r- agricultural 6elbctixg and handling beef cattle when tee thoughtful farmer so di vide hts acres that his cattle will hare the thinner rougher portions over which to graze and retains the richer fields for producing food for their win ter keep ia has taken the initiatory tap in the successful management of his farm writes a o lockbridge by soch a division every part of his lands will be put to the best use to which they are adapted and he will thus be able to put to a practical suc cessful test the wise old agricultural maxim sell nothing off of the farm but fat atock this done his next care will be a selection of the kind of stock he desires to fatten he will find beef cattle both pleasant and pro fitable to handle it will pay him best to handle a superior grade of cattle and a proper seleotion means a great deal to the feeder much importance therefore attaches to this point and the thrifty farmer should make him self thoroughly acquainted with its minutest details he should have a high standard of excellency in the se lection of his herd and adhere to it as rigidly as possible he may not attain to his lolty ideal of a steer in every instance but his successful se lection will bo marked just in the de gree in which he is firm alert and cri- tical it coats less proportionately to fatten a good steer than an illmade one and it is easier ultimately to find a remunerative market for him the farmers standard therefore should be that kind of an animal whose parts where beef should grow are well devel oped the frame of such a steer mil surely indicate this in selecting feeding cattle first look the herd over as a whole ami thus ascertain as near ly as possible that they range well to gether that is mat an are about of wie same woight do not buy some that will weigh onb or two hundred pounds more than the general herd such steers will always be bosses in the feed lot and will get more than their share of the daily rations and this too at the expense of weaker ones tluch bossism results in an inequality in the herd that is plainly noticeable even at the end of the grazing season when it is being finished off for mar ket riding cautiously among cattle en horseback is a good way to judge their points as you can then see well over their backs andsidos walk slow ly through the herd with an occasional soothing word so as not to scare them and thereby prevent your gotting a good satisfactory look at them- cattle are very wary of strangers and even fio slight a thing as a little false step will sometimes saa them scampering away scan each steer over slowly and critically first of all look sharp ly at his jaws to sea whether he is free from big jawi if there is a lump upon tho jaw just at the point of it on a line b3low the ear reject him at once in a majority of instances it will turn out to be a big jaw or as it is more scientifically known cancer jaw and such steers are an absolute loss to the owner now stand upon one side of the steer he should be ve flu ftra0fal7 outward iit curved sstte hammed thereby insuring large juicy round steaks let his flank be low down and come straight across from the thigh joint to the navel he should be well develon- d la the region of the heart just back of tho foreleg as the vitality of the ainunnl depends very much upon this point his brisket should be promin ent- projecting well in front of the fore legs and nicely rounded his head should be rather small for his carcass with a broad dished face eyes well apart clean muzzle and a short powerful jaw so the animal can easily and thoroughly masticate his food in this particular as indeed in all others regard the animal ob a factory for the express purpose of turning tho raw products of your farm into a finished article of merchandise the more readily tho animal can masticate his food the higher will be the degree of its assimilation and consequent gain in i a wellformed steer viewed from the side will present an oblons shape like a shoo box for instance only larger that is with his head and legs discarded in the outline note nis legs that they bo fine and short especially from tho knee to the pastern joint a steer with a coorte lonir leg is never a good fattener as wl 1 costly of the manures when it bought tbe merchant bases bis price for mixed fertiliiers more on the nitro gen they contain than on any our ingredient moreover when it i in the structures of these plants it is in a much less dangerous condition ana is more easily appropriated by ceeding crops than in tbe form o min eral nitrates or animal refuse anese latter really do considerable harm applied directly to tender seeds or rootlets and should be well mixed with tbe soil at about tbe time the plsnts will need the nitrogen to stimulate tbeir growth for it l very volatie when turned into ammonia by union with water phosphorio acid and potash must also be applied properly many pef fail to get the good effects from them which they might reasonably expect this is one point that should be thor oughly understood by farmers fruit growers and gardeners the preven tive measure is to apply potash and phosphorio acid in the 2 and let the rains and melted snows thoroughly dissolve these mineral man ures and mix them with the soil the homb having company the letter read ul dearest sn next thursday i will spend wkn winte by british flab coffeo into too pot and then pour ia the cooked water while it is boiling hot put in all the water that will ha needed at once so as to have the greatest quantity at hand to absorb ween soils require limb it ia known that litmus paper be comes red when exposed to acids and blue when exposed to alkalies place some of the soil in a cup of water hav ing the contents of the consistency of thick paste allow it to stand about fifteen minutes and then insert into the soil the end of a piece of blue lit mus paper after five minutes have elapsed withdraw the paper and rinse in clear water if the paper has been reddened then the soil is acid and lime may be applied much depends how ever from which portion of the field the sample soil is taken a better plan which requires more time how ever is to grow two small plots of beets using lime only in one plot as lime is very beneficial to beets the ef fect of the limed plot will be noticeable if the soil lacks lime one point to ob serve is that lime must be f ioo and not applied sn lumps and it should be evenly distributed while it is not necessary to work the lime in with the harrow if it is applied on rough land in the fall yet it should be thoroughly mixed with the soil with tho harrow if put on the land in the spring as it may injure eeed if the application is large a lime spreader will be found service able in applying lime in recommend ing the use of lime it is not inferred that it will serve as a fertilizer it is a fertilizer to a certain extent but not a complete one the benefit from lime is mostly due to its chemical ac tion on the soil cme on the decrease annual report of ontarios in spector op prisons sometimes say there ia too much day light under him next view the anl- ml from behind he should have a full round body wide in the bind quar ters rump points well up and on a line with the spine and with springing hooplike ribs good springing ribs are one of the chief essentials of a first- class beefbearing animal if the ribs spring well out from tbe backbone slightly rising as they project tbey will always insure fine juicy roast cuts of beef tour herd should be formed from those breeds of cattle that ore noted for their beefbearing qualities breeds that have been bred for a long period of time with that one object in view you will be certain then to get the most profitable animals for your purpose the superior breeds in this class are the- shorthorns the horefords and the polledangus cattle ranking in the order named the shorthorns or durham steers i think are the best not only on account of their excellent feeding qualities but tlso of their fancy showy appearance when thoroughly finished up by judi cious handling the hercfords are very profitable cattle taking on ftesb rapidly and symetrically the pollcd- angus cattle are good rustlers after forage hardy for cold winters always weighing out better than their size would indicate but are coarser in form than the shorthorns or the florefords there are oilier breeds of cattle that can lay some claim to beefbearing qualities but the above named are de cidedly tho best fertilizing to a purpose thfcro are five things that are especi ally needed by the soil humus nitro gen potash and phosphoric acid with water to permeate and dissolve them humus is the decayed and decaying vegetable matter in the soil it gives it that dark rich color as we call tt it makes it light and porous so that it will hold large quantities of water just as the sponge does and in ft live the little invisible friends tho myriads of bacteria which fix or hold the nitrogen that certain plants gath- 6r from the air and make it available for the coming crops stable minuro ui make this humus so will crops that are ploughed under such as the tlovcrs cow peas and soja beans and fte nitrogen which tboy at tbe time bring to tje soil is much cheaper than ut bought at a big price in fertilizer bag facts ami fitarc which show but drunk earn u necomluu u commoncoil or maliildlnliiat id central some interesting facts are contained in the annual report of the ontario inspector of prisons and reformator ies- before figures are gone into it is stated that the majority of the jails in tho province are poor both from a sanitary point of view iju ccwiv year will ac aomo improvements in this respects during the past year there has been a desire on the part of counties to establish county bouses this the de partment think is a step in the right direction as it will relieve the jails from overcrowding another thing that was plainly shown by the figures was that drunk enness was on the decrease there bad been 1716 committals during the past twelve months and that was a de crease of 191 from the previous year in the last fifteen years there had been a noticeable falling off in in ebriates in 1882 there were 4777 com mittals for drunkenness this the re port says shows the result of legis lation and the work done by the tem perance people in the jails 598 committals tho number of committals to the central prison were 598 which with 380 in custody on october 1st makes tbe total number incarcerated during the year s78 this is two less than the previous twelve months only once in five years wore the committals so few whilo the average population 398 is the highest known to the prison this is accounted for by the fact that during tbe history of the prison down to 1896 the average sen tence had been six months and 22 days while in 1897 the average was increased to nine months showing that long sentences have a beneficial effect the falling off of committals has been most marked and the indica tions seem to point to a diminution of crimo in the province the number of vagrants this 3ear is much below the number of previous years the aver- ago for the past three years has eon 56 compared with 125 for the three years previous to 1894 the cost per capita maintenance of prisoners has been 391 cents per day against 488 cents of 1896 or a decrease of 57 cents ccst of the central the total outlay at tho central was ss680624 as against 6377777 in 00 tho net earnings of industries amount ed to 82469059 reducing the cost of maintenance to 22 cents per prisoner tho total net costs for the year were 3211563 in the central there are a number of cells that are inadequate in tbo hospital there is no provision for the separation of the patients tbe school room was too small and inadequately equipped there has been a great falling off in the number committed to tbe on tario reformatory for boys there were only 37 commitments in the lost twelve months as compared with 55 the previous year tho average popu lation has gone down from 209 in 1890 to j32 and the number in residence 123 is the smallest on record- some recommendations tbo report recommends that the in mates of the mercer reformatory be given more systematic employment last year there woro 93 committals or six loss than tbe year lfore to tho refuge there were sent 22 against 24 in 1896 tho total number of commitments was 8884 as compared with 9058 for 1896 shwving a decrease of 174 of this numlr 411 were committed for crimes against the person while 176 were sent to jail for crimes against public morals and decency i wonenjoyl my risxu though if any trouble i bestow ob rmao glad cried y for company la such deugnt but looking round her in cusmay i must get ready right away armed with a dustpan and af she went to work in every room she oiled and polished cleaned ana rubbed- and mended scoured washed n scrubbed then in tbe kitchen she began while perspiration down her ran at pies and puddings cakes and bread a if an army must be fed she toiled and fretted cooked and she hurried worried stewed andach- vbec thursday came she nearly dead l just managed tot crawl out of bed and mrs company came too they kissed and hugged like women and then began tired mrs white to make excuses never right then waxen oh dear my house clean is most too dirty to be seen so shut your eyes youre looking stout take off your things im just worn out you must excuse my cooking too it isnt lit to offer you twas fit for kings too bad you come just when im upside down at home and thus she welcomed and dis tressed and spoiled the visit of her guest who wished she hadnt come to be a tired womans company receipt for making yeast the following receipt for making yeast was taken from the western rur al twentyseven years ago and has been used in the writers family ever since put a little warm water in a bowl and crumb a yeast cake into it when soft fill the bowl half full of warm wa ter and stir in hour till thick as bread- sponge and set to rise put a small handful of hops a large handful might make the yeast too bit ter into a granite kettle or well scour ed tin pan never in iron as it makes the yeast dark colored and pour over them one quart of boiling water and let them stand on the stove well cov ered for five minutes feel and slice six medium sized potatoes strain the hops and return the hop water to the dish in which they were boiled or rath er steeped adding more water if ne cessary- end put in the sliced potatoes cover closely and boil them until very soft being careful not to let them burn when done set a colander over a onegallon earthen jar and pour the two cups of water in the jar set tbe potatoes one side to cool and stir two cups of flour into the hop and po tato water in the- jar while it is hot press the potatoes through a colander and stir them in after tho flour add onehalf cup of sugar one slightly rounding tablespoonful of salt and a tablespoonful of ginger when the mix ture in the jar is cool enough to allow of your finger being held in it put n the bowl of light sponge and sot m a warm place to rise when light place it in the cellar- and it will keep for three weeks and when making yeast hgain use a cup of this yeast instead of a yeast cake use ono cup of yeast for four loaves of bread the coffee essence then let tbe pot stand 00 the store until the water has again come to a good hard boil re move it and the coffee u ready if you want milk have the milk boil ed and remember that milk is better than cream to bring out the coffee flavor there ia one other way to make cof fee but it is not so good that la the oldfashioned yankee method of put ting the coffee in the pot with cold water and leaving the pot on tbe fire until the water comes to a brisk boil the yankee coffee pot has a whistle on it which blows when the steam comes out and gives notice that the coffee is ready just how much coffee to use for each cup no one can tell you truly coffee differs as much in strength as it does in flavor of one sample you might hare to use twice ha much as of anoth er but this we wish to impress up on you there is a possible disadvan tage in using too much coffee did you ever try to test the odor of con centrated lerfuuies in tbe form in which they are sold by tho wholesale trade of perfumers if you open a bottle right under your nose you will not get a pleasing odor on the other hand if you hold the bottle at arms length and wave it gently to and fro the nostrils will be delighted with the disseminated essence so with coffee all you need is enough to fill tbe wa ter with a fullbodied flavor and more would be not only a waste but worse when you have once learned to dis tinguish the true fiaror from the taste of the roasted vegetable and sugary matter whioh most people mistake for it you will soon learn how much cof fee to use is all the gold tebbitory late ly discovered mleblplcetcm amd lake fthe- wood la ontario iuteay yale la ttrllbfc cimm tu the klondike i sortfcweu items of interest- homemade candies homemade sweetmeats are always very much more appreciated by the majority of people than shopbought ones this is not surprising for un less sweetmeats bear the name of a manufacturer who is above suspicion and there are tew such there are all sorts of possibilities of adulterated sugar poisonous coloring matters and uncleanliness in preparation home made sweets on the contrary will be absolutely pure and the flavor some thing out of the common run these successful receipts for sweetmeats are prepared for our readers benefit this morning walnut nougat- blanch the skin off one pound weight of walnuts and chop it into small pieces take four ounces of best honoy place it in a tin vessel and that again in a saucepan of hot water boil in this until the honey becomes ep coagulated that it can be rolled intola ball then add one ounce of confectioners sugar and the wellbeaten white of en egg stir well and mix inthe walnuts have ready some buttered papers iawhich to pour the nougat mixture making it as thick aa possible and as a final touch dust sugar over the top of the sweetmeat it must be allowed to cool before it is out a chocolate caramels takev two cups of cooking sugar half a cujjl of milk half a cup of rrlw onioafince of sweetened chocolate according to a correspondent of tbo new york engineering and mining journal the outlook for mining in bri tish columbia is splendid itls asome- what remarkable fact be says that al most all the great discoveries of gold within the last jtwo or three years on the north american continent have been in british territory we have miehipiooten and the lake lot the woods ra ontario we have kootenay and yao in british cokrmbia and the klondike in northwest canada in all these countries british hw and order prevail and british justice is admin istered and that in such a manner as to command not only tbe admiration and respect of britons themselves but the unqualified approval of every am erican engaged in mining there money con be safely invested in wes tern canada and sfc wisely invested by men acquainted with the country and its people it will yield a large return so far as yukon ia concerned i feel that ontu the gountry ia opened up by railways and the telegraph most of the gold will be secured by individual miners who bimgly or in small parties go in and work their ovn claims no doubt large companies will in the meantime make considerable profit on trading and transportation and later when the country is more accessible and the quartz deposits which undoubtedly ex ist there are exploited they may make largo sums in mining in british columbia especially in kootenay and yale there are many opisnfriga for tbe investment of cap ital as regards mining it is essenti ally a country for the operations of cxttnpanies with large capital small companies or private individuals can of course acquire claims develop them a little and then iresell to larger com panies new towis and villages are rising up all pver tho country and fortunes will be jmado by those who invest discreetly in building lots and real estita in this direction a great deal of money has already been made and is being made to-dayi- take the town of rossland he an illustration three years since the town was prac tically nomvexistent and today it has a population of about 7000 it has two ways and un addition the canadian pa cific railway intend to build there next year there are three banks about 150 business establishments exclusive of the mines iarge hotels churches schools two doily papers electric light telephones etc the city is goverhod by a mayor and corporation and ts assessment amounts to about 30f lots itti the swords- made wlh coffeemaking of course the first thing is to get good coffee the next important step in the preparation of coffee is the roasting once upon a time and not so very long ago particular persons had to ronst the beans themselves but it is better done today by the great houses whioh do it for the trade your good grocer will have his coffee fresh roasted every day or two and you should never buy more than a weeks supply at a time if your grocer has more than ono color of roast get tho bright roast grind tho coffee at home and only enough at a time to moke one draw ing here is whore your true skill must begin to show itself for the french coffee pot or any other of the filtering pots the coffee has to be ground very fine and this is the first element in their wasteful character you know what a delicious odor arises from the coffee mill when tbe fresh roasted beans are crushouvin it every appetizing whiff which comes from that mill is just so much lost to your cup of coffee and a very material loss too the essence of the coffee bean is very volatile it is held in minute cells the sides of which in tbo raw bean are able to retain it for years we roast the bean to make these cell walb friable and porous co water and at the same time we make thorn some what porous to tbe essence still if we do not break tho bean into fine pieces we will not at once take so much of the essence as we will if we grind it finely what we want is to break it into pieces just as largo asj put aiytbese ingredients in a saucepan andxilfor fifteen minutes stirring regularly hav near a cupful of cold water and into this drop a few drops of the syrup at a time if it hardens the mixture is to be taken from thefire remove it then and stir the moss steadily until it begins to cool in this condition odd one teaspoonful of essence of van illa and turn the whole mass into flat buttered tins allowing the syrup to attain a depth of about half an inch just before it quite hardens mark the caramel into email squares with a knife a few raraxrspbi yfhlcb may be ri the average life of women who work for a living is thirtysix yenxs- in tbe polar regions the seas con tain less salt than those near the equator the full dress uniform worn by an english cabinet minister on state oc casions ocsts about six hundred and thirty dollars upun half an acre of land in anson me l j tinkham last sea son raised two hundred and ninety bushels of turnips a horse aide a shepherd at cham bers savoy in keeping the herd to gether and does it as effectual as the best trained dog v it is a strange fact that injuries to the tongue whether of man or ani mal heat more quickly than those of any other part of the system an organ of superior tone and pow er has just been erected in the church of st ignatius san francisco it has five thousand pipes and weighs one hundred thousand pounds the street oars in swedish cities rare ly stop for passengers men and wo men there are quite agile and expert in jumping on and off while the cars aro in motinn the largest sweet potato on record was grown last season in abilene kansas by john graham it is cn inches in length twentyfive in cir cumference and weighs nine and three- quarter pounds in most of the bouses of lima peru animals are kept on the roofs of the houses a colts first view of thq sun is usually from a root and it never descends until it comes down as beef to cure her chapped hands miss carrie reed of camden n j wash ed them in gasoline then she tried to dry them over a fire in an instant they were ablaze and serious burns resulted a wheel was one of the christmas presents received by a brooklyn young lady she tried it on the day it came into hor possession and while riding on flatbush avenue tell and split her kneecap she will be lame for life thank godl exclaimed john ev draper a colored man who was a witness in a baltimore court on be ing informed by a lawyer that he had no more questions to ask the judge promptly fined the witness five dol lars for contempt of court by e new rule of the health offi cials of alameda county cal every cow in good condition must wear a button on one of its horns tho ab sence of this button denotes that the cow is not iii good health and that its milk is unfit for food the only army pensioner in mis souri- who receives one hundred dol lars a month is frank mark of st louis although he served buc six teen days in the army he is well en titled to thepensjoi lunches for school children it is letter for a person who is to study all day to have only a light lunch at noon and more hearty food at night all that children need who are attend ing school are sandwiches soup salad and fruits some lemon jelly in the place of fruit or some cooked figs make a nice variation if the children carry their lunch the soup and salad will have to bo omitted the principal thing in preparing a lunch is to have it dainty and attractive tho sandwiches should be made in different shapes and wrapped in par affin paper butter the bread before lb is cut from the loaf as it will retain the shape better a nice lunch would consist of one ham sandwich ono let tuce sandwiob and an orange or one chicken sandwich one celery sandwich and an applet add moro fruit in pre ference o other food there arc a var iety of sandwiches so that tbe child need not bavo the same kind two days in a week whole wheat bread is the most nutritious sandwiches made by using dates are very nice chceso sand wiches ffnd egg sandwiches may bo made grate tbo cheese and spread it thinly on tho bread and season toast ed cheese may be used by slicing very thin before toasting in using eggs chop bardboiled eggs very fine with just a littlo speck of parsley and add a very little mustard mixed with vin egar in using jettuce for sand wiches use french dressing which is made by putting half teaspoon salt and one saltspoon popper in a bov1 and add six tablespoons salad oil very gradu ally add ono teaspoon vinegar and and 1500 each that two or three yeaxs since could have been bought for 20 or 39- ross- land is likely to be a large city and to experience still further appreciation in values 60 in nelson and other towns what has occurred here wml be repeated to some extent ia other towns throughout the country good interest rates owing to the fact that nearly every man in the country has his spare cash invested in mines money can be loaned on fitstcloss security in first mort gages cm city real estate to return the investor 12 iper cent per annum 6urely it is worth remembering that all these opportunities of which i speak are in one of our own british colonlea and within 12 days journey of lor don in a country where british insti tutions prevail wthore our judges are elected far life and justice is firmly and impartially administered we have no native troubles of any kind nor are wo likely to have for we treat our indians with consideration practically every male british sub ject who is of age has a vote and we have parlaoment elected by the people and not by an insignificant minority thereof as in a certain country where englishmen have poured out money like water there will be no jameson raid in british columbia or the yukon nor are there likely to be any seri ous political troubles for tbo people are free and govern themselves and there can le no stronger guarantee than this for tho permanence of political insti tutions these surely are considerations to carry weight with british investors as also should the knowledge of this fact that in every part of canada are men and women who are loyal to the hearts core and who proudly join with us in acknowledging tho sovereignty of our beloved queen and in sharing tho cit izenship of the greatest empire tho world has ever knoivn how the besrcwords are manff- factored amd tested rfa mmxt maa la kaxuuut he dees xuuhft break tlw 7luhed steelis acrr favourite erike a- the recent fighting in india baa co alarmed lord salisbury that he has prevailed upon the qoeen to send ai supply of tine birmingham emrord to the english troops in india writes a correspondent of the cleveland leaded fighting at doso range the english have been driven back from their strongholds through the impotence of tbeir bayonets which crumbled under thrust and the delicacy of their sword that snapped when in use the troops of india on the other hand armed with native dirks and swords made steady advances and the result was defeat rather than advance the quee has op the use of swords but now consentsto their use and proud of her work she has for the first time in the history of great bri tain thrown open to the public the royal small arms factory at sparkbrocw near birmingham sword making hitherto the queen has carefully- guarded the making of her rifles and swords and those who were in the sea- ret hlve like hiram maxim with hid gun kept to themselves the process by which small arms are made but lnj these days of war talk it is nob abaijj thing to know- how these pieces of stees are turned out in tho first place england does not prebend to use all the arms that aha manufactures but she gees on mak ing them and storing them away in tbe big storehouses for use some day if need be the process by which the rifles are made is not greatly different from that of other countries but the swords bare a process of their own which is truly remarkable the writer had the pleasure of going through the small arms factory neajjk birmingham a few days ago and oi seeing the swords turned oat the bars of crude steel are brought in loads to the factory ready to bo made into swords the building in which they are made is a long low one and each workman is impressed with the- im portance of his position in her ma jestys workshops there is no such thing as slighting a piece of work the men are paid large sums even in these days of english low wages and each understands that he has an important part of the work resting on his shoulders the workmen in the first open shops were at work upon bars o rolled ptej which 0 am c5nnon deprived mmof creased trousers are so admired by a certain captain of the st louis po lice that he insists upon his men hav ing their- nether garments conspicu ouslypressed those who are unable to pay for this wrinkle- have it daily renewed at the expense of the captain a species of gum tree called tho eucalyptus amygdalina which grows in victoria n s w sometimes at tains a height of four hundred and seventy feet ono specimen four hun dred and twenty feet high had no branches within two hundred and ninetyfive feet of the root and the trunk where the first branch sprout- ed was four feet in diameter natural gas has been flowing for ages in several sections of the caucas- sian provinces bordering tbe caspian sea many of these gas wells have constantly emitted flames for a per iod beyond tho memory of living men and aro superstitiously spoken of as the eternal fires an unusual accident happened to a young man in fishing creek valley near york pa he leaned his gun against a tree trunk while he climb ed tho tree in quest of a birds nest his movements jarred the trunk the gun was discharged and the shot en tered his bide causing death items of interest best way to ascend stairs jlnuv boiling water shako till white whn ho child comes homo to din- can thoroughly penei nor h0 an0 have as much soupas ho trate and no larger or smaller the proper size you will find is pieces natal has been enlarged by the an nexation of zululand and amatonga- land under letters patent issued by tbo crown that the transvaal republic and the orange free state are not also annexe la due to a little mlscalcula- i vft- nitrogen u far the moat j uon made two years ago about onetwelfth of an inch squaro or about as big as cubes broken from tbo lead of an ordinary lead iencil your wifo will think that very coarso and you will get but little flavor from the coffeo mill during the grinding this you will readily understand when you compare tho small number of broken cells exposed on the surface of these coarse grains and tbo far greater number cut into by fino grinding everything should havo been mado ready for the making of tho coffeo be fore tho grinding was done but this isnt much now wo will tell you thol most important of trade secrets most people understand that in order to pro perly daw a cup of tea or to make coffee boiling water is necessary but there is something moro tbo water must be cooked water that has mere ly been brought to a boil for some rea son will not absorb tho essence free ly for making both tea and coffee tho water must be boiled for fifteen or twenty minutes now for tho ikt let it be just an ordinary plain coffee pot either of tin or granite ware bet of course bo sure that it is clean and that the tinning or granite enamel is perfect so that no iron is exposed if tho iron is ex posed it will bo certain to make ink wants rather than meat tho soup should be the substantial part of tho meal cream celory soup this is very nut ritious and easily made ono quart milk 1 pint water 1 tablespoon but ter 2 large tablespoons flour 3 roots of celory wnsh and cut the celery in small pieces cover with cold water and boil till tender one hour is about long enough heat the milk in a dou ble toiler melt tho butter stir the flour with it and add to tho milk drain the celery saving water drained out press through a colander and add to the milk season and servo at once add tho water that was drained off stewed figs cover figs with cold water soak over night drain add fresh water a bay leaf cook slowly till tender to half lb figs add 20 blanched almonds just before tho figs are dono let boil about a minute take out with skimmer and pour over them some of tho juice use no sugar as figs and dates are rich in natur al sugar calling him off indignant bicyclist madam your dog snaps at me every time i pass hero be comes starts off old lidy sport sport i you foolish dog i come here them aint bones thcmsl egs- ilow a tiresome climb slay kuiir a physician who declares that but very few people know how to walk up stairs properly gives these instructions usually a person will tread on tbo ball of his foot in taking each step this is very tiresome and wearing on tho muscles as it throws the entire sus pended weight of tho body on tho mus cles of tho feet and logs you should in walking or climbing stairs seek for the most equal distribution of tho bodys weight possible in walking up stairs your test should bo placed squarely down on the stop heel and all and then tbe work should be per formed slowly and deliberately in this way there is no strain upon any particular muscle but each ono is do ing its duty in a natural manner the man who goes upstairs with a spring you may bo sure is no philosopher or at least his reasoning has not lccn directed to that subject tho doctor might havo gone a littlo further in that same lino and protested against tho habit which many perwons havo of bending over half double whenever they ascend a flight of stairs in ex ertion of this kind when the heart is naturally excited to more rapid action it is desirable that the lungs should have full play but tho crouching position interiors with their action the blood is imperfectly aerated and there is trouble right away give the lungs a chance to do their work cvorywhero and at all tima c ulttjred instincts our cook fa so refined is abet yes she has never broken anything bat oar most expensive and artistic i china a fw rnrajpaph which hnroe found wo nit itfndlnit whistling in the streets of mankato kansas is against the law seattle will henceforth supply free books to the pupils in the public schools the japanese postmen use bioycles when their routes he in the rural dis tricts grasshoppers in argentina are whop pers many of them being four inches in length an editor in huron kansas in an nouncing- the arrival of his first baby says wo wouldnt take 910000 for mm nor pay fifty cents for another pensioners are blessed with immor- falcvitality in the united states in the year 1883 there wero303g58 pen sioners in 1897 they bad increased to 970014 pupils in tbo schools of nueya leon mexico are hcreaftor to be taught to write and perform all manual tasks with the left as well as with the right hand the famous black horse onco owned by general boulangor and which was one of ur attractions of military par ades in paris now draws a hack in the streets of the french metropolis j thief i go way you thief i scream ed a parrot in a bird store on ninth avenue new york as policeman tay lor was passing on his nightly round tho officer entered and found a burg lar concealed under a cot led a eculiar flavor of the eako sold by a london baker lot to an investiagtion then it came to light that decayed cggr were an important ingredient of nis cake officers seized 1615 ancient eggs in his bakeehoji the rpv n a forrest of webster city iowa severely censured some young ladies of it is congregation for attending aance two of the girls armed ihemselvai with whips and casti gated the clergyman raising sevoral welts on his face sir john lubtock tho naturalist made fifty ants stupidly drunk and then jdaced them near an anthill sev eral sober ants came out picked up their friends and put thorn to bed to stop off the effects of their tipplo the strangers however they hustled into a ditch- riedr ranit out or uaw deposited into a massive machine here tbe steel was elongated and cut off at the right length it- was then placed under a steam hammer which shaped it in approximately the shape that it finally bears the rifles being rounded and ihe sword steel flattened it was then put through a bewilder- ing mass of machinery gcing from one machino to another until it has passed through one hundred processes and been carried by twelve miles of leather belting it was afterwards carried in- to another building where final work was put uoon it and finally jnto thia 3 third building where it was to be test ed by machinery the big man the most interesting thing of all is the final testing of the swords this is done by one man the most powerful workman in the united kingdom ho weighs nearly three hundred pounds and is as muscular asbe is heavy he is a giant and could take a place in any dime museum in the world he is an athlete as well as a giant audi keeps up his strength by constant ex ercise this mans work is to test- the swords he has before him an im mense elm block round- and hard without the smallest defect in it it is absolutely smooth and there is no chance for a groove or flaw as tho swords are turned out they are placed in great piles near this huge workman- and the giant takes them one by one and tries them upon the olm iock ho takes his sword in his rlfcht hand and with all his force strikes tho block with the blade if it provoi equal to tbo test and does not snap he turns it over and strikes the block with the back of the sword he stands alone in a big open space so that no one can be hurt by a defec tive piece as it flies off if it passes this test it is a pretty good sword and needs only the final trial of thej bridge the bridge trial consists in bend ing the sword over amachine until it describes a beautiful curve it la then quickly released and must snap back to ith former position it is fact that ono out of fivo swordsbrcala beneath tho big mans blows and at each broken ono the big man laughs and rubs his hands gleefully for he bas accomplished his missionthat of finding a defect in the steel to wauh him at work you would think he were a demon to destroy the weapon which is the pride and hope of the british army there has novor beenan armor scan dal in victorias works and perhaps ift is to show how elegantly hor royal arms are made that she has thrown open her factory for public inspection in another part she ims a cry nice department where weapons aro re paired hero sword handles are re moved from dpfootivo swords and goot swords put upon them a riflo goes through ono hundred and fifty processes before it is finally har dened this hardening is done by dip ping when rodhot into a vessel con- talning oil the fame prccoss is car ried on with a sword only tbo steel is made much finer and tho hardening processes aro repeated many times tlhe queen ts very proud of hor big man who tost her royal arms and on e when he was taken ill shs wasl so fear ful of hi- life that she sent the royal physician down to birmingham to treat him free of charge swords aro now being rapidly ship ped to india and english sddiers can fight at a short range without the crumbling of their weapons n iits especfal charm shoah tbo gtrls think your friend a charming convoraitlonalist iio yes dick is a folio- of twr word vary profe3siovat opinion what do you think of my storrt asked whipple of tbo critic i think tou were is your 1 make it