Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 13, 1889, p. 7

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ii is fll i africai slavery internatioiial conference at brasels- ca monday civilizttion as represented by fifteen powers meeting in brussels will bi girding its lcias and gitberlog iti whole strength to itriko a death blow at the african slave trade in the hope that the great century which has witnessed the introdaoiioa of railways ehall iae the last of the odious train 3 in hnman flesh those who may view this attempt as a piece of maudlin sentlmentalism should remember that civilization was primarily and remains solely ioapottiblo or the terrible evil it means to uproot enlightened eirope invented the bar- v barons african slave hnntiag three cen turies ago when it began cooniz nutb and south america and felt the want of cheap labor and san hardened laborers to cultivate the soil of the new world and build up its great blian portuguese and spanish republics eirope even patented jrmta invention w who can forget the time when tb e spanish and portuguese governments chartered regular slave raiding companies which undertook to provide annually 10000 or 20000 tons of negro aye that was the way thoy spoke from the guinea coast the time when tha partoguesa bhop ol angola on the west coast of africa stood upon the beach and gave the blessing of the catholio church to the slave laden and slave groanlig vesaau sailing out 10 the lands of forced labor who can forget that hardly a century ago the groat liverpool and loudon morohans wero still making a treraondooa business in providing tho united states with uncle corns and topaloa that within the first deoado of the present oantury cuba ranelved no fower than 12000 blaok wretches intend ed for the cultivation of its tobacco and that as recently as 18s0 tho brtxls like wise bought 50000 unfortunate negroes to capture whioh the human flash hunters had been compelled to fight and kill about as many again and yet as in tho case of lady maobeth tho perfumes of arabia fall in sweeten ing this little hand in spito of oureelvea the slave raiding and slave owning crime which we invented is going on sdll through out central africa and even spreading further boring three centuries civilization taught tho coast africans to invds the interior of the bark continent and enslave their brethren for thepurpotesof olvilization itself mow that the coast africans have lost our custom thoy are practising that terrible sport and trade on their ewnaocount the slave traffic has removed its markets from christian to maooaicdon or heathen markota thats the only change slavbrt up 10 dats a macbethian staik of oouroe all this is over now liver since 1704 when our oontclenoes were oreused to shamo by tho splendid outburst of a great revolutionary and abolitionist frenchman let our colonies parish rather than our principles of human freedom quo les colonies persissent plutot qnun prinoipe i ever elnco then the civilized world has been slowly endeavoring to cleanse tho bloody slave stain from ito hands and the great amorioan secession war followed by lost yeara final unfettering of the slavery bon dage in the empire of brazil have been the crowning incidents of this general white- j washing preoees the principal slave banting strotohoh from west to east from tho nigor to the blue nile right through tha soudan over an expanse of something tike 8750 miles very nearly connecting tho atiantio with tho indian ooean and extending southwards through tho niassi main country right down to the northern frontier of the congo free state and even this portion of the picture doesnt say the wholo truth since mr wantera has drawn up his map we have pot from stanley the ter rible nowa that the mabdista oonilag down from khartoum have invaded and captured bairns province where the txaffie was dying out s that the solvery oacker now again extends southwards right down through the tjtnyor and uganda countries to who that portion of ths bast coast where tho bagliuh under mr maakeossla and tho germans under captain w fawn tan are striving to establish european domina tion then going backwards from the east osast there is a second wide slave hunting ground which begins ia the neighborhood f stanley fnus on the upper congo and jtpands through tha mmjryama oonntty uj ji and the borders of lake eanganyeka right down to the northern bank of the zunbs eastwards and to the leunda country westwards covering and far out spreading the whole central and southern prtnon of the congo state territory which burope has allowed to king leopold but up to which tho belgian sovereign has not yet having conquered and closed these o iresa of supply the curk then resorts to ths new slave h anting ground opened up in africa by civilization itself and this ia a f ct net very widely knows not only do the sultans subjects consume thousands of negroes aa house and harem servants or janissaries but also hundreds of them as future mutsulmaa missionaries who are taught the keren converted to tha moslem faith and then sent back to africa to spread it through out the pagan people of the dirk emin ent so that christendom while opening np that portion of the world to the turkish slave commerce has at tho very same time born fostering a regular crusade agaiast its own religious creed and increating tenfold the dubjulty of educating the blacks into the religion of the clvillzsd west as to the tons of slaveryware kid napped in the second great hunting ground comprised between the upper congo the leunda country and the northern bank of toe ztmbeze it supplies the neighboring chieftains wih domestic slaves or with martyrs to be niiored on the altars of the pagan gods in tho tellglous oeremosiss of heathenism while a portion of the captured wretches aro also shipped southwards to madagascar the comorea and other large islands of tho indian ooean it was in the upper part of this district that br nachtlgal the german exploter witnowed terrible slaughter hardly three years ago and shed tears of admiration and grief at the light of mothers strangling their own children or throwing them amidst the flames ot the burning huts in order that they should not live to know the horrors of boadaga and it was in tho lower portion of this distriot that as rooently as last june some scotoh missionaries living in the nyassatanganika plateau witnessed similar scenes and afterwards discovered that the attacking arabs were nearly all armed with rifles ot english manufacture scamped tower showing that civilization is not only guilty of having taught the arabs their first lesson in slave raiding but has also provided and ia still providing them with the weapons wherewith to carry on their horrible negro chases how tub o0stebbxc8 wiij be oomposzd such acoordlng to the most reoent eye witnesses and authorities your correspondent has consulted and to the lost documents published or unpublished is the presanb condition of tho black fltsh traffic which in livingstones time made half a million victims annually and now acoordlng to cardinal lavigeiie makes two million victims a figure which tnoy have beon cxiggerted tome months ago but which thsnks to the capture of emlna province will soon bo 03- low tho truth if tho african caraa be not quickly pub a stop to and now tha oivilizsd nations are going to put all their heads together to stamp out tho hideous evil not only feem sentiment and because they fool their moral responsi bility concerning a plagua of their own creation but also from self interest because at the time when tho overcrowded old world is soaking to get out of its social troubles by preparing african outlets for its oommtrce and us tmrplns papulation it is confronted and arrested on every side by ita pupils the slave traders and slavo hunters who likewise wish to shut out qtroumy from the zacsrfbar ooast england from ths ssmali ooast the belgians from the upper i congo and light and progress from every point of the bark continent and this is to 8jeae0h fob busied tbea8ube it is said to be worth 8300oc0o and to be en one or the marianne islands information has come to light shotting that on expedition is being equipped in san francisco harbor to go la search of ths treasures said to be buried on the marianne islands in the year 1823 daring the dark days of the terrible revolution in peru a number of tha wealthiest residents of lima met the leading fathers of the church at a monastery to deviso a plan whereby soma of their wealth might be saved the brig el cindad lying in the harbor was bough during the night and under the guise of merchandise tha treasures were hastily con voyed on board it is said her cargo amount ed to over 30000000 in coin and melted plate besides an inestimable amount of jewels unluckily for the owaerr winten somen an adventoroni englishman serving aa a lieutenant in the peruvian navy learned of the whole pi in through a maid in the set vice of a wife of a millionaire with whom he was on returning he slid into the boat lost b grip end ebox bkkeath the surfacb the coxswain nude a grab for his disappear ing hcaci and pulled away a tuft of hair the two captains went ashore and made a long and vain search for the treasure they had somera plat but be had goat down grasping a part of it what descriptions they had were in spanish and not a man among them was acquainted with that lan guage in digging about soma south american coins were found a ring a sailors knife and a piece of board into which had been burn ed the letters el oi undoubtedly a portion ot the words el cindad the name of the brig in which somers had with the tveasaro grumbling among the overworked sailors and a scarcity of provisions compelled the captains to abandon the search in january 18s6 the british schooner nereid sailed from yokohama as far as guan a email island in the marianne group in searoh of the treasure the vessel was never heard of afterward and is supposed carrying on a little love affslr ha soon n perished in the terrible typhoon succeeded in gaining the services o a basd wept that coast shortly afterward of kindred spirits who wore ready for any fxpediaons havo sailed from lma plan that promised fortune oa the night implying a confidenco in the confession before the sailing of the vesiel they waylaid tho murdered cabin boy one of them a party taking ths last of the j iwels aboard w wrecked on a coral roof and tho other tho bearers wero killed ana two of the rmnmfnl rnlt tfc the teibunb 18 published every friday at the heaviest caskets turned over to the keeping of the mold who promised to meet somers in a foreign land boats were canned the pirates boarded the brig and killed the guards they throw out the proper signals which semerr as an officer in the peruvian navy wrb acquainted with picked thoir way among tha guarding ships and struck out boldly into the pacific after soma discus sion and more disputing the pirates made for the marianne islands ana buried the treasure a course was then shaped for honolulu before reaobing the port however tho old disputes sprang up about a division of the sb oils and the method of disposing of them the orew quickly divided into two factions oao night one aide attempted to extermin ate the other somers three officers and a cabin boy soon feund themselves puned in tha cabin the others oi their party hav ing beon killed akd pitched overboard what has prompted belgium at the sugges tion of lard salisbury to osnveno a groat anti- slavery congress whioh is now la session in the conference hall of tho foreign office in brussels eow t08 aybtoax curbs is to bb removed what antislavery measures will bo pro posed neither president oarnot lwd salisbury tho king of the belgians nor prince bismarck could probably say exactly themselves at the present moment seeing that no previous agreement has been come to that each oae in in the dark as to the other ones plans and that tha delsgatca will probably hava to telegraph dally to their respective governments for fresh instruc tions while tho conference is proceeding but several nuggeatiens are already in the air which aro likely to be brought forward oae of them b to render general tho system oarried out last summer by england and gorsoany on the east usast e a blockade of the whole african seaboard from tl mediterranean to the atiantio from the rd 8a to the indian oeoan eoh countrys menofwar would be empowered with the right of searching trading vessels for slaves under whatever nag they may be coursing and aa a corollary to tbta an international court oomposad of the cannula would ell try and severely asntanoe all slave parties caught red hot handed another idea whioh will probably be mooted by the portuguese will be that oiviuzation should summarily close all the bad either tho time or tbe means to carry s w m mflimliniflfch 1 slavo markota of meraooo tripoli l his flag and his civilising afferto the wonder is how oan auoh immense tracts ot country be so easily invaded whore are thoir unfortunate population taken to end to what use oan all this human fkh be put whaw tbs blavss arc wakxsd job tha tracings of the slave convoy routes on mr w outers map will shew that the ooast arabs who overrun the western portion of the great soudaneso hunting ground carry their booty through the immense sahara wilplerboes northwards to the oaaddaa whore the negroes are used for home con sumption aa ivory carriers domestics for the local sultans and so forth to morocco wbero there ore several slave markets con cealed fren the earopean ooncuu and to tripoli whorn a negro is need aa cur rency as an eqslvalent to the amorioan dol lar the esgluh sovereign or tho african beads or cloth from tho eastern portion of the oentral hunting ground the caravans of weeping blooding heartbroken black mar tyrs aro dragged and whipptdtowards nubia borbar khartoum the mahdia dominions the matrt tri domestic purposes the ftmales to ficuy the lust of the polygamous ohtef tains of dortour and kerdofoa or else ship ped across tho red set to persia arabia and ths turlfsh sultans aslatio province a peculiarity cf thu eutern trade it that many of the male slaves oaptuim for the puipose havo born expressly and hor ribly mutilated tlthcr in early youth or as the very tima ef ahij tar in order that they may ba ftd t py the part of eiuuoht in oriental reragiics and harems until about seventy r ghty years back back slaves were almost unkcown la the turkish empire the largwt nambtr of servants were of tha typo of poor witry hunchbacked pu drawn frooi grco cyprus or ethsr east ern mediterranean islands but civilisation tho eastern oouatries and africa itself by armod force if required and at whatever oost of money and blood the enforcement of this measure might cost otbsr dolrgxtcs will suggest that all states peasesalug territoriea in africa should be oompelled to levy small flying ermies and create watch stations in order to keep the slave raiders in cheok or to give thsm chase while all regularly otnatltuted wte such aa cnrkey maroooo tripoli m ogaacar where domestic slavery has became a nation al necessity and has created vested rights should be constrained to proclaim that anyone desiring to ba free ia free and only anoh slaves remain slaves as wish to then again there is a talk of proposing to institute a large international state fund for tho creation of narrow gauge african railways and steamboats which would naturally become substitutes for negroes as regards ths carriage of ivory and other goods and at the same time hasten tho spread of oduoation and of oourse tho importation of firearms may ba prohibited and also a hoavy duty on the maddening spirit trade which renders the negroes such an easy prey to the slavo raiders some of those ideas sound as though they oamo from tho land of utopia others are sure to oreate groat differences and yot something may osme of them lady mao- bath being so anxious to rid hertelf of the bad emeulng stain prayers may go begging for an 132 or but whatu yen have 1 nsvur doss it is quite natural that the man who siep on a tack should be hopping mad a kansas sunday paper devotes a column editorial to morality in chicago it might have started off like the irishmans roxay on vutks in itelad there aro no snakes in ireland tho victors celebrated tna event m a wild orgy the four men in the oabin took advantage of their condition fought a cl mr passage to ono of the beats provision ed it and put off after first setting fire to tho ship while on the ocean in desperate straits a small csk of whiskey caused a fight between two of the officers ono waa killed outright the other badly wounded was boon after sacrificed to save the rapidly diminishing provision at honolulu somers pedro bivelo and the cabin boy represented themselves aa the survivors of a shlpwreok thoir story touched the sympathy of a mrchnt who provided them with pasasa to san fronolso somens first business was to try to get pas- seisionoi the jiweta left in lima in oharge of his sweetheart in order torcaliza onjthem and t out an expedition for the marianne la- ands the throe raked and scropd together every oiut pojjsiblo it was given in oharge of rtvelc and the boy who were to go to lima and bring buck the maid and the 1 iw- els soraora boing afraid to show his face anywhere near the farnvian iinej for obvious reasons remainod in this city- at tha sams time be proposed to do what he regarded as a neat little stroke of business tha treas ure on tho island was large but the fower there were to share it tho larger it would bs after the style of the trick practised on ballerophon he despatched an epistle by rirolo and the boy urging the maid to see that the messengers were killed the mba- sengers reached lima delivered their letters and were cordially received by the former love of samara time and the revolution hid ohanged ber lot however thanks to the jewels intrusted to her oare on the night of somera great oonp of the peruvian treasures she was the wife of a groat official she coolly informed the messengers that she didnt propose to go with them and that ahe dtdn t take any stock in their story relating to the treasures bslng safely buried and somers waiting to guide her to them the messengers threatened her with tho exposure of ber oonneotion with the piracy sho tempirized with them to no purpko at last she feund no escape bnt to follow the advios of samere letter the two wera watla1d by ab5assum but they made a botch of the business rav- elo osoaped with a scratch bnt the boy was mortally wounded as he lay gasping away his hftthe confessed the whefo story to the authorities tne woman waa arrested tried and exicuted after buffering untold privations ravelo escaped from peru and made his way to som en too two survivors now began to devise ways to rcaoh tho buried treasure at last tboy found cap thompson and told such a good story that ho consented to fit out big schooner swallow and havo a try at the heaps of gold and jewels semera however to protect himself would not divulge the island whioh held them but instated that the char ter for the vessel should inolndo tho whole gr-p- oae evening before trey reached their des tination somers and tha peruvian wore sit ting chatting on the lee rail and looking over the plat giving the position of the treas ures the explanations were on the margin and all in spanish suddenly the lookout heard a cry in the wake of the ship he saw a clutohing hand disappearing beneath the waves somen was gone and ravelo was olutoblng the paper and looking overboard the vessel was brought to bnt the b- dy was never recovered jewveo declared thht somen had accidental v fallen ovorboanl tbo paper whioh he still hell in his hand had a portion of the margin containing tho explanation torn away and was muoh crump led ohowing signs ef a struggle soon after this thompson sighted a brig the c tpiatn of whioh proved an old friend he divided tha eecre with him and together they tailed for the islands ravelo was threatened with being dolivered up to his govcrnnment unless the guided them to tho spot where the treasure was buried he promised compliance on arriving at the tcot of tho island he was asked if that was tha one and he said it was preparations were made for going ashore and digging up t ie gold and jewels as kavclo was stepping into the boat he begged to be auctvcd to return to the cabin for a little plat cf the place he hid the cxbin boy who was in the place ctthe time attr- ward told tu he filol his pockets with all i the ba uud iron v osbm rrrjt frto them returned unsuccessful speculators took up the schema and worked for eome time to have the government back them in nn expedition for a time it looked as if their object would bs attained bat a new ad ministration coming into power ruined thoir hopes thompson ia in s in fracclico old and pennllees for a long tima he tried to interest oapltaliats in his btory but without remit since the report of tho fitting out o th expedition has got abroad thompson baa disappeared those in his old haunts who aro lamiiior with his habita are con fident that ba is now being kept in seclusion until the story of tho treasures on marianne island has been tested stanleys maioh dsc 1 stanley writing from mikessi under date nov 26 saya that the party aro all well and enjoying tho luxuries major wiseman cent to them bat ho complains bitterly of having been two yeara and elevao months without news the mail having beon lost or robbed a postscript written on the morning of tho 27th elate that stanley had just received acting consalganeral smitha letter evoryono wa3 rejoiced to hear that tha q loon still rcigna and eagerly wanted nawpap3ra to learn tho incidents of the last three years stanley gives tho follow ing a his probable itinerary geren- govi november 27 msoa november 28 halt november 29 in camp november 29 in camp november 30 reach mbuyanl december 1 klbijo ddcsmbsr 2 kingki river djcembor 3 bagamoyo december 4 and zanzibar december 5 didnt like the bank seleoted brown my children manifest too early in ufa a tendenoy to pnt away money and i am exceedingly worried over it jenkins why that is an exoallent trait and i dont sac any reason why you should be worried brown but i am the baby swallowe 1 a dime thla morning the way fie could tell i say jenkins can you tell a young ibioken from an old one 1 of course i oan well how 1 by the teeth cnickena dont have teoth no but i havo accounted pot why i thought yon wero in the railroad acoident 1 i was i hoard the engine ran over you it did and that the baggage cor fell on you yes well youre a wonder no im a football player tmbune p1mtin housk main street stouffv2lle subscr1pti0h 100 per annum first insertion per line solid nonpareil each subsequent insertion per line m prssfculonil cards per your 4 m rates under contract ozwcolnmn per year 5 half column one year ja quarter column one year rjt eighth column oae year 10 at tor six months or tnraa months in tha saaa ratio hoidge bros publishers and proprietors lfttmbei yam w h haht2stey keeps constantly in stock a full supply of lumber lath shingles salt plaster coal water lime plaster of paris coaltar tar paper eire brick fireclay cftc c cash paid for hides wool sheepskins and all kinds of grain- rail warehouse oppositdwaystationslouimie the bloat successful remedy ever dis covered aa it is certain in its effects and docs not blister bead proof below btreetsvnxx p qi may 8 18s3 db b 1 kestdau co enosbargh falls vt gontlomen iharo used konr calls spavin care for spavins j and also in a case- of lameness and stiff j otnts and found ltasuro euro in every respect i cordially recommend it to nil horsemen very respectfully yours chablxs j buckaxx tf kemdmis spavin cure st thomas p q april 22 188a dlt b j kehdau co enosburgh rolls vt gents i 1 novo used a few dottles of your ken dalls spavin euro on my colt which was suffering from influ enza in a very bad form and oan say that your kendalls spavin cure mado complete and rapid cure i can recommend it as th best and most effective liniment ihaveever handled klndlysena your valuable books entitled atrf tleonoiehbrdei yours respectfully cf pnttlo a patched dime la ths collection bez la like bay fc a icalpsi a ticket to heaven oaly one thing lacking mr jones had married little johnnjpe maiden auit and they wera at the wedding breakfast little johnny to his grandfather when are yon going to begin on him grampa grandpa begin on who johnny on mr jones i heard yon tell prandma ho wouldnt ba so bad if yon could only pnt somobralna in him breakfast was finished withont johnny texas sif tings a raugcum attraction in boston has per manently retired from bnilness his speci alty was calohtag a ballot bred from n rifle in his teeth this apparently wonderful feat is not so difjnlt when one knows how to do it tho main thing is to have on imitation bullet composed of pasteboard it looks txiotly like lead and easily catches the gaping jays who see ths thick this time however the gun waa accidentally loaded with a leaden bullet whiob instead of being stopped between the teeth of tho showman went on throngh ha head carious oustoms provailed in some parts of sutborlandshire in the olden time not tho least ourioua of theso was the agreement betwoen the ministers mm and the min ister in those days the minister for the time being had tho sole right of fiahlap salmon on somo of tho best pools on tho river this was part of his salary and he oould fish those pools in any way he pleated by net or rod and by proxy the conse qaenco was that his servants were regularly surfeited with salmon and so it cam- to pass that before engaging they bound down tho minister not to glvo them salmon of tener than once a week i fig wnsrasojsp hermits spavin cork foot bllicx has may 10 1sss vjl b 3 kkhpallco knosburgh fausyt gentlemen i always keep your kenaalra spavin cure and blister on hand r and thoy have never failed inj what you state they will do ip have cured a bod case of spavin and also two coses of rlngbona ft years stan ding on mares which bought to breed from and have notsevn any signs of dlsoose in their offspring tours truly r 4 v x okjlsjfs fries 81 per bottle or six bottles for 83 all druggists have it or con get h for you or it will ba watto any address on receipt ot price by tbo bsb xcbkdaix co enosbnrgh lallsvfc bold by ax1i druggists the jeyidenoo against him hardlooking citizsn da yon want tei hire a maul merchant no iveno use for a man that drinks hardlooking oltiken with offended dig nity lean bring you any number of withnesses to prove i m not a drinking man sir merohant motioning him to the door yon oant establish an alibi for that breath what ha thinks about- my dear said mrs honeymoon to her spouse one day at dinner doctors say that ono should not think abont business matter at meal times as it imoairs digestion and injures the health fray dear what do yon think abont when we sit down to meals t sweetest replied the old man i only think abont ohew i and mrs honeymoon pnt her arm around his nook and kissed him pcs a musioal shoe- a great outcry has beon raised in tho swlaa canton testln against tie prevalence thero of bribery at elections the political workers aro constantly raoking their brains to devise now means of bnving votes the mayor of a small city near locarno recently whllo running for reelootlon invited every person who wonld promise to vote for bim to eat and drink at his expense for threo months at certain specified taverns the success of his plan it shown by the fact that he was reeleotod and that his bills at tho taverns in question amounted to 14000 francs votes bought in the oldfashioned way coat from 20 cents to 5 each even clergy are said to bribe eleotors right and exit mrs bjonea wby how your left shoes f qnoaka i wht is the matter with it bjohes i think it must be the muslo in its tuo how he lost there ldy of tho jioustr how did yon loss those two fiogorn from your left hand my poor man t tramp thoy were out off most i suppose that was when yon were working and that their lots disabled yon from f urther manual labor tell me was it in a mill v no mum it wuz in a 1102 coop i had to out em off or steal the trap to the kindhearted cob pucemanhere now move 01 strangir who has lost his way trytrc 1 get bscvt to his hotel lam no tjsnip policeman what are ye thonl strarger lama country editor polotman i tecj i ste poor follow t hes a dime r

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