h m ma voltoje 2 no 42 stouffvillel ont friday december 13 18s9 whole number 0 1 travellers guide trains leave stouffvillc station main line and sutton brancb as follows goiso west sutton mixeou express mixed mail mail mixed sutton mixed exprcs 825 a m 1100 422 p m 757 908 a m 935 010 p m 559 stouffville markets s 80 0 80 2 30 0 35 0 60 0 00 0 55 0 25 0 00 0 0 8 00 0 65 1 20 0 45 40 c 25 c 18 0 10 0 05 0 9 0 40 toi 90 90 2 60 0 50 0 60 0 50 0 60 0 30 10 00 14 00 12 00 n 65 1 20 055 5 ms0 0 25 0 20 014 0 07 0 11 0 50 fall wheat spring wheat flour per cwt v j barley rye peas peas black eyed oats bran per ton shorts per ton hay onions s beans potatoes per ba g appks per bush eggs butter lard geese per lb turkeys per lb yiiickens per pair chwch directory methodist church- rev george brown pastor servicesatio30an1and 7 p m sabbath school at 2 30 p m pray er meeting on wednesday-at- 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting ihursday 41 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet- lne on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian- rev h w knowlesr pastor- services at 1036 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at s pm baptist rev mr barker pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os- boine incumbent seivices at245 pm sunday school at 130 pm meetings of societies and boftrds village council on the second tues- day of each month director ok mechanics inst m on the third tuesday of each month r t oft on tliesecimd and fourth mon day of each month a o u- w first and tlvhl mi- each month in daleys hall beneficiary certi- ficate given for 2000 in case 6f death ii johnson master workman j urquhart recording sec public school lioard on the firet tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be- forethe fullmooii of eadumonth farmers clubeacii alternate friday i q fkiit and third li iday cf each month jbtosss mmds fhed v hfll b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with morpuy miller 1 oronto ofyice saiide s block formerly occu pied by the late mr mcleam stouffvileont taylob a songster tharrisjkrs a m 1avuw- hcl h sabes i l ij1 barrister solicitor barrister tvlctmey to loan ofpickr daleys blacu souitvillci kerr miicilonaltl davidson lllcfj bahkistkks soiiokors notaries pi iiiic ivrc- offices masonic lsuiulings toronto st jj toronto and main styistpuftyille jk keui- qjb- wmcdoxair w dwiulox jxoa pattkrsos kuv tkast a robinson dentjsjt will attend lit millers j lotel sfouftville on the lsth and a the tremont 1 louse iskham on- the 20th of each month i rpsemahtl hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria square on the 21st when these dates fall on sunday the monday following will be under ood- jialsio- ciabkb veterinary surgeox graduate in ijonors of the ontario veter intiry college aid honoiarr member of the ontario vctcrinaiy medical society treats nil diseases of domestic animals by the latest scientific methods orders ny telegraph or otherwise niijbt or day promptlyattondcd to charges moderate office and residence cor mainind aldtrt streets stonffyil c 83ly headquarters we beg to call attention to the following lines which we have just opened for the holiday trade xmas and new years cards and booklets a very choice selection cheap m fancy goods in plush a leather very cheap toys toys- an endless variety the greatest assortment ever shown in stouff- ville ch ice fruit confec tionery the finest in the market school books ahd stationery- we carry the best and cheapest stock in town we have a very fine selection of holiday gift books which will be found to suit the wants bt every person wishing you all the compliments of the ap- proaching festive season xr remember the place hamiltons nov 27th 18s9r go to mertens studio of artistic photogeaphy fop your photograph work where you can get hrstclass wobk at lowest prices photos from a post stump to lifi size copying viewing etc- crayon portraits aspecialty wjlviertessls main street h wiirofi great bargains 4n milliner y see our bargain fable of 100 hats nice line of jtistin chiloretlslfiriuesahd wool goods all at prices to james obrien licensed auctioneer tor the counties 01 york and ontario orders by mailor telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouflyiue on n e smith x icersed auctioneer for the county of york ssles of farm rtoek cicat- tended on shortest notice and at reasonable rates address stounyilloont business men of aurora and new market have called meetings for the purpose of discussing public affairs with a vew to improvinffthern local items money to loan- at5 per cent no commission fred w hill barristers stouflville won mrjessdavis is the fortunate winner of the indian pony which was deposed of by raffle at sutton the other day 500000 to loan at lowest rates of interest by taylor sangster barristeis daleys block stouflville horsk thieves word was rr eeived by constable dougall on thu- day that a liorse had been stolen from a man in east gwillim- bury constable key holds discovered the rig as described in altona but the thieves are vet at largo skating several of the young and rising generation haye had lots of fun on the flats winch have been flood ed and then frozen over lately one young man ysp forgot himself in the pleasure offlvuttitig on a young ladys skates as to forget a business appoint ment- charity one more word about prof maddren of mystery fame he is a deadheart of theworst description and we hope our cotems all over the coxintry will give him a warm recept ion those who chipped up his fine the other day may be pleased to know that ho thinks stouffville has quite a number of softones who could be worked for eight dollars by a few tears funeral the burial of the re mains of the late mrs alex hunter took place on sundaymast from the re sidence of her soninlaw mr a g grown to cashel bup inggiound on the wayservice avas held at the christ ian church ringwood despite the very disagreeable weather quite a large number of friends and relatives paid their last tribute of respect to the de parted the services were conducted by rev w pcrcy for cheap holiday presents go to monros store selung off at greatly reduced prices albums bibles gaines dolls toys and chiis cards in great variety 1 reeveship aq announced last week mr r j diey isii the field for the headship arnexyears council no other name hftsbeeii mentioned as his opponent ejfcejft bj the era which probably knowsnothing about it and it is probablfltfliathis election will bo by acclamation any commeiits would be out of place as mr daley has been wil and favorably know in stouflviue for many yearay- the four countillors are as yet dark horses we sincerely thank our numious customers who have during the past few weeks called in and in addition to their purchases paid their little bill we can stand some more of the same sort of thing without getting the last bit mad or weary d stoufier co sporionus conceitr tonight we will piobably see daleys hall crowded to its utmost caivicity by he many patrons of this spotvgrd ol ours vhatever may be thought or said 011 the matter he has shown an uncommon vimountof enterprisoin adopting this novel and expensive method of adver- tising and doubtless will be well repaid among the array of talent mr w e ramsay is known to a stouffville aud ience and is sure of a rousing recept ion the others will doubtless be well established in favor berorc the concert is oyer d stouffer co have an immense stock of the very best felt boots mac- kinaw sox and rubbers overshoes in great variety heavy and fine custom and homemade boots and shoes in all styles sizes and prices 1 holidays the holiday season is at hand and every imaginable pre- paratioirii beir festivities physicai say it is currently reported jhat geeseand turkeys axe being prepared for the sacrifice to mens appotites although m far as the writer is concerned being a bachelor ho knows nothing of culiu- ary matters but the mental or intell ectual sport will doubtless be prodigious it ths number and frequency of school entertainments is any guarantee the regular denominational affairs will be held as usual of which full par ticulars may be expected later the youngsters too are looking for santa claus in a more or less tangible shapo and from the announcements in hese advertising columns there need be no lack of presents all the editor is look ing for is some dollars due him and a number of new subscribers dont let your neighbor borrow your tribune send him to see us biblb society the annual meet ing of the branch bible society was held on vvcdnesday oveninir in the baptist church a preliminary mion prayermeeting was at seven oclock at which a large number attended the bible society meetmigwasprgari ized by thejelection of rev j bafker to the chair rev messrs j unsworth and geo brown spoke on the bible and foreign work a few remarks were added by other gentlemen and music was furnished by the church choir and cornet band the meeting was quite a success it might be no harm to add that the parade of affrag- ment of the band- was not a success it was perhaps a little fun for the boys but it was agonizing to thbsecompell- ed to listen and gives no additional ground on which those of us who know we have a good band to praise it to those who have not heard it by all meaiis let us have the band on the street as often as possible but a very- little tooting goes a long way 1 miusosjais mr j simpson m a- principal of marlcham high school was in town on saturday missflora barkoy returned on wed nesday last from a months visit with friends in london out mrs jkaymer and miss worthing- ion of uxbridge are iii town thq sruests of mrs rajmer messrs mckay of markham aid hand of our public school exchanged places last friday for promotion- ex amination purposes 1 stouffville school report standing of pupils in stouffyillo public school for noveniber5thclass wmccarty h wales b dougli- erty 4th class c urquhart r buseck w williams senior 3rd class m williams e yake ivanzant junior 3rd class bertie bray clara wddifield ernest wales senior 2nd class lilian percy robert mcmttuen tlios woodgate2nd book nol-r- john h batkey john brownminnie minus 2nd book no 2 deilallanilin mabel cook naomi clark 2nd boojtsp 3 lillic widdifield robbie george john dickson 2nd part lstwalter booker nelson nendic- gertie daley 1st bookloyina barkey willie yake annie thoman east exd echoes miss b forsyth of uxbridge has been visiting miss efn williams the boys hiul another chance to blow oil surplus steam the othttrnight when they heard that a young pair had been so rash as to get married a merry christmas shooting match will take place at the east end of stouffville on tuesday december 17 1s89 where there will be ubout 50 head of firstclass turkeys and geese to bo shot for so men and boys bring along your firearms aud see which can got the most christmas dinner wadding rifle range 100 yards shot gun to use no g shot 35 yards also special class for boys under 15 years old with rifle or shot gun the affair is under the management of c arm strong a mcetinc- of some of the illage clergymen and laymen was held in beaver hall the othernight to consid er the best means of aiding the very wellknown case of harry highfield who has suffered a great deal financi ally and otherwise from the loss of his eyesight which has only partially been restored it was decided tlata sub scription list be started for the pur pose of setting him up as a peddlar a canvas will be made on monday next when it is expected that every one will be prepared to lend a hand to wards this most worthy object fo tht editor cfiii tniwjnb there is quite jrdhange going on with regard io tje front tonces on our village stretsygenernlly for the better but i ainsoiy to see thoi number of barbed wiro fences is increasing- i think vur inspector should notify any one erecting a fence of this kind that itis contrary to lawto put barbed- wires near a sidewalk and tfrat they are personally responsible for any ac cident that may occur in consequence ot their dangerous character if u person was severely hurt byj oncof these fences and the owner was mulcted in four or five hundred dollars damages it would make them scarce civis there hto cases of consumption so far advanced that bicklcs anti-coi- suniptivc syrup will not cure but ripne so bad that it will not give relief for coughs colds and allaftections of the ikroat lungs and chest it is a specific wlwoh has never bectiknown to fail itprorriotes a freeand easy expector ation j thereby reinoving the phlegm and gives the diseased parts a chance o heat mock parliament the interest in the meetings of this august body of- legislators is daily growing and large additions are being made every week the meeting held last night was the most interesting held up to date but full particulars will be given next week there is room for alargo number of members below- will be founda listofm m ps andtheir constituencies- seats will be allotted ney members as soon as thej join v opposition nj armstrong w emccartv h avsandeis i fisher monro drta freel w a sangster rsangstcr rjdaiev- h mcdonald wf j mccarty sl cooper w avi rae a sangster epclit w stark- w g barkev v- c j brodie sbaker w silvestei u c hamilton addirigcdn rejtiis bothwell branfnr mbrants jirocliiiiro 1 bruce to bruce bnlce w cardwdll rdundiisr durham e jjdtirharnrw elgin- e- elgih w essex n essex 5 frontenac- glengarry hamilton- government n burkholder g nendiek rf willis w rankin r underhill- t b hoijgo geo flintjr j gclarke frae m warriner a b sanders jno imddonald wm steel jih haihl d mcmttrchv l w paisley hi a porter j a todd d e kcnnedv- j w shajilel asloanbv p h hplliday renfrew- f -h- sangster middlesex e middlesex n middlesex s- middlesex w- moilck norfolk 2c norfolk st- northland e xortviamhvv qntarioin- ontario w ontario s ottawa oxford n oxford s halton peel perthn- peterborough e peterobrbugh w prescott prince edward renfrew n toronto 1 oronto slkket market from thursdavs glolm- wheat new fa 1 bnsu 0 to wheat new sprins bu 00 to wheat red winter wheat goose 67 to oats new v v 30tb barley new 30 fo i pcasne w i rssjo- rye new vttv hay timothy ton 1100 to 12 hay clover ton 7 oojto 85 85 85 71 31 id 01 50 00 00 straw ton 8 00 frjs tfq straw loos ton- c 00 to dressed hogsij 5 wf beef forcquartera yj 00to- beef hindquarters jivuo c mutton 7v6 owoi veol carcase yllp tj ii s i 11 xw m 4 j 7 si v- mbrjtyby mfa ffi