vol x no 2 stouffville ontario thursday march 11 1s97 whole number 472 clj frce c critrimc ipcbusuxo every thursday evening at thk ofrtck ftuir stbeet stoufftfue out tkuma 1 2ft lr tear vloo u raid in advance advertising rates 1 year- iroir 61 i 3s 35 is eighth column 12 i 8 i 5 irtnslent adrrdsement leea1 municipal jf scents per lioe firstinsartioo nd5 eeots l f 1 ino sea fcuuiqcrjent insertion irofcsmorit oirds one inch ndander 5 per 3fort months jnaludinx copy of ppr transient adiermemenu roust be sent innot 1 t th n tbirxdjv noon notice of eh ck of s idinjr jtdvertioiaentsmust bosiven not later i tnmondny nonnnnd copy mustbe sent in not 1 trr ui 9 m on wednesday a rf ol faim or sale one inch nnd under t tit jrleich rubaequent month 5 cents adyc of stray aniccals 1 for 3 iniertions advertisements vritboutapecificdirectioni will dt inserted eiren ijue until forbid and cbtrced acci lingly jl00ax itkms- way quarter column jog- j year a job printino teiwv 1 firltelar jomnnc hepartraent in cor- ct irnand n re prepared to do jusinefs in 101 1 ct prices that cannot bo beaten tcrms f you suffer fron a bad cough go to the oldreliabledhug store and get a bottle of our emulsion of cod liver oil it wilt- cube it large bottles ksjy s5c wm malloy b a editor asd pbopriktob r djs2s1id3 jjicgaij jam siciuiiougii il b barrister solicitor jcto dalcyj block stouffville ont mon9v 13 lioan frr macdonald davidson paitrsi babei3tkks sojjicitou notaries public et orflck23 auoaidc st k teorner victoria st tokostj j k kerb q a w 1 acdona ld w davidson j a pateltsoy r a cranjt bomnson lenaox lennox barristers solicitors conveyancers c stouffvillo office spoffords block toronto office qmadu lifebuildini aurora ouico ovor ontario bnnk cic robinson jonn f lennox t herbert lennox 53p o n vv telegraph agency allan line steam ship agency h c thomas chemist druggist ifif an cia l bmey to loan on farm or village property at from 5 to 6 per cent for lending money for the independ ent order of foresters 0 a todd jvucdiua iff w 1 wilson 01 toronto will bo at the mansion 5 houl- jtouttville on iho fml thui wa ycf bvery mon7p diseases of eye eak nosb ami throat only jdlflnxal dr smith l d s dds stouoville ont member and graduato of royal college of dental surgeons honor graduate tor onto university graduate of tlio haskell postgraduate school chtcapo postgrad uate chicago college will visit clare- mont 1st and 3rd tuesday of each month office hours 0 to 12 1 to 5 office ovor spoffbrd cos store mrs wells l d s7 lat lady graduate of college of dentutry and surgcivib 0ntario res dence 097 spadina ave toronto will open an office in the mansion house stouffville on 2nd thuksday is august iso and continue the appointment for the 2nd thursday of each month fol lowing vbtkuinaut l g button veterinary surgeon c graduate 01 the on- h tro veterinary collcso toronto treats i idif femes ot domesticated animals by tbo motto miovetf methods lo ic intention siren tdrsienl operations nd borro dentistry- all chsdyo uigbt promptly attended to tbarses irrdinte ctbce nd residence main fr trct tiion iiatoffico i mi iini r isl- daleys bloci stonfivillb money to loan ongond security sale and farm notes cashed ard taker for collection draft issued on the imperial bank and its branches and on all points in canada and the united states savings department interest allowed on deposits notes collected at lowest kates 4 per cont per annum interests allowed on deposits office hours 10 a m to 3 p it saturdays 10 am to 1 pm thos williamson consulting manager w j stark mines mauagar pain in i wntt tonsorjal artists call at the paris tonsorial parlor fcrcntelarfhairdreuing andsbavir sat- retlon euaranteed y ittnk of mtatintt soap cflnmtlqofi ma i c til 1ttbcr hmfbc strops ac 18 complete alio nntelsf ltatori for tal and guaranteei hater ijonide and sbean sbarnenidffla ipeci ally 0 siiankeu proprietor go to the royal tonsorial parlor for fashionahlc hairdressing shaving c auo agent for tbesniea lannday lo toronto asa 15r0wn lrop todds lllock stoiiffviile rest 5c cigar in town at holph crowns west end jvtjcrion kees the celebrated christie fnrd nnd soft felt hats just arrived latest shapes n e smith licensed auctioneer forthecounutofvork andootirio sales arm stock etc- attendee to on shortest n o uo td reasonable rats stoflt ill ont- new spring suitings to hand sandeil k lundy jflcrpliant tailors we are pleased to sfato that michael morden is uotr in a fair towards rccoyerv to rest choice of 2 houses good locelitv keasonablo reut apply to j bray mrs cluhine left this nvci foi davenportiowa where she intends to reside with her brother we regret to have to announo that joseph moiifcuouse of altona en saturday last fell ami hrotu his arm mr vickson butcher st lawrence market toronto had cm exhibition on saturday two very fine spring laints from scott bros aurora 7hcir live weight was 13 pounds and lll pounds respectively- ontario is a great reading province there are now 213 public public ib raries in the province an increase of 91 over last year tho govrnmeit gives a grant to each library to aid in its maintenance president mckinley is in favor of tho ratification of ho arbitration treaty with great britain a vote will be taken at an early date and a substantial majority in its favor is expected on tuesday while coming round tho corner from church st north upon main st xv tinkkr was thrown out of his sleigh and tho horse obtained his freedom tho animal mado for home and in turning upon obrien ave the seigh upset but righted itself again and no damage was done mt buchanan a member of the oxford county council was friday afternoon of last week fined by the ingersoll magistrate as a member of the ingersoll curling club for using liquora on the ice the same being an infraction of he liquor license act we suppose it requiresa level head to put tho stane mr w tfevir jhljsa had dys- pcpsm yor20ear itwlmsis ami doctors liul got noyjiliofjuti sido ami stomach nnd grad away of flesh when ho heard of nnd imi mediately commenced taking northrop lymans vogctnblc discovery the pain have left and lie rjoiccs in the enjoyment of excellent health in fact lie is quite a new man those water wouks considerable is being said by our ratepayers oil tins question just as if thecouncil intended to certainly proceed with a system of aatertrorks which would involve the village in a burdensome tax for many years to come thefuctis thecouncil employed kng incer mcdougal to take the levels and other statistics and aro awaiting his report so that thny are not yet in possession cf the data neces sary to form an olniuii of tho advisab ilityof precccding wiih tho work opinion on tho mattershoum be urpen fled till tho facts aro obtained when they will be fully and fairly laid before tho ratepayers itov ij w haincr pastor of tho first congregational church of new- ark n j son ol hov v ii hatner of stouffville together with mrs hainer are in rome italv on their way to greece and tho hoy laud mr hainer preached on sunday fub 28th in cho pulpit of tho prcsbvteiian church in the via venn settenibre fairlv electrifying the crowded audi- enco not only in the originality of his theme but in the effective manner in which his discourse was delivered mr hainer isone orths brilliant ora tors of the day and to give himself a more vivid conception of persons and places he is inking an eastern trip the milk producers who supply toronto aro offering great objections to tho tubcicaliu test tu claim that they sell milk to middlemen at 8c n gallon and that the latter get 5c per quart therefore there is no money to them in the business thov lo not object to tho most rigid inspection but aro unwilling to pay for tho cost of such inspection after may 1st noxt according to recent regulations only tho milk of cous satisfactorily subjected to tho tuberculin test by a duly appointed inspector shall be admitted to toronto it is a rccogniz ed fact among medical men that the milk from cows suffering from tuber culosis is unli for human food then every iieana should bo adopted to provont its salo tho fee fixed for applying tho tuborcnllne test is 52 60 for tho first cow and 60o for each additional cow it eventually pv8 eyory milk producer to keep his herd frco from this fatal diaoase and ceitain ly tbo purchasers of milk should bo afforded propor protection against its sale fancv goods toys s chool cook and stationery at s c fleary ficvs mrs jtio turner who has been ill fo- some time is improving we aro glad to report that from last acount rev ve a reid was some what improved royr c bond of toronto jet will fill tho pulpit in chiist church kpiscopilian on sunday next ser vices at 3 p m hon david reesjrrotpouth irie rosedale who lok a cljctvthtlo out diiving last moidiv and has been dangerously j sine wis r ported yesterday to have hnrr though he leuraiis in a i cry si rious conditio on march 20that 3 a m tbiui yj cress celestial tquator on us northward journey enters tho firjt point of aries and spring commence soon 3ob jordan or tho 5th church got his arm bidly fev days ago he was kettle and slipping fell mlsszelja victoria foreiice crosby of uxbridge spent sunday with miss blanche obrien fcr gocd and cheap virgiuiakarms fine climate write i reescr hanover court house virginia ii v sanders on monday purchas ed w p hartney v lot on obrien ave a new residence will be next in order john halkini jr of toronto who convicted of forgjug a certificate t 1jisc weights of hides that hid been chased from a dealer was two months imprisonment mr j robsou and tuesday for melita every success attend thojn in their new home burdock pi vu givino pur- scotooccd to wile startad on n w t may oysters orauges lanious nuts candies c at s c kleury cos moxey ro loan at 5 and5 per cent a g brown 3 venus is evening star and wil appear like a celestial diamond during march william wells and daughters sylvia and bertha visited at the homo of xv ma hoy on thursday last fliorouch lliittstibility and nutrit value arc two eyelids hue whit injured a carrying a pon tin fiive suhfuctioi wheruv tried thrycurec acli a sovcre bruixa bt tho iette cousin muscles tho dates for tho 22nd annual pro- vincial convoiou- ol the 5nbbath school askociation of ontario- to bo hold at jjaniilton havo tn fiifcd for oct 7 28 and 29 when programme of more hail ordinary interest will be presented wm orr the supcrintendent of fruit- spraying of ontario is niamn preparation for a more extensive tour of the proviiee to illustrate the method ard prove the benches of fpivytn fruit tree weeds and itsvets aiiist be persistevttjy fought in order to succeed in the production of any bene ficial crop dyspepsia or indigedliu is ociasio lied by the wantoi nction in the biliary ducts loss f vitality- in tho stomcch to secrete tkc pas tricjiucts without which digestion ilx po on also bcirg the principal hcadaehe j- ar m ell- y y0 ji tikan bfore trying to uii iotff i ji- 1 1 less t nstlpition sjck hiad- i aciie nnd iilliume3 lot it bo j on slondav as mrs ashouni was goinjf into l m douhtrt round the back way tho slipped and fell breaking her arm at the uris kimoval mrs adair miss darrach will move their dressmaktir and millinery business into brays block this week lookout for their advertisement next week the great demand for a plra safeand reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met will fanti- consumptive syrup vegetable compound and and maeicrlly in subduing all eouehs colds bronchitis inflnmation of the lung etc it is so palatable thai a child will not refuge it and is put at a price that will not exclu de the poor from itt benefit it has been learned that the ority of chattel mortages and other d cunients ihinljicklcs it is a purdy acts promptly viuj maj many ive strong jwints in favor of milburns liver oil kmulsiou with wild cherry niid hypopjoaphites jerchants all over toe county of york aro complaining that they arc being swindled by sharks who are circulating faous 50 and 26 cent pieces 7t is be lieved that the bogus coin is manufact ured in the county and officers are trying to locate th counterfeiters business stand to kent business stand with house attached now occupied by mrs adair this is one of tho oldest and best business stands in stouitville possession glvcn 2ist march 1807 apply to a s leanoy stonftvillo guorge stewart of yongro street south of aurora had a narrow escape from being- poisoned monday of last week- mis stewart has had a very soro throat lor some timo and has been using a strong garble mr stewart who has also beon ill for some timo mistook tho medicine for some which ho had beon taking and took a heavy dose with the result that it made hiin very sick medical aid was caled ui as soon as tho mistakewas discovered and ptoper restoratives gfiven and he uicaris lioiacl cares garget in utw gid isltvs which i-hrvt- in aloe considerable interest is coritfed v th great corbettfitksimmons figt which is to take place at carson city ndvadt on march 17th st patricks da the state legislature of neva da has passed a bill legalizing pugil ism as such contests bring- money into the territory personal encounters of this nature arc highly undesirable as they tend to develop thn vicious in human nature both in the immediate pirties and these who take an interest in such contests and they should be prey en ted in every country by the strong arm of the lav some per pic never have a good word to sav for a newspaper a preach er or a lawyer the first costs mire than it is worth dont ainounr to any thing- and anyway they can borrow it from their neighbor the second says things that fit too closely while the third is such a scoundrel that they would not have anything to do with him under any circumstances what ever but let these same individuals havo a little trouble and they aro tho first to let the hampers fly out of their nocks and the newspaper the preach er and the lawyer ard nearly always called upon to help thorn out of their difficulty bishop siiilivau in ji sermoi tn jamqs cathedral toronto from text st john iii 4 sin is transgn keiou of thn law soma he said argue hat their mi is tho result of a chain of circumstances owr which they have no contra a mere accident in the journey of life unfor tunate but affording no causa for grave anxiety we ennnor divest ourselves ol personal responsibility to god in anv such light and erring- fashion you and you alone can sin god gave uh a conscience capable of knowing the diirercncoand consequeu tly of choosing between right and wrong jt is this fact that creates an unalterable distinction between us and this indefinitely varied form of beings that lift around us tho spiritual laws are on a far higlior level than tho natural ines bjjimj thev are founded in the nature of the divine heine himself for ho is tho moral and spiritual law personified consequently sin against the law is a direct net of host ity against god if it were allowed to develop it would stop at nothing short of driving god from the throno of tho universe as treason is tho most serions offence against human lawi bccau3 it is a blow against tho foundations of society so sin has the blackest hue because it is a blow aimed at tho sovereignty of god himself ae illegal because the j is nov c danger notaries faded to affix the proper sca whilo no physician or pharmacist can con- ecientiously warrant a cure the j c ayer co guarantee the purity strength and medicinal virtues of ayers sarsaparitla it was the only blood puriqer admitted at tho great worlds fair inchicago iso the recent curtailment by the g t ji and g p r of the use of commutat tickets sallies with it another 1 old syate which the law requires it is expected that an act will soon be introduced the lljegsliture for fho legalizing mortgages with mi ommis sion into purpose of ul arc usually caused by some defect in the refractive system of the eyes which ran nearly always be remedied by hail ing a pair ol glasses properly fitted and wearing thci when looking at near work call at tho market flrug sloreand lave them attended to before something more serious occurs trusses are worn more effectively and with a great deal more ease if they fit properly we have recently added- several xrw styles to our stock aniong them the famous water- padjed ivetjiore tvcuss without douot the most comfortable and effective truss on the market the makket dkug stoke st xtcabbb chemist druggist stouffville issurcrof marriage licenses j bakek main- st wjsr exd stooffvlle appoint nents7mado ji i in f st the i 111 in in dcrtaint took the levels from tho spring on the jamloson homestead which is about two niitcs distant from town and found tho fall to bo 11c ft great offer tho sessions of tho ontario legislature and dominion parliament this year will be of tooro than usual interesr and you want to watch tho proceedings you can haye tho toronto daily globe morn ing edition from now till the close of the dominion hoiiso f r 150 j ho ontario legislature met on w diuts- dyy 10h february and tlu dominion parliament was summoned to meet on the 10h of march and moro than usual interest is being taken inthem tho ontario hottso on account of its new mining law and the dominion house on account of tho tariff and other questions that must bo dealt with by the now parliament is almost sure to prikmg its session beyond tho usual timo- take full advantage of tiie offer by leaving your offer at the tmnuni office retiring o o take ayers rills and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the days work ayers cathartic pills liave no equal as a pleasant and effectf ual remedy for constipation biliousness sick headache and all liver troubles they are sugarcoated and so perfectly prepared that they cure with- out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market ask your druggist for ayers cathartic pills tvtien other pills wont help you ayers is the pill that will jfitifiod to carry alon in the railway car an almosi quantity of goods to be disposca of in thocity the railway companies think this has had the effect of causing great inconvenience to passengers who were travelling on ordinary tickets as many scats were often occupied by arm pro ducts icnccforth such goods must be carried as freight aud the proper charges paid upon them toronto teiegkaji two inter esting young inon are in attendance at tho court of general sessions this week one of them lives in whit church is nearly 30 years of age and has not before this been 10 miles away from home it was necessary to send a constable out to convoy him safely to the city as the train appro- acicd scarboro junction ono saw tho word castoria painted in hugo loters on a bam he remarked i say bil look there tin ro is the place where thoy make castor oil it is amusing to seo their wonder and astonishment as they take in tho city sights espec ially do the trolley cars perplex thorn so absorbed aro thty as thuv go along the streets that ono of thorn actually falls over himself not being accus tomed to smooth going several times nllicer ftewcrt ciuight him as ho was going low iid brought liim to time tin son has novrs from tho soudan shows that great excitement presails there tho dervishes aro making great preparations in view of th projected advvico of the anglo egypt ian oxtediiionon berber thekhalila is reiving on osman digna to repel the advance of the anglo egyptian forces up tho nik and has appointed him governor of berber with th i title of emir of emirs osriian digna has taken up his quarters at berber and has called cut upwards of 25000 dcrvi sites many of whom arc well armed with riilis receitly purchased by tho khalifa from abvssinians advices from the egyptian spies however indicate that tho mass of dervishes aro reluctant to fight and that osman digna has been compelled to dispatch a forco of 3000 men to ravorni fho country calling upon tho arabs to join his standard uder penalty of death the fifit news in ten months has also been received from the earopean priso ners at omdiirmn the military camp of fio khalifa near khartoum they aro in a slate of tromendous anxiotv and fearthy wili bo massacred directly the khalifa finds ho in unable to resist tho ndvanco of tho anglo egyptian army sailors veilings in all colors jse yd jet crowns 15c a complete stock of fancy goods dfessflaking iono as usual- in all the latest styles ft adair miss darracli the id reliable wmwst kemp ji c h ifccmilv rscixoiaer keeps on hand all kinds of fhksh and salt meats sausages head cheese and fish in season in fact everything that is kept in a wellordered shop beef told by the qartcr and pork by tho circase at reasonable rates notecash paid for hides skin aud tallow i minitjs liniment cdhs distemper- our now stock of tweeds largest acd best stock over shown in stoiiffviile also a complete stock of rvkckweait fobkisniivos give us a johnrbray merchant tailor qents furnisher