Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1901, p. 2

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the very latest from all the world over interesting items about our own country great britain the united states and all parts of the globe condensed and assorted for easy readlr canada guelths rat is 21 3i mill halifax now has an antiprobibitton council urockville is to have a porkpacking establishment hull city council has cut oft three liquor licensea tho kingston school of mining will erect two new buildings london has cold 5115000 worth of debentures at from 312 to 4 per cent hamilton claims that tho census returns will give it a population of 64000 win j archer 97 brunswick ave nue was fatally burned in his home on saturday night an american syndicate is willing to estabbh smelters at ouawa if it is giren a big hocus and a free site i hull que will pay ita corporation labourers 15 cents an hour for twelve hours a daylt is now ten at 14 cents louis g evan of the hqth battal ion was fined at xjsu winnipeg police court for neglecting to at tend drills over 400 tons of binder twine have been manufactured at the peniten tiary at kingston for the coming sea son the caljary board of trade is mov ing to have all members of the domin ion house vwit the west when the house rises contractor jamieson of montreal will build a 3300000 grain elevator at port arthur or the canadian nor thorn railway the smallpox epidemic at macleod lethbridge maple creek and other places in the northwest territor ies is under control jj the ottawa electric light company threatens to raise the rates if new companies are given a franchise to operate in the city veterans of f are applying for land grants the dominion govern ment hasnt ordered ontarios grants to- the south african boys hasjnisled them i the option on the salt wello of on tario granted to tho syndicate which are seeking incorporation from par liament has been extended from ap ril 30th until may 31st at whiteraouth station man c w blank a german farmer shot and killed another german named a radke they had a row over cattle blank gave himself up at winnipeg thomas brown is suing hamilton city for 10000 for the io oi an eye the result ot an injury from fire works used in tho laurier demon stration there last november up to the present time census schedules havo been received at ot tawa from come 317 enumerators whereas for the whole month of april in tho last census only 52 were re- ceived at headquarters the militia department at ottawa desires every man who has fought in south africa and who has changed his adlress since coming home to no tify the department of his present address so that he may receive the imperial gratuity of 25 great britain the british war office will- buy bartons aerial machine five thousand pounds have been raised for the cork industrial ex hibition at london robert guntcr and wyndham s portal have been mado baronets a youth aged sixteen died at ar- dagh near longford who was 7 feet 1 inch in height louis godard will make an attempt in a short time to cross tho atlantic in a balloon starting from london at london the annual return of re- cruiting for 1900 shows a fbtal en listment of 98351 against 42700 in 1899 british coal exports during 1900 were 44089197 tons an increase of 2908897 tons as compared with tho preceding year the london county council pro poses to put forty steamers on the thames for traffic between hammer smith and woolwich the census returns so far publish ed of the british isles show that the movement of population from tho country to the cities continues un- checked j r the british patent office has grant ed a resident of germany a patent for making glucose by heating saw dust with aulpburic acid compressing and then boiling it although no official annoucement has yet been made it seems probable that the portion of the imperial war loan offered to tho public has been covered about seven times unit hd states new york hag nine new cases of smallpox every bouse flooded in pittsburg i will be disinfected to prevent disease or a plague burglars at anaconda montana stole a 300poand safe containing 10- 000 in gold the illinois legislature has pass ed a bill prohibiting the sale of cig arettes in the state discovery of ore near shelbyviue 111 that assays 9300 a ton causes much excitement there ladelbert hay son of the u s sec retary of state has resigned aecon- anlgeneraf at pretoria negotiations have been completed in chicago for the formation of the larg est beet sugar concern in the world george fi dobbins blind for 18 spent the night year has graduated with honors from the chicago homeopathic medi cal college w j bryan has announced that he has no intention of seeking a third nomination for the presidency of the united states lieut william patterson of the coast artillery formerly a philadel phia lawyer is to be tried by court marttal at manila for misappropriat ing funds besides the heavy loss by flood in the manufacturing and wholesale dis tricts of ohio many laborers are idle and about 1000 people have been ren dered homeless a rogues gallery of card sharps is to be hung in the card room of each of tho big transatlantic liners running out of new york new york police will provide it governor odcll has signed tho bill taxing foreign corporations which do not employ 40 par cent of their capi tal jo business in new york state on their capital stock so employed frank fuller and thomas smith americans have been bscutenced to six months each at kingston jam aica for making- false contracts with jamaican labourers to work in cuba diamond jewellery worth 10000 was stolen from the home of h p crouso at utica ny by two work men who had of course been sent by an electric light company to remedy a defect in the wiring nealc mcpcck a new york broker has entered suit against randolph surbridge a boston lawyer and isaac irwin a mining operator of san diego chi for 925000 for con spiracy over tho fortuna mine in california in which shareholders are said to have sunk sg000000 general there is a strike of doctors in leipzig at madrid the street railway em ployes are out on strike all tho metal works in south rus sia are forming a trust a violent dust storm has- just visit ed mandalay burmah japan claims indemnities from china amounting to 4750000 sterl ing four hundred factories in russia are closed on account of commercial depression augusto rcrero a member of the brazilian chamber of deputies i has invented a stcerablo balloon a despatch from amsterdam an nounces that mr kruger will leave for the united states early in june holland and germany will construct a system of cables to the far east rendering them independent of tho british lines the city council of amsterdam has voted 82412000 for an electric plant which ls to furnish power for street cars lighting etc the czar and czarina will privately visit england aud london during the coming season and will attend the glasgow exhibition chinas average annual revenue has been 88000000 taels while the aver age annual expenditure has been 101000000 taels considerable excitement exists among the population of teheran be cause of the heavy taxes recently imposed upon meat and other food stuffs at brotnberg prussian poland nine persons have just been fined by the local court for singing a polish song without having previously in formed the police of their intention five burned to death family of joseph parton of hurdville burn ed to death a despatch from parry sound ont says a disastrous fire occurred hear the village of hurdville on mon day night in which five person members of the family of joseph parton were burned to death the fire broke out in the middlo of the night mr parton and his wife were asleep in a room downstairs and both suddenly waking up found ithc place in flames the stairs being on fire they were unable to rescue any of those upstairs and in fact with difficulty themselves escaped from the burning building of the six who occupied rooms up stairs only one escaped this was a boy who jumped from a window the unfortunate ones that perished were of age from bcvcn td eighteen years maekets op the world prices of cattle cheess graia in tho leading- markets c i toronto may 7 wheat tho tone of the local market was firm today prices are as follows red wheat 6812c white wheat 6812c no 1 goose wheat c712c low freights to new york manitoba nol hard tor onto and west 02c and no 2 87 l2c grinding in transit privileges 2c more millfecd the market is easy with fair offerings ten lots at tha mill door western ontario points sell as follows bran 14 and shorts 15 corn steady no 2 yellow on track hre 50c no 3 49c peas strong- no 2 middlo freights c312c and east at cgl2c bailey fir oi cargoes of no 2 at lake ontario ports 50c no 2 cast is quoted at 47c and no 3 extra at 40 l2c rye steady car lots 49c west and 50c east buckwheat tho demand is lair car lots west arc quoted at 52c and east at 51c the midland 31c no 1 white west are quoted at 6012c flour firm holders of 90 per cent patents buyers bags middle freights ask 270 per bbl ad 2g0 is bid oatmeal firm car lots of rolled oats in bags on track are quoted at 335 per bbl and in wood at 345 chicago may 7 todays cession in tho grain pits was a strenuous one sharp advances were ecored for de livery the present month while july options showed moderate sympathetic strength may corn and oats were sid to be practically cornered and showed at the eio3o gains of 14 to 1c respectively may wheat rcse 58c and july 1s to l4c july corn clo3ed 33 to l2c and july oatsl8 to l4c improved the provision mar ket was 71 to 10 to 35c improved in prices minneapolis may 7 close wheat cash 74 isc may 73 38c july 74 58c on track no 1 hard 7g l8c no i northern 71 1sc no 2 north ern 71 38 to 72 3sc flour and bran unchanged milwaukee may 7 wheat higher no 2 northern 73 12 to 74c bye- firm no 1 51 l2c barley dull no t 57 to 5sc sample 4q to 54 1le dulutb may 7 close wheat cash no 1 hard 7t 38c no 1 north ern 74 38c no 2 northern vti2e may 74 38c july 75 l2c septem ber 72 3ic corn 42 38c miy 43 l4c oats 27 11 to 27c toedo may 7 wheat- cash 75 38c may 75 38c july 75 l4c com cash 45 l4c may 45c july 512c oats cash 27 l2c rye 52c clover- seed cash prime 530 october 532 12 oil unchanged produce toronto may 7 eggs the supply is largo and prices easier sales today at 10 12 to lie per dozen poultry the market is unchanged bright stock is quoted as follows turkeys 11 to 12c geese at 8 to 8 l2c cbockenu at 45 to coc and ducks at ta 80c potatoes unchanged at 27c for car lots on track offerings fairly large sales out of store are made at 35c field produce etc turnips out of do spring each sco bucks per cwt 300 milkers and calves cows each calves each hogs choice bogs per cwt light hogs per cwt heavy hogs per cwt sows per cwt stags per cwt 000 100 ggo g15 000 375 000 sco 350 45 00 800 c75 625 c25 400 200 through the brain unknown woman shoots herself in halifax hotel a despatch from halifax ns cays by tuesday evenings train from yarmouth connecting with the steamer to boston there arrived a fine looking womanf cf about 35 years of age who gave her name to the halifax hotel people as mrs mary d eastman quebec some time be tween 4 and 6 oclock in the after noon silo committed suicide by shoot ing herself through the brain the woman left no means of identification except the name on the register and it is probable that that was an as sumed name she could not have coma from quebec the money n her purse was in american bank notes and the police here think she may have come from cambridge mass where the eastman murder trial now going on they havo wired there for information sha was sumptu ously attired the mcirniifc- was spent by her in bed and at lkn she arose and asked the maid to put on a fire the day was warm- and tho reason for her re quest h now apparent for alt her let ters were burned in the open grate after the fire was lighted the woman emgaged a cilb and told the driver to take her to sbop3 where fishing tackle was for sale she entered tkircc places and at each asked for a revolver sho bought a handsome pistol at th3 third shop and a box of ammuni tion after returning to th ualifax she sent for the hotel bill paid it and said sha would leave at 3 oclock by tbu maritime express at six oclock th2 mald went to the room thinking the woman had gone but found her seated in a choir dcd with 003 cham ber of the sixshooter empty even the makers nima on her boots and other clothing had been obliterated and the name of the photographer who had taken a picture of a four- yeaxold chd was removed from it an umbrella bore the uime sternes new york the following unsigned note was in her purse 4 earnestly desoro that no effort svlll bz made on the part of the au thorities newspapers or others to identify me lot my death be deter mined beyond any doubt before burial tho body m at tho morgue await ing identification close p the war the war ofllce hopeful of an early termination a despatch from london says ac cording to the standard the war office is more hopeful of tlu termina tion of the war in south africa than it has been for weeks the arrange ments for food and forage for the army based on the expectation that hostilities would be prolonged arc likely to be cancelled dominion jmiahebt notes of the proceeding in the canadian house of commons judges salaries in the house while the question of judges salaries was in discussion the premier made the announcement that the minister of justice was con sidering a scheme of increase based upon the amount of work to be done in tho different courts tho resolution providing that the salary of the senior judge of tn s cir cuit court of the district of mont real be raised to 3c03 per annum was put through committee to also was the resolution that the salary of the chief justice of the supreme court of the north- west territories shall be 5000 and of the four puisne judges of tho haid court each 4003 per annum that the salary of an additional judge of the territorial court of the yukon territory shall be 5000 per annum that the salaries of the seventeen puisne judges of tho superior court of quebec who e residences are fixed at montreal or quebec including tho judye to whom the district of terrebonne is assigned shall be each 5000 per annum imports from u s mr charlton was told by mr i erson that tho total amount of im ports for consumption from the unit ed states from july 1st 1900 tot april 1st 1901 was 78702440 during the same period the ainofcuit of dutiable imports from the united states was 374sg308 ofr patcrson was un able to state the amcaint of duty collected n these imports kui prom ised to do so later yukon tlegrapii line mr ganong was informed that the telegraph line from dawson to ben nett was commenced in the spring of 1s98 and the first part of it was in operation by the 20th of september he hoped that the through lino from lawson to ashcroft would be finish ed by july 1st since the line began operating thi average number of mes sages per month has been 2681 and ihs average monthly receipts 3702- 57 the cost of the lino as far as fin ished has been 430009 the cost of the through lino when finished will be 160000 dominion elections act the house then went into commit tee on the bill to amend the domin ion elections act the solicitorgemeral intimated on the third reading of the amendment offered by mr monk requiring de puty teturning officers to enter on the records any objections and men were poorly paid and were cost 3 6s sd per minute not taken care of in their old age j and consequently they were not iui s- l clined to xcmain in the force except r ittl lbe temporarily as to the pensions for noncozc missioned officers and men the 9o7ernflaent had simply adopted the pension law of the northwest mountelpoljee which hud been in operation feiace 1889 in selfdefekcf constable seriously wounds a re sisting- prisoner a despatch from sault stc marie mich bay officer jerry dacy shot and seriously wounded a resisting prisontc about nino oclock on tues day evening the prisoner who gave his 11 a me as vincent and his address 13 guitard street montreal is now lying in the goo general hospital he has a bullet wound in hi3 left breast the bullet having lodged in his lung and there is another wound in tho groin penetrating to the base of the spine at the hospital last night it was stated that tin wounds weresri- ous officer dacy was patrolling tho westend and about nine oclock ho found vincent and a woman of the town walking on spruce street near magazine they were both drunk and disorderly and the officer ar rested vincent tho latter broke away and sho- i fight and when the officer laid hands cm him vincent at tempted to gouge dacys eyes out as it was he left furrows from his finger nails in the officers face and dacy sho- him with his revolver vincent fell and was taken to the police sta tion here a cursory examination was made by a physician and tho wound ed man was taken to the hospital tho woman who was with him at the time of the shooting was arrested later she gave the name of purdy officer dacy is at his home on young street his face bears marks of vincents fingers nothing is known of vin cents antecedents as he haa been here but a short time ooean carrying trade british shipowners agitated over the morgan deal the daily rcuntlup of smnll corn- store 2i2 per bag onions 81 to 311 mandos and their leaders during the ier bag carrots 35c per bag parsnips past fortnight has made the captures per bag 35c apples per bbl si to 2 j large in the aggregalo and other sweet potatoes per bbl 3250 i evidences are many that the end is dried fruit dull and easy dried not by any means as distant as pro- to apples 3 to 3 l2c evaporated 5 l2c maple syrup supplies are moderate and tho demand fair fivegallon this are quoted at si per imperial gal lon and gallon unseat 31 it to 3115 honey dealers quote from l014s 10 llc for 5 10 or colb tins accord ing to size of order comb honey sells at 3- to 225 for dark and nt 8250 to 3275 for choico clover sections hoer sympathisers have prophesied 10033 men for sydney n s skilled iron workers to be oathcrcd in the united slates a despatch frompaterson n jy says james jones one of the sup erintendents at the passaic rolling mills in this city left on tuesday for pittsburg with the commission to engage the services of all tho skilled ironworkers ho can secure in that city to be employed at sydney nova scotia mr jones has becn-rip- pointcd as a superintendent in the rolling mills at nova scotia under a threeyears contract at a handsome salary the company wants 10000 men and this part of the plan mr jones is commissioned o execute in pitts burg and other iron centres poisoned her husband lb hogs to fetch tho top price must be uf prime quality and scale not below ico nor abovo 200 lbs following is the range of quota tions 5uch is the verdict of the coroners jury- mrs white pieced under arrest a despatch from uranlford ont nays on tuesday morning tho coroners jury which ha been hold ing an inquest upon the body of charles white who died suddenly on sunday april 14 under circumstan ces that warranted the belief he had died from poison brought in a ver dict finding that charles white died from bring poisoned with strychnine adminittered the jury suspected by tho wife of the deceased mrs whits wa immediately placed under arrest by the police on a charge of rrmrderhur her husband and re- 1 hatcher sheep each moved to the county jail where tbel umhi gf per cwt hops quiet choice 1900 growth are quoted at 14 to ig3 and yearlings at 8 to 10c beans the market ts easy ordin ary white beans bring 8140 to 3150 choice handpicked beans are quoted at 8100 to 3105 lialpd hay choice timothy on track here 81050 and twoton lots deliver ed 81125 straw steady car lots on track 8550 to 80 a ton dressed noos and provisions toronto may 7 the receipts of hojs on the market today were small and prices unchanged they brought 8850 to 8875 provision in demand and firm quotations are as follows dry salted shoulders 8 l4c long clear bacon loose in car lots 10c and in case lots 10 11 to 10 l2c short cut pork 820 to 2050 heavy mcss pork 810 to 31950 smoked meats hams heavy 12c medium 13e light 13 l2c i lard pails 10 34c tubs 10 l2c in tierces 10 l4c uvk stock markets toronto may 7 there wa no change in the general condition of business at the western cattle yards today all told 65 carloads of live stock came in all round prices were well maintained and business is in a healthy condition llogs arc unchanged singer sell nt c34c per lb thick fat and light hogs at cl4cper spanish miners strike mob fire on felloe who execute a fatal charge a despatch from murcia spain eayfl a thousand men are out on per dozen strike at the aguilaa mine thccom- pany has refused tho mens propos- als and there have been pcrious dis turbances some of the miners fired on the police guarding the property and the gendarmes charged the crowd killing one man and wounding sever al others uneasiness in india ameor orders a battery of krupp guns and will raise 1000000 men a despatch from calcutta india says the revelations in regard to the armed strength of the afghans has caused uneasiness in india tho ameer cf afghanistan already has 30000 magazine rifles and is boast ing of his intention to rautta million soldiers he has just ordered a bat tery of krupp guns which is to be delivered in august shippers butcher ilutcher cattle per cwt 84 23 choice do 3 75 ord dood 350 butcher inferior 2 75 stackers per cwt 2 8712 export bulls per ct 375 sheep and lambs export ewes per ct 350 2 00 4 75 do by per cwt 4 00 85 25 4 25 3 75 3 25 3 37 12 4 25 4 00 450 575 450 over fifty cremated two terrible fires reported from india a despatch from bombay says thirtyfive out of a2 persons who were working at a cotton press at am re eh on the kattywar peninsula have been burned o death tho re mainder were fatally burned a similar fire has occurred at khamgaon province of ucrar result ing in the death of unpersons morgan still buying lie u snld to be negotiating for two more lines a despatch from london says it is reported that mr morgan is nego tiating for if ho has- not already pur chased the dominion and william johnson lines the opinion in liver pool us that the leyland line share holders have reason to bo well sat isfied with the financial aspect of their bargain the recent prosperity iof the shipping industry compelling mr morgan to buy near tho top of the marks made to thjm lturing voting hours would be accepted but would be lmucd to pro tests made by scrutineers in the poll- inif booths the bill was then reported from committee and now stands for its third rending railway estimates th2 hooirac went into committee of supply on the railway estimates on the item of 2000000 for rolling sttjsk mr blair explained that the in tention was to purchase 1470 box and freight cars 17 refrigerator cars 20 and sleeping cars and a coach for the lloyal party mr borden again urged the desir ability of providing better facilities for the rapid transportation of freight from the maritime provinces to mont real ami points further west mr blair said that a freight express had been put oin the intercolonial within the past month the discus sion developed the fact that the order for 1000 cars was given to rhodes and carry on novembcr 5th last st lawrence lloyds the senate committee on banking and commerce passed the bill to in corporate the st lawrence lloydsin- muting- a proviso that before the company enters into the firo insur ance business its capital shall be at least 200000 nickelsteel company the alromu iron and nickelsteel company bill was amended by giving tho company power to increase its capital to forty million dollars ami also by the addition of a clause giving the company power to take etock in kindred companies using their water power maintenance of mint mr fielding gave notice of n reso lution ectting apart 75000 per an num for tho maintenance of a branch of the royal mint in canada the 21t11 ok may the bill respecting victoria day was read a third time and passed it makes the 24th of may a public holi day whenever it falls on any day of the wivk wthcr than sm day in which case tho following monday will be the holiday a clause was in serted making the day a bank holi day also pensions the resolution to provide for pen sions to staff officers and officers and men of tho permanent militia force and to the widows and children of such officers was taken up dr borden raid that the resolution pro posed to adopt for tha first time in canada the principles of pensions for thr officers of the permanent force of this country it would apply only to the permanent force and the perman ent staff and not to lha active- militia in the ordinary sense of the word in every country which had men perman ently employed for defrniiva purposes therowas such a pension system and although canada was adopting this late in the day it was a sound prin ciple which be was sure the country would approve of xbo permanent force was not simply organized as the nucleus of an army hut it wan an educating force n ml a military school to supply teaching to the active mili tia and therefore it was important to have in it the best clans ot men to be obtained and having secured them to retain them one of the great dif ficulties had boon to retain good men the noncommiosloned officers they walt in awe for the next derbdlef now that the atlantic transport line will or hasbtei acquired a despatch from london says shipping circles continue to be en grossed with the future of tho ley- land line and what has been dubbed thj morganatic alliance between the bmlion dollar steel trust and the atlantic carrying trade informa tion on the subject continues to be in definite and shipowners would give much to get an insight into mr mor gans plans it is asserted that the whole ley land transaction chiefly aims at placing the line in closer touch with the atlantic transport line and that it is likely to result in the latter company practically control ling the ley land line in that case tho combmation would dispose of an aggregate tonnage ox 700000 if the vessels buelding are included and this would exceed the tonnage of any other lina in the world it is recognized that the acquisition of tho ley land line although a big thntg need not in itself cause great uneasiness to shipowners but per sistent rumours of further purchases cause anxiety in certain quarters that amounts to serious alarm these frightened people foresee tho british flag driven off tho atlantic and perhaps off the pacific and bri tish trade generally frozen out it is rumoured on the other hand that mri morgan has failed in part of his endeavour namely to consoli date tho atlantic shipping as he has consolidated the steel trade of the united states the cunard and white star lines have it is said re fused to consider such a proposal although they offered to sell their vessels outright if mr morgan was prepared to pay their price the hamburgamerican und north ger man lloyds are also supposed to have been approached but they are said to have replied that they were do ing very well and did not care to enter an amalgamation gossip of this nort is freely current but there is nothing about it that can be substantiated british shipowners may suffer mr wilson of watts and company shipowners arrived with mrshaugh- nessy of tho canadian pacific on tho steamer oceanic they learned at quecnstown of the lcyland deal mr wilson said that within ten years roost of the greatest eastern rail roads of the united states would operate their own ptcamers which would enable them to control ocean rates british shipowners who are unable to secure connections with uu railways of tho united states would probably be prejudiced to some extent by the pending developments larder although the salary of tho chief magistrate of the worlds greatest city exceeds by one thousand pounds the emolument received by the pre sident of tho united states he is so far from making his official income meet all th obligations of his exalted post that on taking office ha must be prepared to dip pretty deeply into his own resources pays the london daily mail notwithstanding the fact that tho salaryless sheriffs pay half of the ex penses appertaining to tho lord mayors pageant during tho day and the subsequent banquet in the even ing the 9th of november is too ex pensive a luxury to render the fact that it comes but once a year a mat ter of lord mayoral regret taking into consideration the preliminary ex penses cost of liveries renovations the gilt stateciach alone accounts for 100 on this score id the in numerable ctcetcias fov which it is the lord mayers privilege to draw cheques each minute of that red- letter day in his career costs hint about 3 fis 6d the year following the crimean was saw a show and banquet costing about 2700 a few years ago the figures bulked more largely amount ing so it was said at the time to 500 but last year it was announced the expenditure did not amount to more than 3000 the following is a list of good things calculated to take off the edge of the appetites of tho assembled guests at tho banquet eighty tur eens of clear turtle 122 caisses do sole a la normande 170 roast chick ens 22 game pies 25 capons 23 pig eon ptas 32 tongues 70 lobster sal ads and 53 casscrclcs of partridges ij addition to the customary barons cf beef and other joints sweets and etceteras these form tho initial- item of expense which will when the year of office is over fall not far short of 30000 moat of londons lord mayors have come from the drapers shop no fewer than seventyfour proprietors of such establishments have occu pied thes civic thrcne o mercers come next with seventy- two closely followed by seventyono grocers fiftythree goldsmiths have achieved mayoral honors so have thirtyeight fishmongers twenty ironmongers and nineteen pepperers tho ktame formerly given to chand lers englands rno3t famous lord mayor sir richard whit ting ton wast a mercer moneylender and house- decorator remarkable discovery iolmiiitemftt iiimvth jlullnm givlaff ont llslif hut xo heat a mineral radium which promises to furnish with a permanent light without heat is being experimented with in smithsonian institute wash ington the discoverer lime sklo- dowska curie a polish chemist sent two hermetically sealed vials con taining the luminous substance to prof langley of the institution not long ago they contained a sub stance somwthat resembling starch in one vial it is powdered and in the other broken into cubes with faces a tenth of an inch in length theso two little bottles each about the size of a little finger throw out a green ish white light by which a printed page may be read if held cloo to them the substance emits two dis tinct nets of rays one like ordinary daylight the other resembling x- rays the experiments prove that it can be used in photography havingj the effect of aunlightroita t ricfcalive and when tried as an xray it was found capable of photographing through the cover of a plate holder it wag further determined that in giving off light no apparent energy is expended it is believed that an infinite time would be required to ex haust the light giving property of the two vials further onehalf pound of it would light an ordinary room heretofore chemists havo looked upon tho radium as valueless now it is worth 1100 per ounce it is found in very small quantities and only in uranium what further de velopments are to follow is a matter of interesting conjecture i awful famine in russia peasants arc living on husks of maize a despatch iron st petersburg says distressing accounts arc ar riving here of the eitv f the village popuuitimm throughout bes sarabia especially in the soroki dis trict caused by the famine arising from tho failure of the l3t harvest tho peasants niv living on husks of maize boiled in water half of ihcra are suffering with typhus fever they are clid in rags have no furniture or otber household necessities horses and sheep have decreased from fifty to sixty per cent owing to lack of nihilist plot in poland lib several mistily- placed personages are volved in the affair a despatch from berlin says tho lokal anzeiger prints a despatch from breslau silesia which says an extensive nihilistic plot has been discovered in russian poland six hundred arrests were made on monday of which number 200 were transported by special train to tho warsaw citadel the towns ot sos- noviec siclce and dpmbrowa havo been occupied by two companies of cossacks secret correspandercs was discovered at siclce by which tho plot was revealed t u a notable pigeon hace oiice every year the pigconracingt clubs of yorkshire england arrango a race from winchostca io their na tivo county a tlistanco of over a hud jrcil and eighty miles tho race takes place on a saturday and lato on tho previous friday evening the pigeon special leaves yorkshire tho birds coma from almost every town in yorkshire and they arc distri buted in thres sections the first cm- bracoa tho towns in the neighbour hood of halifax and lludderafield whila bitley leeds dewsbury york and wakefield with othar placoiform another flection the third section consisting of the pigeons from snch places ta sheffield doncjstcr and barnsloy as a rule sheffield and wakofield are the two towns that supply the largest number of pigroi competitors on tho occasion of tbi forage in some tillages horses arft oo tnere wera over sbc ihoa- som t a rouble each bkewhcre pwww and probably half seventy per cent of lb farmer lave million people were interestejm thr lost all their horses- i result t

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