Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 8

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m n n tit btt ptflex ir1tans mo te uy ii i hlwirf swat jjr 03101 1 ius irrfiaus x rut iu mi aa1 fem i itn- etbl tltrivi la ittaiyr icuis at j a a ruk i riv jia freo and wry iruti at horn iu 4m4i xiimluy iw fcjbaferfi in lrl au 1 la uuiue amu i cvuswu with king vtiih uuwe isdvt i hare iojaiiced jy itftc i aye kh flr tte mils that are tor birth euhancrtf arc diuty evrywtrnr my juras- i a wrcur trait a jiou ill attack yoa see that mj5r fierce autl ktcat 111 i l- bs iwrk a horse iws3js my strtiigtli as 1 wu iimvt- with sc i leap a huujiv time my utngthi jut vrach ia if yu please xoa think a you this ldaetw bear a uotcj light li lie of mtn of worth ani ku apwr- 0b wvit j a flea tu well to fcalaa of frlntri anion tin v- or thvsw ih us lb vi to tftjte a ieuiywila is tbiwo who boast tbc itmt the most won in a gallop illrt kxplauatlob to lit jiaucou for so tcrlbn- their lliiticetuciit j see here mr liunldy what mr liunkly is tkt tne way an engaged yountr latly generally jaii- divsses her fiance j the explanation wll appear- in what i have to way to you svixt you inca n v hen m r kit shy a3ceil if you had fit last sained my hand- by telttnk him that yoa had won in a gallop speaking ot our engagement as though it were a turf ovemt if you have as ylvw a rewmbranei of that- unhappy occasion as i have you will recall that we were out riu- 1ns that yoa aaherscu mo for a race that i aaui that cfearts vxull be the stake that you accepted and that itvcn that i won in a cullop 13 literally true hut the impression you pave to air flashly was that the vlct ry was ri diculously easy it was os if you had said to him in a boosting way that you won in a jor or won in a walk nothing of the soit as our mu tual friend i related the whole pretty affair to him and wound up a3 a bit of pleasantry by saying so you see flashly that i won in a gallop there was no chance for hiih to mistake my meaning then hes not a friend to cithfr of us for he clearly meant me to under stand that you had spoken to lightly dont you know dear that flashly north ontario election post you as a welsher a slorv iiril mirnl a little whipperonapper of an nsi hapened to meet with a lore had a mind to be arcfli with him and so said aw chappie liowdy do howdy co the bore somewhat nettled by this familiarity but perceiving a chanee to tell his favorite story ow again took the ass by the lapel ids coat and related a series of personal ad ventures which lasted full ai hour when at last the bore paused for breath the ass fell fainting to the floor and noticing this the bore laughed gleefully and went oat in the pavement to ole the fair women who happened to be in that neighbor- hood moral only an ass would say howdy do to o bore baltimore news llo va sonbitlvft they tell a good story of a local golf ing enthusiast who is never so happy as when wandering over the jjjikll naci gone clown town to supier at the hollenden after an exciting afternoons sport and attracted much attention by flils dcjmdedly striking golf ganmnts late in the evening he took a kulid car for homo and dropped into the rear seat when the motor passed- the pittsburg- tracks the conductor looked in at the door and allied the next street tcrmls no golf indignantly cried the sporting youth on the rear seat he thought tihe conductor was allud ing to his new suit cleveland plain dealer wm macdonald of ker macdonald davidwi patteisou barristers before the court of appeal monday mornin moved for leave to appca 1 from the in junction granted by mr justieo robert son preventing returning officer rruce from giving up the ballots in the north ontario elcctior case to be counted befcre judge dartnell ol whitby the whole afldir is in a rather singular shape the returning oilicer mr rruce wants to appeal from nn order tliat has expired by lapse of time and it is no effect llts counsel monday moruinirjptvo reason for doing so that it was desired to get the opinion of the court of appeal on the legality of the injunction issued by mr justice robertson in order to ujj that opinion if it be that the injunction was wrongfully issaedon motion that was argued tuesday before mf justice street to commit the returning ollicei and mr d alton mccarthy to ptisan for breach of this same injunction mr macdonald frankly avowed this a s the object of speeding tha appeal in opposing the ranting of leave a 1 aylosworth q c uraed hnt the return ing oilicer had been guilty of two breaches of the injunction the- first in deliver ing up tha ballots to ho counted before judge dartnell and tho second in send ing them away immediately after the recount to the clerk of the crown in olmucery under such circumstances tho court should not help him in any way the plaintiff mr mcleod mr aylesworth siid intended to prosecute his action for damages for tho breach of a legal right air bruce was in tho position of a parson in contempt trying to expedite an appeal from an order ho had chosen to disobey besides this appeal was from an order that had ex hausted itself by lapse of time mr maedonnld claimed that tho order was not exhausted while it was being made to commit tho returning officer to prison the court grunted leave to appeal and set tho caso down for hearing today dairy convention that the treason f 187 wilt lareiuart- atlo one in the history of dairy farming and batter aud chve mnkiu4 m cwidi d6ss fmunyon tiiab sviss l a very lltimci and auird i question after almiio woollen 3iakket was dearly uvvlitcol ly llw titittim 1 of tii who were present at the cleee and butter miierd eyuvemionnt guelpu on friday last kotii afternoon and evening sessious were crojded rith inter- csted aud critieil auditory kvery pipr aud cverj- address dealing uith practiea methodti aid with the every day dirttcun ties of the busiikss were lieum to with marked atteution and the dairying ex- jwricuces of those who employ dilferent methods to obtain given results weio discucied with ft freedom aud inteiliircuco tlilt augurs ivell fr tho progress of dairy ing in this province a very noticeable l feature of the convention was tho art j taken by ybuug men sevoml of those to whose ideas the reatest deference w mr jo u i wmv pniritter of tho isri- accortled are still in their twenties a tareii house wyiiigtou st ioafoa oat fact which reflects credit on the agricul- ss for the pu nine ihoiitha i have unwashed wool 10 to 12e cutedwooj 15 to 00 combiog wool 19 to 21c g1ttd z7l o cjothiu wixil 1 to 21 outlutown l to 21 e e st- m 3 3 i all the tktimony all the tests and the thousands of absolute and unquestioned cures that have been made by alunyon in canada eciretan struggle couldnt kitoct a silo the faker i have here the most excellent silver polish the iady of the house dont need it i havent any oliver well then it will take grouse ipots out of wall paper havent any wall paper well it will make oil paintings look like new havent go tany oil paintings then it will renew the curl in fea thers v vilavent got any feathers well then a llttlo taken internally will make you feel as if you had some of these things good day texan sittings obmntlea of art there is one thing said the heavy man of the theatrical company thatll have to be attondied to what is it asked the mage man ager you remember the scene in which i pledged the princess health inthl crystal goblet of foaming wine yes well you can do one of throe things you can make that cold tea weaker put some sugar in it or els get some man who isnt in danger of making a wry face v play the part washington star flow sim fixed it confidential friend to young wife your husband must ivavq the best of tempers you have been more than in hour dressing to go out with him and he has not called out once to atk if you arc ready young wife oh i always aide his gloves cigar caw and spectade be fore i commence dressing tlujn when i am dressed i find them forhlm and he apologizes for having kcptme wait ing its a very effective pian rny dear and i recommend it as a peace maker new york tribune fllplcmncy his father it you marry old stubbs daughter you shant have a cent cf my money the son hut father if i dont rmrry her i cant get a cent of old subb money his father with a grudge to hitlsfy my own lky marry her nnd rn der that skinflint penniless pittsburg chronicle telegraph a ncflnlllnn uttle horatio pn what is a critic walker fair the eminent tragedian a man who doesnt know a gooj thing wheri ho secy it my acn luck messrs c c uchrrm co yaumoctu x s gextmkv in january last francis lcclair one of the men employed by mo in ho lumber woo had n tree fall oa him mailing him f he was when found placed o a sled and taken horn where grave fears were entertained for hi recovery his hips being badly brniaed nnd hii bodv turned black from ida ribs to hi lect we used minattivs uniment on him freely to deaden tho pain and with the use of three bottle he ww completely cured and able to rchjm o his work svrafcrla klffinroad lulct cx que may 36th 1893 it is believed hero that th reply of greece to the demands of tho powers will be a positive refusal to obey and that a bloody strugjrle is incr table unhss the powers recede from their position it is knotrn that col vassos the commander of the grjek army of oeeupation lias received instruct ions frotnjkinsr george to hold all tho pos itions in the island now occupied by the greek troops and to prepare to resist to the bitter end any attempt on the part of anybody to dislodge him information reaches here that tho greek troops aro enthusiastic over the determination of their king not to order thoir withdrawal from the island and it is believed that it would tako a lar stronger force than tbeirown to dislodge them from the stratecetic positions they occupy the events of the next few days arcuiixioiiily awaited saturday night he insurgents who are besieging the block house at malaxn made an ut tempt to blow the place up with dynamite but were fru- tratcd by the yigilanco of the moslem defenders for several hours after tho fuihire of thr attempt their was a lively fusihide but the result ia not known a similar attempt was made upon the fort nt kcrapni and hero the insurgents were more successful the explosion nnjc a breach in the walls of the fort killed four turks and gwounded many others the turks though brave fighters have been made very nervous by the use of dyn amite by the insurccntb this being a meth od of warfare of which they have had no experience the correspondent of the london chron icle in athens telegraphs that there is reason to believe that the si nation is mproving adding that more than one power has intimated in an unofficial way that if greece is willing to meet the powers half way it is still possible for her tocscap from the difficult situation in an mailable way the correspondent still further says it is believed that greece is willing to consent to a temporary turkish suzerainty over crete on condition that they will permit the cretans after the restoration of order to decide their status by plebiscite and permit greece to appoint a greek governor over the island for the present under such an agreement it is thought grccco intent consent to withdraw her army and flet from crete upon tho assur ance that thore would be no general massa cro there gormauv has stood in the way of a pcttlcmcntof the troubles byrejioting proposals which were virtually made to greece by the three knropean powers nnd wlifch greece would have accepted unless other leadership of the knropean concert is substituted for that of germany tho correspondent concludes a peaceful issue is impossible a despatch from athens lo the times says that from tho fact that tho greeks have landed large supplies of provisions in crete thus rcvictualliug the army for three months it would appear that no attempt to effectually blockade tho southern coast of tho island has been made by tho cembin fleet a detachment of tho greek nrm of occupation has reached tho kandamos and will try to induce the heicged moslem to surrender to tho greeks and not to tho insurcrcnts the object boing to sccuro to greece the credit of having toos into crete on a peaceful mission kill the worms or they will kill your child dr lows worm syrup la the best worm killer outof sem symptoms headache i ss of appetite furred tongue and general in disposition these- symptoms it neglected develop into acute disease it is a trite saving that an onnce ot prevention is worth a pound of cure and a littl j atten tion at this point may savo months of sick- new and large doctor bills for this com plaint take from two to three of parmclcea vegetable tills on going to bed and one or two for three night in succession and a euro will be effected tural college in whwh they were educat ed and in whoso halls the convention was hed j apaitfrom the roguhr business of tho convention perhaps the mot idgnthcnnt aspect of ths catherine was tho unanim ity with which those wh were present many of whom aro well qualified to judo oi tho matter expressed the opinion that tho year 1897 is to witness an immense huilrvd frequently with rheunmtivu of the hip after uiiin mimyons rheumatim cure lor a shrt time i was relieved aud desi e to highly recommend that medicine maiors khihiikiiism cure eeldom foil j to rrliiv in one tn thro hours e 1 cures i i r days price 2a j munviiis dvspvpsia cre positively cures all form of indication aud stomach trouble price 33c mutivona cmm cure prercnta pneumonia ami trcakt up u cold in a few hours price increase in the annual of cheese epoi ted j mw cugu cure stop eonahs night but greater yet in the amount of butter sweat allay sorenw an t speidiy heats oxiwrted tho knowledge that the mill l ssa i i muyon s kidney t o speed d cures istcf of agricuhuro has completed arrau- j- in t sacfclpu or eroin and all forms goments for a comphto com storage of kidney diseuse price 2w system to the kngkst market has dready munyb headache care stops luadache rsultei iri tho mamificturo of butter in j in jt t i munyunv 1 ve umtuient positiyely cuics the wiiter honths to an extant grevcr nil forms of piles price 2- re a or than in all previous winters president derbyshire of tho eastern association says tho export creamery butter t england this year will ha a million dol lars at least more than last year ard this from ontario alone air mclaren m p does not hesitate to say that tlo j preparations for tho coitiinc season wonderfully active 2ir a veiiger of ayton- wjtio cbliects cream fiom over 10 farmers in his district kistyettt mno about 140000 pound of butter and now says he oxpects to increase this during tho present year by from 20000 to 35- 00t pounds cvery other maker is udking in the samo way tho cheese factories both in the west aud cast have been turned into creameries for the win ter to an extent never before known it is said that at least 100 creameries in t e province are now working mr mur of the avcnbank creamery near st marys took in last monday 2000 pounds of milk from which on the following day 1069 pounds of butter were mule mr jk robertson mentions tho fact that in manitoba tho dominion govern ment has established a number of creameries assuming tho management f them for throb years in quebec the manufactur ers are preparing for a years work which itistobe hoped will place canadian butter on a par with danish butter in the estimation of tho people of groat britain a number of the exporteis have been sending on large quantities of butter on consignment tho prices obtain ed ranging from 100 to 101 shillings a hundred weight say 24 to 25 cents a pound so far as ontario is concerned it is the generally accepted view that checso will bo made in largo quantities during tho months from may to octobtr and butter in tho remaining nionthc thus oveicoming the great waite of labor general on tho farms in winter thve tho creamery butter industry will also be very large in ihu summer and in quebec it is expected that buttertnakirg will occupy even a more important rela tive position aa it is pretty generally conceded that the eastern province is especially favored for butterproducimr messrs r m ballantyne ix g mur phy and hovcinl other experienced dairy men all expressed themselves as confident of much progress being made in ontaio in tho coming season muuvwia ijiiod cure eiulicitcs all im- pmi ies of thj mod priuii 25- munjons female iv- medics are a i oju to all wg2k1- miniyons aslimia ucniedies rolioyc in 3 niiiiutvsaud eiire permanently price si munyonv catanb k mvdtir never tail the c irih cure piee joj eradicates vitem and tie cat- 5c claisc and heal cure the dicise from th uirrli tahcts price the pots munyoits x ive ueive tonic v miinvons itali vpirl asepifate cure forca druvgists m istly or a vial i personal 1 ters to prof munyoi 11 and 13 allert st tor uito answere i with free mcaica adytce for anv disease restore d ease wonderful lost vigor at all bsj praat da vis safe itemedy in and every kind of bowel compls a snro and safe itemed in every caso v plalntis this is a truo statement and it cant bo mado too etrosg or too emphatic it 13 a cimple safe and quick euro for crumps cotci ehcmnatlam colic cods kournlgla ijisrrhrcs cvon- toothrcuo tivo ssgs 2zc aed 33- i down 3 v mecsne i the o c- mil liiriuav yhc a c istselc ri i loluvrt tho jk ci i lsfeviccixi ty i t tha d 1 h-iiur-c- t t j4iailhi i as ircaof j i3icn 1 a l gim3ion i li iluccr aj viu t 3 i per sotilo t k- is oa a j flyis umifxt co it0 3 c tataasis i uontrai 3 i 4laih-xt- llliihiiiil r j daley isuraice real estate stouffville financial brolcer gbxkiul agkxx for 5 le son life ibsarance cgiopany jleulicr lesdinjs uro itisuntaco co- vtoiaey to loan cn farm anl villaea prvnort kn villwce proiertv for salcani t rot t carriage works nie hotel etist of tiie we manukactuke- ffyou want photos 3 t 3 mertehs studio i atliliove n ilozjn of the piitiiuim finish ihs litest lliing oiit xheyre all he way stouffvtxle 0 fariv3 wagons buggies sleighs and cutters jf all disci iptions keeping none but firstclasi men in all the diffeicn branches nd having selected my stock irom the best houses in the dominio a firstelass hniiiurdc isnggy for 75 all other work in proportion atne but uailanl fc sons celebrated vainisli isel come and pel your bugpy paintea by mr a b sujby one o nt- lest carriae painters in thk province oill and inspt t stock before purchasing elsewhere all work warranted repairing done on shortest uotice no socalled pum gers or factory w r horseshoeing a specialty whpodd 5arsaparilla s u c a n coated fssbslus b e beebe tir jctlio atd hieycle repairs a neeiully see our nkw jiowkr table we pianmrc to stop horjea interfering kiue knckiiir forging or no pay sitoklva still a specialty presided i over lv the renowned lioreshocr john mcouath all uoik warranliil li k beeiik the greatest of all liver stomach and blood medicines a specific for rheumatism gout and chronic complaints they cleanse and blood purify the all druggists and general dealers agent fok gold takes tho actention of everybody and where you can buy the best goods for the least money is otter than gold and no extra effort to get it h johnson is just now offering groceries crockery glassware c for so days away below hardpan prices currants 5c lb rusins 50 ib- 2slb bright sugar 100 4 boxljsst witches 25c 2 lb gran sugar 100 combnation dinner set 97 pieces for55y worth 800 gilt for 850 worth 1203 ij50 1500 granite pots coffe pots pie plates preseri 1 r kttlej etc given away oranges and em 311s cheap cranb rries 5 j 1 irt k ill o its roll wheat farinosa pop corn mil farim crrahin fljar cheap can peas corn itoinitnis very low colorej cup an 1 aiajer for c a dozjn rock t pots fr n io up gh giblets tu nblers peserve dishes at cost money saved in buying the bast goods at shoddy prices s a large percentage on gold aud the only place in town to avo a liirgc percentage is at i ucuwsxcaiar bsagrjis tmat the facsimile signature mwm jcccabeprcpnralionforas- slrnilaling isijrcodfltdrcguui- iln lha stonuids andl3owcls of prornblcspigeslionchcctful- ncssnrdrvcstcontalns ncilhcr opnitiimorpiiinc nor mineral isotkakcotic jirryfzn sejd jtlxjmna kmltsja- sriit settt lit apcrfcctllcmcdy forconslipfl- lion sour slomachdiorrhoea wormscorivulsionsjcvcrish- titss and loss of sleep tnc simile sign of exact copyof wrapptr is oar the wrapper of e very bottle chb cuteli u pet tp ia 0mt wum mly it ll sot uu li balk doat cllo- asyoae to 1i yea aaytilng ebo ca tao pw cr proailm tctt li li juit i ck tail b eaitcr traj pcr- po so tlat yoa get oastoeia et ttijjjj b queen norwich union and- gore stire itsnince conipaiiivn get my rat before insuring elsewhere office of stark williamson bankers stouffville i having lately purchased the establish ment formerl3 owned by park bros we arc prepared to do all kinds of woodw okk in the building line such as doors sash blinds mouldings plating and matching c 5ialcrial furnisuea ii rcniircd and cstireatcs made wc havo good machinery and aro prepared to do fustclass work wehave alsoaddcd a shinglo ivcaohirie to the establishment and are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch shingles for sale cook bros opp csile kaiway station- the money smving establ5shiv1ent toronto jobbing house g todds block west end stouffville account they why is it not paid we arc sending you a statement of it again and want it settled by march 15th if you havent cash wo must have a note at short date it is neither reasonable nor right that wo should carry your acounts indefinitely we are in earnest about this silvester dougherty iv m i

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