f for feed should bring it to the istouffyille where it is done prompt ly and jsatisfactorly j as mccomocuie manager rsmirh licensed auctioneer fob the countiks of york and ontario also ogent for the lowdown jccor- mick bindloehine the binder of the future also aoest for the little righthan led aaxwel buujsrthe lightest and simplest elevator binder made mowers rakes hay tedders hay loaders and agent for the colthardt scott firm combined drills seeders cultivators har rows and scufflers parties wishing to buy anything in this line have a chat with me before purchasing elsewhere show room at the market vour entire j stock of heavy ewight suits overcoats at cost- dont fail to examine these goods and avail yourself of one of the greatest bar gains ever offer ed in stouffville i jno monkhodse the leading tailor and gents furnisher tunm support legitimate home manufactures and enterprises til no 45 stouffville ontario thubsday january 24 i895 hi whole number 411 rfcct tea jest tea h eworld from thz in its native plfiitv monsoon teulu pat ty tfja iv v frowcrsasa simple f ttxs ivt q-asi- i n rcajc therefore ttwy mo tin srrciot cjc iai selection of tho tva ul us ti-i- ht i vhy li put it up thcmelvet ami km it o jy in th ori packages thereby vectirinjfis ptiritvjiid sxtv3c put up in k lb i lb ij 5 iu paciti neva sold in bulk all gcco chochr3 keep it if your grocer does not vsep it tell him to write tc steel hayter co 11 and 11 f- 7 vq great coogh coue promptly cures where aii others fail coughs croup soro throat hoarseness whooplnff cough and asthma for consumption it has no rival has cured thousands and will cube you it taken in time sotdbydruuglstaona guax- enteo for aseamo back or cheat use shijlohs bqsladonna piaster25c patarrh remedy -romedyissuaran- tcedtocuxeyou pricococts injeotortae sold by ucoixard druggist stouffville warriners good grain bags only s2 a doz newest tyles in neckwear at monk houses oysters by bulk or dish at s c fleurvs miss laura stouffer spent sunday in miirmiani remember a vonbusecksjsale of household furniture on saturday feb ruary 2nd at 1 p m n reserve terms cash seo posters owing to tne recent change in the makeup of the titibuxe all business advertisements are required to be banded in not later than noon on tuesdays written examinations were held at ravenshoc on tho last quarters les sons for 1894 in tho presbyterian sab bath school the object beinjr to pro mote a greater study of the s s les sons the minimum was 75 per cent for obtaining a prize at the meeting of council on mon day tho following persons were ap pointed to constitute tho board o health for tho village for 1895h johnson a g brown j l bakery s m warriner and jas obrien dr i a ereel being again selected as msdical health officer v a boox to hobsehkk one bottle of english cpavin liniment completely re moved a curb from my horse i take pleasure in recommending the remedy as it acts with mjsterious promptness in the removal from horses of hard soft or call oused lumps b ood spavin splints curbs sweeny stifles and sprains geokgk robb farmer markham ont sold by rowan co druepists the grand trunk railway have discontinued issuing single fare pass enger tickets between bradford and toronto on saturdavs this may be only the beginning towards doing a- way with these weekly sinsrle fare tic kets along the line such of course is but justice to merchants doing busi ness in towns along the line who contribute largely to the coffers of the institution the shape of express and iviaoht v having lately purchased the establish ment formerly owned by park g bros we are prepared to do all kinds of woodwobk in thebuilding line such as doors sash blinds mouldings planing and matching c material furnished if required and estimates made we have good machinery and are prepared to do firstclass work we have also added a shingle machine to the establishment and are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch shingles for sale 3 cook bros factory opposite railway station the canadian live stoci and farm journal 1895 will suhpass all pbecedixo yeabs bilb as regards tho value of its rending matter and the number and quality of its illustrations ltlhh jodbnal is becoming moro popu- ur every year descrvingly so as every issue simply boils over with reading matter of the most vital importance to farmers subscribe now only si per year including as a supplement tub ffovsbuoao c2xjpsyxq a lively attractive magazine published in tho interests of tho ladies wd young people of the household the canadian live stock and toronto ont 8am plo copy free 3looal items- cups and saucers forxmas at j j raes 1 monkhouee has just opened his fall styles in hats boys call on monkhouse for yon tall underwear f b wicks for tho best aud cheap est harness is frieght andrew stontter of newmarket fprraerlva member of tho stonffville methodist choir has organized a singing class at pine orchard which meets in the temperance hall every saturday evening from his largre experience and his thorough knov- edge of the art we aro sure that ythnse who come under his instruction- will receive a thoroughly scientific training fri rheumatism 0ubed ix a dav boufi american rheumatic cure for rhcumitism and neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days its action upon the system is remark able and mysterious it removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears tho first dose greatly benefits 75cta sold bv rowan co drurkist the schedule of tho returns of con victions before justices of the peaco for the count yfor the quarter ending december12th 1894 has been pub- isbed and shows there were one hundred and fiftythree convictions during that time of this number 41 were for disorderly conduct 28 for trespass lgfor vagrancy and 16 for assault the balance is mado up of injury to property bievcling on side walks etc the amount ot fines im posed was 841000 ofths amount si01 remains unpaii eugene v debs and other members of tho american railway union now in goal at woodstock iii under judg ment of the circuit court or the unit ed states for tho northern district of illinois for contempt ot court will be admitted to bail in the sum of 2000 each conditioned on abidingtho furth er order of tho supremo court pending tho dicision of the coart upon tho ap plication for their release on a writ of habeas corpus the order of tho court was announced today by chief just ice fuller tho rule against the cir cuit court to show why tlin writ ol habeas corpus should not issuo will bo argued on monday march 25 consumers of orangfs should beware of frozen fruit coming from florida an orango specialist in florida says that frozen oranges aropoisonous and deaths have been known to oecur from eating them on the occasion of a former freeze there he says that tho boston or massachusetts board of health forbade tho importation of frozen oraneus as poisonous and dan gerous to tho public health notice such an embargo has not yot been- given sinco the prseiit freeze in florida this gentleman say that not only havo tho orange groyos and the vegetable gardens been seriously injured and in many instances wholly destroyed but oven n tho extreme south of florida tho cocoanut trees and the pineapples hayo been seriously in jured and in somo places killed by the frost minards liniment is used byphysieians visiting friends iuwn mr crosbv ofbrowscombe per kins visited the parental home in markham on sunday if you want an advertisement to reach every responsible person in the village and surroundjtig country place it in the tribune one of the best live local papers north of toronto itch on human and horses and nil animals cured in 30 minutes by woolfonls sanitary lotion this never fails sold by rowan co druivists where the panel m the case of a grand jurv do s not exceed thirteen seven out of their nu nber may find a true bill this amrfiidmenr to tho criminal code of the dominion came in 10 force on jan stint and applies to every province oftfifl dominion hon clarke wallac arrived at to ronto junction crom ottawa en route to his borne at vvoodbridge at the junction he boariid asleigh jto drive to woodbridge with his son thomas wallace tho horse became frightened at a houso which was being moved at the top of the black creek hill near weston and ran away down the hill at a terrific speed the occupants of the vehicle controlled tho horse for a time but finally ran ajjainst the bank overturned the sleigh and threw both occupants out with great force the controller was bruised considerably on the side and face but bis son es caped with slight injuries qii january 1st inst the province of ontario was increased by tho addi tion oftho new countv of nipissing bysome oversight provision was not made for either county town or sher iff and there being no sheriff no county judge could be installed eith er north bay or mattau a will be the county seat at present court is held bp the stipendiary magistrate ot the old district niitwithjttrsing his term of office expired with 1894 his de cisions will no doubt be reviewed in a higher- court relief in- six hours distrossios kid- ey and bladder diseasca relieved in six hours by tho new gbeat soitth americas iinxey cube this new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu the bladder kidneys back and every part of the urinary passages in male or iemalo it relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately if you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy- sold by rowan co druevists at last session of the dominion parliament an amendment to tho jury law was introduced and carried through the houso by j d edgar m p for fcwest ontario whereby it requires only seven grand jurors o place a piisonor on trial instiad of the whole twelve as formerlyr the am endment has been adopted and now constitutes portion of our now crim inal code there is danger in neglecting a cold many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from extosuro followed by a cold which settled on their lungs and in a short time they were beyond tho skill of the best physician had they used bicklps anticonsumptive syrup before it was toj late their lives would havo been spared this medicine lias no equal tor curing cough colds and affectioiu of tho throat and lungs sinuino scaool mr herschol shoults will open a singing school in the p trons hall uloomington tomorrow friday everin jan 25th- inst commencing at 8 oclock he will bo assisted by mr e blake plcrgott humorist of toronto every person welcome no admission feo silver cpl lection to help dofray expenses for terms of singing coursa see dodgers it is now declared that the work ot tho bacteriologist is revolutionizing the science of medicine and tho pro diction is made that tho men who aro so patiently laboring with the micros cope making anoxamination of tho microbes lor living creatine too small to bo seen by tho naked evo will in a few vcars confer upon tium- anitv the greatest boon it has over re ceived this examination has not gono very far but already it is pret ty clearly established that tho ills of humanity aro very largely due to microbes in one form and another and that which is vastly moro important the theory is fairly maintained that scienco will at last ba able to avert or retard their work of enervation and destruction upon tho human system noono wo presumd has beou rash enough to claim that death may be averted but it seems reasonabletbat at last science may so far overcome the destroying work of tho microbe a to greatly prolong imman life 100 new tailormade ladies jackets good and cheap at s m warriners a firstclass secondhand coal parlor cook cheap at t e trulls v a a lot of lumber lath and shingles i sae cheap at hartneys j j rae sells whiteware dishes cheaper than any one in town wo are convinced that warriner sells the cheapest in stouffville the chicken thief is at work again jasjhopkins of uxbridge township had one of bis primo geese taken a few nights ago in anohsr column will bo found the minutes of tho annual meeting of tho association for the apprehension and conviction of felons as also a list of tho names of the present membersof society the annual cost to each member is tho mearest trifle and the being a member gives you the right to coiimand when needed tho as sistance both financially and other wise of every member ot the assoc iation in union there is strength it pays to become identified with this association farm for sale or to rent that firstclass grain and stock farm lot 1 con 7 whitchurch this farm is in good state of cultivation being all tallploughed5 acres in fall whiat ill acres of alsike and red clover tho buildings are firstclass with spring creek convenient to the barns good orchard good cellar under the house plentv of hard and soft waterc an al farm terms easy apply to j mcquay ringwood po ont 4t a petition from sutton will soon be placed before hon john costigan minister of marine and fisheries ask ing for tho dredging ot a channel through the sand bar from the mouth of the river into ithe lake wo hope the hon gentleman will not only give it due consideration but actas promptly as it is in his power to do so there was a time when a craft loaded ed with 30 barrels of whisky could en ter the river without any trouble thus showing how much that portion of the lake has filled up- herald if its whiskey yoro afthcrfye can get lots b3 stamo j for the thorough and speedy citr of all bodt- ijiseascs and eruptions of the skin take northrop lymans vegetable dis covery mrs b forbes detroit had a running sore on her leg for a long time commenced using northrop lymans vegetable discovery and she is now com pletely cured her husband thinks there is nothing equal to it for ague or any low fever a physician calls atton tion to a means of keeping pneumonia colds chills and all tho ailments that cold weather brings on at a distance deep and forced respirations he says will keep the entire body in a glow in tho coldest weather no matter how thinly one mav be clad he was himself half frozen to death ono night and began taking deep breaths and keeping the air in his lungs as long as possible the result was that he was thoroughly comfortable in a few min utes the deep respirations he says stimulate the blood current by direct muscular exertion and cause the en tire system to become porvaded with the rapidly generated heat r t op t york district council met in the temperance hall new- marketfor the transaction of business on fridav 11th inst district coun cillor rev bro h s matthews of alliston in tho chair alliston coun cil although outside of york district was well represented jit albert stouffville fairbank markham auro ra and newmarket councils were ex ceedingly well represented jand some good practical work was done every council in tho district reported an in crease in membership with tho oxcopt- ion of one and they arc anticipating grand results even there soveral places were mentioned whern councils might be instituted and stops were taken to organize at the earliest possi ble date we hopo to see tho number of councils in york doubled in the near f thre there is a life insur ance in connection with the order which is gaining ground rapidly and is said to ba tezond to none in the provinco of ontario friday baing tho annual meeting the district off cars for 1895 were elected as follows bro w b speight markham coun cillor bro jas gibbard fairbank vicocoun bro d pilkoy aurora chaplain bros j s green newmar ket secretary bro w g graham aurora treasurer bro w t lloyd mt aloert herald bro nighs- wander stouffville guard bro e sanderson aurora sentinel bro j a pcrogrinc aurora p c bro d morrison nowmarkot representative to grand council the next district meeting will bo hold at stouffville in april there was a public meeting in the evening when a good program was rendered by tho friends of anrora and newmarket also an excellent ad- drew by bro w b speight ot mark- bam white and colored shirts at monk houses school books and stationery good supply at raes warriner is holding a big reduction sale for one mouth a chance for bg snaps v abram stover is verv ill froni a severe cold but is tiopad that ho may soon recover attain swkexev u s a san diego cal says shilohs catarrh remedy is the first medicine i havo ever found that would do mo any goo prico 50 cents g collord dru cist the government party in new foundland is preparing to face tho country on tho question of confeder ation issue it is also hinced that they are endeavoring to obtain a promise from the canadian govern ment that whiteway be made ffist ijieutgoveriior of newfoundland under the confederation however it is not very likely jthat canada will be very anxious to confederate with a bankrupt colony dyspepsia and indigestion 0w sna co syracuse n y writes pcuse send us tea gross of pills we are selling more of parmelees pills than any other pill we keep they have a great reputation for tho cure of dyspep sia and liver complaint- mr chas a smith lindsay writes parmeleos pills are an excellent medicine my sister has been troubled with severe headache but these pills have cured her those having any job printing to do call at this office tor quotations we run dodgezs at si per 1000 quarter sheets at tl for 50 or 125 per 100 half sheets at 125 for 50 or si 50 p r 100 and whole sheets at 2 per 100 all other work done at proportionately low prices the notice given in the tribune in connection with work done in this office is worth as much as bills owing to tho extensive and general circulation of tho tribune through the entire neighborhood had la grippe mr a niekerson farm er duttun writeslast winter i had la grippe and it left me wjth a sevcro pain in the small ot my back and hip that used to catch me whenever i tried to climb a fence this lasted for abouttwo months wheu i oughtjjottlo jofdrthomas eefcctioj oil and usirinirjitlntotmrryirtroxior nally morning andovghihg for threee days at the cxpiratiohof which time i was completely cured horrible accident a shocking fatal accident befel tho only child of mr and mrs john smith jr of lot 9 con 6 markham on sunday eyening ol last week it appears the child a bright girl of about two years was playing about the kitchen and had tho coyer of a paste board box in her hands whon her mother had occasion to step outside for a mornon- it is thought the child must havo stuck the bit of pastebaard in tho damper of tho stove and ignited it for tho mother had not left the room more than a mo ment beforo she was startled by the childs screams and rushing into the room was horrified to find tho childs clthes all in flames she wrapped a rug about the poor child and extin guished tho fire but tho injuries proved fatal and after lingering tin til the next afternoon tho little suffer er died vw7r- a funn man who asked the ques tion whero is tho state of matrim ony received tho following answer it is one of the united s it is bound by hugging and kissing on one side and the cradles and the babies on tho other its chief production is popul ation broom sticks pnd staying out at night it was discovered by adam and eve while trying to find a passage out of paradise the climate is rather sultry until you pass the tropics of housekeeping when squally weather sots in without sufficient power to keep all hands as cool as cucumbers for the principal road leading to that state consult the first pair of blue oyos you run across this space belongs to w jt mortens xiook out for ad next week were neyer so cheap as they are at present who got kocked down editor tribune kindly allow me a small space in your valuable paper in which to point out a wish of many of tho skaters nearly every evening i havo skated on our rink here there has been a number of small children skating to and fro in every direction among the densa oft havo i noticed ono being knocked down and worse knocking down rood skaters with a lady of course then thcro is a general halloo and laugh all over the rink it is not only tho annoyance to others i think of but the danger to which they arc oxposcl now not wishing them to bo drprived of their skate would it not bo well to have a bell rung say at halfpast eight to call all under a certain age 12 for instance off the i again i think it would be well of parents to have their little children como homo at an earlier hour boys dont halloo so much when any ono falls 4 thankin yon for tho have given mc i rcmal ono who has space which you yours en knocked down 231bsgraluated siigar 1 cleaned currants 31bs for 25c layer cooking raisins 3ids for 25c other ra isins 5 lbsfpr 25cts all other goods equally low every firstclass stock man feeds royal n spice and her- bageum to horses cattle sheep pigs fowls try it a g brown telephone store harness emporium if you want a fine set of eithei single or double harness j w turner canatiawou both as to price felt quali jwyd stockeatcomplete assoflpl trunks gatclaels val ises lap rugs dusters lynets halters snaps vhlps currycombs irushes quarterboots shin and ankle boots knee boots and scalping boots bandages axle grease hoaf ointment c no shoddy harness kept all- hand made j w tuibmlfc ggip main st east of telephone store opposite the station stoxtfintiijijel la prepared to purchase all kindsof- grain seeds potatoes hides fool port c and ho keeps on hand for sale flour feed goal pivl barrels and bulk lime cement felt rooiie f firiclz te c jos a todd opposite the station