fjm jusr what is w aael a place to buy something for new years warriners is the place for novelties in fancy goods or something to wear the greatest variety of mens ties ever shown in stouff- yiue something grand mens overcoats by the hundreds from 250 to 15 jfens and boys suits iu abundance our sacrifice sale is making them ffo dress goods bought in clearing lots to sell one quarter less than the regular price we are doing the trade iw boots because ave guarantee to save you from 10 to 50 cents on every pair you duy froiri us a big lot of candies toys cups and saucers vauses porridge sets water sets fancy glassware slippers hand kerchiefs ties scarfs mitts gloves fur goods and a bi- variety of novelties bought for the xmas trade all t jeact ing prices s m waerineb winter winter gentlemen winter is coming so prepare for it bybuviiig your undeawear top shirt mitts gloves caps and your winter sui f from j j rae as he has the best values to bo found in the town at prices that are lower than the lowest ladies when you want hosiery gloves flannels shaker flannels ladies vests corsets ribbons c call and inspect smash mantle cloths for the next 30 days i am mating special sale of ladies vantle cloths at prices never before heard of call and be convinced specials in groceries victoria jubilee coffee blue ribbon tea daisy oeam baking powder pure laid and cheese the tribune stouffville feb 3 1898 local notices- all advance notoj inthe local columns of the tetbcxeofmoetingr or entertainments at which an ntiion fee is charged or from which a dooaciait benefit is derived mast bo paid for at tbo rate of seven cents per lice each insertion no oharxe less than tweoy5vo cents when bills are printed at this office or advertisements of en tcrtainmenta are inserted a brief local will be riven free local items- cbas booker 13 visiting at the old home miss laura stonfler is visiting f i lends at aurora mrs c vauzant of markbam vis ited at j monkhouses mrs joseph brown has moved tc the premises recootly vacated by erf stoyer we regret to state that jess davis youngest child fell off the table on monday and broke its arm fob sale about 30 tous best tim othy hay apply to jonas miller kipgwood fob sale cfikap a fiuo young quiet driver also now harnessnew buggy and cutter a bargain ij sold miss mav burkholder visited friends in toronto this week for sale parlor coal cook cheap s m warriner learning- makes a man fit company for himself wantbd green and dry wood apply to j monkhouse lovi b hoover vislrpd his aunt mrs carette of toonto this week iunt foigct brays salo on saturday evening and every evening next week the prices are hiiro to sell the goods james and clarence morden visited at the home of their parents mr and mrs w morden miss loretta crosby of markbam visited at simeon stouflers on sun day the celebrated brand of robinsons oysters are the best always on hand at s c tleury cos we are pleased to see mr s wood ard able to be out again after hi severe illness for lack of space some correspon dence had to be left over until next j week mrs watson of gocdwood has moved into one of j brays houses on cburch st job work groceries- as usual i lead the trade in first class groceries teasandcoflees a specialty bible depository jj rae the pioneer mrand mrs bruels ringwod were the guests of miss addie holdeu mr edgerton anderson of uibrtdge visited over sunday at jas andersons the carnival at goodwood is post- pmed till monday night next mr tiuk general organizer of the a o f is engaged looking up new tnombers for the order here wsauders miss laura perkins miss dolla e jewell and miss l san ders attended the oyster supper at million on monday evening a throhbint heart is caused by wrone action of heart and can only bo cured by correcting and regu lation its wotkiug mllburn8 heart- and nerve pilla do this here is the proof mr john griffin st lawrence hotel montreal says they cured me of nervous ness throbbing heart beat jdizzcess and constant headache my heart beats as steady as a clock now glasgow atzce f spofford kcuon ult 1oi1i1ds nnl gwl nshln gs and will sell in the dor time at auction prices the goods are bound tpgoso come with the crowd for bargains some of ihe best lessons no eve v learn wo learn from cur mistakes and failures the error of the past is the wisdom and success of tho future entbktainment on march ivt election day in dtleya hall under the aufplces of our bard exclusive right to the telegraph wires for even ing see bills later the members of the stouffyille epworth league went to blooraington on monday evening and furnished a program for tbo occasion a pleasant and profitable iluie was spent and our leaguers speak in high terms of the kindness and fraternity accorded them it is to be hoped that in a short time we may have the bloomington league with us in a similar capacity there is danger in neglecting a cold many who have died in consumption dated their troubles from exposure followed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a short timo they were beyond the skill of the belt physician had they used bick lca anticonsumptive syrup beforo ii was too late their lives would have been spared this medicine has no equal lor curing ctughs colds and allaffcctions of the throat and lungs tub debate in the mothcdist cburch on friday evening will be not one whit lass interesting than jlho last which is saying a good deal subject resolved that canada is a more desirable country in which to livo than the united states affirmative merrs geo flint and jas hand ncjra tlve jis mccullough l ub and w sangsterm b chairman jas dougherty qjudg8 w bsai dersjjrhowanj w brown and t e perkins patriotic music oy tho choir tickets 20cenr there is sure to bo a crowded house family tickets for the remainder of tbo course debate on this friday evening and grand concert on march 4th bayo boon reduced to 60c siogio course tickets to soc and can bo bad at silvester doughertys store single tickets or each event 20c and can bo bad at the church door 1 have taken much pleasure in hearing miss detta ziegler sing sever al standard selections hor voice is as wo will urnish pintod note heads billheads and envelopes lor 81 atbousarjdn vrovcarpropdrtiouato rates tho atterdanco at tho rink last uvening was not large but tho skat ing exhibition ef miss douglas was of a higb order and all were pleased with bar performances will the party who took ft whp rom th cutter in the baktr hill church bed on sunday night last phase return it to the shed immediately and save lurther iroublo as tho parly is known and was seen taking it away market there was a rood atten rance pi ices wen butter 13 to 16c egits 18 in 20c chickens 85 to wc potatoes 65c beef 61 to gje pork 6 wheat 78 10 85c parley 30 to 87c oats 2g to 27c peas 60 to 68c hay s7 straw 2 50 tho annual meeting and social of tho congregational chinch hold feb 3rd was a complete success during- the year about 950 was raised for all church purposes ail accounts aro reported paid in full aud the best of harmony jrnvails in every ment mr and mrs- miller visited friend in markham tuesday mrs mc neely of markham was a guest of mrs mowat over sunday mrs geo thompson is very ill with inflammation of ho lungs the dr is in daily attendance mrs parker is still very ill mrs thomas pairkar and mrs david parker of toronto visited- mrs b parker this weok wttitoitrptia3roteiini witnta sore throat during tho past week tho assessor is again on his rounds it will be in order to hide the dogs tho men are busy hauling ice mr st john bsingthe first to commence mrs latcham bad a bee to sew oirpet rags one day lately quite a number of the neighbors went and spent a very pleasant afternoon may thoro be another soon communication i- the following memo has found its way into our hands re the pork packing co of stouffvillo each day notes an improvement in tho situation mcotings aro well attended leading farmers are subscribing to the stock and aro advocating tho matter in their districts a number of stock sub scription boaks are out at different local ities and wsdo a wako people are canvas sing fanners in the several districts it is now only a question of time when tho farmers will see as largo and well equip ped pork packirig establishment in stouffvillo as can bo seen in any part of canada and at the same time know jit is thair own factory in every sense of the word it will be the best paying insti tution that thoy ever had anything to do with mcotings are advertised for every evening for tho next three weeks at dif ferent points under the presentsystem of soiling their hogstho farmer is only getting mariet piicofcr his hogs under the now system their own porkpacking company he gets all tho profits tjiat are in the hog which are numerous before they reach tho consumer- it would not bo amiss to advise oyery farmer to attend tho meetings in their localityand gut a good idea ofwhat this undertaking inaans for himself an interested observer goes the bottom out of every thing did you ever see anything like it boots shoes selling for about halt the regular price aitd as for boys ready to wear suits and overcoats yjse v williamson dapart- a tendency to premature baldness may be prdhiptly checked by ibo use ofayels hair vigor dont dclav till the scalp is bare and the harroois destroyed l ou would realize tho best results begh at onco with ibis invaleablo preparation evangelist a w main who was announced last week as boing expec ted at thu congregational church has been unavoidably delayed by sickness his coming however may shortly bo ox pec ted the ordination and induction of rov j o wison will tako place in st jame church here on tuoslay noxt pres bytery meets si 1030 a m in the church ordiiiotion at 230 p m rsv j a brown will preside- rov r martin will preach dr carmichaei will addrtss tho paster and roy jas fraser tho people no family living in a bilicus country should bo without punnelces vegetable pills a few docs token now and then will keep tho liver active clenosc tho stom ach and bowels from al bilious matter and prevent actio mr j l price shoals martin co lnd writes i have tried a box of parmeleoa pills and find them tho best medicine for fever and ague i have over used the butterfly hand separator seoms on the 3rd of juno lrst civin ifake issued a writ against t williamson for 5000 damages for rjlegcdjrndor wo understand that afr yikos statement was that mr wilbpmson told mrs frank coopci- of stouuvilo that he yakf held a 1200 note mado by his father hiram yke whch he would hold until tho father died and then put it ii as a claim against the fathors estate or en dorse it over to a third prty also that williamson told hor to tell hiram yaku this so that ho gmight protect himself and williamson know that no such- notu was in existence it is also alleged that williamson told htnry and charles craw ford that calyin yako forced a note beforo this calvin managed his fathers business but since that he lost confidence in his son and would not transfer certain propoity to him to which ho was entitled on tuesday tho case camo up bcfoio judge mcmahon tho crawfords ad mitted on crossosatrination that the al leged slandor complained of which stated that yako had forged tho name of his father to a noto for 1500 occurred on tho 15th of july last herbert lennox tho examining counsol turned up tho writ and found tho dato upon which it was issued was juno lith 1897 mr justice moiphons attention was called to tho fact hat tho writ had been issued boforo the alleged slander had taken place his lordship wondorod ovor this fact and immediately dismissed tho caso lobb baird for plaintiff and robiu- son lonnox lennox stouffvillo for defendant wo understand thats being industriously oircnlateglthat we intend to invest money in the pork packing enterprise which is being dis cussed in this neighborhood wo have been informed- that tho sum of money which it is stated we intend to invest in the forgoing business varies from an amount which it is ridiculous to mention and that this imapinary pro miso of ours has bco nusi d is an oicon ragement to others to invest monoyin the samo business- now wo wish to slate that we have never given any promise of any support to the pork packing co we do not know whether we would bo inclined to favor we are cutting them down at about 20 per cent below cost be hard on my r was posii tage and asquicl ble as i have to be in toronto at a ceriaintime ft2s the list of prices for tbo proposition or notas wo bavnt had jibm s fc weeks a will be continued as the people are beginning to appreciate tho fcft jrgains they are getting in this iepartment in fact quite a number ho had s fl g to buy m toronto have been led to cunge their mindfter inspecting rgoots an opportunity of hearing tho proposed scheme explained it may or it may not be feasible we know nothing oither for or ngalnstit i wo aro yours sc j bruce bbos gorroloy fib7thl898- stouffvlllcl council soprano of good compass and very to bo taking the load with good bntte excellent quality which she has under admirable control miss ziegler sings with much expression and breadth of stylo generally her enunciation i c and distinct and bar intonation unusually correct she is admirably equipped as a church or concert soloist in oither of which capacitlo sho should prove very successful sgd a s voiot organist jarvis street bap- i tlst church conductor mendelssohn toronto teacher of pianoforte and srgan at toronto conservatory of makers it makes money for them solomon burkholder of pickering reports 10 lbs more butter per week from eight cows and a far better quality silvester dougherty are agents fof tbo butterfly pbivatb school miss brown wishes toannounco to tho public that intends opening a private school whore she will be pleased to rccelvo for instruction children from 5 to 8 years of ago for terms and particulars apply personally at her boarding i house mrs hesters mala stcot births wagg on monday feb7th on 9th line the wife of jas warg of a son marred lake lawless at rlngwood on dec 80lh 1897 by rov a bedford mr wellington lako to miss elcu v lawless both of rlngwood sali iegjstj2r tuesday feb 15th at 1 p m at lot 35 rear of 7tb concession pickerw the farm stock and implements of c nitcbs wander t pourhcr auct wednesday feb icth at 1pm at lot 27 she j rear of 8th concasion markbam tho farm stock and implements of jobnl rawhngs n e smith auct satrdav feo 10 is9s at lpm at lot 18 6con lint gwiilimbnry farm stock implements o belonging to mrs- fyilu leopard n e smith auct council met in the council chamber on tuesday evening fq8th mombors all present except wj stalk reovo in tho chair a by law was paasoii appointing audit ors to audit tho village accounts n forsyth n stouffor j dougherty and w stouffor representatives of the stouffvillo cornet band were heard in roforence to a grant from tho council tondore woro received for the villago printing for 1893 and tho contract was awarded tor p couison for tho sum of 8500- tho reovo and o s mncdonald woro appointed a committee to correspond with mr j woodcock regarding a lot formerly owned bfjh tool and sold for nonpaymomtititxo8v tho reeve aqdolork woro instructed to sign a contract for tho corporation with roforence to tho purchase of hose at tho sum of 8760- tho following accounts voro ordered to bo paid ne connor 8 8 75 silvester doughorty 25 public library rent 16 00 gutla poreha co 188 00 fd miller 1176 jhiutclift 32 95 tho clerk was authorized to go to toronto and consult with stinson co in roferenco to tho watorworks deben tures as thoy have purchased thorn from hanson co montreal a resolution was passed in roforonco to asking for tendon for printing water- works debentures the road and bridgo committee word instructed to advertise and sell by public auction tho windmill tanks t pumps belonging to tho corporation i haovaltos trao on is prompt to relievo and sure to core coughs colds sore threat pain in tho chest hoarseacss quinsy etc price 25 c now a word about my photographic business toronte you all known that i am going back to photographing and will be located at yonge street next door to the corner of adelaide west side m i am now making arrangemonts to have the light in my studio so altered as to harmonize with the latest scientific discoveries in the art if lighting and am pushing the very best instruments that are to bo had along with this remember that i nave had nearly thirty years experienre during which time i have photographed nearly mmlfel a are all being sold at getting out prices t e peek ins great bargain house stouffville i q