Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 10, 1898, p. 7

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the home cutting corxeb u u family is ftzaall try wshlc once fortnight and if possible on a tuesday this leaves monday to tidy up and look over te clothes mending what icjgbt get more torn m the wash soak tte ciouks over night m tepid or om water and if you keep tie fixe in put the boiier twothirds full of water on the stove with a good cupful of sliced soap in it the one who geta trtakast rk be up by five oclock on washdayv by the time she has run the clothes through the wronger the water in the butter is boilings take four tablespooafula of kerosene and stir h into toe boiling suds put the wet rfothea in thfe the cleanest in the first botlerful by seven oclock the second batch of clothes is in the boiler noth ing remains but to rinse thoroughly in two waters blue and thong out there is not th slightest odor of kerosene and the clothes are beautifully clean tjndercloines look much prettier when ironed but that is all the do tot smell as sweetly do not last as long and axe not as wholesome but the clothes must be well sunned if drlod tn the ttouse on account of el storm bang them in the sun another day jry denying yourself tbes pretty taroned garments yom may be a calmer happier stronger woman for those whose lives are bound up witb yours aa to tablecloths napkins hhndker cshiefs and pillowslips by ironing a little at a time they will give your no trouble pull the sheets thoroughly and be careful that everything- is snap ped and folded as it is taken from the line avhenever a carpet wears out if you xee short of help replace dt by matting and artsquares if matting is thor oughly swept once in two weeks and wiped up with a cloth dipped in a half- pail of water with a handful of salt in lit no rooms need be swept between times except the diningtroom and kitchen a parlor if dusted and t jrweeper run over the middle of it ev- ttry few days need not be swept often- er than once a month but then every- ihung must be taken out and tho work nust be thorough it is trying to keep house witb one servant or none others do with four that breaks woman down have a wite drainer for dishwash ing and two dishpons wash in hot and rlaose in boiling water and pile nrockery in th drainer by the time ou hare dried the silver and glass and idled the kitchen the cbin will be almost if not quite dry wash a- quantity of potatoes at a fime using a whiskbroom for the op eration pita these in the dishstrainer and taheadry put in the closet they are ready for baking and wiill not soil the hands very much when you peel them cake aiaking ta great many inexperienced house wives think if they have a good recipe that is all that is necessary in order to make good coke but the more practical realize that the best of recipes will fail in tie hands of fr careless cook perfecb caka making- requires exact rules and good material as well as careful judg ment and parns taking labor j ijifote startim with the cake have nil the ingredients at hand and the cake vas ready the tins should be well greased with lard and then sprink- j led wffch flour this will prevent the aid be fresh mulk per fectly sweet and butter without taint la granite or earthenware bowl jb better to prepare the cake im than tin if you are going to use baking pcmder sift it with thfe flour two or fchree tinnes this will make the cake finer grained jthe isggs bhbuld be placed in a cool lace before beiitty used amdtihe yolks and whte should be bsaten separate a small offneih of salt added to the whites will ctoable you to whip them to a stiff er froth warm the butter 1 but do not melt it cream the butter and sugar together add the beaten yolks then the milk next the flour to which the baking powder has been add ed and lastly the whetes of eggs whip- ped to a stiff froth if flavoring is us ed i prefer to add it the last thing twno ehowerver add it to the milk cake should be beaten and not stir red and the longer and harder it is beaten the lighter it will be fruvt should bo well floured before addittty to the cak tjs-j- the same size jup ot eaoh inptdint and a cup means a teacup small cakes and layer cakes should not be disturbed in the oven for at last ten minutes and large akcs ono nalf frtynr do not oren and slose the oven door too often for this fa tibe frequent cause of cakes falling bprnfcio the top of this cake lightly with flour bcforefrostinig this will pre vent the frosting from running care should bo taken that the oven is of the right temperature a quick oven is best for layer cakes and one not so hot for loaf cakes cleaning the stove directions are often given for black ing a stove every night after the fire is deadened this is not necessary if the stove has been properly used dur ing the day if anything is spilled on the top wash- or scrape it off at once hub greaso off with a thick black cot- ion cloth a piece of black stockinet makes a good stove cloth keep it hanging near the stove where it can be used to rub off anything not of a otlcky sugary consistency let sugar burn to a charcoal- and scrape it off this lost process takes off the blacking which- must be renewed at night when lho stove is cold in ordinary wear the blackening need not be renewed oft- cner than onoo a month when the stove receives its monthly coat of black mix a small pinch of gum tragncanth in enough warm water to dissolve it and odd it to tho melted blocking apply tho blacking with ono brush and keep anothter topoksh with firforo applying the polish see that tho jtovo is perfectly clean apply the blocking and polish with light swift jttxoke when ihy stove is well black ened polish the edges with brick dust or polishing soap and wash dry whit en and polish thb nickel work with a chamois skin large longwrlsted mit tens made of chamois skin are excellent io blacken stoves in occasionally dur- mig the month ths stove may be pol ished with tb brush but no more blacking 6s needed of the family may return with feelings of fcappicx the place where the lit- tla ones may safely bring their little companions knowing well mother wiu not care bat will take en interest in their childish sports even perhaps join ing with them in aquiet way the place where the vtughter can come with her little trcetv and confidences always sureofmtsti s ready ear and mothers gentle words of comfort the place where the young man just starting out la life meeting with so many tempta tions and discouragements can come where the toother with her kind words of sympathy and wise counsel can do so much toward keeping him in the right way and strengthen his character for the coming years the place where the htwhoind and father turns as to a haven of rest where all the vexatious cares of the day are thrown aside and with bis wife and children gathered round him he is con- teat pleasant indeed is snub lwmt and no one in the holme is so loved and reverenced as the dear mother who makes it so let thb babt crt that babies ought to cry occasionally is a fact well known to doctors but one which seems to be very much against the creed of mothers and nurs es says florence- hull wloterburn in the womans home companion the model babies who never cry are un natural specimens crying is the only exercise a young baby gets it expands the lungs causes a better cir culation of the blood and helps on mus cular growth of course fretting when there is discomfort is to be promptly attended to and screaming which might cause rupture must not be allowed but a really healthy little ory wfceto nothing particular is the matter save that baby needs that modb of expression for his pentup feelings this is not a thing to make everybody run and try to divert the little ones attention or to stop lata or get out of the way as if there were a fire or a runaway locomotive coming the noise is not pleasant but if we were once assured that it was a harm- less pastime for baby most cf us could reconcile ourselves to it once in awhile though not at night if there is one lesson more important than another it is that darkness and stillness go together but although the idea may be novel one there is something to be said in favor of little babies being allowed a small crying- spell that is an exercise spall during the day pure ly npon the grounds of health britain beadi foe ffae but she seems albeady to have won hek point in ch1n ippitll sicu j u otmrnma far opt uarkttl km tko rks r saywea mtj ml tvkl c 0 r mlralrr mtou w tbe mt rrrrllfr wrtlt juht lfde- it u now pretty generally recogniz ed thi the eastern eriaia bad passed beyond the point of immediate danger before the public wa informed of ita acute phase writes a london corres pondent there is no longer much doubt that englands peremptory df a motflers kisses ia recent traveller to spain describes a touching scene witnessed at the depar ture of a jregiment for cuba all day long there had been heard the measur ed tread of soldiers marc bing through the streets all day long gaily bedeck ed boats had been passing to and from the vessel that was to take them to havana the twilight had begun to deepen when the correspondent saw a startl ing and pretty sight the impetuous action of a portly goodlooking and welldressed lady who noticed a soldier walking dejectedly alone down the pier in his travelling gray with a knap sack strapped over his shoulders all the rest of the iren had friends permanently cnred a story told by a justice of the peace aiiacxeil wiih la firippotvliicu lett nini ttafc and tforn ont kfuiifj tronblr addeil i complication una tlio suffer or itn dltronrttseil from the journal summerside pei one of the best known men arounl be3ique and vicinity is mr- alfred schurman who has recently removed to north carleton mr schurman was born in bedique about seventy years ago some twentyfive years ago he was sworn in as a justice of tho peace and alout twentyone years ago he was appointed clerk of the county court in both of which offices he has given every satisfaction mr schur man was also a farmer on a large scale and like most men engaged in that occupation 11 a busy life being com pelled to attend strictly to business but less than a year ago he retir ed from farming and now lives in a cottage in north carleton before his retirement work such as only a man 1 engaged in that occupation knows any- 1 thing about claimed his attention his- increasing years made theburdentieav- ier and the spring work of 1893 wore him completely out this is what he tolls about it an how he was cured in the spring of 193 the constant toil and drudgery connected with the work of farming wore me out complete ly unl tho break down was the more complete because the results wdre cou pled with the had effects left by an attack of la gripre one of tho results of la gripjw was a nasty cough an other was the complete loss of appe tite my spirits were greatly depressed and i felt that i had lived out my days i always felt cold and consequently the stove and i were great friends but the cold effected more especially my feet and caused me great annoy ance added to this complication was a serious kidney trouble which threa tened to prove the worst enemy of all i was unable to do any work had no ambition and less strength and was not a bit tho better of all tho doctors medicine i had taken it vras my wife who advised me at last to try dr williams pink pills i bought six boxes and began taking them my hone revived because a change for the iwtter was soon taking place and be fore they were done i was cured the six boxes brought hack my appetite strength and ambition in short all that i had lost in the way of strength and health the next spring howev er my health again gave way and i immediately began using the pink pills again and i am happy to say that they effected that time a permanent cure and today i amf well and hearty as if i were only forty i strongly recom mend dr wif hams pink pills to all who are suffering as i was dr williams pink pills cure by go ing to the root of the disease they renew and build up tho blood and strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from tho system avoid imita tions by insisting that every box von purchase ls enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark dr wil liams pink pills for pale people mand for open chinese markets has re- their moyias mothers relatives and and temporary recognition rrom j and nt tbat powers including russia the strug- jj wag carrying a desolate heart over cle for paramount influence at pekin seas id upon the issue of that the handsome woman burst from her still goes on contest much depends china it she exercises her usual ori- group of friends took the boys hand and said my son has already gone to cuba he is in the regiment of andalu- ental shrewdness ought to profit much jsia and sailed two months ago you may meet him pepe g take this kiss to him she leaned and kissed his cheek an english boy would have shown awkwardness but these graceful soutb- at the expense of british and russian rivalry and there is already evidence that she is tawr al tnr poss ties of the situation the game of the division of the chinese empire has been checked for the time being but if lord salisbury succeels in regaining the as cendancy at pekin which he allowed to slip away russia three years ago it will be only at enormous cost mean time more complete details of the vast preparations for war unflertaken by the british government are now avail able inasmuch as the crisis is only postponed and at any moment may become acute it will be interesting to indicate some of the measures recent ly undertaken first there were the preparations for calling out the naval- reserve second mobilization orders were sent to the oommaners of the home naval sta tions followed by similar orders to m- mandera of stations abroad third the ompletion of plans from the prompt organization of i a flying squadron which was to consist of not less than ten warships fourth the decision to increase the personnel of the navy by more than 7000 men which is now be- ins carried out by the quiet enlistment of stokers and other classes of men fifth the increase of the army by 15000 sixth enormous purchases of eruers are never at a loss for a pretty gesture and a prettier word the boy flushed with pleasure and still holding the ladys hand said with quite a natural gallantry without smirk or silly smile and may i not take one for myself as well senora i the lady reddened laughed a little nervously and bent and kissed him again to the frantic applause of soldiers and civilians while the boy walked on braced and happy tee duchess op teck it is generally agreed that the dominant note of the character of the late duchess of teck was her amia bility and that term does inadequate justice to the heart from which it sprung she was charity itself and wonderful organizer of charitable re lief on a large sctle it is said that she gave out of her own pocket a good fifth of the annua amount granted to her by parliament and a story vouched for by tho st jamess budget shows that she know how to give on a small scale to bo generous in mind as well as with monoy there were to be some festivities at white lodgo the richmond residence of the duchess and an invitation was sent to the seorotary of a charity jn which the duchess was interested wonderful effect child wrs not well a single day for three years a fath ers grateful words for the cure e his daughter my little girl who is now seven yean old weghed only three pounds at the time of her birth for three years and a quarter of her life she was not well a single day i wok persuaded to give her hoods sarsaparilla and bought i world give it a fair trial lhe child began taking it according to directions tbe result was a perfect cure and her h altb has been go d erer since ber recovery due we feel sure to this vkd effects of tbja wonderful medicine you do not know what a comfort it is to my wife and myself to hare ber restored to health i be lieve the oure is permanent audi i shall always feel thankful for hoods sar- saparilla george mcfarland wall- aceburgh out hoods ps canadas greatest medicine sold by all drugxlta price fl six for a dec hooda hofh pillare prompt omdent nna lluua in effect uctnta by iri s later post the young lady received steam coal and a general replenishment j a letter from a friend asking her to t and a tennis party which was to be held of stocks at all stations at home and iy abroad seventh the elaboration of a ncxt morn both invitations were plan for an emergency squailron com- j acknowledged but the replies were rosod mainly of battleships more or carelessly put in the wrong envelopes less obsolete and oldfashioned but efj the duchess opened the letter in which fective for homedefence the writer declared to her friend that the last measure decided upon this she was very sorry she could not come week attracted little attention here to tennis becauso stout mary had although it is not the least significant asked her to- white lodge and she was of tho series because it indicates the j bound to go probability that finlands foes in the the day duly arrived and the frank event of war will include fiance of young lady was warmly welcomed by the seventeen battleships included in the duchess who afterward took her the omcrpency squadron not a half aside and laughingly said dozen could safely be sent far from j my dear girl i know i am stoat the home base and as a matter of fact but i cannot help it you should be most of them wpuld be assigned to more careful in posting your letters specific positions in the waters sepor- and never forget that you do notknoiv ntjng england from the continent i who will read what you write dont the british fleet in chinese waters apologize i have forgiven you bos teen augmented since the trouble began by two powerful cruisers and two torpedo bomdetro mrnmeeo taken i one of wetcbtescfoed in business comes whten thorough sat- notice even by rumor namely tbedes- isfaction is given the public thats patch of orders to the commander of why nervilme sells so rapidly tteotlh the australian squadron to hold in ache xs cured as if by magic pain in- rcadiness for china the four cruisers tscrnal or external finds a prompt an- mohawk orlano pylades and royal- tidobs in nervilino try it ixt the defence of australia was to be undertaken by a half doren small vessels together with five small cruis ers a part of the cost of which is de frayed by the colonial governments on condition that they shall alwavs be kept in colonial waters this ar- 1a ratisement wai considered safe because jg f xobt it was riot thought that france for instance would be able to spar a single ship for those remote waters and if any were sent they would not be able in free the eea nnv length of time owing i tothe impossibility of eottintr coal tbe report that the pacific fleet was f ordered to china was only partly true the whole fleet was not of course to lo spared but the secondclass cruisers amphion leander and phaeton are now under order to be ready to start signs and seasons i cam always tell when my wife has bought all the winter clothes she wants how can you tell she begins to talk of buying some- simple at first further enormous contracts for mip- nlieii of steam coal have been laced it i fool is li fn rlct any kfnil of piles nre thriii tit llm teraliuifii j piles are simple in the beginning and f easily cured tjiey can be cured even in the worst stages without pain or lossof blood quickly surely and com- j pletely there is only one remedy that i will do itr traska magnetic oint- j meat the moons movements the moon is the nearest and being the nearest it appears to us with the single exception of the sun the largest although it is in reality one of the smallest of the heavenly bodies just as the earth goes round the sun and the period of revolutions constitutes a year so the moon goes round tho earth approximately in a period of one mon th but while we turn on our axis every twentyfour hoursw thus causing the alternations of light and darkness day and night the moon takes a month to revolve on hers so that ahe always presents the same or very nearly the same surface to us to ladles the face receives the record of dally experience constant suffering from corns will mar your beauty bo not look anxious and discontented but use putnams painless corn extractor which will extract that sore corn im a day without pain tnjured first bhcndikerwhat was the row down at hot dog cafe this morning t second klondiker one of the boya found his lost lariat in the saddle soup catahrh cannot be cured with local applications as they can- not reach the eat of tho dioiro catirh la a blood or constitutional disease and in order to euro it yon must tako ititotoal remedies haua catarrh cure u tak en internally and act directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces hair catarrh cure it not a quack medicine it was prcb cribedbyona or the best lthynfcins in this country for year and 13 a regular proscrip tion it is composed of tho be t tonics known combined with thu best blood purifiers acting directly on themueouh surface the perfect combination of tho two ingredltnu fs whet produces purh wonderful results in cur- lnffatnrrh rrid for toitunonl il free f jchenev ccprofs toledo o sold by drtitfj 1st f prico75e halls family pills aro the beat the latf was satisfied traveling on a railway thnt zigzag ged up fcteep hillsides and wriggled about among- precipices an old lady asked the conductor if there was any fear of ai accident plenty of fear maam he said bat so danger why sof because there is a brake to every wheel bat supposing the brake went wrong queried the old ltdjf- tben we can reverse the engine ani prevent the train otn up or down but supposing that failed what would become of us i that madam finally said the grizzled and guarded conductor depends on the life you have led ijost bos 6upport l first trampwhen did yer take t de roadf t second tramp when me wife died first trampbat must ve been a hard blow second tramp it wuz i didnt have a tiug t swaller cept de lump in me troat fer weeks circumstantial evidence i suspect there has been some crook ed work going on here he said ani he was right his wife had been driving nails we utter nothing but the bare truth when wedaun monsoon hi i indoceylon tea tobev most economical intbeorld try it j 44ulkmdtttbmm0mlceum jeye ear hose wewaetyou imtohlffebllidlea and caumn oa b ran plladwuh necl and nrr froritabll y to woat good ncmuneoa how caaetrtt tbo addroa of rprmnutm lrhohmjaiolaraduslnnivya j oat bamada i atjourowl i n4chqia fc m the idling doe not amount 1 to much they almost ell themselves is goodrich resflex sincle tube tires you obuin ant of all a tire of the biobzst grade built of td bxst xatxaux and sabjtcted to terore test thrto are point that rhoulcl eeuilith the confidence the the de- wires our catalogue t folly ex- puiiu sendforit deelenqooted ameri0an tire co umftod 164 and 158 king st w toronto toronto cutting school young men learn to cat no better tradt or profession write for particulars us yonge st toronto dr sproulb 8 a graduate of dublin university iretnnd specialist chronlo ttiseue of the nerres blood constitutional autneou impaired vital eaert itfcnnfidentullj answered s3 carlton st toronto ontario bus1sess cotlegb thh famous most wldoli attended in america for illustrated catalocne 30th tear addrms7 robinson johnson foa bkilevilie ont mllla mill hale brriftterfetc removed to weslerbldfi bloh wtm mond 8u toronto wal 83 richmond watt toronto klondike su suutfixq baob etobm hoods mosquito nets sxowshoes bcps booth moccasiss kisnixo tacaos ktc sendforklondlfcourt the wightman sportln goods co 103 st pdlst moktreai que have you a pig with two tails 9 i so white w c harris ssw william st toronto out 3eoxc ennua ask your dealer for royal safety burning oil the best canadian oil manufactured only by royal oil co toronto ont dr ooobxs painless pem7iwal pills a speoifio for female complaints arc a trot boon to srsry idy who suffers la tho psrform anc of ntfoi t ffari they at one u th pkinaod rtot natural od healthy rtioii of tit erin tola wot yuonc and deretopwi womaasood y x rattadj which can mad they art oompoaudod jltly from tha aottr prircij of vsf tsblosubatsncca and r perfectly tafs ait reiublo ask your drawirt for tbsm and if ht does iiot xoep them in stock bs can gocwwjhem for too prlca 1m per bottle or far the toronto pharmnoal oo llmltod toronto apples poultry zggs the dawson commission co flnr el wsj martat and i scajfcc single tube and vxbqc pebble tread tires come from the hands of experienced work men not lacking in one good thing that goes to at onco make a tire wfrg vjhu i existing and perl fully guarantee every pair of road tires and repair them free of cost write for prices montreal windsor hotel block wihnipec- klnnlpcgr rubberworfcs halifax office opens 1st april toronto tire go limited 9 1 adelaide st west in the past fortnlrht nt cardiff other south wales parts there also heen a lartre amount of speculative lmyinrc in connection with the possi bilities of wan it allays the inflammation iinmedi- ately heals the irritated surface and j with continued treatment reduces the swelling onl puts tha membranes in good sound healthy condition the cure is thorough and permanent i here are some voluntary and unso- fiimnltaneously the north england licited testimonials we have lately ro making home pleasant nw many moibov realize the full ftttaninffaiirl iroprtaaco of thoso words it should be the aim of every mother to awkvs the bomo icasant for all tho one place to which ocb and every member as to gray hair gray hair is caused solely by the loss of pigment which gave it color grayness may occur at ahy period of life irres pective of age it is also hereditary a drachm of powdered borax is nice to put in the water when washing tho faair but houl 1 not be used too often the effect of the continual use of per oxide is to dry and break the hair and cause premature grayness ian or distilled water should be usod when washing the hair bound toapplaui at tho entertainment given in a london hospital where many of the patients had lost ho use of one arm the audience managed to applaud by arranging itself in pairs so that each pair had tho use of two sound hands ekplalned knox i wonder why ifr u that we hear of so many men breaking down in tho prime of life nowadays fox it is du 00 doubt to there being many more selfmade men than formerly she gushingly there are days when we seem more in unison with na ture than at other times when our hearts seem to beat in accord witb the sublime harmony of the universe have you ever noticed itf he indeed i have it is always that way witb mo on pay day coal tra- htm suffored depression the onlv boom roing in welsh smokeless roal on accountof its advantages which in war time aro obvious welsh roal froni pjlos and fount no remedy masters have the hca that if kntrland until i applied trasks magnetic oint- goes to war no british mercantile ves- fcitfnt it relieved me at once and coived judge henry d barron st croix falls says i have suffered severe- sol will venture to put to sea with the ordinary soft coal with which they aro content h time of peace for it is a modern nxibm that the less smoke tho more safety tt is lelieved by fome optimistic din- lomatist that the easing of the crisis in the far east between great britain anl russia will have a favorable effect unon the near eastern i deadlock and nerhaw make it rossible to settle tho interminable cretan ouestion these nervous are not hopeless tliat prince george will soon bo established in tho governorship of the nnbaopy island de spite the sultans protests the shape of the earth owing tothe action of certain well known laws the earth is not a perfect sphere careful measurements show that it is slightly bulging at the equa tor it is a simple matter to show proof that the earth is round when a ship is approaching the shorertho first parts to 1 seen arc the top sails as she near the land the lower sails and rigging come intoview and lastly the hull apjtears if the earths surface were flat the bull being the largest part would be seen first permanently to the prcsont time daniel tohn of liberty saysary wife was afflicted with the piles for ton yean or more and have tried many eminent physicians but receiv ed no benefit until i was induced by your agent here dr beaver to use traska magnetic ointment and i can now say she is entirely cured with threa bottles cji root monroevllle says i nave been using yourtrasks magnet ic ointment for bleeding piles and find it helps me more than anything else i have tried a 11 druggists sell trasks magnetic ointment ft is 25 and 40 cents for fullclzcd packages ami is put up only by francis ukahe 137 bay street toronto safe why does your father insist noon alt- ujmg in the bick parlor f inquired her best beau poor papal t he is so nearsighted drying oloti1es the drying of clothes in frosty weath er is sometimes in the case of delicate fabrics attended with tearing because of the quick stiffening in tho very cold air a simple precaution which will prevent any such trouble is to dissolve three or four tmndfuls ofcoarso salt en tho last rinsing water thus making it in fact a wealc brine articles so rinsed will not suffer from or stiffen with the cold something for nothing persons suffering from rheumatism salt rheum piles tetter chilblains eczema skin diseases etc who send a two- cent stamp for postage only with name and address we will send cures rheumatism kidney and skin iliscnses 4000 canadians testify to its merits pljysiciaps use it dailu in their practice glergyrnen of all denominations endorse it the general public swear by it kings daughters hamilton say t hesitation in recoimnendiug it know ifc has cured a terrible case of sciatica and other cases of rhoumatism- bev thos geofihegan st peters missioii hamilton prom persons interviewod i received the same hearty testimony of pain removed and health restored twenty five people eev eugene groulx archbishops palace ottawa marvollous cures affected in rhuematic and skin diseasos which camo directly to my notice twentysix people patrick ryder london orit had rheumatism thirtysix years but kootonay cure drove it all out of my cystemv 4 mrs maggie mcartiu radenhurst st toronto left side completely paralysed koote- nay cure and nothhig else restored my hoalth he who hesitates is lost the longer you wait the worse you become but as long as youjiave waitecwo can cuio ybu juat thinlc 4000 people cured in canada alone jrij q copy of above testimonials and others swornfto sont froo on application there is no substitute for koofenay curo which contains tho new ingredient and if j your druggist does not sell it send direot to v tie s ryckman medicine co limited hamilton oft price moo per bottle 6 bottles foss600 kootenay pilis which contain the now ingredient mo n suro cur for headache- bihious- n and constipation insist upon kootenaypis price 25c mailed to any address tbe end i a froo sample of tracks wflgmetlo oint- i mont with ft ransama cook book fre that hb cant wo a amut on of his jbotio i mont with a rneoma cook book free then there woji a quiet interchange franci tj kajil 127 bay st toron- of labial ftalutatiojft to two hundred and seventyfive cups in each pound of 40c ludella ceylon tea do you realize the value this contains seven cups for one cent try it 25 40 co and 0o in lead paoltasre from leading grocers rarasgrjroggrafjbicmgrea 12 variptles for 25 cts this is a bona fide offer tnsde to inf rodtice mt vcetk nl flower seetls iq new customers and which wo guarantee to please you or the mauntfiald refunded and the 5ceds given as a piescns at -those- prices wo can only offer tho vrlotfei named below omer brnarcber bar what yon want they ore tent by mall post paid select trom the follow infr list veoetables ordsr bj xamlwr 1 tjert kelfpm 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radish wmrennie toronto k

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