Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 6, 1889, p. 4

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examine our address mel flie number on the label u the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on hclabcl keep your subscription paid in advance the year ended last march and if you have not renewed you oweus a dollar the tribune stouffville dec 6 1889 clubbing bates we have not space to mention the papers that are clubbed with the tri bune but if you desire any publica tion along- with our own we can supply both at a considerable reduction watch our columns- for announcements of the various magazines -a- h m stanley will be observed of all observers when he reaches civilization again he is without doubt the ablest man who has attempted to oppose or riommand large numbers of savages who has existed in these modern times it is even proposed to make a second war reuhastings of him and let him consoli date an empire in the heart of the dark continent he would no doubt carry out such a commission it it can be done and it is to be hoped he would do so without oppression and robbery a full account ofhis doings since he disappear- edjrom civilized ken will be watched for eagerly and will prove very interesting the hanging of harvey last friday was a horrible v the hangman was a greenhorn and the whole dreadful oper ation occopiedabout twenty minutes there are bomeerimes of such a magni- tude that it is almost impossible to argue for the complete abolition of capital pun ishment but a few such oases such as that of harveys should raise suoh a cry that a more humane method must be adopted or hanging abolished mean while imagine if you can the feelings of young harvey his whole family him self excepted- slaughtered by his father who is butchered by a bungling hangman he probably thinks just now his escape from his fathers pistol was a misfortune and would willingly escape his burden of sorrow and shame president harrisons first message to congress has appeared and is drawing forth considerable comment it is said that one rep congressman remarked it soroded remarkably like cleveland among a large amount of matter calling for legislation it wouldbe remarkable if there not some good points and such no doubt there aie however the clause to which most attention will be directed in this country is the tariff reform all eyes will scan it eagerly to see if there be any faint hint of a dis position towards reciprocity or the breaking down ol the protection wall the tariff no doubt will be tinkered but as ae message says it isa matter of great delicacy there will be a great outcry as soon as any particular manu facturer is aflected and the result will not be of vciy great importance to the consumer meanwhile the overgrown surplus continues to oncrease and tfie best efiorts of the government to reduce it without injuring some one industry have failed washington letter kound about us notes qot by hook ok by crook with soissbns on pesuxhaxd the truth office in toronto was badly damaged by lire the other day mr parhclj ha s m ysterously dis appeared and his whereabouts appear to be unknown alcxmollaypceye of vaujfhandicd at his residence on thursday last at the age of 55 years the equal itighters intend putting up a candidate to oppose the iloncc colby in staustead inspector snooksjwas assaulted by an employee of the paving company who have -charge- of tho shcrbourne street work an elderly man named how narrow ly escaped lynching in toronto on g wednesday for a brutal outrage on a little fouryearold girl the new york heralds commission er has met stanley and emin beys party in central africa it is expect ed that a bwiquct will be tendered these daring travellers on their return to london from our regular corrtstondenl washington nov 29 18s9 the new congressman has arrived and is arriving his presence is be ginning to be felt in the notel lobbies and he has made and will continue to- make the acquaintance of the ever watchful and numerous brigade of hotel kernells and majahs the number of friends he find ready with all sorts of suggestions and information is far greater than he could have an ticipated and his company is sought by the multitude of men who are will ing to extend to him the freedom of the city from the classic shades of chamberlins and the butfet in the shoreham flats to the capitol and rom the capitol clear through down to the potomac flats in one respoct the new congress man will be disappointed in wash ington immediately on his election he became the first man in his district here in washington he will find him self without special importance he can so about unknown and unobserved he will discover that here outside of the departments and the capitol no divinity doth hedge a congressman as such and in no way can he so sure ly subject himself to ridicule as by the putting on of official airs and tho as sumption of consrfejsional dignity the new congressman however will soon become aware ot a notable exceptionto this geueral indifference occasions may arise when he will find himselfbesieged and beleaguered by an importunate crowd far more an xious to obtain his confidence than to keep it interviewers and reporters willing to write down his lightest words and to consign them and him to fame and history it has become the habit of some of the imaginative gentlemen who pro fess to communicate the political do ings of the capital to journals at a distance to exercise their cheap wit and their easy powers of depreciation at the expense of the new congressman and in so doing to give greater proof of conceit than sagacity t- but these are after all but slight disadvantages and the new congress man who has the right stuff in him and who is a man of genuine power will so regard them in truth thsra are many reasons why the new mem bers should be held worthy of high consideration and in reality the pos- ition of a new member is one ofcom- paratiye advantage for so far as con gress is concerned he has a clear and unwritten record already there is excitement in the air and one feels tho bustle in pre paration for congre the season and the holidays now whero is tis more manifest than at the markets of the national capital and never more than oh a saturday morning the markets are then thronged with society dames in tailormade suits of expensive simplicity who ae out on th hunt for choice tidbits and fragrant flowers to serve their guests at their sunday dinners epicurean statesmen run in for a look at the game or tho pretty dears for here lovely girls buy their rosebuds and violets to perfume their homes for dear alponses visit- or to carry on their visits of mercy to the hospitals alphonse himself saunters hi ts see if perchance he can catch a glimpse of arabella who looks more fascinating than over in her stylish morning costume and coquettish round hat in his search the magnificent alphonse brushes against the poor little artisans wife who in ihabby costume- and with slender purse is searching for- the cheapesfpaco where she can find something tempting for her good man who she hopes will for get this once the way to the baekeii- tranccof his favorite barroom she eyes the great piiesiof lusiious fruit andls sometimes into extra- vagances for the baby who relishes such expensive dainties then there is the steward who occupies but little time in giving his order the caterer carefully at gamcand meat hospital remedies what are they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters ha3 given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew nch curing everything oat of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies baa been created they are the favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patienti of these specialists from 825 to 9100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each not one or them is a cure all each one has only th reasonable power of curing asingla diseas and each one keeps is contract sufferer from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption bheurflatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhoea or nervous debility should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital remedy co sq3j west king st toronto canada if your druggist does notkeep these remedies remit price and we will send direct four months for 35 cents subscribe for the detroit free press and read its 3000 prize stories and the tribune the best local weekly both papers for four months for 345 cents 9 cords mo g 20 lbs sugar for 100 at s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockery sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for or dollar having bought a tremendous stock at the vera lowest cash price we are now enabled to give our customers such inducements never before heard of in the history of stouffville remember this we willnot be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts perard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards lteuiriaritiai less than halfprice 100 piecerof grey and check flannels from 12 jots per yard upwards great loads of mantliags below what you could ask or think see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your price down to mine sec our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at 60cts on the dollar the customers will get tho benefit light sugar 15 lbs for 100 whitersugar it lbs for 100 granulated sugar 11 lbs for 8100 japan tei for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville 6 lbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains bjwe guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in the country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a morelengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as- sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain 8 m warbinee the uteioek in prices i dissoirfutiohr of partnership notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore exintinjr between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by mutual consent mr jacob burkliolder retiring the business will beoutinued by mr samuel burkliolder who will pay all claims against the firm allaccounts due the firm must he settled dec soth 1880 1 imokiog tbc public for the liberal pat ronage given us we remain yours re spectfully s burkholder j burkholder stouffville oct 1 1889 jm mmlra m rfe uur 25008 now nea- rauf um ambctcmibe had whra ttan u vacancy a wfir irfnmc for mini- nwa mntam witt ittoh bmumi br too om of thii tool orjr vaa la their own eaw now and do ltmtmrtnan araaun i export n without it adapted t ml aawa brorr one who own a i aboald jf aamrtasan r dealer or write aaveom saatrtanaauaalkatanla mr d or wrtta roipiha tlv cauxb kh aw titf carnal st cm iu iworo at notice to creditors of james blackie deceased tttice is hereby given in pursuance of r s o 1887 chap 110 c 6 unit all permims having nr claim or demxnris against tlie estate of james bjackie late of the village ol stouffville iu tlia county of york gentleman deceased who died oil or about the 29th of october 1889 are required to send to fred wi hill esq solicitor for the executor of the said james b jackie- at the village of stourf ville on or before the 2lt day of decem- bcr 1889 a statement in writing of their names and addressw nd full particulate of sucliclaims and demandaand tin- nature iird particulars ill the securities if ariylieldby them itnd noiicois liercbv given that lifter the li7t mentiond date the executor will proceird lo dutfililite the assets of the wild decinscd aiiionir the parties entitled flieielu having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received anil the wiid executor will notbe liable forthesnid assets oranv jart thereof so distributed to any- person of whose claim notice shall not have ixveii received at the time rf siieh ditrilnition dated stoiitvie nov 20th 18s9 fred whill ti licilor fcr exieulor yi b sandehs executor 91 9 to dtlr subscribers in continuing the above mentioned busi ness 1 have decided to do so on a strictly cash basis in order to reduce the very large stock on hand prices will be cut down very- close many lines willbe sold consider ably below wholesale cost hoping to receive a continuance of public favor t remain yours truly 8 burkholder subscribe for the mm 1890 weekly empire canadas leading newspaper one pound of my kind of tea to every twentieth gustomer who buys on any thursday 50 cts wcbth of goods this is no sham we will guarantee to give you as good tea as can be boughtfor the price you ask you ask why we do this we simply do it to introduce our leas because some people live with the impression that they cannot buy as good tea as they do from men who peddle their goods who are here today and away to morrow we want you to try our tjbjlst andif they arenotasgoodand cheap as any you can buy from such sources or any other source we will double the offer h a g brown telephone stdre- patrioticjn tone tkue to canada true to the empire the empire is now the great weekly paper of the dominion and special arrangements are being made to add new and attractive features which will greatly increase its tnterch and value as an inducement lo place it in the hands of all fatkiotic canadians the balance of pre sent year will be given free to sew suiiscribeks mikuig it only one dollar from now till end of loo address vtiikkstpikej toronto ont -oxo- vlio look for his custonicis are epicures but the boaidinglionse licencr communis avis of this city of government clerks buys with dispatch knows just where the cheapest stall are and has fin ished her ordering and is on her vuv home again before the voung liouse- vceper has decided what of the tempt ing things to buy aid has changed her niid a hali-a- dozen times about her sundays dinner the trouble about olocting a speak er of tha house jwitli so mucli good material to draw upon is that to put a good speaker in tho chair takes one off the floor where ho is often more needed during the past week commissioner raum states that 393s pension certifi- tates have been signed and he ex pects to bring the weekly issue up to 8000 cases h says that the work or the office is koping ahead of the cur rent business and he thinks that he will be able to largely reduco number of pending cases r the the special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since announcing a special arrangement with b j kendall co of eiiosbnrgli falls vt publishers of treatise on the horse and his diseases- whereby om subscribers were enabled tooblain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address to b j kendall co and enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same is renewed for a limited period wu trust nil will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtain ing this valuable work to every lov er of the horse it is indispensable as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afllict this noble animal its phenomenal sale y throughout the united stites and canada mike i standard authority mention this pap er when sailing for thetrkttuej i he weekly kmpire and tiik tkhsune will be sent loonc address lor rtlo nil thennd of ip addrcis tuktitimjnkstouirvllio ont zjppncotts magazins with ih varied and exctlunt contents is a library in itself it was indeed a happy thought to print an entire novel in each number not a short novelette but a long story such as you are used to get in book form and pay from one dollar to one dollar and a half for not only that but with each number you get an abundance of other contributions which gives you a good magazine besides the novel the ringing blows which have been struck on the gateway of popular favor have resounded throughout the entire land and today lippin- colts magaxine stands in the front rank of monthly publications and is the most widely- readandtalkedof publication of its kind in the world for full descriptive circulars address lippincotts magazine philadelphia 300 per year 35 cts single number the publisher of this paper will receive your subscription iiiilbl headquarters wtbeg to call attention to the follow ing lines which we nave just opened for the holiday trade xmas and new years cards and booklets veiy choice selection cheap- v i fancy goods in plush leather- very cheap toys toys- an endlea variett the greatest assortment ever shown in stouft- ville chice fruitid confec tion e r y he finest in the mnrket school books afid stflf foiery- we carry the best and cheapest stock hi town we haveavory fine selection of holiday gift books which willbe found to suit the wants of every person wishing you all the compliments of tlieap- proaching festive season ocrreiffijeber the place mwm nov 27th 18s9 ewsffl wants ftsjfaity expenses iaip hi or liberal commissions to local incn outiifne nocqllectiriir pinnahcnt positions iriuiinntned exptr- ience uuneccssaiy choice of teiritiryjf apply at once l p thurston co- empire xursciics rochester n y sssiu pittsburg chronicle the following cablegram is understood to liavn been received at hio boulanger general da fonscca prosiitent etc ilia janeiro how did you do it- the cradle uxukitnilr- at stouffville on tuesday nov 20th the wife of jlrr unrier- ill merclmnt of a son the tomb- andeiisox at whitby on the morning of be- 2ni ucsslc beloved edesti- daughter of joun and jane anderson 6 i 41 i m 1 i

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