Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 7

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i the lovers quarrel i will not give jrou back your let ters sid lie uut you bave no right to keep them sfcul r now tuatyou aro not i to in any longer mr how ard ob my dear ho answered jrou csnnot hivo all the advantage you bave jilted me and you can ay what you pleas and i can jtovo the truth by our correspondence i always kept the rough draft of mine and theres no law in the land to make me give up my own letters gentlemen dont talk of law they think of honor said 1 ah vhalever you please miss travis x suppose the fact that my grandfather did no leave uiehu pro perty has a good deal to do milu things being as they are goodby miss travis but i must have my letters back and that nignt as i sat up in bed i thougat of the waiy to do it ben lyiueaa mr howard he was ben ta me no longer lived with sally grays mother sally was a girl you could trust sho was a plain little thing with some thing the matter with her spine but just as good as gold i told ber every thing and now 1 intended to tell her the facts of the case and get her ao let me go into bens room while be svas away and look ior my letters jlknet thut ben i mean mr how ardwas out by eight oclock and at nine 1 tapped on the basement win dow and sally who was making a oberry pie looked up and saw me and opened tbo door herself and then and there i sat down and told her all about it und about the letters andiwttnb you to help me to get them sally i iaiti let mo get in to mx howards room ana take what belongs to me ana you will wont you its a splendid idea said sally youll have to wait until lunch is over and miss leck and mrs jones go out then mother will lie down lor a nap and biddy will be getting things ready for dinner and sarah rubuing tne forks and glasses ill get the passkey oc course we have one for every room jfomr do stay for lunch darling land cold shivers ran up my back when sally unlocked the door and wo were really in the room his room i suppose he keeps his letters in his desk said she i know ho doesnt put them in his trunk but this key unlocks all the drawers and desks in the house we keep it to lend the lodgers when they lose their key rings now i shall lock you in and ait an the stairs to keep watch though nothing can happen ill come for you exactly at four i drew a chair to the desk sat down and turned the key in the lock there was nothing inside but some notepaper and a tittle package ofi legal cap and pens and inkstand and a blotting pad i shut i he desk and looked into the drawer there was a cigar box voh dear i thought where can i look now t iftnd i was about to tryi my key on the drawers when i heard the street door open and bang shut and feet ascend tne stairs then a key rattled in the lock and idid the only possible thing to avoid discovery at least for a moment there was a wardrobe cupboard with curtains before it i ran toward it and stood bolt upright in tbo corner 5 cn r meanmr howard entered rojiowed by another man x bey uhut the door and at down they lighted their pipes ben said the strange person you are not looking well im feeling wretchedly said mr- howard i wouldnt tell another fel- low but i believe my heart is borken there don- 3augb you see that photograph on the mantelpiece we were engaged to each other said ben and 1 loved her better then my life and i thought she was very fond of me but yau know my grand father cut me out of his will and then a rich fellow began to call upon her and she picked a quarrel with me thats all shes a mercenary little wretch but i i am a fool henry 1 love her still i shall keep her photograph all my life and her let ters to read and kiss i would not givre them up stuff and nonsense 1 said this mr henry heartless brute 1 youll find a better girl in no time there is but one woman in the world for me said ben there now im done you know my trouble ill- the tomato in italy it l ropular vritia alt classes la kui humbert ueltu la every home and cottage in italy the preserving of tomatoes is carried on terraces balconies and even the flat roofs of the houses are half cover ed with plates containing the deep red substance after gathering the toma toes intended for preserving are spread out fur some hours in the sun until the skin has somewhat shrunk they are then paased through a sieve so that they may be freed from both seeds and skins as they contain a large propor tion of h ater the substance which has been passed through the sieve must be hung in bags from which the water exudes and boon a pool of dirtylook ing water is formed beneath each bag strange to say it is in no way tinged with red the mixture which remains in the bags has the consistency of a very thick paste it is then salted the pro portion being a little less than 1 ounce of salt to a pound of preserve- tbo process now requires that it shall ge spread ou flat plates exposed to the suu and stirred from time to time- with a wooden spoon so that the upper part may nut form a crui wb le underneath it remains soil it is a picturesque sight when the women are to be seen flitting about on the roofs and ter races attending to the deep red pre serve their colored handkercuiefsfluug on their heads to screen tueai from the rays ot the burmug suu when it is at its tiercest in the evening the con tents of the various plates are taken in and stirred up togeiuer for if mois tened by the ngut dew tue whole would bo spoiled alter being exposed to the sun for seven or egut days the same process being repealed each day the preserve is finished and placed in jars lor winter use though it is used by all classes of persons it is more necessary to the poor than to the rich for the latter can make use of the fresh tomatoes preserv ed in tins tomatoes may be tinned whole but in italy the fruit is usu ally passed through a sieve the pulp being then placed in tins which are immediately soldered down and then out in boiling water for five minutes the cost of a small tin is half a franc so it is as a rule beyond the means of the poor kinship and diplomacy what tlic itclnilou is lu case of war ami icuinunrs or war it is intimated in the despatches that the fact that the dowager empress of russia is the sister of king george of greece has had great influence in de termining the course of russia in the cretan controversy on the same theory the fact that the duke of edin burgh son of queen victoria married the grand duchess marie of russia daughter of alexander ii should have had influence in promoting concert of action between great britain and russia but it did not on the same theory the fact that the princess of wales is a sister of king george of greece ought to influence great bri tain favourably towards greece in the present- controversy the fact would seem not to havo cut much figure on the same theory the fact that the pre sent emperor of germany is the grand son of queen victoria ought to have exercised great influence in promot ing friendly relations between the two great powers nas it in wars of rumours of wars relation ship among the royal families of eu rope has never counted for much it is probable that the friendship be tween the czar o russia and prince george of greece would count for more than their relationship it will be re membered that tho two made a tour through the east together and that when the russian was attacked by a japanese fanatic prince george inter fered and probably saved the life of the man who is now emperor of all the russias the fact that prince george is a gallant soldier a thorough sailor and a modest man a great fa vourite with the greek people as well as with the people of other nations will count for a great deal in the set tlement of affairs if relationship is to count for anything greece ought to have the support of russia great britain germany denmark norway and sweden what is ooinq on in the four corners op the globe hide it from the world and you will never speak of it to any one i know- youll nou bave any trouble in six months said the horrible mr henry- now youll come up and spend your holiday with me wont you f ill justt step out and buy those things for my wife and you pack up what you need and meat me at the station then henry walked away and ben yes ben ray poor ben took a bun dle of letters from his bosom and kiss ed them and took down my photograph and kissed that and then having pulled a bag from the corner ho walk ed straight to the wardrobe and drew the curtain back the next moment he was staring at mo and i at him is it her ghost i heard him say to himself and 1 well there i was it was not a situation to impart dignity it is only me in the flesh den i said i wuli i was a ghost so that i could vanish and now you can boas all your life if you like and i willj say something firstly i did not care about your grandfathers horrid money secondly i i only meant to tiff ai little not to break off only to frighu en you thirdly 11 oh ive found out that you really and truly love me 5 ben and though it is broken off t i want to know 1 useu to love you veryj much and i couldnt be going to marry old mr javcrill because he is engaged to my aunt ophelia and he never wanted me i came to get my letters but yop may keep tbera i ive mis understood you and though we parti forever forgive me ben and sally was my bridemaid when i married and is today my dearest friend and tho only one who know how ben and i came to make up ouv quarrel the river thames if the plans now under way are car ried out as anticipated the great work of widening and deepening the river thames will before long 1k an accom plished fart and che commercial im portance of that river thereby greatly increased it being clear to the au thorities on extended examination and consultation with engineering experls that a twentysix foot channel was re quired for at least ninetenths of the shipping it was decided that tho work should ie prosecuted to lo done solely by dredging according to this plan there will be from graveend up the river as far as grayford nes- opposite harfleet a channel width of 1000 fet and a minimum depth of twonlyfour feet at low water spring tide while from grayford xess to the albert docks tho width in to n about 500 feet and the depth twentytwn anil from hie latter to th mm i wall dock there wih ijc a channel at lea it 300 feet wide and eighteen feet deep a thee hundred ami tn plunder of nireuen turned un in thi years hatch of french conscript he wis active enough to h accepted russia and the allies comminuting of troop an iiifrrckflng incident of the crimean wnr the friendly intermingling of rus sian soldiers with the troops of the allies in the crimea during the burial truce after the great sortie and on some other occasions was an interest ing but by no means unaccountable feature of the campaign a corre spondent of the avenir mihtaire with tho view of showing that there was no international antipathy be tween the russians and tho french at the time but rather the contrary gives an account of what occurred during the cavalry operations of gen dallouville near eupatoria at the end of september 1855 on the 29th of the month the general after a good deal of manoeuvring succeeded in sur prising a considerable body of russian lancers and cossicks with horse artil lery in the ravine of kanghil and gave thm a severe defeat on the next day when the cavalry were in bivouac there was an alarm and the approach of a russian detachment was report ed a captain who proved to have lost most of his men during the fight ad vanced before the russians waving a white handkerchief he was welcomed and said ho had brought a sum of money for the comfort of his men who had been captured and especially for his orderly from who he greatly re gretted to be parted he further ask ed to be allowed to shake the hand of a young officer lately joined who was a prisoner and an affecting scene followed btween the two french and russians then we are told ate bis cuits clinked their glasses and warm ly shook one another by the band at parting thiy even exchanged cards and promised lo renew the acquaint ance thi circumstances says tho en r- rtipondint were well known to the officers of the three french regiments and were examples of a courteous feeling which prevailed between the enemies save always the english advantage of sleep in reply to tho question fs it wise for a man to deny himself and get along with a few hours sleep a day to do more work t tesla tho great elec trician is said to have replied that ir a great mistake i am convinced a man has lust so many hours to iks awake and tho fewer of these ho uses up each day tho more days they will last that is the longer he will live i believe that a man might live two hundred years if ho would sleep most of the umc that i why negroes often live tc advanced old age becaate they sleep so much it ut jaid that gladstone sleep seventeen hours every day that is why his faculty are still unimpaired in spite of hn or it age the proper way to economize fife is to meep every moment that it is not necessary or de sirable that you should be awake old and nw world events of interest chron icled briefly lotertstieg hspptalofa i recent date a chinese- biographical dictionary containing the lives of 2500 noted chinamen and woman living and dead bos been compiled by mr giles late british consul at xingpo alexandre dumas fils will appear on the tomb which the sculptor saint marceaux is executing reclining at full length in the robe he wore when at work and with his feet bare as was his custom wheat grown in the north of franca has from 11 to 26 per cent less nitro- geneous elements in it then that rais ed there fifty years ago according to a recent report made to the academie des sciences saverio altainura one of the last of the neapolitan romantic school ot painting has just died he was a poet and an author as well he took part in the revolution of 1sh8 and was ex iled from nupbjs until the bourbonsi driven out a german sugar trust has been form ed at berlin with the outspoken ob ject of raising prices a syndicate will control all sales and will begin by hoarding a certain percentage of tho sugar mode it will fix au interna tional market price below which ger man sugar shall not be sold on the marble steps of a peasants house on the island of salamis havo been found two lines of the epitaph composed by the poet simouides for the corinthian soldiers who fell in the sea fight carved in corinthian characters it is hoped that the burial place of tho corintmans may soon be lound mr faithful juegg ai p suggests the incorporation in the royal arms of england of a doubleheaded lion pas sant guard am the heads crowned one for india the other for the colonies as a suitable way of marking queen victorias long reign by drawing the outlaying portion of the empire more closely together uv method of precipitating zinc in aqueous solution in he shape of dense plates of commercial thickness by means of electricity has been found at the zinc works at duisberg in germany the process which is kept secret was discovered by prof dief tenbach of dar- mslidt the economic difficulties in tho problem have also been solved as the works are turning pat ninety tons of zinc a month and are to be enlarged an experiment with cordite at wool wich recently shatteied a church and a number ol shops in the neighborhood and broke windows tore down tele phone wires and alarmed tho country tor ten miles around a case of cordite was fired to see what the effect would be on twelve other cases placed at some distance xhey contained 1401 pounds of the explosive and made a hole fif teen feet deep and twelve feet wide sending earth and stones to a distance of a mile power for the jungfrdu electric- rack railroad will be supplied by two waterfalls producing 4500 horsepower the magnetic fluid in his body is at- feet tho conductors will be over head three trains holding 200 pas sengers will le kept moving at tho same time the length of the line hi 76 miles and the total rise is 6555 feet the speed is limited to 53 miles an hour the trip taking minutes the cost is estimated at 2000000 i pere jourdain an old peasant who cures disease miraculously by means of the magnitic fluid in his body is at tracting crowds in paris the fluid is attracted out of him by 1ump sugar which patieu are required to bring with them he operates in a large room round which are wooden benches for the patients in the centre are a stove and two othr benches on which the hags of sugar are placed jour dain fumbies over tho sugar and then returns he bats to the patients who give him whatever they choose in re turn costliest book in the worli the official history or hie wnr font 922 v5 ier volume the most expensive hook that was ever published is the official history of the war of the rebellion which is now issued by the government of the united states it has cost up to date 2334328 of this amount 1184291 has been paid for printing and binding alone it will require at least three years longer and an appropriation of perhaps 3600000 to complete the work so that the total cost will undoubted ly reach nearly 3000000 the history will consist of 112 volumes including an index and an atlas each volume will therefore cost an average of about 320785 copies are sent free to public libra ries and 1317999 have already been so distributed the selling price of the atlas is 22 the remainder of the edi tion is sold at prices ranging from 50 cents to 9j cents per volume there does not seem to be a popular demand since only 71191 copies have been sold for a total of 60154 census of the world cljamue rrjci punned ft opemla the twcntlrik ccmlery- as impossible as it may seem at firs glance it is nevertheless certain marks a foreign newspaper that earnest effort will be made to take census of the whole earth in the n future this gigantic project is to come a fact with tbo advent of t twentieth century the plan was into tangible shape at the recent co reolion held in berne switzerland the international statistical insti tute the original proposition having been made by dr gulllaume the direc tor of tho swiss bureau of statistics the convention appointed a committee ol ways and means consisting of prom inent statisticians savants travelers and geographers who are to propose an acceptable method of realizing this grand scheme and report to the con volution at its next biennial meeting nationally it is a impossibility to secure even approximately the exact data in many regions such as the polar many parts of africa asia and else where which have never been visited by the explorers and which a census enumerator would never reach tho population of the globe is now esti mated at 1700000000 these being the figures of profs behm and wagner of gottingen recognized as the lead ing authorities in this departments both however concede that these fig ures are not absolutely reliable and are largely calculations based on tho more or less reliable reports of travel ers this is tor instance the cose with such countries as china persia arabia u ledge that the figures may be millions toq 111gu or too low arid that the estimate of africa may be 50000000 out of the way and that errors in proportion may exist in the figures claimed for persia siam af ghanistan turkey und other lands china however has decided to under take an official census this prom ise was made by li chung tong in ber lin only lately the governments of turkey persia siam and afghanistan are to bo petitioned to assist the agents of the statistical institute in taking tho census of these countries quite naturally tho scheme of tho institute can be realized only by the expenditure of considerable money and the application of a great deal of di plomacy brati the institute is san guine then too quite a number of alndsmust yet be explored before 1900 llut if geographical research is pushed in the next years as vigorously as it has been during the past decades then there will scarcely be a mile of terri tory in africa which will not have been explored by travellers before tho be ginning of the twentieth century and a census can be made ati least approxi mately then too in the year 1900 russia will havo almost completed her two vast systems of railroad across tho continent of asia traversing all siberia and the wild regicuis of thibet and these districts will be open to the trav eler it is accordingly proposed to send a large colony of energetic tra velers to these regions in 1900 to make a report on the unnumbered millions that live there it is hoped that this census notwithstanding its greatness and vastness can be completed in a single week in all the civilized nations of the globe the attempt is even to be made to have the census taken on one and the same day pittsburg dispatch a yigffl of asthma had not slept in bed twentyfive years f02 ignorance was not bliss say old man miss hugus told me last night that i reminded her of the venus of milo who was ho it isnt a he its a she- and i dont see oh i yes i do tho venus of ililo hasnt any arms you idiot stinging corns next to a stinging conscience makes life a misery the stinging pain of a corn may be speedily and painlessly removed by the use of putnams pain less corn extractor twentyfour hours after putnams is applied the corn may be removed judge with care it is extremely difficult to dissasso- ciate the individual and the act wc may as well be frank and say that it is an impossible task an act be comes the interpreter of the hearts purpose where tho intention is not to deceive straightforward purpose within presents itself outwardly in clean broad generous living it must always evidence itself in deeds of tenderness philanthropy and holy sacrifice pure living in the breast in its outward flow pours upon the world the sweet bless ing of pure living the individual is correctly judged by the fruits of his living all criticism become harsh dis honorable and unchriatian which for gets the outward act in its rush to climb back into the chamber of the soul where purposes arc iwm there alone should be heard the footsteps of the divine seemed dme4t tort a re and cutiaju jhuery faljacr grandfather ana great graad father dad sled frm be triable ltrlce cuic t old asc tjac cure locked lyou m a miracle from the whitby chronicle or years stories of famous cures wrought by ir williams pink fills have appeared in the chronicle dur ing this time we have been casting about for a meal case pi such a nature as to leave no doubu of the efficiency of these pills we have found several but in each case t proved to be a sen sitive body who cotud not bear to havo ms or her name and disease made pub lic recently however a most strik ing case came to our ears mr solomon thompson lives on a beautiful farm on the west shore of mud lake in garden township north victoria he has resided there for forty years being the first settler around the take he was reeve of tardea and ballon townships thirty- five years ago before tho counties of peterboro and victoria were separat ed ajid he used to attend the counties council at peterboro mr thompson has been a victim of asthma for lorty years or more however we will let him tell his ovn story on that head on october 15th lw we took atrip to mud laite to visit the haunts long familiar to us and made it a duty and 5r a pasure to call upon mr thompson and learn from seeing him and hearing his account of it how he had been cured fob twentyfive y we asl known him as a gasping suffering asthmatic the worst we ever knew who managed to live at all we otteu wondered how he jived from day to day on calling be met us with a cheerful aspect and without displaying l c old trouble being- at und turkey they ackriow ft ushered into his house we natur- it as far as china is concerned jijde it our first business to en quire if it were all true about the bene fits he had received from using dr wnliams pink pills beyond doubt said he- how long have you used them and how many boxes have you used he was asked i started a year ago and took eight boxes we next asked- him if he folt that the cure was permanent well aid he 1 have not taken any of the pills ior three or four months still i am not entirely satisfied yet you see my father grandfather and great grandfather died of asthma my people all take it sooner or later and it always ends their days 1 have lost three brothers from the fatal thing knowing my family history it is hard for me to gain faith but i can tell you for nearly thirty years i never slept in bed until i took pink pills as you mustfcavtt known i always slept sitting in the chair you now occupy i had a sling from that hook in the ceiling and always sat with my head resting in it while i slept i now retire to my bed when the other members of my family do how old are you mr thompson seventy- six was the reply and i feel younger than i did thirty years ago i was trou bled a great deal with rheumatism and other miseries probably nervous trou bles arising from want of sleep but nearly all the rheumatism is gone with the asthma during the conversation mrs thomp son a hale old lady the mother of thirteen children came in and after listening to her husbands recital of these matters she took up the theme i never expected that anything could cure solomon said she we were al ways trying to find something which would give him relief so that he would be able to sleep at nights but nothing ever seemed to make much dif- ferejice at first ho took one of the the pills after each meal but after a time he increased the dose to two we noticed he was greatly improved after taking two boxes and began to have hopes later on when we saw be yond doubt that he was better i recom mended the pills to a niece of mine miss day whbso blood had apparently turned into water and who had run down in health and spirits so bad that she did not care to live why she got as yellow as saffron and looked as if shewould not live a week you would hardly believe it said mrs lhainpsdn but that girl was the healthiest and handsomest girl in the neighborhood before three months had passed and all from taking pink pills mrs thompson was called from tho room at this juncture to attend to some house hold duties and mr thompson re sumed the subject of his marvel lous cure you have no idea said he what it is to go through twentyfivw years without a good nights sleep without pain i can find no words to make plain to yoat the contrast between the comforts i now enjoy and the awful life i had for so tong i had a big family of mouths to ceul and had to work when at times i felt more liko lying down to die i would come in at night completely tuckered out but even that was no guarantee of rest then was no rest for me i seemed doomed to torture and continual misery when my folks urged mo to try dr wil liams pink pills i thought it would be useless but i had to do something or die soon and hero i am as right as a fiddle the old gentleman shook his head to add emphasis to his lost sentence and looked like n man who felt joyful over a renewed lease of life with all his old miseries removed after congratulating our old friend on his divorce from the hereditary destroyer of his kindred hvo drove away atmany places in tho neigh borhood we opened discussion upon the case and found that all regarded it am a marvellous cure where the thomp son family are known no person would have- believed for a moment that any thing but death would relieve him from tbef grip of asthma every word that is written here cam bo verified by writing mr solomon thompson delrymple post office and an inti mate acquaintance of twentyfive years enables the writer to vouch for tho facts narrated above and for tho veracity of mr -thompson- in any state ment bio may make dr williams pink pills cure by going to tho root ol the disease they renew and build up tho bloodnna strengthen the nerves thus driving disease from tho system avoid imita tions by insisting that every box you purchase fs enclosed in a wrapper bear ing the- full trade mark dr williams pink pills for pale people schu 6mttlsieru is the result of years of science wfien made in trge quantities and by improving methods an emulsion must fee more perfect than when made in the oldtime way with mortar and pestle a a few ounces at a time this is why scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil never separates keeps sweet for years and every spoon ful is equal to every other spoonful joa md ioo t 11 drwgt jjfujgjtjtjjjf jtv it at m m la other muton yon are liable to c a tujven benefit ltbr over or uadtr dow oct scotts ujit mmmm women la qbmx m4iiom you no jhttv jw wttk aad iu do t0t7 know thai 70a eu tly r ftla bwltb trtfth mdttforr miles can vicetabu compound and mlleft sanative wash fqjmpound unanswerable mamma oh ethel dont ask mam ma so many unnecessary questional ethel but mamma what can i ask you if i dont ask questions f gravel ik the bladder used eighteen boxes of dodds kid ney pills the stone dissolved and removed knew of others cured shclburne mar 29 special mr john medill known locally as well as far and near as physical giant and glorying in his strength came to be a reat sufferer and tells his cure as ollows i do not hesitate to speak of dbdds kidney pills or anything else exactly as 1 find them if a medicine cures mo and if i thnk it will cure others why not safcr aof ft is true i had been suffering for somo time with bladder trouble and learning of a cure made in a similar case by bauds kidney pills i com menced using them i in all 1 bave used eighteen boxes and they- have dissolved the stone and have entirely cured me of any sign of such difficulty f do not hesitate to speak of doclds kidney pills in the highest terms of praise for i know of many persons who have been cured by them the new woman wouldnt you feel helpless emeline f you heard tho wolf at your door not much id pull him in by the cars and make a lovely rug out ol nun catarrh cannot be cured with local applications oh thoy can not reach the real of tho dliunso catarrh in a blood or conmltumonnl rtffieaso and in order to ucro it you must ink internal remedied halls cfttarrh curo u taken internally and act di rectly on tho blotd and itiucouh surfaces hnllri calnrrh curo in not a quack medicine it was prescribed by one of thu i ot phj alclans in thli country for yenre and a regular jro- crlptlon it in compocd of tho best tonics known combined with tho bent blood purifier acting directly on fhomucoui sur face the perfect combination of tho two in- krcdlcnta i what produce uch wonderful results in curing catarrh send for testimoni al free k j ciikney co prop toledo o sold by dru jfklrtu price- 75c travelled ullf the close to find health with out success took the advice of a friend and now proclaim it from the housetop south american nervine saved my rafe mrs h stapteton of wlogham writes i hare been very much t roubioi for year since is78 with nerrout debility and dyspepsia had been treated in canada and engucd by some of the best physician without perman ent relief i waiadried about three months ago to take south amtrica nervine and 1 firmly believe 1 owe my life to it today i can truthfully kay that i have derived more benefit from it tuna any treatment i ever had i can strongly recommend it and will never be with out it myself discriminating agreement george describes the girl he is en gaged to as a perfect vision yes and his sister says she is a tight in penetrating power no remedy in the world equals nervl- lme nerve pain cure neuralgia and rheumatism are relieved almost in stantly and the minor aches and pains are cured by a single application ner- viline nerve pain cure is sure to cure easy do you really have a snap as chump- leys private secretary f weft i should say so all i have to do is to keep him in good excuses for staying out late 1 had no faith but my wife persuaded me to try the great south american rheumatic cure and my agonizing pain was gone in 12 hours and gone for good j d mcleod of lolth out says i havo been a victim of rheumatism for seven years coafimd to my bed for months at a time unable to turn myself have been treated by many phyniclnns without any benefit i had no faith in rheumatic cures i raw advertised but my wife induced mo to got a bottle of south american rheumatic cure from mr tnyiw druggut in owen sound at that time i was inaronywith pain inklde ot 12 hours after i had taken tho firat doe the pain had all left me i continued until i had used tftree bottles and i now consider myself completely cured promoting an industry john l sullivan bostons pride has had an operation performed on his throat the particulars of the opera tion are not stated but we suppose it consisted in having a funnel insert ed w pc- 858 what dr a e salter says buffalo nt gents from my per sonal- knowledge gained in observing the effect of your shljoba cure in cases of advanced consumption x am pre pared to say it is the most remarkabto remedy that has ever been brought to my attention it has certainly saved many from consumption a welsh congregational minister in the rhondda valley cut his finger re cently and was so badly frightened that he died within two hours care th cough with shilohs curo the best cough cure relieves croup promptly one million bottles sold last year 40 doses for s3 cents bold by all druggists a sheriffs jury at whit plains n y has decided that george w palm er who murdered his mother brother and sister is insan- be wise and taste his is the time of year when men and women become weak ened by the weath er and run down gener ally the first parts that the weather affects are the kidneys the urea is not thrown off but- is forced back upon the lungs and dis ease results caused by weakness of the kidn here is only onei 8ureway known to medical men for prompt ly checking troubles of the kidneys and re storing these great organs to health and strength and that is by the use of accept no subsutu it has stood the test of time it has saved thousands of lives it has restor ed millions of suf ferers to health it has done what was never done never attempted before it has made jnen stronger and healthier it has made women brighter and hap pier it standi alone in all these qualities do you not think it would be wise for you to use it and thus avoid the dangers he season in- upon having it 3alada ceylon tea kb agents wanted male or female to sell the famous foam yeast in every city town and village write for circular and premium list big profits foam yeast co toronto tfl imucmtfldc patents obtained iu invcillund in all countries by international patent bureau 12 alolindast toronto longest experience lowest rates information free g o fhkkman manager it a kkllond expert and examiner toronto cutting school young men learn locut no better trade write for circular riving full information also qgenta for mcdowells ladies garment draft ing machine ll3xongost splendid equipment and coed solid work bave placed tb toronto gerrard and yongo tits at the top it has more teachers more ttuileau and as- ista many more youns men ami women into portion than any other canadian bnjtlnrb school bet partica- utb enter an j utfto write xv ii b1iaw principal watsons bu ol t iv u tamped on eacn oonboys roller curtain i the greatest im- protement erer mads in carriage tops the holler top has won the admiration ot the leading carriage builders they are using it on their best work with surpass ing merit et is practic ally forcing the old tops with their objectionable features out of the market when you buy a carriage make fcuro that the top has a koller curtain canada permanent loan and savings co subscribed capital paidup capital assets over m mmm 5000000 2co00o0 12000000 uead office toronto st toronto branch offices winnipeg man vancourer b o the ample resources of this company enable its directors to make advances on ileal estate without delay at low rates of interest and on the most t aror able terms of repayment loaus granted on improved farms and on productive town and city itipertles mortgages and municipal debentures purchased ap plication may be made through the companys loca appraiiers or at the olllccs of the company j herbert mason managing director toronto h m flock a co manufacturers of bicycle parts cast and pressed brass specialties cold silver and nlcko platers 73 adelaide street west toronto for twentyseven years dunn s baking powder the cooks best friend largest sale in canada atfood s phd to tngravint s68jovanrlinr srw lortpvich- tot sale by m dractuu at tba aad ma i pm tiumy aad arir aad maka ta lifekta hthtrozwonh luuut ktklinstory pnrphll womans trtompa mat it oa apallcauoo svordsn i1j pewbpti froca u laboralotyti a m c medicinij co 7 pasl5t nostras cutting she what a keen httlo creature that miss wisely fa he yea she cuts me every time there is a chance pill points- dr agnews liver pills are a purely vegetable compound a scientifical ly studied formula the after ef- feots of the mcdicino have been giv en as much consideration as tbo tm- mediate results not so with many of the ancient for mulapainful purgers and no heal ing powers think of these points if you must use medicine look for the most pleasant safest and surest to take dr agnews liver pills are su preme in cases of sick headache nil- lousness sallow skin constipationetc 40 doses 20 cents i raskins favorite recreation is chess and ho devotes his evenings to it chess is also a favorite game with georgo meredith fast line to new york lehigh valley r r in connec tion with tho grand trunk railway havo tho first through train service be tween toronto hamilton london and principal points in ontario to now york city only line running pullman buffet sleeping cars time two hours ahead of all other lines passengers from europe via this lino aro landed in now york at bcsbrosses or cortlandt streets in closo proxim ity to all european steamship docks dont fail to ask for tickets and sleep ing car accommodation via lehigh valley route at all grand trunk city and station offices exhibition of fat women arc called an offensive trade by a london landlord who wants an injunction against their being held on premises ho bad let shilohs consumption curo cures where others fail it is the leading cough curo and no homo should bo without it peasant to take and goes right to tho spot unwonted activity u reported in tho rritish dockyard stop that cough tako warning it may load to consumption a 23c iwt- tte of shilohs cure may nave your life tvnadianfa jwili bun- settlers tflains from toronto every tuesday during march and april should fiufllclont business oflor to manitoba and the canadian northwest a colonist sleeper will be attached to pacific ex pit ss due to lesre toronto at 1230 ji m noon on tbess dstts ask or write for settlers guide d king go ltd a real flexible strong light and durable boot no nail the patent sleeper insole- for this boot- buy this boot be comfortable you will bo pleasod it li not tho coming boot it is hero olrondv within your roidi made with tbo slkkpett in- ole and nttod with cork throughoutuhls moanadry fcet and colli comfort the j d king co ltd toronto ontario the only manufacturer in canada of goodyear sovrnuptodftto eoods tho very itcst tho best and moat com- fortablo boot mode only one price equal in every respect to nny wheel in the market it is as ffood as can be made only one crape the best 73 to 81 aclolalcfo st w toronto

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