af ssiss i- i v thepiiget ihto egzpt jftaxrellowi etorle found in the cupel ol he infancy it was not possible for the active im agination of the early christians to rest con tent with st matthew short and plain record of the flight they mart know more about it how the pilgrimage was made through what places the holy fam ily passed what marvels and portents hap pened by the way and where they found a resting plsce and so the process of mythmaking and legend building began in answer to the questions of naive and childish curiosity the brief record of the foot was enlarged and embellished and embroidered with fancies the literature of the flight unfolded itself in the apocry phal gospels of the second and third cen turies and continued its growth through the poems and chronicles of the middle ages nothing can be more clear than the difference between the simple statement of st matthew that the journey was made a statement which bears every mark of being historical and reads at if it were merely a transcript of the virgin marys rememberances of that hurried and dreamlike episode and the wild fastastic fables of later times and yet i think these fan ciful storks whioh were told so often at the fireside in the tnt at the restingplace of the reapers and by the oamp fires of the caravan are worth reading beoause they are so fresh and childlike and sometimes so pretty and because they have had such aa influence upon art but the greatest fund of marvellous stories about the flight is found in the arablo gospel of the infonoy which was current among the christians of the fast and was undoubtedly used by mohammed ic the composition ot the koran it is an oriental variation upon a saored theme an asiatio embroidery full of all kinds of strange beasts a sanctified arabian nights entertainment it tells of a dumb bride- re stored to speech by taking the infant jesus in her arms and a crazy woman who would not wear any clothes brought to her right mind by the oompassionate look of the lady mary and a girl with the leprosy cleaned by washing in the water in whloh the ohild had been bathed and sundry other house hold miracles even more ingenuous and astonishing it desoribes the dwellingplace of the holy family at matarea a town a little to the northeast of cairo where any sceptical per son may still see the aged sycamore whiob sheltered them and the fountain of mary in which she washed her childs coat but the most wonderful tale of all is the story of the enchanted mule which runs on this wise 2js the holy family wore entering into a certain city they saw three women coming out of a cemetery and weeping and when the ldy mary saw them she said to the pirl who accompanied her the same who had been oeuised of her leprosy ask them what oalcmity has befallen them bat they made no reply to the girls quos tions asking her in their turn whence are you and whither are you going for thedav ia e dent and night is coming on apace we are travellers said the girl ana ire seeking a houae of entertainment ffihey said go with us and spend the night with us acrdfcgly the travellers accepted the oourteous invitation and were brought into a new house richly furnished now it was winter and the girl going into the apartment of the women found them again weeping and lamenting bsside them stood a mule covered with housings of cloth of gold and sesame was put before him and the women were kissing him and feeding him and the girl said what is all this ado my ladles about this mule they replied with tears this mule which thon beast was onr brother born of the same mother with ourselves when bur father died he left nsgreat wealth and this only brother we dig our best to get him married and were preparing his nuptials after the fashion of onrwountry bat some women moved by jealousy bewitched him unknown to us and one night a hmebefoee daybreak when the door of v our house was shut we saw that this our brother had been turned into a mule as thou nowbehoideat him and we are sorrowful as thou sect having no father to comfort us and there is no wise man or magician in the world that we have omitted to send for but nothing has done us any good and when the girl heard this she said be of good courage ladles and weep no more for the cure of your calamity is near yes it is presently in your own house for i alt was a leper but when i saw that woman and along with her that young child whose name is jesus i sprinkl ed my body with the water wherein his mother had washod him and i was cored i know that he oan deliver you from your affllotton also but arise go to mary my mistress bring her into your own apartment tell her your seoret and supplicate her to have pity upon- you when the women had listened to the girls words they hastened to the lady mary and brought her into their ohambor arid sat down before her weeping and baying oar mis tress- i4y mary have pity upon thy ser vants for no ono older than ourselves- no head of our family is left neither father nob brother to live with us bnt this mnle whloh thou seest was our brothor whom women have bewitched into this condition we beseeoh thee therefore to have pity upon us then grieving at their misfortune the lady miry took up the lord jesus and put him on tho mule s back and she wept with the women and said to jesus christ alas my sen healthiamulebyihy might powerand make him a reasonable man as he was before and when these words were spoken the shape of the mule was ohanged and he be came a young man of engaging appearance whereupon there was great j in the hcuse- hold and the grateful sitters immediately conoluded to marry their brother to toe ctrl who had teen the moans of bringing him so great a benefit all this eipjcially the happy marriag is quite in tho style of schehereztde it is no more like tho sober records of the evangelists than a display of fireworks is like the lent stairs and tho veryccntrait goes for to prove or atloatt to illustrate tb historical c rerof our our gospalr henry van dyke in hiipejj migz ne for djcember cbbibtmas stoeyeries his present charley wanted to give clara a christ mas present but could not make up bis mind as to what it should be so the next time he called he frankly told her of the difficulty under whloh he was laboring want to make me a present charley clara exclaimed in welldisguised astonish ment why charley yau forget yourself 1 he took the delicate hint and offered himself then and there christmas shoppino never mind ladles the christmas shopping does not come out of your pockets it is your annual opportunity to get more than even with the men thats all and really they are so goodnatured just before christmas that no one may be par doned for expressing the wish that the holiday season might last all the year round chrisuias presents the christmas seasons at the door and through the air the snowflakes whirl the dude now leeks the dollar store to buy a present for his girl whiob reminds us to suggest that if you received any presents last christmas tbat you do not fancy this is a good time of the year to dispose of them we dont but them buy your christmas presents now 1 is the legend that meets us in the window of an up- town store thank you for the advice but we wont do any such a thing oh no 1 we always kindly permit onr friends to boy them for us chistmas slippers this is the time of the year when useless girls derive exquisite pleasure in getting up slippers the cost of whloh is out of all pro portion to their value and then think it a good joke to telljtheir shoemaker to bend the bill to pa but be sure and not send it until after christmas id is a perfeotly safe wager that there is not a pa in the land will see where th joke comes in christmas dlfinitions the english girls favorite tie mistle toe the key to the joys ef christmas tur key a chrislmis present december 25 1889 list christmas is a christmas past see christmas stockings- the old saying that hanging is too good for them is never understood to apply to the christmas stockings and talking about stookfngs stockings be hanged 1 says tho st louis girl it is only the chicago belle who expects to find a grand piano in a sock her christmas goose mrs a are you going to have a gooee this christmas mrs b i have cooked my christmas goose already mrs a why you dont tell me so t mrs b xes i badgered my dear hus band out of a sealskin sacqne worth fonr hundred dollars 1 a03ueldeath x dakota sheruttelu how it feels to be ilansed jsm e morgan sheriff of sherman county south dikcta is a native of this city says the new york star but has been in the west over thirty years he is here ou a visit to his relatives on s eaten island i find said the sheriff to me the other night that the question whether a man should be hanged or executed electrically has been settled i am glad to find that electricity has carried the day for i- assure yon that death by hanging is intensely pain ful why sheriff i said is it possible that you were hanged qaiteso and it was no jake when the war closed i went west to seek my for- tune and had a pretty hard time before i found anything even resembling it one hard winter two others and myself went into wyoming on a prospecting expedition and had to maintain ourselves chiefly by hunt ing antelope were very scarce just then and we suffered considerably from hunger one morning we separated the batter to scour the country agreeing to meet on a distant hill at noon my companions were hardly out of sight when i shot a steer and was in the aot of outting it op when three fiercelooking cowboys swooped down upon me lam as you see swarthy and they took me for a mexican as they also wero dirty looking i made the same mistake and saluted them in tho little spanish i had picked up it happened tbat u tall cot ton tree was conveniently cloo and with out saying a word one of the men threw the lariat around my nock totsod tha other end of the rope over a stout limb his two companions pulled upon it and i was in the twinkling of an eye going through all the agonies cf hanging tho pain was frightful there was a tremendous rashintr through my ears tho aky and everything else turned blood red pins and needles seemed to be sticking into every part of my body and at the earoe time tho back of my head felt as if it wore being sandbagged at the rate of forty strokes a second how long it lasted i couldnt tell to me it seemed hours when i regained consciousness one of my friends was pouring whiskey down my throat and the other was robbing my ohest with the same liquid it appeared that my comrades had returned in time to out me down before life had fled but just then i wished thoy had let me be the process of resusoitatlon was if possible still more agonizing than the hanging but as the man condemned by law does not suffer in that regard there is no use in dwelling upon it bat why did they hang yon they were driving a herd of cattle to idaho and it was one of their steers that i had shot when my friends arrived and explained the cowboys out me down and when i wae ready to receive them they were profuse in iheir apologies that is how 1 know that hanging ia one of the most cruel deaths to which you can put a man her christmas p3bsent a gentleman sauntered into a large dry- goods store a few days before christmar and remarked i want something for a christmas present for my wife the clerk suggested various things but the oustomca seemed not quite satisfied at last he asked have you cotton cloth certainly sir i want eight hew shirts eight times four are thiryytwo ill take thirtytwo yards the gratitude of the wife at raoaiving as a christmas present the oloth for eight new shirts for her naabtnd can be imagined editors presents the dry goods clerk always gets the bulge on the poor journalist in making christmas presents ilhe editor can never put his hands on anything except an old mouldy paste pot a rasty pair o soissorj and a box of steel pens suspender buttons and burned matches- j and yet we hear people talking about tho even distribution of justioe that ia jaatlse a fellow looks at the matter we are open for an engagement as dry goods clerk oar girl must have an even show some how when ic comes to the matter of christ mas presents too m0b turkey little frank having eaten more turkey on christmas than was good for him complain- edeittsrly on being asked where the pain was ho answered with groat seriousness pressing his tiny hand upon his ohest i think papa it must bo in my wish bono causa its right here v wilful waste did you stop at shears the tailors yes and i gave him fits what did you do that for youll never get em back fiiili a sonrca of annoyance- a gentlemon coming homo at ovenlrig spoke harshly to his fiuldihrobyoarbld who was playing very noisily the little lady dropped her playthings and retreated hastily to a corner whats the nutter asked papa well said toe child ive been a good pirl all this day and now you acme home and mako trouble the first thing very seldom what is tho use of flapping your claws around in that fashion said toe oyster to the crab ttlieros no- use in getting excit ed ill bet youd be cxjtod if you were in my puc sid y or i x dont low my temper 1 at all events i is very seldom that you i get into a se a sad oase i reckon said farmer bogojb that jbsiah might iz well be kep home from college the baseball is over an he cant learn much anyhow besides im afraid its kindo mixin his mind up what makoe you think so ezra asked mrs begosh waal i was to see him the other day and every onoe in a while he would say sumthin tbat seemed to hev ho besrin on anything in pertickler fz we woz walkin together along the street he interrupted me an says and the band played i thought i might as well humor him 4n i says gently well sposen it did josiah says he thats all right pop yonre a good one but you aint on aint on what v sez i you aint tryin to give me the ratals dazzle are you he says with an air of seriousness that made me sad i tcld him i hadnt no razzle dazzle to give bo at to kind o quiet him an he laughed in a satisfied way he was purty quiet after that ony for askin me where 1 got that hat over an over agin althoogh he knew as well as i did where i bought it havin been with me at the time i dont know whether to bring him home or have him sent to a hospital or somethin christmas another christmas one more year has passed to the eterniries what hive you been doing during this time the great nrsarese came into the world at bethlehem to restore a nearly lost eqsuibrium and r vo ue a new testament ef that immerta icy which was dimly foreshadowed in the uld testament of the patriarchs and prophets and singers it was his mission to sweep away the clouds that obscured the heavens so that man osald stand up and ask of bis father that which ho desires without the intervention of professional oracle e in greece or the priests ot lea in egypt or oi other intermediaries psgan or nonpagan a poetes below speaks of the gospel o love as a oathoiicon for evil and a creator vf happiness in tae here so it h also in the hereafter oar dual lives natural and spiritual enable us to live in bot h the here and hereafter who preaches the gospel of love t are they those who leave jerus of ntzireth and his supernal doctrines to make the pulpit ring with eeotional politics are they thoso who keep alive the embers of the dead pest as journalists and other authors and politicians and thas make mis chief which delights xoarcated spirits these people preach the gospel of hato and the gospel of hate in the gospel of the hells there are other preachers cf the gospel of hate the czrs and the alexanders and the epauletted professionals who make war their pastime and tkeir aggrandizement the only real gospel of love which baa been preaohed in ito fullness is tbat which roso and rises from the hesrta of mothers for their offspring were it not for motherhood and thoso little refiners babies tho world would bo in the shadow of night george biriow the new poet of ecgund beautifully writes each child upon the planet born bringo baok that planets early morn jn the sweet tnnrise in bis face christianity commenced with a woman and will end with a woman mothers like mary illustrate best en the birthday of tho boformer and savior tho love and tender- ness and beauty of true christianity horj is the poem christmas eighteen hundred years 1 yes almost nine teen hundred since over the mangercradle the wise men leaned and wondered eighteen hnndred years and yet the world to day ib blind to tho meaning of truths that jcstre was sent to say eighteen hundred years i and yet men stand and preash creeds and sonons ind dogmas beyond the tired mindb reaeh while all the sad souls want and all the sad asuls need is love love leve for that was the saviours creed bighteen hundred years 1 and yet the churches contend bat lave was in the beginning and love will be in the end for love is the only law that knows no alteration and love is tho only door that leads us into slvation eighteen hundred years and men are doubting still 1 bat love is the way to peace and all may find it who will we have only to keep en loving and lo 1 the path appears though the world has been slow to see it for eighteen hundred years 1 ella wheeler wilcox tece teibitne is published every friday at the tribune pbikm housek main stkeet stouffville subscription 100 per annul tint insertion per line solid noopazcil each subsequent tnscrtion per line 04 pro sessional cards per year 40a rates under contract one column per year 5a tm half column one year 30 00 quarter column one year is aa eighth column one year xo ov for six months or three months in the tame rati hoidge bros publisliers and proprietors m immber yard w ip haetney keeps constantly in stock a full supply of lumber lath shingles salt plaster coal water lime plaster of paris coaltar tar paper eire crick firecla 5lc clc cash paid for hides wool sheep skins and all kinds of grain rail warehouse opposifewayslafionsiouuyillo practical demonstration i understand said a handsome young woman entering the printing office that you employ only girls and that you are in need of a iorewoman yes replied the printer can you make np a form just look at mo and see she answered turning herself around she was engaged two of a kind got acquainted- this said the man who was tsavelling on the cars as ho opened his valiso and took onta bottle ia o mixture called dr jen- klnsons indispensable 1 hover travel with- sut it it is the best and most agreeable tonio now on the markot by all odds i am not so snro about that replied the man who was occupying the scat with him i have here and ho opened his own valise and took but a bottle a tonio called dr bybolds extraob which i have nsed for several years and consider the best prepar ation ever made no man ought ever to i have no doubt it is a fairly good medi cine in its way broke in the other bnt if you had ever tasted- dr jenkintons indis pensable you would throw that aenff of yours away ilj i know all about dr jonkiosons nos trum and i know exactly what it s made of you do eh 4 es sir and i know d rjrbolds extraot is made from precisely the same formula only from pure materials instead o the vlla and adulterated ingredients old uenkioson uios its made from the same formula is ill eisotly the same you lying old ignoramujhow do you know what its made of how do i know you insulting old scoun- drol im dr rybold sir i am glad 1 dave found oa out you infernal villain i am dr jenkinson fxamined for admission to the bar examiner oan you give mo an instance of a person inoitjog another to perjury 1 candidate yes when the coart asks a female witness how old sie is texas sitt ings ft- the perils tf buffalo hunting on the oooaaron in question my brother and eousfn were on their way homeward they wore just mounting one of the long low swells into whloh the prairie was broken when they heard a lew muttering rumbling noise like faroff thuder it grew steadily loader and set knowing wsmt it meant they hurried forward t the top of the rise as thoy reached it they stopped short in terror and amassment far before them the whole prairie was black with madly rushing buffaloes afterward tkey learned that anothrf couple of hunters four or five miles off hid fired into and stampeded a large herd this herd in its rush gathered others all than- dering along together in unteatrellable and increasing panic the surprised hunters were far away from any broken greund or other place of refuge while the vast herd of huge plunging mad- denned beasts was obarging straight down en thtm nor a quarter of a mile distant dmn they oame i thtusands upon thousands their front extending a mile in breadth while the earth shook beneath their thnnder- ousgallop and as they came eloser their shaggy frontlets loomed dimly through the oolumns of dust thrown up from the dry soil the two hunters knew that their only hope for life was to split the herd which though it had eo broad a front was not very deep if thoy failed thoy would inevitably bo trampled to death j j waiting until the beasts were in olpae range thoy opened a rapid fire from their heavy hrceohloading rifles yelling at the top of theirvoiooe ffit a moment tha resnlt boomed doubtful tho line thundered steadily dowa on them thon it swayed violently os two or three of the brutes im mediately in thosr front fell beneath tho bullets while the neighbors made violent efforts to press off sideways then a narrow wodgeshaped riit appeared in the line and widenod as it oauie up closer and tho buffaloes shrinking from their foes in front strove desperately to edge away from tho dangerous neighborhood tho shouts and shots were redoubled j the hunters wero almost ohakod by the oloud of dust through which they could soa the stream of dark hnge bodies pausing within rifllewjth on eiihor side and in a monvact too peril was over and the two men wore loft alone on the plain unbimed tfcougtt witi their nerves terribly shaken the herd eareerod on toward tho horizon save five individuals who had been killed or dlf oblod by trie shots f prom baff4q in st nicholas for dcember tookit literally i baig z pardon sild a frenchman to the captain of a steamboat but yio is onezlnglvouldlalkto tellyouv vvhatisitt jre is z j dangear of z j explosion present ly of an explosion is there mutiny on board i conld not ey bnt i just now hoar steward just now eulr zat he would blow hp zi cook the most successful remedy erer dts- covered as it is certain in its effects and does not blister bead proof below j srszktsvnjje p q hay s iss3 db b x eesdiu co enosburgh foils vt gentlemen i have used ken- 1 dolls spavin cure for spavins j andalsoln acaso of lameness and stiff j olnts and found unsure cure in every respect i cordially recommend it to all horsemen very respectfully yours m i mi ciubus 3 bunrm f kendalls spavin cure st thobu p- q april 22 18s3 dit b j kehdaix co enoburgh falls vt gents tl have used- a few dottfea of your ken dalls spavin caro on my oollv which was sulterlng from influ enza in a tory bod form and can say that your kendalls spavin i cure made complete and rapid i cure i can recommend it as tho best and most effective liniment ihavo over handled kindly send me ono of your valuable books entitled a trea tise on the horse yours respectfully kendalls spavin cure fonr ellicxiifxir mot 10 is39 db b j kksdau co enosburgh falls vt gentlemen i always keep your keudaai spavin cure and blister on hand f and tbey have never failed in 1 what you state thoy will do iv have cured a bad case of spavin and also two cases of ringbone of yearsstandlng on marcs which i bought to breed from and have not seen any signs of disease in their offspring yours truly i d j okkeftc pries st per bottle or six bottles for tjs- all druggists have it or can get t f or you or it w 111 bo sent to any addrcas on receipt ot prlco by the pe j co enosburgh foils vt bold by all druggists the pumpkin ke take a sharp knife the best of its kind and pare oft the pumpkins golden rind then cut into oube shaped blooks of buff and slowly simmer till soft enough bun through a sieve the best to be bought till you have of tho sifted pumpkin a quart oh the orbpplerorown hen will mourn to day j for her rifled nest in the scented hay for ere your pumkin pies you oan bake oat of her nest you must nine eggs take i bsat yolks and whites in a separate dish till both are foamy and light as you wish white sugar one cup and a half you take and two quarts of milk yeur pies to make then of cinnamon nutmeg and mace eaob one you take a teaspoonful are yon are done m next spioes sugar eggs milk you must beat silk pumpkin and together till smooth as that is the curious homely phraso my grandmother uied in those oldtinfo days new a dozan of raisins more or less to oaoh pie will add flavor you must con fess the whole must bo baked in a shollube crust v and just as it hardens with sugar you dust if you follow this rulo when done youll oryj- v heres a genuine oldtime pumpkin pie v lizzib m hadlky suicide sometimes proceeds from cow ardice butnoo aweys for cowerouco some times prevents it since as many live because they re afraid to au a die because tfiey aro afraid to live col ton 7 1 i ushsslmb ssw i