oexamine sour address tlel the number on the label is the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number on thelabel keep yovr subscription pa id in ad cance the year ended last march and if you have not renewed you owe us a dollar the tribune stouffville nov 15 1889 clubbing kates wo have not space to mention the papers that are clubbed with the tri bune but if you desire any publica tion along- with our owi we can supply both at a considerable reduction watch our columns for ann ouncements of the various magazines to our subscribers the special announcement which ap peared in our columns some time since announcing a special arrangement with b j kendall co of enosburgh falls vt publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtain a copy of that valuable work free by sending their address and enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same is renewed for a limited period we trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtain ing this valuable work to every lov er of the horse it is indispensable as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases which afflict this noble animal its phenomenal sale throughout the united states and canada make it standard authority mention this pap er when sending for the treatise the visit of henry george the social reformer to toronto last night comes iu quite opportunely with the discussion that the single tax h receiving at the hands ot debating clubs and conventions at present some measures are absolut ely necessary for the equalization of the burdens of taxation and henry georgos theories are received with great favor by a majority of his tiearers wherever he goes ho has recently returned from a tour of great britain where he received much attention especially in scotland v all eyes are turned towards lamb- ton where an important byeelection is pending and the first threecornered contest in which the new third party has taken a hand is to be decided the seat was made vacant by the hon t b pardee and has gone liberal for a num ber of years the temperance element will enter strongly into the contest and as the third party candidate is neces sarily pledged to support prohibition legislation in the house it remains to be seen to what extent men are proparcd to sacrifice other principals to their desire for the abolition of the liquor traffic meanwhile the three parties are working hard for the election of their candidate and the result mw be anxiously awaited by the leaders mr geo f marter has learned in rather an expensive manner that the mayor of gravcnlmrst has a torerably good idea of the law on voters list business mr mailer applied to the court of revision to have some names placed ou the list under the manhood franchise act which the court refused to do holding that this was the county- judges work mr maxtor then applied to the mayor to call the court together which he refused to do do on the same grounds ho then carried his case to osgoode hall there he applied for a writ ol mandamut on wednesday judgement was tendered fey judges street and ferguson to the effect that the court of revision should have heart his appeals but failing that he had a com plete appropriate and convenient rem edy by applying to the county judge people shouldnt fool with the law catarrh- catarrhal deafness hay fever a new home trefttbient sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved tie to be a fact and the result is that a simple re medy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness and hay fever are perman- entlv cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bfor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon rv son 303 west king street toronto canada scientific american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully therf is a wide difference between medicines which affect merely the symptoms of disease and those which affect its cause the first are useful as palliatives the second if of genuine efficacy produce a radical cure to the latter class belongs northrop lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure thoroughness of operation is its special attribute in all cases of billiousness costivenes indigestion kidney complaints and female weakness four months for 35 cents our ladies- prize all our lady subscribers and friends will be delighted at our good fortune in being able to announce that wo have tnade clubbing arrangements with the best of all the ladies magazines viz godcys ladys book of philadelphia sec prospectus in another column and we can offer all of our lady friends who subscribe for our paper godcys together with the tiubunk for 550 godoys ladys book is not only the best of all the lady magazines but it is also the oldest there islarire capital behind it and the corps of writers engaged for next year 1s90 is the best yet announced by any ladies publication for the coming year the rcat story 5000 for a wife commences in the december x- mns number wh will be sent you by the publishers for 15c and when you get it you can see the hot of good things the publishers offer then send in your subscription to us together with one for our paper and we will supply it to you godcys aloue will cost you 2 the tribune alone will ccst you 100 t he two together if orjor is sent to us we will furnish for 6250 subscribe at once on monday of last week a local con- temporal y professed to have received trustworthy information that the on tario legislature will be dissolved be fore another session as it was quite impossible to believe that the journal referred to could have had any com munication from the ministry we pre sumed everybody would sufficiently recognise the report to be false it ap pears however that a few triends of the government think there may be something in the report simply because it has not been contradicted in the globe we have therefore been re quested to state that there is not a par ticle of foundation for the story the government have never intended and do not now intend to bring on a general election previous to another session of the legislature globe subscribe for the detroit free press and read its 3000 prize stories and the tribune the best local weekly 20 lbs sugar for 100 at s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockery sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar having bought a tremendous stock at the very lowest cash price we are now enabled to give our customers such inducements uever before heard of in the history of stouffville 3remembsr this we will not be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts peryard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards remnants at less than halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from 12 j cts per yard upwards great loads of mantlings below what you could ask or thiuk v see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your price down to mine see our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at gocts on the dollar the customers will get the benefit light sugar 15 lbs for 100 white sugar u lbs for 100 granulated sugar 11 lbs for 8100 japan tea for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50c tea in stouffville 6 lbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains wo guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in the country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain s m wajetrunteii the leader itv prices both papers for four months for 3 ce3ntts the canadian queen this elegant home magazine is sure to please every canadian woman it is devoted to fashion art literature flowers the toilet and household matters it is handsomely illustrated and is equal to any of the highpriced foreign publications the imported designs for fancy work and home decoration are worth alone the entire years subscription no intelligent housewife can afford to keep house without its hints on cooking so ably conducted by the superintendent of the toronto cooking school it already has a circulation from nova scotia to british columbia and every lady pronounces it charming to introduce it into every cultivated home at once it will be sent on trial for three months for only 26c address the canadian queei toronto on tario j k bole described as a buslhess man of montreal has been telling re porter of the pittsburg times that the intelligent people of canada are in favor of annexation and that it is only a matter of timo before canada will be a part of the united states this may bo regarded as a sort- of hyper- bole so to speak world 9cords2foj2ei descripti drd 3000 1 full used agency can be bad where there is a raeanoy a hiw vmusnox for filing saws sentfrw tan wtwfux iff teatlmoi r catalogue containing testimonials from hundred of ptopi nko bttrd dftii 25000 now success- e hi for with each rntkue by the use of this tool everybody can file their own saws now and do ltbetterthan the greatest expert can without it adapted to all areascut saws every one who owns a saw should kare one urn doty f ptyi w maafeeter4ta co4 at jour dealer or write folding sawing ma- hink c0 sos xofixv 6 canal st chicago iu jmssoiiutiost of partnership i notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by mutual consent mr jacob burkholder retiring the business will be continued by mr samuel burkholder who will pay all claims against the firm all accounts due the firm must be settled by dec soth 10 thanking the public for the liberal pat ronage given us we remain yours re spectfully s purkholder j burkholder stouffville oct 21 1889 note lost between mar 15th and oct 1st 1889 a promissory note for100 dated mnr 15th 1889 drawn by robert pollard in fav or of the undersigned all parties are warned not to negotiate the same as pay ment has been stopped signed frank smalley east gwillimbury nov 5 1889 dyspepsia and indigestion c wi snow co syracuse n yr writes please send us ten gross of pills we arc selling more of parmelees pills than any other pill we keep thoy have a great reputation for the cure of dyspepsia and liver complaint mr chas a smith lindsay writes parmelees pills are an excellent medicine my sister has been troubled with severe headache but these pills have cured her the altar stover peterman at the residence of the brides pftrnt88touffvilleoct5th 1889 by the rev w percy mr jacob stover of the towrishsp of uxbridge to miss matilda p of 8touffvilie birch armrtrono at the christian panonage stouffville nov 12th by the rey w percy mr jan birch to sarah jane armstrong all of the town ship of whitchurch wrioht jordan at the residence of the officiating minister on sept 10th 1889 h the rev w percy mr john wriebt to mis martha jordan all of the townthlpof whitchurch in continuing the above mentioned busi ness i bave decided to do so on a strictly cash basis in order to reduce tbc very large stock on band prices will be cut down very close many lines will be sold consider ably below wholesale cost hoping to receive a continuance of public favor i remain yours truly s burkhol der s alesmen wait d salary expenses paid or liberal commissions to locnl men outfitfreenocollectinrr permanent positions guaranteed exper ience unnecessary choice of territory if apply at once l p thurston 4 co- empire nurseries rochester n y thejtomb baker at baker hill on tuesday 12th instjncob baker ased 86 yrs8 mnsnnd 4 rfys shaver at gosdwood on monday nov 11th 1ss9 john s shaver aged 00 yrs at the cronin trial on tuesday a washerwoman testified that she passed the carlston cottage between eight and nine oclock of the night of the murder and saw two men in a buggy drawn by a white horse drive up to the cottage one of the men entered the cottage and at once she heard a hard blow some one crying out and the fall of a body on the floor sales to be held farmers and others who get their sale bills printed at this ollice will have a free notice of the sale inserted in the triruxe up to time of sale wkdxesdav nov 20th the farm stock and implements of mr j h davis at lot 2 in the rear of the 8th concession whitchurch sale to commence at 1 oclock sharp nelson k smith auctioneer movdav nov 25th 1ss6 extensive sale of cordwood beonrinr to mr jas cookixit is 1st con uxbridgi 140 cords of dry wood will be dispos cd of sale to commence at 1 oclock sharp n j armstroxo auctioneer auctiost sals of residence in the village of stouffville- the undersigned has received instruc tions from the executors of the estate of jacob raymer late of the visage of stouffville miller deceased to offer for sale by public auction at the queens hotel iu the village of- stouffville n saturday nov- 9th at 2 oclock pm the followinjrvoperty that is to ay village lots numbers 28 and 29 on the west side of albert street iu the village of stouffville according to flan mndc by peter s gibson pxs and registered as plan number 321 upon said property is erected a solid buck dwelling house and there is also a quantity of fruit and shade trees thereon and it is altogether one of the most desir able residences in stniifvillc terms of sale ten per cent cash at lime of ado and the balance is to be paid into the canadian bank of commerce within tbiity days thereafter without interest to the joint credit of john hoskin esq qc ollicinl guardian and the executors the property will also be offered for sale subject ton leserved bid lixed by the said oftlciri guardian possession of the property is not to be given until 1st april 1890 for further particulars apply to john hoskin q c and messrs kerr mac- dormld davidson a patterson toronto jiid to pred w hill barrister stouffville dated this 23rd day of october a d 18 one pound of any kind of tea to every twentieth customer who buys on any thursday oo ots tvcbth of goods this is no sham we will guarantee to give you as good tea as can bo bought for the price you ask you ask why we do this we simply do it to introduce our teas because some people live with the impression that they cannot buy as good tea as they do from men who peddle their goods who are here today and away to- morrow we want you to try our teas and if thoy are not as good and as any you can buy from such sources or any other source we will double the offer ag brown telephone store- hamiltons stationery stationery we have just received stock and placed in a new and complete stock of stationery school books c these are not old andsholf worn goods but new and fresh from the manu facturers which we are offer ing at ridiculously low prices merchants account books and french tissue paper a speqial line p3jremomber the place hamiltons first door cast of station barksy samuel barkey j executors peter lmiiiscy ioaustouffek nelson smith auctioneer n e smith iconscl auctioneer for the county of yorjv sales of farm stock etc at tended on shortest notice and at reasonable rales address stouffville ont the sun life assurance company of canada assets 2 ooo low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly titos- workman esq- r- macuiav president- managin director rj daley general agant and inspector stouftville ont iiv b0km