vdjexamine your address idbd the number on the label is the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on thelabel keep your subscription paid in advance the year ended last march and if you have not renewe i you owe its a dollar the tribune stouffville dec 13 1s89 clubbing kates we have not space to mention the papers that are clubbed with the tki- bune but if you desira any publica tion along with our own wo can supply both at a considerable reduction watch bur columns forannouncomonts of the various magazines i uearing a conclusion the time of the court baiug now taken up by hearing the addresses of the various counsels to the jury these are very masterly efforts in most cases and although some of the language is such as would scarcely be tolerated in a british court of justice it is certainly vigorous and pointed mr a kew h0b treatseht sufferers are not generally ware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living paiasites in the lining membrane of the no- an eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved tie to be a act and die result is that a simple re hyues for the state scored the greatest j medy heia fn whereby catarrh triumph perhaps when his luring words and eloquent appeal brought tears to the eyes of the now noted and undoubtedly guilty bjirke the case will be given to the jury in a few days and a just ver dict such as it is hoped will be given will strike terror to the hearts of murderous conspirators new advertisements selling off f monro heifers strayed robert pollard fun for all silvester dougherty jeff davispresident of the confeder ate states who has so often in song been threatened with being hanged on a sour appletree died on friday last sam hughes is in trouble again he is being sued for libel by the lindsay post our brethren in lindsay should learn to dwell together in unity or else agree to disagree the whole sporting world was phock- ed on monday evening last at the news of the untimely death of seaile the champion oarsman of the world re turning from a most triumphant close of a series of victories he was seized with typhoid lever from which dread disease he died sports are already discussing his successor sic transit gloria mundi doit pedro exemperor of brazil has arrived in lisbon he denies all complicity in the revolution or that he received any money to step out the empress was treated roughly by the republicans and says she will never for give them it is said the revolution was thercsult of a conspiracy between the military and the exslaveholders it is not impossible that pom pedro will be asked to return mr meredith is announced to speak in london on monday night when he proposes to outline his partys line of action in the coming election campaign his political followers are no doubt chief ly interested in what he has to say see ing that at least one of his former friend ly organs has called out for his scalp and they will have to deoide whether a new general is needed or not and his declar ation will decide the point his oppon ents too will look carefully to see whether he has discovered any weak point in their hitherto impregnable armor on which to launch his hottest fire his utterance will be looked forward to certainly with less eagerness tbn was gladstones but still it will be looked for the desire for an extension of the list of crimes for which extradition may be asked and granted will be greatly strengthened in congress by the fact that a boqdler has skipped with about 100 000 intended to pay the members ses sional indemnities canada has no particular use for that sort of immigrants and should willingly accede to the pro posed legislation to prevent yankee scoundrels from coming here or vice the discovery of the use and value of an alloy of nickel and steel has particular interest for canadians and especially those who are fortunate enough to own land in the neighborhood ol sudbury where are situated mines very rich in copper and containing immense quanti ties of nickel mr edison of phonograph fameproposes to invest 300000 in the proposed smelting works at haiiburton so satisfied is he of the value of the dis covery of the usefulness of nickel steel the ranks of canadian periodical literature have been increased by the issue on saturday last in toronto of a new paper the saturday ledgera paper which thanks to a perverted tasto on the part of the public will no doubt have a large sale as it trades upon the desire for the latest news of a most unhealthy nature the worst features of the american weeklies which have been largely circulated in this country are adopted by this now aspirant for unen viable notoriety and while there is so much of the good and noble in thought to be had for a mere song it i to be re gretted that a journal of such degrading tendency should receive patronage there should be a combined effort to frown down this aud kindred objectionable sheets the thin cannot gain in weight if they are troubled with dyspepsia be cause the food is not converted iuto the due proportion of nourishing blood which alone can furnish the elements of flesh but there is no reason when this weariig attenuating disease is conquered by northrop lymans vegetable discovery why there snould not be an appreciable gain in weight which indeed is usually the case it is a peerless remedy also for constipa tion liver complaint kidney troubles and roots out all impurities from the bhod catarrha deafness and lay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bkorcatarrlial discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a paniphe explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a ii dixon v son 503 west king sireet toronto canada scientist american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully t9gordssojse5 buns easy no backache dollai 2s v fhf write for aescripure containing tenlmonlals fnmbom cr n b 17- 25000 now i juny used agency can bo had wnere there la a te for descripure catalogue nis issf5ht3 kjweraaf fos rortillngmireaentfc rs t b use of tola tool everybody 22s1s r 2 now and ao it better than ue es eipert without it adapted to all j55j every one who owns a aawahould bare one aaat7tpvi5aufwtai3lacasd aak icitf swrts foidxno sawing ma- ciune o 8qstosu 8 carnal st cmeace iii to our subscribers s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockery sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar having bought a tremendous stock at the ver lowest cash price we arc now enabled to give our customers such inducements never before heard of tu the history of stouffville ssremembsr this we willinot be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts per yard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards remnants at less thau halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from 12 cu per yard upwards great loads of alautlings below what you could ask or think see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your pries dovu to mine see our piles of meus and boys clothing bought at gocts on the dnll the customers will get tho benefit light sugar 15 lbs for 100 whiteisugar u lbs for 100 granulated sugar 11 lbs for s100 japan tci for 25cts worlh 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville 6 lbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in uie country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as sortment at piices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain s m warrlnee the leader i1v prices- 1 k of partnership washington letter from our rerular correspondent washington nov 29 18s at high noon monday for the first time in nine months the flags floated from the staffs on the two wings of the capitol before the colors were lower ed the fiftyfirst congress of the unit ed states was duly organized and the senate house and administration are now formally in the hands of the re publican party- the attractions on the house side were the greater the staid dignity of the senate with its oldtime mem bers and officers promised little of excitement but in the popular body a slender majority was about to under take the work of organization menaced by a minority upon whose gracious- ness the success of the undertaking in a large measure depended that minority softened by temporary adversities and the lapse of time since the windy battles over tho tariff bill was gentle and amiable until the majority proposed to rob them of the spiritual consolation of their chaplain then it asserted itself and reinforced by a contingent of independent bepub- licans it taught tho majority how slender was the margin upon which partisan measures could found them selves by reelecting the democratic chaplain iheparliamentary victory of the democracy although in a thor oughly unimportant matter carried with it a lesson that will in coming months temper tho audacity of plung ers and hotspurs the old members as a rule took heir former seats and the new members scattered themselves in the remaining tacant chairs the hall of the house was packed to the limit of every avail able inch yet to tho old observers of congressional matters there was a great gap on the democratic side of the house amid all the familiar faces those of samuel j randall and and samuel sullivan cox were missing the department buildings in tho early morning hours are just now scenes of unusual activity this is due mainlv to the presence of members ot congress who endeavor to attend to business before the department and thon 0 to tho capitol tho post office department is visited perhaps by the special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since announcing a special arrangement with b j kendall co of enosburgh falls vt publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases whereby oui subscribers were enabled toobtuin a copy of thut valuable work free by sending their address to b j kendall co and enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same is renewed for a limited period we trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtain ing this valuable work to crery lov er of the horse it is indispensable rs it treats in a simple mmner all tile diseases which afflict this noble animal its phenomenal sale throughout the united states and canada make it standard authority mention this jvip- er when sending for the treatise notice isiicreby given thnt the partner ship heretofore existing between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by muluul consent mr jacob burkholder retiring the business will be continued by mr samuel burkbolder who will pay nil claims ligninh the firm all accounts due ihe firm must be settled iy dec 20th 188q 1 banking the public for the liberal pat ronasre given us we remuiu yours re spectfully s burkholder j burkholder stoiffville oct 21 1889 a larger number of senators and re i preseiitativcs than any otlur depart ment the post offieesare the magnet that draws them there the time of the officials is pretty well taken up in attending to the wants of the leyriila- tors after awhile when congress will begin to get ready for business it is likely that the time ot the clricul force will be pretty much occupied in fur nishing information to answer the questions whjitli are asked in the form of joint and special resolutions and bv reqiubts frm chairmen ol committees among the startliig statements in regard to pensions submitted by sce- retarv noble in his report is tho one to the effect that over one thousand mil lion dollars have been paid in pensions since 18g1 and that there are now- pending four hundred and sevenry nine thousand pension claims the secretary asks for over ninetyseven millions for next year and in report injr eightynine millions as paid this year he states that a million and a halt of that sum was received bv pen sion attorneys when the wheels of the new con gress were set in motion speaker reed thanked his friends lor the honor they had corlarred upon hiin aud took a somewhat now departure in defining the duties of his office as having both a political and a parliamentary char acter it is well understood that the office has this twofold character bin the fact is seldom stated with such frankness ho will now have the pleasure and perplexity of forming his committees and then the business of legislation will begin in earnest not much is likely to be accomplished be fore the holidays and the chances arc that the month will be wasted it can hardly be charged by the political purist that senator vance whd has introduced a bill for the repil of the civil service law is after the spoils senator vance is a democrat and the distributiou of patronage is n the hands of a republican administra tion iut senator vance knows a straw when he sees it business before the senate is open ing in great shape five hundred and four bills were introduced on wednesday to say noting of a large assortment of petitions and joint re solutions the most universally commended appointment ot the present administra tion is that of gen raum to thu com- missionurship of pensions trom which the voluble tanner was so unceremon iously ejected at the capitol re gardless of pariv differcices one hars only commendation of the executive ability of thejpresent commissioner of pension k in continuing the above mentioned busi ness 1 hv decided to do soon a strictly cash basis in oiiiw to reduce the yry large stock 011 iuml piices wil he cut down very close many lines will be sold consider ably below wholt sile cost hoping 10 receive a eoiiliiiiijiiicc of public fnvor i remiiu yours tin y s jjurkiiolder 1890 we subscribe koi tfiir 1890 one pound of any kind of tea to every twentieth cnstomer who buys on any thursday so otbworth olf goods this is no sham we will guarantee to give you as good tea as can bo bought for tho price you ask you ask why we do this we simply do it to introduce our leas because some people live with the impression that they cannot buy as good tes as they do from men who peddle their goods who are here today and away to morrow we want you to try our teas andif they are not as good and cheji as any you can buy from such sources or any othersource we will double the offer a g brown telephone store cedar posts for sale ftsho undersigned has on hand about 000 hist class cedar posts for v r vlrr sale march sfli 1889 h mcdonald stouffville soipire canadas leading xewaper patriotic ix tone tkuetu canada true to tlie empire the empire is now the great weekly paper of the dominion and special arrangemcm arc being made to add new and attractive features which will grcaily increase its 1 mere and value as an inducement to place it in the hands of atl fatlilotic canv mvns the balance of pre sent year will be given free to sew subscribers makitu il only one dollar from now till end ol is90 vlir the kltp ikk toko vto ont to rent iarriage and blacksmith shops for- v mcrly owned by messrs j e raymer stouffville at once apply to j may 3rd 1889 xosscssion given todd stouffv lie -oxo- t he weekly kmpire and tuk tlliiuxe will be sent toone ad res or 8150 till tli nd of ifj arfdrekh thktribunestouftvlllo onf thjffi paris hair cutting and snavlnc arlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stounville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl- ing etc haiidressmg for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor alesmen wants d z1pp1ncotts magazine vritk k varied and excellent contents is a liirzry initself toas indeed a naffj thought te print em mtire novel in each nunuer not a short novelette tut a long story suck at you art used to gel in took form and fay front one dollar to one dollar and a half for not only that tut with each number you get an abundance of other contributions whkkgives you a good magatine besides the novel the ringing blows tohieh have teen struck on tkc gateway of popular favor have resounded throughout the entire land and today liptm tttts magatine stands in the front rank of monthly publications and is the most widely- readandtalkedef publication of its kind in tie world for full descriptive circulars address uppincottsmagazinbpkuaielphia s3j60 per year 35 ets single number the publisher of this paper will receive your miscrtfilion salary expenses paid j hernl commissions to locnlj men outfit free no collecting permanent positions guaranteed exper ience unnecessary choice of territory if apply at once l p thurston co- empire nurseries rochester n y 852in heifers strayed jlmi- into tho prcmeis of the under signed lot 5- rear 8th con whit church on or about nov 15ih 1889 two yearling heifers owner is required to prove property pay expenses and take ihem awa robt pollard dec 12 1889 9496 the tomb- himil at the residence of ilr a g brot stouffyille lucy hunter relic ol ijaitlv alefhiteric 70 yerv errors of youth swah sp remedy onhtwiwr never kh0wmt0failto fnttirlfautiqo sucfutfcm specific co r liox ottoho nona ctxuim wttkoutovr m3 ti i im