the stduffvttje tribune thursday june 20 1901 this weeks store yews bui this week will be bargain week in our two big stores but each day will hayo its special bargains commencing friday june 21st 1901 on friday only we will sell 100 pair of 10c linen towels at 8 cents each on saturday on monday only 144 ladies hemstitched handkerchiefs at 2 cents each our special will be ladies mens and youths fine straw hats at 25 cents each on tuesday only 2 pieces of scotch homespun in small cheek width 42 in eecular g5c at 39c a yard on wednesday only 2 pieces ladies scotch dress plaids in camel hair effects width- 36 in real value 50c yd at 17 cents a yd on thursday there will be great bargains in all department 15 pairs only 1 00 and 1 25 wool tweed pants only 1 pair to each 69 cents men and youths serge and tweed suits 279 worth from 400 to 550 each ladies hose childrens hose 1000 yds of good wide lace and embroideries good wide black silk lace and writing- pads all globe washboards special 10c good light weight brooms 10c 4 tins best canned goods 25c 2 bottles 12j pickles for 25 cts about 25 fine cambric wrappers cheap at 1 00 now 59 cents 2 steial dress lines for saturday and monday will be regular 50 and 60c black and colored brochesand plain goods- 30c and regular 1 goods rej 259 boys 60c and 75c print blouses new styles only two to each 25 cents 200 boys 2 piece suits 100 l 25 and 1 50 worth double the price but our world beater on saturday will be 5o mens suits ranging from 8 00 to 12 00 and all at several hundred of choice flowers and wreaths j 4 ft i worth from 20 cents to 100 all on saturday a fk trmm i i j see them i m at the low figure tyl lf w about 33 very choice trimmed wrappers cheap at 2 25 now fljioo mens regular 100 soft front shirts 50c men s regular sl 25 and 1 50 soft or dressed front shirts all colors now sjjjlflj best floor oilcloth best table oilcloth good tapestry carpet good union carpet wis wi about 50 blouse ends of handsome silks worth 1 00 to 1 25 all now 59 cunta about 200 ladies trimmed ready to wear sailor hats worth 90c to 125 all to be cleared 50c each 200 childrens sailors worth 50 to 75c all at 33 cents each 200 childrens sailors worth 30 to 40c all at 15 cent each although we have had the big ran on wall papers we still have a large assortment but not great quantities of each so to clear right we have made three clearing prices 3c 6c and sc worth thrice or crown straw hats 12c 100 boys 40c and 50c sunday hats 25c 150 mens fine sunday straw ilvts worth 100 to 1a5 200 mens 15 and 20c fine wide rim or dent regular 150 and 200 christie or fedora hats just opened up and will go at 100 each onr dress making department is simply rushed this stason and every customer is highly pleased both in first class work and reasonable prices about 60 pieces handsome mercerizea satins delaines muslins grenadines sateens gingham all very natty and very and at easy prices yours till saturday and monday all clearing on saturday 50e each mammoth fair co united olasoow the rate payers of this viclnityinre imsily engaged in doing thof animal road work much gravelling la being cno which will add greatly to tho iiottcrment of the road f sir andrews a former teacher of this place paid the school a visit on tuesday last mrs prync andutoy have returned tiom a weeks visit to the ian ameri can and report having had a pleasant outing 1 childrens day service will be held intho methodistchurch noxt sunday jino 28rd addresses will bo given by several eminent speakers and mus ic will bo furnished by the pupils of the sabbath school service begins at 230 almira g hood basreoovorcd from his ac cident and has engaged for the har vest months with mr i brunwoll mrs myers of keswick and her ginnddaughter miss ellosby arc visiting relatives in markliam mr jns bowman has gone to sut ton for a two weeks visit with his sister mrs summcrfoldt miss annie bowmnil has been spend jng a week with mrs ii lehman the inspector for s york paid his vcminnnuat visit to tho school on thursday last quito a numboivfrom our neighbor hood attended thd victoria square si s plcnic at wilcoxs luka on satur day last two of young men en joyed a promenade down yongcf st i mr a ilclscy nrrived homo from waterloo on monday of last week he is still very iii but wo arc glad to hear that ho is somewhat stronger 1 the homo mission society held their regular meeting on thursday evui- jng a very profitable program wns vcndored under the leadership of miss mary bruce who read a carefully pro pared paper on lessons from the wars 1 i at tho auction sale on saturday p meyer bought tho farm belonging to his lato fathers estate tho price was s570o mr and mrs nigh nloncj with sov- cral friends havo gono for a weeks outing on tho shores of sturgeon inko look out for fish stories- tho officers of mclvlllo ss have arranged with thd shlrlock quartctto to give an entertainment in tho chu rch on tuesday evening 25th inst from tho famo of theso singers nn ttnusunl treat may bo anticipated proceeds in old of trio library fund monoolia c who is going on the excursion oa monday t miss annie bowers has returned to toronto after atwo weeks vacation sovcral from here fattended they pc nic at wilcox lake last saturday mr and mrs schell of uxbrldgc vi sited at s dorleys over sunday l mr a smalcs is at home on tho sick list i mr and mrs hewitt and sister at tended tho baptist association held at goodwood this week i mr ed forsyth is suffering from a very sore hand miss stella sykoslhas returned home after spending a couple of weekslwith wlss m dorley mr j rowbothamof victoria squ are visited at k curtis over sunday miss nellio and miss tijllc bowers visited friends in pickoring inst week a number of the pupils of our school ore working hard just now to get ready for their exams next week at olnrkham we wislf them success mrs blakie visited it mr i iiohin- sons this week our loyal people arc going to work for the kins this week so as to have tho roads in good shape when hecom es to visit our town e boothby and his daughteruiul attended the sunday school rally at rine grove last week and report a very interesting and proficable time for s echoed workers bethusda mr austin brlllingert wns unltedin mnrrlago with miss clubinc of thorn hill on wednesday of last weekafter upending a few days wltht friondsrc- turncd to their futuro home wo wish them every success in ilifc bcthesda will hold their annual pic nic at wilcox lake on tho nf ternqbn of juno 29th i mr and mrs mcgiil returned homo on friday last latter spending a cou- plo of weeks with their friends sir noble will occujiy thq pulpit on sunday next i sir and sirs d irotty and sirs jrotty sr spent wednesday with sir olivers of newmarket sir and sirslook palil a flying vis it to sir d prcttyh on slonday a few from hero attended the wild beast frhow on slonday on slonday evening tho bcthesda band furnished the newly married con plo with some high class music with instrument of nlk descriptions altona valltonn beef ring is in full blast a- galn for this season sir walker manager this seems firstclass bet for tho farmers during the summer months- i sir chris stover had a runaway on sunday night his driver took fright and capelzcd him and his company leaving them nniktho buggy behind he galloped away sir thomas lewis nnd wife ami their son arthur took a drive to the queen city this week i lbmonville kcv sir willmott jrcaclied it good sermon here on sunday tho paster will bo returning to his duties next week visitors at xclaugh tons this week were sir nnd sirs christie and mr und sirs ward from iteack joseph sinrlin and family visit his parents on sunday sirs w lf white ho returned homo from toronto nftcr having a suceesc- ful operation performed on her eye for cataract some of our citizens attended th big show u toronto mrs dr hunter fwns nulla ill lut ivcok but is getting better she is lu her slst year the mooting of the ladies aid lit the home of sirs t singhon was weil attended i sliss itnmsden of toronto vlsltwl at bakers last week sirs 1 steel of slarkhani vlsiud friends in town on tuesday um u i tszti ir-r-vi- cutting life shout life is sweet aod the saint clings to it as tenaciously as the sinner 1 prominent preacher was warned by his pyvslclnu somcftimo since thnt ho jnust havo aiehnngc or take lheco lcquenees he was advised to ga to california for six months but emplrit- cnlly declined saying that he could not afford tho time it is califor nia or heaven said tho medical man ftlmly the divine purchased a tic ket for for tho coast tho following wcok to want to dlo la not a natu ral thing to wish io llvo is common to tho oldcsupntrlarch if ho is sound in mind nnd comfortable in circum stances yet men mortgngo their years as cheerfully as they would n tcrub farm itf seems useless to teli a young fool or nn old rnko thirvt tho years of tho wicked shall bo short ened they bcoff an your warning and rail at your advice yet the truth is backed up ever day by the ideath notices in the papers and the attitude of insurances corporations the latter know well tho inevitable and unchangeable penalty of vice and wrongdoing and guard their inter ests by refusing to incuy the risk cf insuring the drunkard and libcitlue you cant drain your physical re sources constantly to tho very dregs with sinful p ctee and build up a constitution i cant encourage the fires of a diissolutej life or feed the fever of an uncurbed passioik appetite and come out oi the shady side of fifty with physique to carry you to the throe score years and ten vvou cannot allowfthe poison of a eor rupt social or business lift to perme ate your wholo being without rea- lalng before you become older thou byron the words ho vrot at thirty five i my llfo is in the sere arid yellow eif the flower and fruit of hopo are igonq i tho worm tho canker and tho grlel are mine in prince edward island they are now cngoylng prohibition some peo ple say that the only difference they notice in many of the old stands is that the signs arc taken down but then nil signsfail in dry times those who have been observing thft collection plate atplr dowiea meet ings at chicago say they are still un certain about his being elijah ns he says ho is but they thin khe has some connection with the profits i hussln is still retaliating on ac count of american duty recently in posed on russian coal oil tariff ei cation is gradually proceeding arid will eventually prove an interesting nnd intricato study the jug handled tariff of uncle sam is going to be met ere long lyy european and other nations a washington scientist alleges hint ho has discovered that potatoes con- tnln a substance known as solanln which is posluous to thef human syst cm tills will not prevent thchnnly husbandman getting his usual high pr co for the cnrlly solanln holders or tho wicked son of science in tho city taking last ycars potatoes washing them in ho and sclllnp them for this years carllcs a little poison now nnd then tnken with butter nnd con diments to taste seems to bo the itwln brother of spring lamb und gives the microbes within us something to ftallc about a merchant who had two sloresiiu vruiall villages tried an experiment file put a bargain counter in each ftorc containing the same articles at jxoctly the sumo prices in the newspaper of one village he qdvertis ed his special counter in the paper of the other village ho villi ilpt adver tise and sold goods amounting to 84 in the store the same moiitli in the rtillago whero ho did advertise tlie sold goods amounted to 172 1 hi rjomnieilting ou the result of his ex periment that merchant says pec- plo who got tlia advertisement would pass by onb of my stores and drive miles to the other for what they coud iive gotten at the same price at my gtore at their door a little known art the tobnoco pluvorer him short hoar nntl uraivh uijc pay a high grade position of which but little is known except to the trade observed a prominent tobacco manu facturer to a washington star reporter is what is known as the tlayorer the man who is rospunsible for he flavor of all the grades of goos made and who sees to it that the flavor is kept the same year lu and year out it mat ters not where the tobacco that goes in them comes from or the conditions un der which it has grown of course to bacco manufacturers endeavor to use the same kind of tobacco nil the time but circumstances at times render this impossible as an illustration our company had bought up and stored away enough to bacco to make up all our brands of smoking tobacco nnd cigarettes for tho year when all of a sudden our store houses were destroyed by lire and our stock went out of existence there was no more tobacco of irtlcular grade to bo bought and wo in driv en into new holds the tobacco tiinj raised on a different soil nnd being slightly different ns far ns send nnd stem were concerned the flavor wns also different smokers and chewcrs ns well insist on the same flavor nil tho time here is where the flavorer conies in vy his nrt and skill he can make to bacco that grows on low lands taste and smell the same ns that grown on high innds he can make tobacco growu during n dry season take the same flavor ns that grown during tho rainy season tobaccos grown at dif ferent ends of the same state or in dif ferent states are by his treatment tko same as far as tho consumer is con cerned lie draws big money but though he comes high ns the traveling show companies say wo must havo them afl may be imagined there are not many who nro competent to do tho work and ns n result they range in salaries nil the way from ss to 10 per day of about one hours actual work they nro employed however but about pino months la each year how zulu women sew thej- tje skewer for eclle nnit giraffe slutmvfl for thread the skill of the zulus of south africa in sewlug fur is a household woid in south africa and some of the other tribes compete with tlieni the needle employed is widely different from ilii used by- the ordinary needlewomen lu the llrst place it has no eye in tiie second it is like a skewer pointed at one end and thick at the other the thread is uot of cotton hut is made of the sinews of various animals the best being mnde from the sinews in tho neck of a giraffe it is stiff inelastic with a great tendency tc kink and tangle itself up with any thing near it before being used it is steeped in hot water until it is quite soft and is then beaten between two smooth stones which causes it to sep arate into filaments which can thus bo obtained of any length nnd thickness thus the seamstress has a considera ble amount of labor before sho com mences with the real work in hand finally sho squats on tho ground for no nntlvo stands to work or do anything else who can possibly help it and taking her needle bores two holes lu the edges of the rug or gar- meat on which she is working tho thread is then pushed through with the butt of tho needle drawn tight and two moro holes nro made with a llko result tho skewer progressing very slowly but fast enough for a country where time is of no value whatever tho skin upon which the seamstress is working is damped with water be- foro she commences nnd as the damp thread nnd hide dry out they bring tho work very closely together the annual meeting of tin whitby and lindsay association of baptist churches has begun at goodwood x he at tendance is the largest in years about 200 delegates- and visitors hav ing arrived tuesday evening june 18th was the opening session rev v carey officiated as chairman- kcv thos cowan of sunderland preached tho annual sermon and itev v e norton k new homo mission superintcndant delivered a cplemhel address lrof j y jtusiel of wood stock college eulogized tho advant ages of the coilege great enthusi asm spirituality and hopefulness are features of the gathering tho new moderator appointed l kov j c slc- 1arlano of lort terry v tilunsady june 27th at 10 a to at tho east market stouffville tho westerly part of lot 14 con 0 whitchurch belonging to tho ec- i tatc of tho into ann curtis con- itainingj 10 acres moro or less see bills for particulars n e smith auctioneer a card we tlio undersigned do hereby n- greo to refund tho money on a co cent bottle of greonos warranted syrup of tar if it falls to euro your cough or cold wo also guarantee a 25 cent bottlo to prove satisfac tory or money refunded john w ilaye a j whito co a b smith c b allen co jaatefisicisu r- ills sympntliy an old housewife in tho country was bemoaning her poverty to nu unsym pathetic husband things nlnt ns they used tcr be sho complained why i aint got anything like i used ter hcv i aint got quilts enough ter go round the beds theres two of the best chairs broken an i aint got no dress diets really fit ter go ter meet in nn if i was ter die ternlght i wouldnt huv a cap ter be burled in the old man had stood the whining is long ns he could itlast it all then ho tlercely ejacu lated why didnt ycr die when yer did hcv a cap fire nnil mcioller italian peasanis llvii a swampy re- ions still follow the old custom of lighting fires for the purpose of purify ing the air of malarial poison as a matter of fact this is the worst thing they could do ns the arc attracts mos quitoes which nro now known to bo transmitters of malarial fever greatest display ever shown in i millinery i sailors and readytowear hats from 50c up ivuil range of leghorns and spring and summer hats latest novel ty chiftbn foliage large brass buckles chillon from 50c yd up veilings 10c yd gold quills hi turn muni