Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 10, 1898, p. 8

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x whitney at markham the leade of the opposition speak to east york conservatives in av or of air mayes mr j p whitney tho provincial conse vati ve leader delivered an addxet ia the interest of mr w j moves the local party a for the constit uency of a york at the town iiu markhun on saturday afternoon last he waaccoinpanted by col matheson and mr moves who also made addresses and reached markham at 2 oclock on a special train from toronto mr whit- oey vas met at the station by a consider able number of his supporter who cheer ed him as he stepoed from the train to the platform and followed by quite a procession in sleighs he was escorted to the place of meeting it is clrimed this was one of the bestif not the best pol itical meeting ever held there the meeting was presided over by county councillor baird who in opening the meetin briefly expressed his pleas ure at seeing so mny present stated his con6dent belie that mr whitney would li successful at the polls in march and declared his belief that a change in the government of tho proyince would be for the better and could not possibly bo for the worse ho tben called upon mr w j moyes the candidate to address tho meeting mr moyes was received with marks of cordial approval and spoko for over halt an hour he said that this was the first on which bo had had the pleasure of speaking at markham and ho felt that they had como together to do honor to thoir chief mr whitney he was con fident that such a meeting as tho present could not have been called together if a zealous sympathy had not existed for their cause this confident knowledge lent him courage to go on in the cam paign and make a more vigorous efifoit than hu otherwise would be able to do he was present he said to speak ro them as a plain business man addressing business men would speak his oppon ent mr richardson was a man about whom ho would not say an unkind word if he could what he desired to do was to discuss the affairs of the province in an impersonal and purely political man ner and he wanted to discuss these af fairs because ho believed they were not properly conducted he referred jocul arly to the fact that air richardson was not yet married although during the last campaign his duty in this respect had been urged upon him and contrasted his own condition of grace in this regard to mr richardsons lack of it he had not only married a lady from east york but- had chosen a markham pirl as his wifo tho ladies should lemember this he then took up tho questions of tho day bjj claimed to be vgovornraont ms claim as a business man would and he would appeal to the good sense of all men who were not inextri cably bound by party ties he said that in the keeping of the public accounts of tho provinco there was a loseness which should be remedied the items were not so given that an ordinary individual could at a glance see into the whol ex penditure k they were not kept as were tho municipal expenditure of markham yet they ought to be because tho govern ment had control of an immense amount of money and so should be scrupulously careful ho charged that this method was adopted by the government for the purpose of concealment and ho said that a government which would conceal and misrepresent in this regard was not wor thy of tho support of tho people how ever tho electorate would say in march that they would no longer endure this and they would place power in tho hands of mr whitney thby would say that no goyernment which is honest in the discharge of its trust and in tho expen diture of the peoples monoy need cover up its acts they had boon told a great dealabout what tho governmeib had done for the development of tho country so much has been dono for tho lumber tho mining tho agricultural interests and for tho workingmen sir- moyes con tended that their efforts had not only boon less than they claimed but that any efforts they had put forth in this way had been misdirected ho argued that their timber policy had been shaped for tho benefit of tho michigan lumbermen and not for those of ontario ho criticized the inactivity of tho government in re gard to tho development of the iron in dustry and compared tho way in which the interest had gone ahead in the united states with the manner in which it had hung back in ontario in speaking of tho assistance to be given to agriculture he said that a government farm in each county conducted along tho lines of an ordinary farm and on an inexpensive but thoroughly scientific basis would be of great benefit to tho country it could bo made to pay and would stimulate farming in the neighborhood col matheson after paying a tribute to mr moyes ablity as a business man and saying that if elected he wouid be of great use in the house entered on a criticism of tho finances ho urged that the lack of proper detail in tho making out of the accounts for public scrutiny was something which should bo remedied at once as it admitted the possibility of extravagance apd dishonesty he said that tho goyernment when the opposi tion attempted to got at tho facta in the public expenditure burked all their efforts owing to the partisan character and con- duct of tho public accounts committee as an instance of this ho went very fully into tho piggery question ho then re iterated the charges to frequently raado thai tho government was deeply in debt and had already spent 910000000 of the resources of the province in decaying tho ordinary expenses of govonxmoat mr whitney vasrec cived with coxae enthusiasm when he rose to speak his voice is still coarse but clears as he warm to his subject and be spoke for nearly an hour and a half he presred vigor ously all the charges uhich he has already made of incompetency and dishonesty on the part of the present government in beginning he said that mi moyes need ed no recommendation from fri that gentlemans appearance and address on the platform shoved that one would have to go back a considerable distance in the political history of east york to find a man of his merit mr whitney refer red to the meeting which mr hardy had held in markham last summer which was to be the opening gun of a campaign which was to destroy utterly the presum ptuous conservatives the premier was present and mr davis and the globe in its report of the meeting had exulted in the fact that there were quite 400 pres ent mr whitney was pleased to see that at this meeting the crowd really camo out and the gathering was greater than that of mr hardy- he then en tered upon a general discussion of the finances in tho matter of the public finances mr whitney said that he had to tell them that a curtain of direct de ceit had been held up between the public and the facts if he and his colleagues could not prove this they did not desire the confidence of the country but this they could prove and had proved tho statement that the government had a surplus ho characterized as as rank a falsehood as had over been uttered tthis was strong language but he intended it and meant it tho fact was the govern ment was in debt and why was it in debt because it had ignored that wholesome that elementary principle of financial success that the expenditure must bo kept within tho income tho govern ment had never saved a dollar during its existence of 25 yerrs and as it had gone on unceasingly increasing tho officehold ers and keeping up the expenses of goy- ernment in other respects it had found that- its revenue was not sufficient for its maintenance it had then sold the tim ber limits of tho province to support its ordinary expenditu re and this in defi ance of all rules of prudence and t when this means of relieving itself of its increasing burdens had ceased it had found it necessary to resort to borrowing money when accused of extravagant expenditure the government had replied that it was not addicted to tho vice of parsimony as if a careful husbanding of the ri6curces of tho provinco could bo called the vico of parsimony ho dwelt on the poverty of argument which ho co tended afflicted the speeches of hb op ponents and illustrated this by the con tention made by some of tho government supporters that if electud to power ho mr whitney would give the hoarded savings of tho mowat government to tupper the hoarded savings ho cried i m iiijiiiririitf saved dollar in its life 1 he and bis toi lowers had been accused of favoring dir ect taxation this was the direct oppos ite of the truth the only hope ho saw of the provinco avoiding direct taxation was by dismissing tha government from power and electing a more careful and economical administration if ho and his colleagues obtained a chance for 12 months direct taxation would never occur because tney would place tho finances on such a basis that any succeeding goyern ment would be unable to recklessly squander tho peoples money mr whitney then took up tho question of education and explained his intention if elected of remodelling tho public school system and appointing a consultative board to assist and advise tho minister this board would bo composed of experts and representatives of the teaching class throughout tho provinco he then spoko of the prices or school books and asser ted that tho commission appointed to investigate this matter had only examined as witnesses thoso interostoi in the keep ing up of tho prices ho charged mr ross with having said at barrio and bowman villo that ho had offered tho opposition a committee to investigate cuarpes made against tho conduct of his department and ho characterized this as a statemont not only calculated to deceive but made up to deceive ho considered tho cry of tho liberals that tho opposi tion had no policy and pointed to their position on tho conduct of tho finances and tho administration of tho education of tho country and tho timber and min eral resources as a direct proof that thoy haj a strong policy he said that tho globe forseeing tho trouble in view for the liberal party in this province was doing its best to depreciate tho position and policy of tho opposition ho closed with asking for a good majority for mr moyes the meeting closed with the usual cheers globe cotton and war victoria square tho semimonthly shoot of tho victoria square rifle club was held on tho aftor- noon of saturday fob 5th 08 res ults as follows w mustard 48 3886 a quantz 40 3480 w rcapell 46 3170 geo brown 39 3675 geo forester jr 40 3373 g stoutenburgh sec its so pleasant to uk that children for it j hot its death to worms of all an ingenious american journalist has discovered tba in case ci a war between the united states ami great britain the utter would be brought u star vat too by her cotton mills fccirg deprived of raw cotton the figures are big enouih ccr taioly the yaltie of cotton imported by the united kingdom ia 1836 was worth orer one hundred and eightyone million dollars of which the united slates cutr tribated all but fortyone million dollars worth the agonies of the english coitoo famine daring the american war are cited the derangement occasioned by tfce block ade of the southern ports cost british cap italists three hundred and fifty million do lara bat tbis genius who is roiog to starve great britain into submission looks on ony one side of the picture if it is true that the united states furnishes great britain with almost four6lti of the cotton he uses it is also true lhat the raw cotton seat to great britain forms one sixth of the whole export trade of ths united states goes to great britain it seams then that war between brothers would twist up more than one tail the loss to th united stated moi cover would be of the more permanent sort the derangement caused by the old war developed very serious rivals to the american cotton plantation haa that war lasted a few years longer this result would have been very eedous indeed daring the decade 1mj1 60 the total growth of cotton marketed was 8260000 tons during the next decade that of the war the americau product was about half what it had been during the previous ten years but the worlds total was hardly reduced being 8100co0 tons india egfpl and brazil increased their outpat two three and fourfold respectively had tho british manufacturers realized sooner how long the embargo would last they would nerhaps sooner have stimulated these other sources of supply as it was the process was going on at an accelerating rate when the american cotton supply was r leased and brought trade hack to tho old chnnnela as it is both india and egypt export an an nually increasing quantity of cotton india has now too a hundred and forty seven cotton mills of her own egypt is how ever the future cotton country not only has it rapidly growing acreage but tho yield per acre is two hundred and seventy five pounds as compaiod with a humrid and eighty sir the average yield of the united states tho egyptian fibre too is longer than any other except the famous sea island cotton a british fioveraincnt report on tho capabilities of the upper nile country is very emphatic as to the vastness and wonderful productiveness of the region and from a commercial point of view cotton is regarded as likely to be its suplo crop minard tininent ths bsl hair rtsforf r actors singers r1ngwood herwrt orhiugwoodpschool for january 189s ivdass deua baker allio jours lizzie foate nettie foekler stanley mitcbcl ma wiuon jrjyelamedithdatls ble gil more sriii class dent lav btrt gowrr luella pipher laura irviu sr llcltss frank beyuolds koss uilmore stella wilson allie h anuui margla harper 7r iii class clara browosberger myrtia baker aimer brownbberger karl davit irving seaman jrileufx lottie daru pearlie footo percy winteratelo etta plpher lolzo pharper srpth floyd fisberajdie pipher jenuia foekler carlo gllmoro charlie harper jrptii bert doughertv nellie daa- ebf rty eagune bruels george slurry roy bruels sr pt l gertie fisher mary harding gertie mitchell tbacillxg dats for is93 cty v at uu v w vm w kinds dr low worm syrup price 25 c au dealers undoubted evidence gentlemen i am pleased to recommend your lai liyor phu for constipation dyspepsia and sick headache i have used them tor those troubles and find them a pleasant sura and quick sure free from the anacylog griping of othsr pills i have here tofore used stgoed h jams st nicholas hotel hamilton out high schools and collegiate insiituu and public and sparate schools in the cities towns and incorporated tillages havn tho following number of teaching days i is9s dates of opeuing and closing- open 3rd jauuay close 7th april reopen isvh april close soth- june reopen 1st september closo22nd december jan uary there are 21 teachiup dajs february 20 march 23 april 15 may 21 dune 22- total 122 in september 21 october 2tnoyeraber 21 deojmber 1c total so- rural public and separate schools have the following number of teaching days in 159vs dta of opeoint and closing 0en 3rd january close 7th april reopen 18th april close 30 june reopen 15th august close 22nd december in jan nary there are 21 teaching days febiua 20 march 23 april 15 may 21 june 22 total 122 in august 13 september 21 october 21 november 2 december 10 total 93 allowance is made ia the above ktatement for al holidays except any public fast or thanksgivibp day or local muni cipal holiday for twentyseven year speakers thecooksbestfriend largestsale in c nada read- the great offer thousands of actors pebttg entertainers singers lectur ers preachers and readers axe tormented vrltb throat weakness these dellcato crgans belnjf overtaxed be- f mceptlblc to b i5flisft tickhng in the throat snocr- fflssssssss w dropping in the throat ismm hum pain orer the eyes dry throat etc all these are forerunners of catarrh asthma tonsuitls and are but stepping stones to more serious complications if neglected dr agnews catarrhal powder is powerful painless harmless and quickacting and will euro all such troubles relieves in 10 minutes i can bnt proclaim dr agnew catarrhal pow der a wonderful medicine particularly for singers and public speakers mrself and wife were both subjects of tonsuitls and catarrh and never found anything to equal this great remedy for quick action and curative qualities it is a wonder worker i heartily recommend it to my brother professionals al emmctt fottell actor new york clty 31 g collard drue store btouffyille for service at lot 3 concession 2 uxbridgc a registered poland china boar- smoa i j h millard ifree press tho free press desiriuc to greatly increase thcr subscription li t makes the following great offer to i e farmers stochm of canada whereby sub bct 1 1 i i 1 1 otm pn one years paper free the ivf c ly- h nruo arrangements with tie vcurfcwrj ocieoce publishing co for a number of copies of tbeir book the veterinary science the price of wbioi is 200 this book treats fully and in plain language the anatomy diseases and treat- tmitof domestic animals and poultry also containing a fulldcscription ot modi cino and receipts so that every farmer can ho his own veterinary 300 for 200 the weekly free press and farm and home for ono year price si 00 and a copy of the veterinary science price 200 both will be mailed to any address upon the receipt of two uoliirs do not mtss this chance we cenno aflfbd to continue litis offer indefinitely ourobjectju mating it now is to secure an immcdiau ifirtonsey which a icsj liberal offer miehi mi io attract remember by sending 2qhior the book yu gtt- the wccklvfre press and farm- and hom one year free agents wanted everywhere address all communications to the free press london oat mm old peoples troubles hard for the old folks to move about constant backaches to bother them in the daytime urinary weakness to disturb their rest at night doan5 kidney pills strengthen the kidney aad help to malco tho declining years comfortable mr w g mugford chestnut street cbarlottctown p e l writes for the past two years 1 bavo had roach trouble with disease ot tho kidney and coarotcntion of urine was dropsical and suffered a feat deal with pain in my back bavo been greatly benefited j the uio ot doaaa kidney pills wood work in the buildin line such as doors sash blinds mouldings planing matching c material furnisima it required and estimates made we have good machinery and are prepared tc do firstclass work cook bros opposite railway station tmmessm promptlysecured i moftebutter better butt ei less labor- ewgem am i m mvm by using tbe butterfly milk separa tor- simply in construction low in price guar anteed in every respect terms satisfactory agents gxtrichquickziv write today for onr beautiful illustrated bookon patents and tho fascinatlnk story of a poor inventor who made 25000000 bend us a rough akotoh or model of your invention and wo will promptly toll you fkee if it ia now and probably patentable kobumbus honost service specialty tonga oasos rejected in other hands and foreign nppllcatloua references honor able t liorthiaumo prop of la pres30 honorable d a koas tho leading news papers banks express companies sc clients in any locality all patents secured through our agonoy are brought beforo the public by a special notlco in over 300 newspapers mauiok it marion patent exporto toroplebuiidingl85stjnmcsstmontreal tho only firm of gradurto engliioora in tho dominion transacting patent buslnsa exclusively mention this paper b e beejbe still to the front inall the branches of our trade in shoeing we are on thetop and in all our other specialties wo are ahead new and second hand buggies a1i of oj quality tor 8ie cheap seeder points drill spodt points of goodaquality of steel at a low price et2 vtttoa4i be ukfise au repairing atriccy an ed to try the telephone stoe fojet boots shoes asd rubbers 4jlso choice groceries flour potatoes apples rolled oats tjolled wheat corn meal batter egg and lard bh ill i i mil i i that the facsimile signature of- lnlanisvtlliilkix promote3tiesfloncheetful- nessandbestcontalns neither opntrnmorplilne normnaral notnarcotio jixvaroijasmmiiiwji flmafitsmj- apcrfcct itemedy forconslipa- tion sour siomachdiarehoea vvbrmsamvubionsfcverish- nesa and loss of slieep tacsimila signat ot tptewyohk al b inanhis oil is on the wrapper of eveet bottle ow if you have not tried herbageum foryour stock and poultry you are losing money worth its weight in gold is wht 6no customer saya about it try w a clark opp the markct no of course jot- nor do we deal honestly because i it pays but because its bight however though we are not selling offi find that our prices are correspondingly low and the quality consider ed it will more than pay jou to buy your groceries at the pantry quality of goods is our first consideration prices next and our search for the best has not been in vain as is proved b the very heavy sale of our pantry brand rolled oats flour lard baking powder and our 25c tea for tho next two weeks we will sell a quantity of fine farmers cured bacon and shoulders at very low price dont forget that we handle but one line of g ol and give it our undivided attention r j daley issuiujwe real estate -and- financial broker general aqent for life insnraoge corapany abeotfor loading firo insuranco coe tsaoily to loarl oa farm and villaso propcrtr fdii sand viliabolprorervforsiloanj to fia bo years experience jos duct copy or wrapper outorit u pt ip la nnsn lettlo only it lit wt hu la itllt dost uo ujsu to mil i yon uyimf elu u the pie or promlk tit it it jwt u good ail will wuwer tnrjyti- i pox 8e tsit jca grt 0astbta 1 littu- j opposite the station stotjfviijijb is prepared to pnrcbace all kinds of- grain seeds potatoes bides fool port k and ho keeps on hand for sale flour feegcoa wood corn salt in barrels and bulk liie cement feu roofing f b t in need of a m e w straw gutter pulper bradt- ford wiodmill single or gadg plow or a first- class buggy or wagoii li so tho right place to get them is from me also a number ofpecond hind strawcuttors dirt cheap levi hoover agent for marscy harris co trade marks designs copyrights ac anyone sending a sketch and description may qalcklr ascertain onr opinion freo whether on invention w probably pitcntablo cotaniniilca- tlonsjttrictlrcondcloiitui jhanclboqjton sent f roe oldest nponcr torstagmr patents taken through mnnu rpeciat nottcct without oharco la tc scientific- ahandsomelrihastratod-wcewr- ircostclr- cnlatlon of any scientific journal terras 3 a year t onr months l boijbyajl nowfidcalers munn co new york broccu ulsoe t25 v st weshlngton d c f tas i havt decided to sell off for cash the following lines of goods at cost such as blan kets robes bells mitts and gloves trunks and valises lap nigs and oil cloth covers lin ed and unlined dash covers etc harness made to order repairs- promptly attended to and charges moderate at j bbowiisbergers 0book accounts must besottled by january 16tb 1898 in addition to his other sup plies keeps on hand lath shingles building paper waterlime blacksmiths coal paper for sheeting plaster tai pitch and charcoal j a todd opposite thestatiou the stotjppvillb carriage works wo are bound to lead in all branches we manufacture nothing but firstclass work my prices are to suit times a firstclass buggy lor 750 a fanu waggon complete 65 all other works in proportion come anil get your buggy paintedbv one of the bes1 painters in the province only english vark jsh used call and inspect stock before purchasing elsewhere al kindsof farm work and repairing done on shortest notice no factory work horses hoeing a specialty new shoes for 25c remember the- stand east of queens hotel whtodd

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