fem t k s selling off cheap holiday presents at moms book store photo albums in gieat var iety scrap books auto al bums bibles hymn books v music books games dolls toys sabbath school books school books and supplies christmas cards in great variety the whole will be sold at greatly reduced prices- monros book store opposite the market stoultvjlie dec 10th 1889 district news through special arrangements we offer this paper in combination with the american agriculturist skjioil j m w j both one year for only zkj h american atrrlenltnrlst is a national bond magazine of 48 pages with cover a veart volume haj not lets man 676 pag and over 1000 111 ust rations it h the recoxuixcd authority on all matters pertaining to agriculture and the oldest and mostablx edited periodical o its class in the world ijf addition we w1ij roewabd iff ty p g to every subscriber to the above combination sendlnjr 5 cents extra tor ly c c rnnilias expenses a copy of the farffl and household cyclopedia 544 pages 249 illustrations thu book is a tcmpute ready reference library for farmer and housekeepers lelnp filled with useful facte bint and suggestions upon all subjects pertaining to rural and domestic affairs embracing the result of experiment and research bjr scientific and practical men and women in all civilized experiment and research 07 scientific and practical men and women in all cltillzed countries xt contains the cream or substance or more than a dozen ordinary agricultural and household books and is too onlj firstclass work of the kind ever sold at lew thau six dollars it is a book to be con and is divided into two general headings vlr thk farm and tub household each ol which occupies half tho book theeo are again subdivided into a number of departments as follows rural architecture fences and gates field crops fertilizers the garden orchard and vineyard small fruits live stoct the poultry yard the dairy the apiary farm implements around the farm cooking recipes ladies fancy work floriculture the home physician the toilet the laundry hints and helps all of tho above subjects are fully and ably treated in this valuable book it is a vast storehouse of useful facts hints and suggestions of the utmost value to farmers and housekeepers and 110 man who has a boo aad an acre or more of land can afford to bo without it jremit by postal note money or express order cbock drut or by registered loiter address sal orders to the tribune stourtville mr and mrs boyd burk have bee moving into their house this week miss effie wismer of this place is visiting her uncle at brougham farmers are threshing their clover and it is turning out pretty fairly the trustees have reengaged miss irwins services in our school for 1890 as you have not had any news from our town for some time i thought i would send some the moon being in the right frame of mind a great many pigs are being slaughtered and spareribs aud sau sages abound an entertainment wil be given in the schoolhouse on dec 20th gotten up by our worthy teacher miss irwin and others the usual recitations readings dialogues etc will be given the affair will be the treat of the sea son the admission fee will be with in the reach of all the chair will be occupied by mrfkreesor honey we hope honey will no longer waste his sweetness on the desert air but write regularly ed s i j r i sm aiv goodwood mr j w mcculiough of toronto spent sunday in town mrs goodrich ot uxbridge spent monday with miss kobinson mr and mrs maxwell of detroit mich are visiting at mr j f todds so far there does not seem to be any new candidates for municipal honors for next year and the present staff will likely be reelected by acclamation a pleasant event took place at the residence ot mr geo fields last week on the occasion of his neicos marriage to mr norton of toronto after the ceremony the newly wedded pair left for their new homo in the queen city amidst the congratulations and best wishes of their numerous friends several sleigh loads went to the par lor social at mrs watsons last thurs- day evening where a vory enjoyable time was spent the receipts going towards the parsonage fund auoth- er sleigh load tho following evening went to baker hill to a baptist tea they also report having a good time with an excellent drive there has been a numerously signed petition semt in to the g t it author ities to have the station moved to the jf wost side of tho track in order to lesson the liability of accidents in hay ing to cross the siding while occupied with freight trains and also to avoid the aisagreeablencss of wading through snow in the winter and mud in the summer in order to reach the passen ger trains as at present passenger trains do not run up beside the station platform and by moving it to tho west side they would tho officials have now the matter under consideration clvkemont w j graham has removed to the house lately vacated by his father the frosty weather has the effect of causing mr hover to look very pie ant geo stokes an old and respected resident of the township died sit his residence lot 23 con 8th on sunday last he was one of the pioneers of the country and had reached the rip- ol 1 age of 88 years he was buried on tuesday quite a lively scene took place in front of j d hcnabs store on tues day evening last a horse belonging to mr lawrence neil who resides just west of the village which was tied to a post became frightened at some boys playing on the street and attempted to free itself the tie strap being some what stout prevented the animal from getting away but the cutter was con siderably smashed up before the horse could be pacified tiiere is considerable talk just now among the young folks here in refer enc to organizing a debating club now such an institution is of untold benefit in a village like claremont it prepares our young men and women to occupy public positions that they could lioc otherwise accept somoiof the most noted and eloquent of our canadian platform orators are the pro ductions of just such organizations and who can tell but that we have in our midst those who if aroused would become bright aud shining lights in canadian history villages all round of much less importance have their schools of this kind and why not we by all means let us haypa literary school ol some kind news axtona the canadian ouefn i this elegant home magazine is sure to please every canadian woman it is devoted to fashion art literature flowers the toilet and household jtiuttcrs it is handsomely illustrated sod is equal toany of the highpriced foreign publications the imported deshjnsfor fancy work and home de coration arc worth alone the entire years subscrip tion r no intelligent housewife can afford to keep house without us hints on cooking so ably conducted by the superintendent of the toronto cooking school it already has a circulation front nova scotia to british columbia and every lady pronounces it charming to introduce ft into every cultivated home at once it will be sent on trial for three months for only ac cents- address the canadian queen rov mr kerr of toronto occupied the pulpit of tho methodist church hero sunday afternoon mr a it stouffer and his sister miss mary of cedar grove were tho guests of mrjaiob stouffer here last night mr and mrs daniel barkey are at tending the south ontario sabbath school convention held at oshawa this week the trustees of the altona public school have secured the services ot mr andrew of toronto as teacher for the ensuing year 1890 your correspondent is instructed to inform the public through these col umns that the teacher of altona school intends holding a public examination on friday december 26th and extends a cordial invitation to everybody mr martin nighswander has his new house nearly completed when he moves to this elegant mansion we trust the felicity of his old home will accompany him and ho will ever feel as we all do that thore isno place like home a bible society meeting was held in the methodist church monday evening the pastor itev cj dobsonoccupied the chair and the rev mr stewart of sandford and mr david stouffer of stouffville gave eloquent addresses the financial success of the meeting was very fair considering the small audience i we learn mr enoch kestor has purchased the farm tenanted this year i by mr wm morrison mr aud mrs j kester and family have many admir ing friends who tender their warmest wishes tor their highest success as thcn enter the vestibule of their new home agriculurou the reatost among the arts and for health and substantial woahli for rare opportuni ties for selfimprovement for longiile and real independence farming is the best business 111 the world one of our young men while on a business tour in the village of white vale lust thursday met with a sweet but sad misftturie while arranging his various articles of merchandise in his cutter his horse which had been seriously contemplating the fact that meat time had arrived started sudden ly for home this took a sudden effect upon our young friend and in a most speedy way he sat down on a jar of molasses causing the surrounding at mosphert to be flavored with a most delicious perfume he relieved hi m- self as soon as possible from his un pleasant posture and started in a hurried manner for home where he will rtmember this startling experience for many a day some of our young men have the pleasure of meeting nith the gentle- men ofstonffville in their mock par liament club a lively interest seems to be taken in the debates and tho highest enthusiasm prevails we aro not in sympathy with the divorce busi ness however and consider the ameri- caii system a shame to au intelligent people and a curse to their boasted civilization if the law held the mor als of our young pebplo with a firmer grip there would be more happy homes aud the sons of america would deal with single blessedness as a fib and lives of mniried folk would remind us we could live our lives us well and departing leave behind us such examples ns should tell such example that another wasting lime in idle sport a forlorn unmarried brotier seeing wouid take heart and court jamer cullen pools island n f writes i have been watching the progress of dr thomas ecloctric oil since its introduction to this place and with much pleasure state that my an ticipations of its success have been fully realized it having cured me of bronchitis and soreness of nose whil not a few of my rheumatic noighbors one old lady in particular pronounce it to be the best article or its kind that has ever been brought before the pub lic your medicine does not require any longer a sponsor but if you wish me to act risuch i shall be only too happy to have my name connected with your prosperouschild 150 pair skates just arrived and only 150 o cts per pair sleigh bells strings and gongs in great variety rops halters cow chains x cut saws buck saws axes that cant be beaten and handles to match- we have just opened a large lot of silverplated ware some entirely new designs our lamp department is still very complete and now that the weather is cold dont forget that ave have a large lot of stoves pipes stove boards and coal hods and a shop nearly 100 feet long to show them in we wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year- silvester 5l dougherty the leading house john brays gents furnishing departnt we still lead the van in furnishings and show better value and a larger stock of reliable goods than any other house in the trade the only way to convince yourself is to look at the goods and com pare prices and you will be astonished how much you can save by buy ing your furnishings from us clothings dept our clothing department is a pronounced success in every way for a number of years a great many people were forced to go to toronto for a good suit of clothes these people all get tneir- clothes made by us now the cut and finish being equal to the best toronto make and the price is about onehalf if you want a good stylish suit drop in and see us inspection invited julv i2th 1889 orflers solicited john bray b monkhouse co have just received a good assortment of our esteemed bro elliott of the times had the misfortune to suffer a break in his printingpress last week so that his paner did not make its appearance on the usual date there is the usual amount of wire pulling and jangling ovor the appoint- m of teachers in the uxbrido schools for uextycar a loress 4soods prints shirtings gents furnishings which we will sell at low prices i best value in tapestry union and hemp car pets i we have also a fine range of newest stylesijin hats tweed r clothing made toorder we guarantee a perfect fit and good workmanship steel bros selected seeds and cheap fresh groceries always on hand r monkhouse go stouffville may 12th 1s89 the sun lifej patents assurance company of canada assets 2 ooo 000 low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly trios- workman esq- r macumv president- managing director r j daley general agent and inspector stouffville oxxt caveats and reissues secured trademark registered and nil other patent causes in the palctt ofllce and before the courts- promptly and caiefuly prosecutcd upon receipt of model or sketch of iuven tion i make caroful examination ana advise as to patentability of ciarge with my offices directly across from tht patent office and being in personal atten dance there it is appnreut tout i have superior facilities for making prompt pre- liminary searches for the more vigorous and successful prosecution of applications for patent end for nticndim to all busi ness entrusted lo my caro in tbo shortest possib e time fees moqe rate and exclusive attention given to patent business informa tion advice and special references sent on request j r littell solicitor and attorney in patent causes lyashintcm d c oppoate v s rcent offlce m m vi jr