Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 20, 1889, p. 1

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m s vvxm stotjffvfiile ont friday december 20 1889 whole number 95 1 travellers guide trains lea ve stouffville station main line 2nd sutton branch as follows ooiso west rsutipu mixed 82sa av express 1100 mjxed 422 p ml mail 757 east mail 908 a m mixed 035v f sutton mixed 010 p m expres 539 1 stpuffville markets full whoic so to s 90 spring wheat o80 90 flour per cwt 2 30- 2 60 barley 35 0 50 rye 0 60 0 60 peas 0 00 0 50 peas blackcytd 0 55 0 60 oat- v 0 25 080 braril per ton 0 off moo shorts pur ton 0 01 m 1400 hnv 8 00 12 00 onions- v vm- 0 05 beans v 120 1 20 j tjil es per ba 04v ojs avfpies perbush 40 tio bgjis 25 035 butter cm v 0 13 lard j oj0 0 14 geese per lb 0 05 0 07 turkeys per it 0 9- 011 chickens per pair- t0 40 0 50 5 church directory iethodlstchurchirrev george j3rown pastor services at 1030a ml and 7p m sabbath schoolat 230 ipm pray iy5gvpplvsprayerrjetisthurl3ayj av8pm congregatjona l rev j unsworth- pastor servicesat in 3c aniiind s satbath scbooknt pni prayer meet- hijsffnveunelayatyso pitu- kesbvterranliev uy knowles pastor servfccsst 1030 am an1t7pn1 sabbath scmoojv at zijo piii piayet meeting evervwsdifcsclifyevs at s jkpxistkev mr jiiai w pastor cr- yicjvat ip30aim and 7 m sunday ouhat 230 p 111 prayer meeting on s311esi3ttyiat1730 pm j j hcnpfng band re mr qs incr rmces at 245 pi jwfsocietkslanp b0rr3 ipunclb imqnthici i- meehanlfcs insta sday of cich month stciml anil fourth moiij fxi ft headquarters we beg to call attention to the following lines which we liave just opened lor the holiday trade xmas nd new years cards an ry choice selection cheap fancy goods in plush an leather- lyb stoys toys an endless variety the greatest assortment ever shown in stouff- yille ch icejfruif andcon fe c- tioneryi the finest in the market school books i and stationery- w carry the bst cheapest stock in town we have a very fine selection of holiday glftbooksi which ivill be fouiid to suit the wants orevery person avishing you all the compliment of the ap proaching fesuve season 5g- remember the bl ace jloolitjems ooso coolv caut win eiituys wiljj sivrtlitv aitlwalkeck miltons kov 27th 18s9- studio mryotv 6f- l letltlcffloieffip folvppk fiiotqgraravwurk wlusr yoticiiirgut fiesffihlt10pi moxtv to ioavat 5v pur cfut xo commission freu v hill barristers stout villi- r goose some jinan who is fond of coolv cagtuiyl 0110 from mr sn a iiiurkot yes mr bfjitty knows the piltyror by sbt hint expects him o rtmeup liiuuvpity like a man alid save fur hat troubie i-v- bpoortl takes tlimoiitl sives the bargains aiid druwstiie crowd ix stoii2erga iikiiunse stock o the veryliistfeit boos wiac- kinaw stix- and rubbers overshoes in great variety- and tiueciiotom aiid hosiiemade and shoes hi all styles sixes ajidirices- saturday kightsjchristmasiiuiiibein lcacheti us the othi day- it is an exceediniy lijindsqilipione the jrout tpvev tiijjw lieiujr jvtiiiuya guamu- itts pfcyie txetllei te 01 the contents ihe price is tiurty and- is worth double thatas aiok of art for cheap holiday presents go to moiios store selitiig ot at greatly induced prices aibuiii bibles gaiiies lqls toys aiidv iclirisinas card in great arietv 500000 t6 o4si at low est rates ot intvrvtiby fay lor yaiigster fiiirristei s daib coititkonoxl li- lickeiiiigr kews has a rsuuie eftheake suit against the corpoiutioii iii which thcic ire seyciai niutcuraeitstlthough hecozi clusiouis quite correct- our cotetii should read the v ird again and lie will see that the case was tried i and its nierifsaiid t hattwo pf the arbitra- tirs decided on the e idence given that ale had liocviuse actioi the totiil costs 01 the acciontreaclies about 425- agery especially that of the member for x bruce whose telegram was quite a hit vvitbout doubt the hbnorabl leader of the opposition niade the most fluent while tlie miiiister of cus toms the inost logical speech in the rebate mr j g clarke iiyho-iutro- duced the billclqsed the debated tim amendment moved by the opposition was then put atidjost aitd the govern ments bill was carried by a niajortty of pne 1 hus the first division result ed in aycry narrow majority but the country is now safe thniubject b discussion for the next session will be prbhibiti6ii to be introduced by the following resolution hat iu the opinion of this house it i- expedieut to prohibictheiiiiuiuineiurein poi tatlou and le of iutvjxictuinjc luninis except tor sncmineutiil inediciii scien- titlc and nircliiiiiicid ptrpiwcs liiit hie such pcoliililloniina siiel coforcenkiit v iiiuuutrietureimniitiitionuiidsiile 11s imi be iiuuyedjialllilyiueil5itiiiuiougv ernmeht jurdugbftecilly abpoiutidiflic eisy j- too late r a largv amount pi iiitf ter arrived on thursday niorjyng and coiise ouentiytoo laie for jiffisi issue coniniuineatioiis m mon t falestiie arid uxbr minutes yyillappeariiiexf spoffobdcj concjtyrr editor triiumf jhotos frbi post st imp iohti- size gmm0wm00mq- their pvrciiaxes iid tliijiiiittlc wecnff fiiflu someiiiorefji the not f 0 ftt u i if w bitiiil-o- ibill aatnei reksonas mrwmhiriri5pftjxbridgeisin town the truest of mr- hajold sarigstei spoflbrd had three extra salesmen from toronto last week hejis the stuff j mr and- mrst h w1 si rripsoii- of toronto spent sunday in town with w j merteiis mr hairy millei returned from woodstock college tospeud his vaca tion at home j miss jennie stouffer has completed her course at the model school ne x- market and is at home alissliatc fercyvolmulcliiiiii spen low di s 111 town jitvie guest 01 misslibbie percy ymivjl hositol teacher of bloom- inirtonitublic school has his latlier sslt i l a jtbisf si the in t on orbe f each irionth each alternate eriilay third friday i of each rr5ssaiidp ed wjhill b avi- v jlel4 etc piehywith millert6ronto icersahdest jslockj foriierly bccii- thelatemr mclean stbtllyilleont ylorsangstet a jsihktstkssv ioi ic i r n sscani l ib barriser solicitor j tybaf lister ptjoanj deflcjei 13ile4ekftsff kerr macdodaltl dafidsbo- jjletsbn- ivrvniotaitjyticrefciv j 7 if vt vl v ofllcer bivdinmtofohto st j46ronto ji qc w mcdonald av patidsok jplv wxiertesjv r main street pml rfspi visiting wilhliirnforafee tfoxkr -mrs- pi p ciosby aiidjjdiinglifor lorettapfmpkliariiwefethe ifests 6i r fleury on friday to call at great bargains mb see our bargain ablcjof 100 hats nicq lineof just irfsi a rojbjnsfon dentist ixtw atiendat mfliersuwieli vi lilvnanfhiii tirlhm itlieltmoricpsukj markfikih i i on ijie iolniofeachi month 1 flyy yl rbseiiiarishotel mount al- v-ttfiw- ivbcttibn the j4th yiciona square6uihe2istvi vhen these dikjfall on sunclayrte nlohday followihg iwillbe iuhder- oad s f tf wtv jisjsli f j h t gradual in honors of thtontfttloicter 3wtty caitoeitinrrhimsrarjr jmemljefe or ithe oufavloiatribiayil gaicalqciejij treats illdueaisesofv domestic animals ty the htebtiiclcntlncvmtuick orders ay tolejttaph or 6ther wiio jilitht or dav jiomptly ntterided to charge moderate osc4 andreaidonedtcor main hd rt5rt trctstouflyle t rv chldrens iyiaritlesandwool goods all at priced to suitthbhard triaies i iwaiviest0brienj lrgfnseitaltgtioeek1torthj icwmsrof jmd ontario orders byfriail ortevograpixjiwill re- ceiwprbmptatterttt6nicharges mod erate v jf pl vi oii max tii acssonvrd in hcuvity tifnssto the 2s01 triwids and cinitoniers who iiine out on fridjtj eyeiiiiig nst and who cpt such sius prising good order which shows they apprectated the treat assiul in spite of the beastlvj state of the weather and roads a very iair number of invitatipiisto the social assembly wrcrvaccepted and the party was an entire success in pnintof niim- bcrs and pleasure the inspiriting- strains of nuisicavere kept time to by ibont ioo pairs of feet until a late hour whenaildacliucd they htd 11 joyed themselves to the full amciiig the visitors from adistauce w mcsus eoigii id pt rish crops mehitriv of port perry h mihe and c vatinnt ofjarkliami hajriigton of ijnionr villp misses meliafly pttbrpnto and mifsjlpttie shawi6rprtperjy viiiitt does srofford liiiend doing jiext jivswiitch the -tltibiinejind- go to tlieilssrgaih houseforrnieapry goods rouvatitandy ou will fud out what convs next i faniiiajfesttiu lnueting on fjuirsdayiifgut wfis oc a most spier nature arid tlie attendance of members andfeisttpiswvis lafgc a short -bus- iness iessiprfbfthe clujwalijiiid sivverat ikfvy vrieivibers admitted llr sjolu9saif fortnightly nuiitings hereafter the chajrinvas occupied by ivice ftesglarkoyijuie absejee ol trie pres on ndjpurnjwg and ffpirig- xtito- parlidineutarij fbrpv anitni0erofquustlons rwere ased of hg pymii rnoffijaijci nnfewcrednij- whichtiw that thejstrl- iiukiels the eweiafprgari f thvgioy iiixy t jj mr porter of the- bargain hoitsyv jsgoirig hpnie for xmas dinner be deserves ic as ho has boeua good boy allsuuinier mrs jennie bacoi nee spears and paughterlibbieofchicagp are visit ing mr and mrs geo w pattersorii of bloomingtoif hacking coytghs lacerate the lungs and beget consumption consumption fills bnr cemeteries linipped iri the bud with ir thomas electric oil the destructive tiialadyisdiiijrived pi its power pairi4 by tliis benign healing ageiit corns soies frostbites burns and other troubles- stouffviliijecorjncii council irietpufsuiint to stiitutesnpeyc iiilhetcliiiirvalcniliers all present buliv s lcaney miniitcsiiead and cooflrmfd comjiumcation8- onefromf- v jjill vili ngcouri ie jyiikesiiitasiecoriiriknded by iibheiltli airiouriiins to 308 j oeno solectiag iurorl 50 j oibrieupoiice inspeetpr 2g0 o bleiblws v l one front r sangstev hairmnnofroul arid bridge committee showing 84996 expended- report ailopted onefiom w b sanders colntnissioncra reea longsuitf rejuirt adopted gtfhntr in trbducedii bylaw to providejrf or polling placesand appoint pfpnlvtbetiirnfug ofli cer bylawi was rjasedin tliciiiiialmiin- ner fwilsori in thefcliairg pbnt sec onded by f wilsonrmnves the follbwinj bilisbepald hill308jobrien l00nridf2604iocarricdi gfliiitscconoedbyrsangstermovea the time for tlio ciillcctor iitoreturlnjiifc roll beexpended ten days from to- day ciirriedv adjoiirrimcnt- to call pi r the trceye j vztr mr ont6send3us tee ibllpwiiiglfrirsix 6r soyeneafi myiwifo 3ujliiied fitb ivtv jsmlthv 1 tlsfprhocpun f y of- farm st ckew it tended on sbfrf est n6ticeandatfeasonaofe stou6rillcont sm- with ypur kind permission i should like to trespass a lettei- on vour valuable siace- having accepted mr spotlbrds invitation to attend the coucbrt in your town on friday last and having uiarked the strerious ellort lie put torthto entertain his friends and customers it behooves one to give an expression of opinion however humble the source my early acqiiaiutauce with mr s has giveii t me amplebpportrinity to judge of his character arid- it is a pleasure to satethat nothing has evcroccurred to iiar thogood opiiiipiuwhicli his friends have alwavs entertained of hirii his distinguishing characteris- tics aro honesty energy and sobriety- every transaction in lifeis regulated bya strict sense of what is right and truthful and possessing aii iridoriiitable pluck and a- good level head into wlirit- ever sphere circumstances mav place htm his success is assured during his stayin xoipritoheieciivediis kiiowledge of the dry gpodhbiisiuess witlimrythoirias wood house of king st and while inhis eihploy he distill- guished himself as a thoroughly able man and an excellent salesriiari his next move ws to queen st fast when withjtt smallcapital but plerity ofeonlideucehe built up hiinselt a spleiidid business mrsvspoffprds lieathfiiiallgaye way riiidhiir physi- ciaii- iiisistcdjpri change of abode heicbtifp stpuffille arid- ivi although iiehasbxeihtl iripriths hehas piirpldeivibpin ions from those associating vith him in businessor around his ibwn tireside 1 he toncert given las friday night ata great expense seves a double purpose namely to give his friends- aridcustoineria tirive is apiireciat- cdpfvthtv patronage extended to him by the goodbeople of stoulville arid theerieralgoodyyilh expressed by all ais7 to extend and enlarge his alreadydlsft well patrpiisediiistituttoniapt ceititsehyyas quite ecituu to au givehinlargercentresanstpuffville t nciv tin vitairylsii ltv ig6lsifflixtwi5 aiisjsinvilliii msiitd iiss bertieiislur behaved themselves remarkably well for young- singers giving promise of a bright iuture miss jeavilliamsrenderingjof- asjeep at theswitchwas deserving of the applause it ruefciyed chattou siirigjwitli goodviiectithere slip bjpiys v d i spjay in g a fine clear rich voice each of liis- numbers was wellsungf and well applauded mr w- e kiririay asacoinie singer has no pacr tiimaviada inlict it isaques tiou airbsttiiose who are in a posi tion to judge as to who can stand be- suit hiinpn the american stajye in dramatic recitation he isreciuallviat home beingan elocutipiiist ota yoi high order his rendering of the amuderers defence was simply inagiiiiiceiittlie audience beiiigispelufi bound and when the last svbrd cwas spoken the applause indted oiit svas almost deafening mr h simpson the ventriloquist wassjovlioio- teaih and a dogundei the axie ho rriir pi iaughtoi that followed each lemrffk was sufticieiit evidence that he possess- ed the nbilityytptickle the risibilicylpf any audience y t thii lastiiecprded census of viile gave the townti pdpj twelve liuiidred ijovjis fully 2b00 people inpa night so that thefanie ordiuis apparenjly gj uttermost parts of theparty avith wild cpncprt ieachedtheb utes jo eight bcl6ckitliyt5 tiierifultupto theraftersjsl toget iivweventt6 icuriiig aladderwhich was afelv about three jfeettbo placed it underthdtjteyvl thusfvvogtuued asmittancejj tleineiitplthcpait5- right uiuvtlieljadieit tlieydid tlib we allgot insafely i t is thris jden t that iir spoilord yfi piitertairiinrit toronto torojsltj frpm wheat new rwbeatii wheatat wlic oafe uitrii ft m messrsl pafcy underhill mccarty kennedy andhariiilton speeches of thvse8eritlernon wert very ablo brisilirigirilh logic anil beautifnk irii v k i wegot a bottlobfjnorthrop ly mail yegetaolo ptswyery this was first rpheff shcgt and before t bpttlgwisiised thi benefit shodorivi from i was bevonil par oxpectatioii w s jsigi jvf ffohi

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