Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 9, 1901, p. 1

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vol xiv no 8 stoqffville ontario thursday may 9 1901 whole nuhtuer 688 ije ilfune- is fobusued livery thursday evening wftt at tilk office itkmiuoili jblock stouffville terms one year if paid in advance 100 six mouths if pnid in advance 80 three months if paid in advance 25 one year if- no i paid lu advance wio no paper will be dlscontincd until all arrearages are paid except at the option of the publisher advertising rates space lyear 12 year 14 year one column 00 35 18 hall column 35 is 10 quarter column 18 10 6 eighth column 12 8 5 trnusleut advertisements legal municipal c 8 cents per lino it insertion and 4 centh per line each subsequent insertion irofebslonal cards one inch and under 3 per year 3 for 0 mouths including- copy of paper transient advertisements must be sent in not later than thursday at 9 oclock notice of change of stand ing advertisement must bo given not later than monday at 10 oclock and opy must be in not later than 0 a m on tuesday ads of farms for sale one inch and under 1 month 1 each subscpu- cnt month 75 cents advs of stray animals 1 forj 3 in sertions i attvet tiscments without specific directions will be inserted every issue untll forbidden and charged accord ingly job department we have ulso a firstclass jobbing department in connection and are prepared to do business in that line at prices that cannot bo beatyu terms cash wm malloy b a 23xrjijw2b33 swi jjkajj ihnrrinter solioltor kto old standard bank ground floor west of postofflee btoufrville ont monsv co ljoan c rdssell fitch po llb barrister solicitor notary public i conveyancer ac nkjffiefir duleys block stouffvillo barristers solicitors conveyancers c tourivillo bflice spoffords block aurora offico over ontario bank go to clarem0n1 ftry tutsjay john f lennox t herbert lennox dr smith 1 is dds stoiiflville ont member and graduate oi royal college of dental alirgcona honor graduate toronto university graduate ol haskell postgrad nate chicago college will visit claremoot lit and 3rd tuesday ot each mouth offico hours 0 to 12 1 to 5 offico over 3poffofd h cos store earl s barker lis dds stouffville ont graduato of royal cpllcgoof dontal surgeons honor graduate ot university of jironlo 1 i office is sanders block sbt poor 1ost officb irrniiroit traj tc trade for ivenirgf mafkiiam eviry monday and tuesday tflico over m whites store firstclass ialkdrt established at msxm barbkb shop utprkn or cigars lad tobaccoes j w- shanked proprietor newh01q cards- we have without doubt the finest lines of photo cards ever shown in stouffville all the newest shapes and colors the milton prown cabinet and hall cabinet at 250 30 per dozen are very striking one grade of work only and that the best geo smith photographer stouffville successor to w j nertens- wmm this signatures is on every box of tbe genuine laxative brcoqnirjne taweta the remedy that funv ncolil in cue clay j baker issuer of manage licenses cor sja1n albert streets stouffville goto the koyal tonsoinl aro for fashionare hairdressing shaving o fred sutton mvsasek wurts blojc stoufivillo we koip the bt 5c cizar in town stmoaies bankers daleys bm- stonflville money to loan on good security sale notes cashed and takor for collection drafts issued on the imperial bank and its branches and on all points in canada and the united states savings departmtent interest allowed on deposit xoles volected loves kales iso asnts for canada life and leading firellnsurance cos office hours 10 a ro to 3 p n saturdays 10 am to pm w j stark rianaor local tidms- have you triep ii if i q ii these something new and tasty cooks tplakeil ricoj and one minute tapioca ecquires no soakrie read for immediate ubp we also handle a full line of groceries and confectionery stationery and fancy goods our teas coffee and cocoa are giviriff the best of satisfaction pi q oysters oysters always fresh and sweet i t mm a quantity of cornstalks for sale apply to j e wukts fok sale a now force pump for a 22 ft well apply to diussnell stouffville champion rangs is tiio most ecom- omlcal range in the market t k trull i work lias been commmenced at niagara falls to install an elcctrc plant or 25000 liorsepower aid jraiismit 10000 of it to toronto 150 will procure half a doz bot tles inbst malt from ihejiarkel drug store- a nd bytho time ou liuvq tafc- en these jour friciuis wont kiiow yon the railroads of russia tiro being provided with an umbrella to pro tect them from the heavy snows which fall and covering tlic tracks seriously interfere with travel the umbiella consists of h couple of roivs of trees planted in such a manner that the snow will be diverted from the tracks and wiii collect at other points i tiie newest macliiue for the post marking of letters lias been introduc ed into the chicago postoffice and it is saidito havjf n capacity of hand ling 48000 letters per hour it is the invention of earnest it malmberg ef that city who iias spent eight years in its perfection it has four feeding hoppers and when being operated at its full capacity keeps two men busy feeding and otherwise attending to it i tlie war in south africa is grad ually wearing out the boers aro cvi dently in a bad plight as-neitiieibc- tiia nor dowot lias been actively en gaged tor a long time horses am munition and food are getting scarce among the boers and they are hope lessly overmatched so that further re sistance is the height of absurdity after spending so much blood aim treasure britain seems determined to make a thorou gh conquest of the country lrouitc lude j j walter of iva akoneta ohio lias made application for a patent of a burglarproof aid fireproof safe of novel design ibis operated on the timelock principle and every day at a fixed hour the safe sinks down to the bottom ofi a fifteenfoot well filled with water and of course in this element it can be readily seen that it would be very difficult to work on it jwith tools or explosives at the opening of busi ness the next morning the safe rises of its own accord agala to llm sur face for some years there lias been a general agitation throughout the province for the abolition of toll gate municipal authorities havo had power to dear with tho matter but many toll roads still exist the honorable cf w ross believing that travel oa all highways should he free brought in a bill during the recent session of tho legislature making the purchate of toll roads compulsory when the ratepayers of tho municipalities in terested petition the municipal aut horities to take the necessary jirc- cedinggs the prices to be paid for the roads are to he determined by ar bitration and tho purchase money may bo paldby a county oita town ship and if the municipal authori ties cannot agree on any of these plans theyinny contliiiio the tols until the amount required to pay for the road has been collected but net for a longer term than ten years it may surprise most persons to know that the british possession iii csorth america iind the west indies nre linger than the territory of tho united states in america oven in- alluding porto rico and alaska jving edwards possessions are near ly looooo square mile larger than those of the united stales and faking tho west indies and new oundlnnil more than 00000 square jinlles inrger no ninn ever reigned over an empire so great as jvlng edwards the em pire to which victoria succeeded in j8t7 covered oneslxtli of tho land ifurface of the globe the empire to which king kdwnrd has iicciodd covers nearly onefrnirtb it is 53 times an big an france 12 time ns mg ns ccrmnny threo and n half times ns big as tho united states ullliout alaska and the island pos- kselons nnd three times ns big ns continental europe helpless as a baby soma amcri can rheumatic cure xnilcca tho root of tho ailmert and itrika it iuklc r w wrljhl io dinici ilrcct brocjcville ont for twelve yearsa ptat ttiffercr from ihccnulism couldnt naih himself feed himself or dress himself after mint six bottles was able to go to work and sars i think pain hit left nw forever 26 old rcilttwo dme ffftrre stoofftuio for sale fresh mlch cow wito calf 1 her side at lot 10 vouccw sion 1 uxbridge newton itae if pabst malt which is made from extract of malt and hops wott make yon eat nothing else will 25c a bottle at the market drug store toronto council has ordered that that flags be hoisted on all pubic buildings in toronto on may 15 tho date of the assembling of the firft australian parliament instructions have been issued to chief game warden tinsley to advlee tho wardens and deputy game war dens under him not to prosecute any one for shooting the wood hare or cottontail rabbit at any season a naturalist says that every time a farmor shoots a hawk lie thrcws 50 into the fire for though the hawk takes an occassional chicken it destroys at least a thousand rats mice and moles bry year to the farmiitsj a todd has all kinds of seed grain and seeds in cluding the bug proof or grass pea hullness and beardless bnrleyrcd clo ver lucerne atslke and american timothy seed wohave a carload of bran here in a few days- and a car of salt and grey lime call and leave your orders best cements for sale it is proposedto have a meeting in toronto onpenninion day for rep resentatives or all the municipalities in ontario for the purposes of discus sing ways aud means of trying to halt the growing aggressiveness of companies and in that way proteer the interests of municipalities cir culars are beingfeent out to thevari 011s municipal bodies inviting them to participate iethe meeting railway companies are moving in the direction of demanding abstinence from intoxicants by their emplcjyees recently a notice was posted up by the chicago nnd northwestern pro hibiting the use of intoxicating liquor in any form or at any time by their onpioyees thw notice prohibits hem from eiiiciisaioonrf or using liquors and the penalty is instant dismissal the- order applies to all employees alike it is said that the rule will be adopted by the grand trunk 1 1 j 1 a gentleman who was once being taken over at insane asylum asked an attendant how they know when an idiot was considered to bo suffi ciently restored to tenuity to di charged oil said tho attendant it is easily managed we take them into a yard where there are several tioughs we turn on tho taps and hen give the idiots buckets to bal out the water and empty the troughs many of them keeps bailing away while the laps keeps running but tlieiu that- isnt idiots stops the tap oscar freeman a brooklyn inven tor has applied for a patent on it de vice which he says will prevent sui cides in hotels by inhaling gas and also accidental deaths of this charact er it gives an alarm at the office of the hotel when the gas in any room ppronches a point whore it is dan- gei ous to human life and to demon strate that it would not allow the escaping gas to get beyond tho dan ger line before ringing the alarm- mr freeman recently tried the appara tus on a rabbit cpiiflned in a box the animal was hold prisoner and the gas turned oiiiind as soon asitho a- larni was given tho rabbit was tak en from its cage and it hnd- not yrt been seriously affected when itjwns allowed to escape it did so iri quite n lively manner an order in council just passed by the ontario government makes new regulations for the prevention and destruction of- the coddling moth these provide that it shall be the duty of the occupant of every lot to seriipe all rough hark nnd all loote bark around wounds from trees and to place heavy bands of sacking er other- sultnblo material upon nl bearing npplo trees and pear trees located upon said lot and such work nlnill bo completed tc tho sntisfactlon of the inspector not later than the jolh day of juno each year tho bainis shall between tunc 20 nndsep tembor 20 be removed every twelve days nnd the larvae therein destroy- jcd our opinion is that it would take a host of inspectors to superintend the carrying out of tho nbovo order- iiieoiincil 1csldes many poeplo do not know a codling moth when they see it go to w lehman boot and shoe maker for neat nnd cheap repairing east store in daleys old hall if you wnnt a nice easy ordered boot nnd shoo go to w lehman east store in daley old hall money to loan at 0 per cent per annum on firstclass real estate mortgages apply at this office- judging from the extensive andar- tlttic display of pabst malt extract in the window of the market drug store any one so desiring cau be supplied on short notice pabst malt extract is now gener ally acknowledged to be 0110 of the best spring tonics available try a bottle from the market drug store vindow 25o ii0ntre11 iec 1000 to tho public your druggist is hereby authorized to refund the pur chase price on a twentyfive or fifty cent bottle of greenes warraatedsy- rup of tar if it- failb t euro your cough or cold signed the lester h greene co set on hundred doctors refuse to pay to the medical association their iiiuiual fee of 2 and are nlringrtlielc grieanees at the parliament- build ings their names having been erased from tiie roll of legal practitioners it is time that a curb wero placed upon the absolutism of this organ ization i a writer proposesthat some emin ently habitable island be provided for all comicted or anarchic crime the idiabitants having been previously removed tliererrom that they should be provided with tho menus of living for a sufficient time to enable u to get their living from the soil til ivould thus have the their ideal con- ticiito voveriimcnt and full free dom to follow their own ungoverned will the community that would be thus formed would find that it had the choico of two courses cither to stick to anarchism in which tho str ong wqum presumably rob the weak or establish some sorb of government the writer assumes that a revolution against anarchy would certainly fol low it would at all events be an in- iteresting problem to watch there are much more profitable in vestments in this life than bank or yallway stocks wo can get niore real pleasure occasionally out of a ten dollar bill by spending it in lifting some poor soul out of trouble thnn we can out of 1u0 spent on oursel ves we are in reality only stewards of gods property and have no absol ute ownership yet all arc hustling witli might and main to get the- legal possession of all we can and often rggardless of the wants and rights or others the day is drawing- nigh vhen the veil will bo lifted and vye shall enter upouthc stern realities of the future life divested of everything material and beoblged to aliow com ing generations to enter into posses sion of our earthly accumulations it- is human to fancy that period farn- way but it is soon here and the wiso man will have taken advantage of the means to be ready for the momcutous change i the depression in trade which has jprevailed in germany since last aut umn is nscros and disquieting sym- iplom it has been an extremely sev ero reminder that the empire which does not ho between autocratic rus sia and democratic france for noitli- ing and has peculiar social difflcullcs of its own is acquiring all tho evils as wcllns tho advantages of industrial doiolopment labor has already be gun to be thrown out of work and it is feared that as summer approaches tho numbers of tho unemployed wilt lieconio very lnrge in tho coal trade stocks aro accumulating though the output is restricted by laying off night shifts tho state of tlm melnl trades which nrca good index to the gonernl condition is worse many blast furnnces have been blown out and there is a dearth of onloxs 1 tho pigiron syndlcatels accused of keep ing up its prices beyond reason fer the trust system is spreading rnpldly in germany and making profitahto production of steel impo slblc tho koelnlscho zcitung pointed out tho other tiny that under present condi tions capital is being swallowed up an1 thero is no recovery many works will be ruined hero again wo must not take too soon as an industrial disaster what may indeed become so if tho gonornl commercial reaction wlilclt has set in ovcrywhoro should bo prolonged and severe but ger many is suffering from tho familiar effects of ot erproductlon nnd ovcr- peculatiou 1 tho dackrho stago may bo just that incipient form of kidney discaso which if neflected will davelop into atub- born and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to co dont neg lect tho backacbo stage of the roost insidious of diseases sooth american kidney cure stops the echo la six hours and cures jo od reliable drag store stooff villa tho population of toronto is estim ated at 225000 to rent frame house nnd lot stable and driving house to let la iiloomlngtoto fruit trees plenty of water apply to mrs g burnett bloomlngton ooooooo 000000 d this coupon and 125 will buy o 0 22 1 bs rodpaths granulated su- 0 0 gar a 20c glass spoori holder 0 0 and a globe washboard at tho o 0 mammoth f o 0 0 00000 oooooo the next combination is ones to con trol watchmaking tho capital is sold to be 75 million dollars the publishers of music are also forming a little comblnolwlth a capitalization of from threo to five million dollnra a hugo deal in american coalfields is also said tobe engineered by agjents of j- 1 morgan j gladstones advice to young men bo sure that every one of you has his place nnd vocation on this earth and that it rests with himself to find it do not believe those who lightly say nothing succeeds lite success effort honest manful hum ble effort succeeds ty its reflected ed action especially in youth befter than success which indeed too eat- ily and too early gained not seldom serves like winning the throw of the dice to blind and stupefy get knowledge all you can be thorough in all you do and remember thatthq ugh ignorance often may be innocent pretension is always despicable but you like men be strong and exercise your strength work onwardandup- ward and mny the blessing of the most high soothe your cares clear your vision and crown your labors with reward t this life in tho case of many fls con tinually cither a push or a pull the man who is looking for fame- position or wealth elbows every person asside vwho is inlils pathway and iff necess ary uses all the grips and signs possible to make thef strongest pull ho will use money politicians and oven the church in hie efforts no strings are too servile to bo pulled and no person too snored to escape his machinations he makes pull take the placo of brains energy and integrity dignity honor and indus try are prostituted to mere success and tho roan becomes indeed a mere machine losing every vestige nearly of his noble origin and lofty destiny we arc here for the purpose of exer cising all our faculties physical men tal and moral but along right lines and he who misdirects and misuses his igodgiven capabilities will at last reap the reward of him who knew gods law and did it not a lending railroad lawyer who has had much to do with jujnan nature said to n detroit reporter never fcrossqucstlon an irishman from the old eo land h vct nnllluc- trntian from higjown experience a laectlojniiand had been killed by un ex press trnln andhls whlorv was suing for damages the main witness swd re posltlvelythattho locomotive wills tie hnd not sounded until nftr the whole train hnd passed ovw- his de parted ifrlend sep heremcglnls saitl i you admit that the whistle ible yls bor it blewed sor now if thatrrvlilstlo sounded in time to give michael warning the fnet would bo infavor of the company wouldnt it yls sor and mite would bo tlstlfyln hero this day the jury giggled very well now what earthly purpose could there to for the engineer to blow his whistle after mike had been struck prcsjiumc tho tho tvhisitlo wor for the nlxt man on tho trnck sor i quit and the widow got all she asked a newspaper man was asked to pub llsli nri article roasting a citizen certainly ho saldv to tho caller what shall i w ho woe furnish ed with an outllnio of what wna want ed nrd wrote an article that was a hporcher thats splendid exclaim cd tho friend delightedly when the article was read to him tholts right thatll makcfhls old hnlrorlnk- lol all right snldtho editor lot mo s ec what arc your inltlalsf good heavens i saldtho citizen you nro not going to sign roy natnoj to that i why not asked tho editor i wouldnt havo hnyono know i hnd anything to do with that for tho vorld i cant afford to got into a srnp with roy neighbors tho editor pmllcd bonovolontly nnd said why should i anljipr in 0 scrap that docs not concern mcf why should yoa pjrpect mo to assume rtbo blame for tho pnbllcatlon of on article to which jyou aro afraid to lignypurnajnot tho man stopped nty papo nn wont away wp rta qju as thick as peas in a pod are tho people now who arn thinking of planting lioweio and vegetables we are head quarters for mangel tnrnip cat rot essex rape and all other field and garden seeds fresh stock just received g collard scientific optician and druggist stouffville j nonichouse co choice selection of tweeds and worsd suitings special black worsted suits at 15 18 special line of tweeds and worsteds special for ladies suits the leading tailor just in for the spring trade a mste ioxof the newest nicest and most uftodate tweeds and pntegs call and flake your se lection while stock is fresh gents furnishings alwavs on hand tie faslioiiamp tailor freels block 1 mflffiliaahi om tec returned if we fail anyone sending sketch nad description of any invention will promptly rccrire owr rjnion free concerning the patentability of same how to obtain m patent sent upon renucst intents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense patent taken out through u receive t itotut wither cme in tjib iatknt rscoju an illustrated and widely circulated joarl consulted by manufacturers and investor scpdfrrsaaplccopyfrec address viota j tfvams a co

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