of food per day meat half pound bread one pound fats oncquartor pound potatoes ono pound milk half pint eggs quarter pound cheese onethird pound this makes a weight of three and a third pounds of solid food but to thrive upon this diet a person must add the amount of acids sugar or salts which his particular system needs the natural craving of the ap petite is a pretty good guido in this matter aroused a deep spiritual roverencc humiliation and yearning aspiration such as the disciples had never beforo felt some doubled doubted whe ther or not it was tho risen lord this admission shows the frank sin cerity of all concerned those who were present and tht man who is writing the record 18 jesus came and spake unto them came near the whole com pany of believers was addressed not only the eleven apostles in a very true sense tho church in all ages was addressed all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth all authority the universal dominion over heaven and earth which apper tained to him in his divine nature was conferred upon hfm as man in virtue of his fulfillment of his fathers will church from getting his nights rest forward the reverend gentleman turned toward the offender and said james stewart this is the second time i have stopped to waken ye if i need to stop a third timo ill ex pose ye by name to the whole congre gation dear old letters the experrraent was certainly not success frequently she had complained that he was not as ho used tc bethat his love seemed to have grown cold and that ho was too prosaic and matter- offact so when he found one of his old loveletters to her he took it with and in reward of his obedience see ftm taa noxt time ho was called away phil 2 511 1 cor 15 2428 eph 1 rom tho city made a copy of it and 2023 earth henceforth is to be posted it to her holstery of our kingly residence a palace also means splendor of associa tion the poor man the outcast cannot get into tho tuillerics or windsor castle tho sentinel of tho king or tho queen stands there and cries halt as ho tries to enter but in that palace we may all become residents and we shall all be princes and kings we may have been beg gars wo may have been outcasts wo may have been wnndorlng and lost as we all have been but there we shall take on regal power hark the chariot is rumbling in the distance i really believe the guests arc coming now the gates swing open the guests dismount the palace is filling and all the chalices flashing with pearl and with jet and carbuncle arc lifted to the lips of the myriad banqueters while stand ing in robes of snowy white they drink to the honour of our glorious king oh you say that is too grand a place for you and for me no it is not- if a spider according to the text could crawl up on the wall of solomons palace shall not our poor souls through the blood of christ mount up from the depths of its sin and shame and finally reach the palace of the eternal king where sin abounded grace doth much more abound that whereas sin reigned unto death even so may grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by jesus christ our lord in the far east there is a bird called the huraa about which is the beautiful superstition that upon whatever head the shadow of that bird rests upon that head there shah be a crown o thou dove of the spirit floating above us let the shadow of thy wing fall upon this congregation that each at last in heaven may wear upon his head a crown a crown i and hold in bis right hand a star a star sold what do you do when people come in and bore you a warm personal friend asked of a merchant when hey stay too long the of ficeboy who is very bright and knows when to interfere tells mo that a gentleman in the countinghouse is waiting to see me on important business ha ha thats a capital way to get rid of bores who dont know just then tho boy opened tho door and sang out gent in the counting- house sir waiting to nee you on im portant business australia is twentyfour times as large as the united kingdom but britains population is ten times as large as hers to every square milo of the united kingdom there aro 133 persons but to every square milo of australia there arc onlv one and a aupprcvi it in the interest f half inhabitants j i public f oldage pensions in victoria oldage pensions have been adopt ed in victoria to begin at 10s a week itis now found that where as 6000 applications were estimated for 15000 have come in and the an nual cost will bs 100000 tha rais ing of the pension from 7s to 10s is supposed to bo partly the reason but another is that persons hitherto supported by their children have ap plied and this was not contemplated the act will ba amended next ses sion for the public good if you dont take it said the strug gling young author with a gleam of fierce determination in his eye ill find somebody who will tho editor looked the poem over again well he said how will 3 dd for it ill take it replied llw struggling young author suppressing hu eager ness wjicn will i see it in print you wont see it at all young man the realm of christ 19 go ye therefore and teach all nations wherever the word of god says therefore the student of re ligious truth should ask wherefore the reason has just been given be cause our lord has been endowed with universal authority bis servants are to make disciples of all the heathen for that is the literal translation of the greek to instruct those who havo been cast out and neglected a verse in our lesson for sunday before last john 20 23 seems to place emphasis on what ban ben called the priestly olemont of the christian ministry but here stress is put on teaching and that certainly is the first and tho chief duty of christians whether ministerial or lay there can be no fuller declaration of the universality of the gospel than that in this verse all tho gentile world is to bo brought into tho fellowship of our lords disciples baptizing them in the name o the father and of the son and of tho holy ghost the act of baptism is tho initial means whoreby the formal fellowship is effected tho rite symbolizes cleansing away the old and putting on tho new baptism is nol a charm pronounced on a young christian but an outward ign sacrament or oath of faithfulness in fellowship with tho triune god 20 teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i havo command ed you to observe la literally to keep watch teaching nothing but what the lord commands and there fore avoiding superstitious practices teaching all that tho lord commands and therefore avoiding looseness our lords commands were really new laws of life tho sermon ev the mount the promises recorded in the closing chapters of johns gospolprf tho condensation of the law and the prophets in the now commandment of lovo i am with you alway all tho days in spirit in power in in fluence and by personal indwelling unto i he ond of tho world unto the end of tho ngc to all eternity tho lord is with us john henry she exclaimed when he returned youre the biggest fool that ever lived i believe that you have softening of the- brain what did you mean by sending me that trash trash my dear he expostulated yes trash just sickly sentimental nonsense that isnt how you described it when i first wrote it and sent it to you he protested you said that it was the dearest sweetest letter ever written and you insist now that i have changed and you havent j thought i would try to well you didnt succeed she in terrupted and she was angry for two days sometimes it is difficult to please a woman scrubbing for pleasure a school of domestic economy at belhnal green london is said to carry off tho palm for enthusiasm among its pupils the school is built and finished in imitation of an eng lish working mans cottage and tho poor little girls of the district are taken in and trained to be capable housewives the school has been a great success and is always crowded to its full capacity but either the ordinary routino must bo dull or the pupils zeal monumental fox the re cords show that scrubbing and stone- cleaning are dealt out as rewards to deserving little women when a pupil has been extraordinarily good she is allowed to scrub a floor or blacken a stove for a treat faraway scenes swiss inventor invents process of long blstanco photography m vautier a photographer of granson switzerland has just per fected an instrument by which he 13 enabled to lake distinct photographs of objects at a great distance for ycara ho has been at work on the the fastest trains according to the journal of gor man engineers the french raii- ry ain3 instead of tho english hold the first place for speed sche dule time being- the basis for com parison a regular train between paris and amiens makes the dis tance 82 miles without stop in an hour and a quarter or at the rate of c5 miles an hour the fastest re gular train in great britain makes co miles on hour for a distance of only 33 miles botween perth and forfar in germany a greater speed than 5fi miles an hour is pro hibited but tho fastest regular train makes only 52 miles between- witten berg and hamburg an invasion of rabbits australian papers slate that the experiment of tho west australian government in turning domestic cats j loose in ho southeastern districts of the handsome new town hall of govan is nowi neaxing completion shopkeepers of arbroath arc op posing tho electric lighting scheme mrs james grant zoar forfar on the 11th ult attained ber 100th year glasgow ban tho fewest pubs to people of any city in the united king- dqm an arran hen has laid a wonder ful egg containing other two perfect eggs tho buckshead hotel ayr ha3 been sold for 5070 to mr john murray bellshill the earl of glasgow is the presi dentelect of tho institute of naval architects during the 21 years of its existence st pauls parish church leith has raised 19000 tho calton hill was known 500 years asro as collis apri the hill of tha wild boar a sum of 10000 has been bequeath ed by the late mrs colin campbell to various edinburgh institutions the condition of dumbarton castle is presently receiving the careful consideration of the government george russell co motherwell aro supplying twentytwo electric cranes to tho manchester ship canal bmto church edinburgh celebrat ed its 163rd anniversary on the 10th ult when principal rainy preached thirty thousand miners and col liery engincmen in lanarkshire aro out on strike and the trouble is spreading an 1s0g halfpenny was picked up in toller cos kirkyard on tho 15th ult the date is the year in which the church was built sheriff hall kilmarnock has de cided that the thached roofs must go thus periines the last relic o pictur esque dwellings alex adams assistant furnaceman in tho edinburgh foundry met a ter rible death by falling into the dis charge from a furnace a gratifying decrease in tho num ber of new cases of smallpox is re ported by tho medical officer of health for the city of glasgow tho edinburgh and district water trust has spent between 5000 and 0000 in its unsuccessful litigation with the clippcns oil company mx alex ross managing director of grandholm mills aberdeen was murderously assaulted and robbed on the 13th ult by salmon poachers a moffat bailie shocked his fellow- councillors tho other night by telling them that their meeting was a o bet ter than the hoiue of commons tho duchess of buccleuch who was mistress of tho robes to queen vic toria has bsen appointed to the same post in queen alexandras household captain j boyd king who was killed in action in south africa was tho eldest son of mr hamilton king lato of ibrox glasgow and formerly in business in ayr the scotch coal trade is in strong contrast to that of a year ago then prices were high and advancing now prices aro gs pr ton down and coal- masters find the greatest difficulty in selling the output tho late six william fraser kc b writer of histories of several ancient and noblo scottish families left 25000 fox the purpose of erect ing homes for poor persons prefer ence to be gijven to authors and axtusts the death is announced at bourne mouth england of mara charles mac- iver widow of tho late mr charles maclvex of calderstone near liver pool who was so long prominently associated with tho ounard steamship company os banks ofthsdlydg the busiest hive op industry in the world great ship building trade carried oa by about forty firms marvellous output every year frederick dalmon had an illustrat ed article on clyde shipbuilding in a recent issue ot the pall mall maga zine he recalls the fact that ia 1770 an engineer consulted by tho authorities deepened the river clydo to four or five feet right up to glas gow at low water in place of tha depth of 11 inches which was its na tural depth today tha clyde ha a uniform depth of about 30 feet and the biggest liners can be taken to the centre of tho city this much without which glasgow could have becomo neither the shipping nor ship building centre it now is haa been achieved at a cost of something liko fifteen millions sterling two mil lions have been spent simply iu dredg ing during the last fifty years and there is now a large fleet of steam boats with very ingenious machinery employed in this service clyde shipbuilding is now carried on by about forty firms but more than half the tonnage comes from six or eight yards these firing have each a special reputation in their trade one yard being noted for its huge warships and liners anoth er for its huge cargo boats a third for large light pleasure craft be- ginning a little below the custom station at mavisbank the yards ex tend on tho right bank of the river to dumbarton and on the left to port glasgow and greenock at govan and patrick we are in the heart of the industry on the lower reaches of the river there are of course breaks in the fusilade ol riv eting which sounds so sweetly to tho cars of glasgow people a3 the unmis takable token of good times ac cording to weight of output russells yard at port glasgow is easily first according to value which uow-a- days with so much competition in speed is quite a different thing tho fairfield and clydebank yards dis pute precedence dennys of dum barton are famous for their pleas- steamers and hendersons of cats in midocean every large ocean liner carries from six to ten cats these being ap portioned to various parts of tho ship as well as appearing on the vessels books for rations there is promo tion for pussy on board ship ordin arily unsociable cats are kept in the hold in the otcerago or the fore castle but a cat that is amiable and handsome is given the run of tho first or second class saloons when at sea tha cats attend to the mice and rats but after all can do littlo more than scare them out of tho parts of the ship frequented by passengers in port the ship is vis ited by a professional ratcatcher who frequently captures 00 in one day j the colony to check the invasion of rabbits from south australia has been a pronounced success the fe- iines destroyed immense numbers of the pests and iu some cases almost instrument ami the successful rci suits which ho is now able to attain with it show that his labor has not been in vain ho rando experiments at yvcrdon cleared the squatters runs of rab recently and lofc many photographs 0 r anticipation of the demand of landscapes that were several which ii expected for cats for this league distant he even succeeded j work breeding establishments are ba in photographing a group of buttling started it is bslieved however which were 210 kilometers distant that it will ba found much cheaper to from yvcrdon and it was not a import the animals from great bri- blurrcd obscure picture which he tain and european countries and took but ono which was beautifully j preparations were beihff made when clear and which showed distinctly all ihf mail left for come shipments tho salient feature the inventor is keeping hi dncov- r tv cry a ckwe secret and all his neigh imlircfcltbd jitter bors know h that the camera which dear mr oirnlgst i sec you are he uses is of extraordintrv gize being giving away monny for librarys and between ten and twelve feet in 1 want to tell you tfcat ui kidi has length j iixrd up a iiir in a cave witch wo representatives of tho swiss gov- nut oursokl and w would like yoa j ernment witnessed the experiment send n ealbot he monny or how wndon gitows few people realize to its full ex tent the rate of londons growth but the state of affairs is best brought horns by the fact that every ten yoars the metropolis increases by the size of a town bigger than shef field tho worst of it is that popu lation increases four times as fast as bcuscroom and spaco has to be found somewhere or other for all and sun dry of the newcomers tho conse quence is an increase of overcrowd ing in spitalficlds thore is an aver age of fifteen people to each house in soho ot a trifle over thirteen and in a large part of london there aro nyrc thin 150 paople to ovcry aero of gtound and the evil is growing with little prospect of a remedy no furthkr t i met lirsgnije and he etopped mo u to send u ealbot he monny or a to ell mo what his little boy mid rpjoined the editor banding over the j at yverdon and thoy have written a caries of the 5 fingered ike glories but ill bat ons thing money im buying thi merely to j glowing report about tbcm- the and thn noaboy detective cerfel if i huh whats thai hj- j military povtibililie of tho invention yoa donti mined the troubel j lh pl 3 didnt tell his bv what are obvious great your diuare frond johnny i said meadowslde for their yachts tho brittania the meteor and other fa mous craft were built thero al though both yards produce a good number of fino oceangoing vessels the clyde from the river all that most people see of clyde shipbuilding is seen from the river the view of fairfield or clydebank from the deck of a passenger sleam- cr is impressive enough along a frontage of littlo less than half a mile there may bo resting upon the stocks in various stages of construc tion the frames of nine or ten first- class cruisers and liners with sever al smaller craft of a miscellaneous kind upon one single ship alone there will perhaps bo a thousand men at work for nowadays a 10- 000 lonner is built within twelve months their moving figures in com parison with the mammoth skeleton of iron or ntecl looking like myriads of tiny marionettes but of the vast amount of varied work for tho equip ment of ships which is going on over acres of ground behind the slips there is little more than a sugges tion in the background of enormous sbeds and tall chimneys there is one feature at dumbarton which is i believe unique on the clyde if not in shipbuilding generally this is an experimental tank in which paraffin drivep models of the ships to be built aro tested for their stability speed and resistance to the pressuro of water tho tank is three hundred feet long and twentytwo feet wide and contains nine feet of watftfi 5fc is said that valuable results in hydro dynamics have been obtained from these experiments which aro carried on by a specially trained staff an other interesting feature of messrs dennys works is tho award of pre miums to the workmen for any im provement however small they may be ablo to suggest or effect in tools machinery or method v facts and figures in 1861 fifty years after the launch of the comet ths output on lbs clyde was nearly 67000 tons in 1898 it reached a total of 406832 toas com prising 328 vessels enormous as theso figures sscm thsy nevertheless represent a decline in clyd shipbuild ing relative loth rostojth country which has taken place during the last few years in 1898 he tonnago launched on tho clyde was consider ably less than a third of tho total launched in uritish waters in 1880 it actually exceeded onehalf but an examination of tho figures clearly shows that the chango in the per centage has been brought about by the advance of newcastle hartle pool sunderland belfast rather than by fallingoff on ths part of glasgow when steel was first introduced in 1878 the prestige of the clyde for ocean liners was at its height ac cording to data given by mr david pollock the naval architect 79 of 138 vessels of 4000 tons and upwards which were built between i808 the great easterns year and 1884 camo from yards between glasgow and greenock the superiority of steel once demonstrated it was at once made auxiliary to rkillful engineering as a means of maintaining this pres tige and in ibe clyde returns the iron tonnage is not quito insignificant bel fast and the northeast coast of eng land haveshown that they can build of fhc best other than heavy iron cargo boats but to travelling man kind generally clydebuilt contin ues 1 spell most surely speed and safely in navigation tha clyde may not again produce in a year more shipping than all other british rivers combined but it is still loss likely that its leadership will be lost w v the thame turiril ceot jelft a lorf for all the clay dug out the st got- hard tunnel only 3 r the rock ex cava ted w