4 the teibtine is published every friday at the tribune printing house main steeet stouffville shbscriton 100 per annus hne faawartlon per line oid oooparctl 5 4 ftck kawcqucot hukcrtion pcrliae 004 rviaoal cards per year 4 oc rates under contract oaocolaimn per yer 5 m m0 earn year 30 00 otaarmroortiiaa 18 n ogfcta cftbtctn cha tear 10 oe fw u uoaths or tbxce months in th urns ratio hoidge bros publishers and proprietors centenial shaving vmla kirst class shaving parlor filled up in neatest styles flsilr ciiuing and stowing equal to any city larbet shop jiduis and childrcns flair dressed in the latest fasliiou ladies please do not call oh saturday after 5 p to wm a bovair- itarlholders block stoukfvijle immto yard w 3 hcartsrey keqps constantly in stock a full supply of mtmbbb lath shingjes sajf plaster coal water lbie ptvastbrof paris coal tar sar paper eire brick fire offi o ft cw 1 1 cash paid for hides woolsheep skins and all kinds of grain- rail warehouse oppositowayslationsloaffviuo tho most snoceeafnl ttenrrdy ever dlscov crou os it la curtain in ita effects aul docs not blister llciul proof below kendalls spavh gurl office of cnanlrfi a stress bhkbdkh otf v cleveland bat axd tbotxiko sfcflfc houses j etawood iii nov2916s3 do b j kendall co dear sirs i have always purchased toot kd dalls spavin curo by tho half doscn bottles 1 would mo prices in larger quantity i think it is one of the best liniment on earth i have used it en rajr stables for three rears yours truly crus a sxydhb some oddjtaipedes how afllhabs of difpjbbeht bi3d8 abe berdbb1i1j obazy thbouge sudden pbight an uncontrollable bush ol terrorized buffaloes which near y tost a hon ills lire i shall never orget that canyon not if i live a century said a frontiersman as the train was slowly creeping along over a deep but narrow abyss common in the western country why i asked becauso was tho reply i dropped into it once or rather was thrown in and had tho narrowest escape of my life i was what is termed a cowpanoher in those days and did a little of everything tho year i hve in mind i was guide for a party of prospectors andengineors and under contract to supply them with beef beef meant buffalo ani there was plenty of it too much aa you will see in those days though they arc all gone now i generally worked ahead of tha party an hour or so to be on the lookout for the indira and game and one day having sighted a big herd 1 f buffaloos i started off with one of the party to kill some and havo them dressed by the time the main party came up my companion was new to the business but i had no idea that he would put me into the scraps b e did we were about four miles from this canyon which is bimply a big wash a out the sides almost up and down and 1000 feet wide a horse can jump from the edge at somo points and fall 15000 teet without itrlkbg thats the kind of a placo it is in crossinc in tha cars you do not seo the steepest part of it we started off in high spirits it was a beautiful morning and there was something in the air that stimulated me something thali is difficult to explain but exjstb ntvsf theless the country to the south and east was as level bb the sea but to the west rose the rockies blue and pink and hero and there isolated buttes away to the northwest rose a cloud of dust which hung over the ground for hundreds of aoren that dust meant buffaloes and for tt we headed i intended riding slowly and when we got near put onspoed and charge them bat all at once my mans horse went into a hole and broke the cinch 1 rode on and left him to mend it thinking of course that he would follow 1 had gone two miles when it occurred to me to stop and wait for him the buffaloes were jnst ahead and i wanted to give him a fair chance for half an hour i waited and suddenly noticed a movement in the herd which was apparently coming in every direc tion the dust seemed to cover the entire horizon prising in tho air like a cloud and spreading to eaoh aide in a moment i was in the saddle and riding out toward it to see which direction it was taking still not wanting to leave my coinpahoo juab then i begmi to hear a 1 oaring sound like thunder every instant it grew louder and finally i began to realize thatl was being surrounded and then it flashed aoross my mind that ib was a btarn pede in a second i was about and away in the direction of the party but i had been stand ing in a depression and as i oamo up i saw that i waa in the center of a halfmoon of of dust thousands of baffilocb were dash ing down on me like an avalanche and their flankoi 8 reaching out as if to b enl rae in ididno waste much tiaio and waa coon on a dead run if you have ever aeon a maa or ahorse inn down a track before an ongino animals leaping along before a prairie fire or waa my companion rideg np while tho buff sloes were a cloud oi dust in the south it seems that he had thinking to get tho start of me gone around and began to fire into the hera from behind and had thus ceated the stampede he didnt know any better so i couldnt say much the bottom of the canyon was about half full of dead and wonnded buffaloes i never saw such a sight before and never want to again perhaps continued the old hunter you have been under the falls of niagara j nat imagine the water living buffa- loeaand yon can imagine my situation my korsa i never saw asaln whether he went into the canyon or not i dont know many animals are subject to stampede but etpsolally those that are accustomed to herd when they are large and powerful the most frightful results may follow it sometimes occurs among elephants when entire plantations are wrecked and fences and houses are ruined in the sealion rookeries of the alaska coast some carious stsmpedes and exciting incidents are often ecen at certain seasons of tho yeat ho aleuts have a drive of seevitchie as the lions are called it is generally begun in september or october the largest and strongest alenta aro se lected tor the purpose who with provisions repair to the vicinity of the rookery at night when the sealions are lying in the eandabovehighwaiermark they make their first attempt armed with stioks gum ond clapping bones thoy creep down to the waters edge and finally with mnch skill and marceaverlng plaoo themselves between the sealiona and the water and at a given signal rush with yells and ecreama at tbeir victims the sealions awake and hearing the terriblo noise dash away in a stampede each ono rushing in the direction in which he happened to be sleeping in thla way half may go inland while the rest head for tho men in the latter case there is somo danger but as a rule the aleucs escape in jury the seahona come hopping flounder ing along making marvelous speed for euoh huge creatures and care nothing for the men n their blind rush tho stampede cf the boahonb ends dis astroualy to the most of them- the flounder inland and are thon followed and driven to the houses of tho men by shouts and orles there stakes aro placed in the ground about them forming a rude corral to the posts streamers of oloth are at- taohod and their flattering in the wind prevents the foolish realions from esoting other catches are added until finallv 200 or 300 sealions are corraled when the final march is taken up the sealions are liber ated and headed in the direotion of the aleut village ten or twelve miles away and drivon there tho journey taklngirom one to two weeks among wild horses tho stampede is an cxoitlng speotacle the animals literally run ning away in a body it la tbe custom among the indians to create a stampede among horses and cattle when they wish to appropriate somo of thorn and in the con fusion that results not a few are driven off and secured it was once my good fortune to witness a stampede of eels a certain pond on the maine coast was fed by a brook but at high water the ocean flowed in eo that it might be said to be salt at high tide and fresh or brackish at low tide ths conditions icemed pirtlcularly favof- able for the propagation of eels and tho mnddy bottom waa fairly alive with them many of them of large size aa the tide ebbod many ools went into salt water one evening i had occasion to cross tho oroek with a friend just at nightfall the little brook had dwindled down to a mero stream a foot or so wide and as we stepped over it was seen to bo black with eels my companion inadvertently ciepped ir among south afb10an hieing to etcipo a cyclone yea can imagine the feel thera and aft tho instant the living river ings which impelled mo broke red rrrrnhrfcalile etamnfirto ocenrred s brooklyn n y november jss8 dr ix j kssdall co dear sirs i deslro to rivo yon testimonial of my good opinion of your kendalls spavin cure i havo used lc for tnmencbn lstlit joints and spnvins and i have found it a aurocure i cordi ally recommend it to nil horsemen yours truly a it gitbkrt jlaoager troy laundry stables sakt wwiok couiinr onio dec 19 1s38 jn b j kkndall oi gents ifcelltmyduty to soy whatl have dona with your kendalls spavin cure i have cured twcntytlvo horses that had spavin ton of kinsr bono nine anileted with uiix head and soveu of blir jaw bluco i havo had one of your books and followed the directions i have never lost a case or any kind youro truly andrew trrn horse doctor spots ml price bt per botuo or six bottlca for 85 all drug gists havo it or can got it for you or it will bo sent to any address on receipt of prlco by tlio proprie tors us b j earcuix co enosbursh fnus vt sold by amj dkttggists a cleverly laid sohenw young wife you are not going out to night are you husband yes my dear i must go back to the office and post my books im afraid ill bo kept late not going any whore except to the ofliiol noo well then step into strong smell s cos around the corner from your offica on tho way down theyll be open until eight oolook got a couple of raaokorol and bring them homo with you when you come yes my dear good night young wife to horself as her husband doparts he wont do much theatre going with those mackerel in his pocket the qaevtion of halls- chicago man why dont you hold an other meeting in aid of tho worlds fair aew yorker haughtily we oant find a hall big enough to hold the people who want to oomo chloago man huh i advertise that all who coma will be expected to contribute tadyon oan accommodate the orowd in a lodginghouse bedroom it was merely a matter of gottiog around tho herd bnt theyjwero cloning in on mo and a fall an accident of any kind meant boing trampled to death i soon saw that it was nsele13 to attempt getting around the herd ib was too big and the start was too great so i simply ran for it ran for life you never baw a trampede woll imag ine 8 coo or 10030 cattle perhaps more impelled by fear or terror dashing along j crowding together a living glacier it is irresistible nothing oan stop it a surging solid mase rushing blindly forward with a roar and noise which shakes tho very earth imagine something like this and you can realize something perhaps of the features of a stampsde it is merely tbe wild rush of terrified cattle or buffaloes i ran beforo them twenty minutes and cfcourae gained and sociog somo buttes at a distance of a nrilo or mere i thought i could maks thorn and would consequently be safe but life is uncertain and so la riling in thia country aa without any warning 1 cme opm thia canyon i took in the situation at a glance if i went down the animals would fall upon me if i staid on theedgo they would trample mo to death there was but one chance that i could turn back the herd and i took it i ran at them firing my rifle bowling them ovor yelling and screaming as a man oan only scream if it is for life bat the roar of their feet was so loud that i doubt if thoy could have heard me oa they cirao liko a whirlwind and turning again i made for tho oanyen i reached the edge about a thousand yards ahead and dismounting i started my horse baok to take his chance and flung myself over the sido there wasnt mnoh time to think but i thought the best chance would be at the edge so i crept as olose to is as possible and at tho tepest place and waited what wero my sensational well i can hardly tell i was pretty certain that my day had oomo and i remeoibor trying to brace np and i thought of my old mother but i didnt have much time oa they came and then i was bnrltd with earth and the next second i saw bsffdocs go sh joting over the edge thoy went as if they had been shot out of a gun clearing the edgo and striking many feet below hundreds of thom it seemed and for all i know thousands went over before thiy stopped yon tea thi tremendous presenre behind pushed those lu front on so that they could not help themselves and it was some time before the front ranks could atop the ruth and not befcre many bad gono over i had boen saved by the hardness of the soil above me a part of it bad given wy and cverod me up but a shelf of cly lad held and to o i owe my life 1 dragged myself no thn slop moridead tden ahve and about the first thing i raw broke acd a remarkable otampede occurred handreda of form rsnglug from two te three or more feet in length broke tiway and dashed over the dry but slippery baaoh covering it in every direction with a wrlg- glig maea of eel he the terrified animals dashed up toward th3 shore und in every direotion though ultimately turning and making for the distant water some o them traversed to reach it over 300 fael of dry laud among all animals tits fooling of alarm and sudden terror is liable tcf rravo tho same result a wild break a rushing ihts way and that even among mon it is not uncommon id every war sudden surprises have resulted in a stampede where hundreds of man ordinarily brave have rushed headlong to escape the supposed or actual danger atam gold copper and asbestos discoveries made dally for some time rumors have been rife thr a certain amount of forged scrip was circulation in the kimberiy share market bat it waa only the other day that anytbin definite was known and the facta were discovered it appears that there was living at johannesburg a young man named pearson a clerk this voath had been on the point of leaving for port elizabeth and before going had invited a large number of his friends and others to a farewell banquet he gave at the grand national hotel ibh banquet was the talk cf the town and the wonder was natural as to where the money for it bad come from the inquiry was put off by statements to the effect that money had been left him and that a present of 250 or 300 thanh shares had been made to him just before leaving johannesburg he gave a broker named sonnenfeld a parcel of these shares to sell and gob an advance of 40 on them this broker being somewhat sus picions sent around the shares to the secre tary of the company to see if they wero all right the answer he got was that they were fraudulent the secretarys name and the names of the directors being forged tbe case was at once put into the bands of the police at potchef stroom a town about a days journey from johannesburg me forger was arrested when the coaoh in which he was travelling arrived there and was brought back to the eccne of his operations where he was examlnod before the lwddrosb and commu ted for trial it u not thought that this dijcivaiy need excite rlurh apprehension as the forgery is in all probability confined to these shares and it will have the efftot of making brokers and dealers exeroiso more oaution whan passing scrip through their hands thus rsndering any similar attempts at fraud in the future d lffioult owing to the likelihood of prompt detection another sensational affair occurred last week at jhaunetburg in which tbe name of a now notorious londoner figures oon- spiouously a person oalling himself m j nioholson neii was assaulted in front of the exchange by a mr brant inquiry agent and deteotive this detective when summoned pleaded that he had committed the assault under great provocation and in the course of the trial made tho statement what thia mr neil was none other than the principal in the firm of abbot page co who carried on a large share buianess in london and whioh failed some two years ago to the tune of nearly a quarter of a mllion sterling nnder circumstances which excited a good deal of unfavorable comment ab tho time mr brant has letters and other doenments in his possession proving that this is the very man who was wanted by the london police and that he bad been paying the detective sums of money to have his incognito kept up the nonpayment of a balance duo to mr brant and the demand for it led to the assault and in turn to tho exposure of a great criminal and btill another sensation worthy of amerioa where daring robberies ar more frequent than they have been in south africa the discovery of tho gold colds seems to be attracting much of arreromi life and it would appear as if some ot tbe rowdy element is being importod along with the industrious at a littlo gold rolnug village in the tivoz7m oslod krugersdorp there is a briok building whoh does duty as a branch of the standard bank of south afrioa in it there are a manager an aocouutant and a boy the bank premises webb opsjiep as ds1ja5 en thursday morning at 6 oolook and about an hour later two men walked in and oovored with their revolvers the manager and his assistant the boy having at the time been sent out on business these strangers said they wero amerioans one of them struck the manager on the head with a hunting crop rendering him iusenoi ble when thay proceosfd to bind and git him and the aooountant as well they had found the safe open ond had cxraoted all ths notes and gold amounting in value to 3 700 when the boy oarne to the door and found ft olosed at whioh he was surprised the robbers taking him for a customer told him that the bank was olosed for that day as they were taking stook i suspeotlng that all was not right ho gave information and in the maan time the robbers coolly walked off mounted their horses whioh were stand ing quietly at the gate of the landdrosts house next to the bank and rode off in the direotion of johannesburg a policeman named tossell happene 1 to ba near and when he was informed of what price it is estimated tbat the mine will pay handsomely whilst the slightest rise in the market will place this concern in such a posi tion as to yield astonshlng results so con fidentare the shareholders of the ultimata success of this venture that they have pooled 400 out of c3 j shares and it is likely that in a few days they will risetl50 or 2000 daily dicoverios are being made all over the transvaal of new reefs and mines containing gold in paying quantities the transvaal mines are even attracting cabinet minister from their folios as was instanced the other day when tho colonial secretary took the post of secretary to the consolidated investment company of johnneabnrg acom- pany that with a capital of 179000 is bfrcady in the way of making by rents alone of properties purchased for 75000 about 30000 per annum and is likely to carry on ono of tho largest businesses in s juth africa its gcrip ia not issued yet but as much as 75 percent premiomhas been effered for shares ia the company the gold exported from the cape last month amounted to 24000 ounces valued ab s3000 and the total value of gold exported for the last eight months amounted to 529650 the output of gold from the bandt last month is esti mated at 38000 ounces of whioh one com pany alone thelanglaugh contributes 6000 ounces there is no doubt that this country should attraot the attention of canadians as a great outlet for their trade in machinery and other things much expense and loss are incurred by a want of knowledge of mining and tho want of proper machinery there is a field for an enterprising firm the country of the matablo ia about to bo opened up by a company to whom a royal oharter has been grantod and in all directions are signs of enterprise suoh as is only known where mining ia oarried on on a large eoala m il ii i an extiaorduiarj casi an interesting oase which will be a diffi cult matter for the courts happened recently in the bed cross hospital of lyons a 1 patient was placed under the influence of chloroform la order to be subjected to a moat painful operation at the first incision however tho man who was unusually strong became oonscious crazy with pain he tore the knife from the operating physician and despite tho presence of several friends ho plunged it in an instant into the hearts of professor nagout and a young man who was aoting as witness the double murderer was taken into the tortureroom and bound recognizing the fact that no narcotio could influence him the operation was successfully performed without its use he will recover in all probability the interest in hie trial which will bake place in the near future lies in the defence that he committed the double crime in a fib of temporary insanity caused by the extreme pain the case will form aa important chapter in the history of medical lawn y tribune s hard on tbe sparrow tho new york herald having recently stated that it was apparently lawful in than state to send a lineman to instant death by olootricity but a man who feeds a sparrow may be fined and imprisoned a correspondent wrqia to ask whether this was rcily tho caae in reply the herald quoted the following law passed by tha legislature in june 18s7 as an amendment to an act of 188g tbe english or european house sparrow passer domeatlcus ia nob included among the birds protected by this aofcnd it shall bj ovbsklersfi p mdemsanonr tot intentionally give food or sholtsr to tha same the transgressor ia liable td imprisonment for thirty daya and a fine of fifty dollars popple in new york state will be chary about expending any hospitalities to the pasasr domestical now that their atten tion has been directed to the presence of this law upon the statute book jj uwi nun wiicd uu waa iniormeu oi wnno lton m wereboft hadhappaneda he was already mounted he drew the line at pie- harold murmured the girl a tear dimming the insbre of tho spectacles that rcstod lightly on her olassioal g too-bos- tocian note i will not deny that our son i communion our interchange of impressions our mental symposia not only speoifioally paloootological bat coemtcal and meta- phrastio in a general sense as well have boen pleasingly emersonian but you have taken advantage of a moment of perhaps unwonted aoulfulnoss to endeavor to oxtort from me a pledge of earthly t flinly you seek to degrade if i may use so strong term our essential psyahomaoby to the ultimate level of mero intersoclal volition waldonia exclaimed tho youth yon mhapprohend me i hear me out harold she persisted i have confessed that i feel drawn to you by many psychocentrio influences but there aro other considerations when two earthly lives assimilate there must be no clashing vagaries- no hygienic polemics harold she continued in a trembling voico pardon tho question there is so mueh at stake hut do you ever defile your immortal nature by eating pie the young man rose slowly to his fed and folt around in a vague way for bis bat waldonia he said in a voice of tragic misery tho bitterest hour of my life has come bnt i oannot hesitate a moment i wouldnt give up pumpkin pie for the aoul- fnllcsb young woman tbat ever squawked 1 good evening miss tlcklowell i tho pale moon rose with the timid abash ed demeanor with which she rises ovor boston harbor and hor rays sbono mildly and pityingly on a young man with his hat pulled down over his eyes who was striding down tho street goiog out of hia way to kick savagely at every lone and friendless dog in sight nd talking volubly and reck lessly to himself in the dialect of new york boston courier he rode after the two mon his taorso not being equal to the ojcasion gave signs of breaking down bub on passing a little vil lage and without drawing bridle ho called to tho groom of the hotel to sadilo up a race horse he knew to bo there at the same time telling of the robbery this wab dono the rac horse ovortook tossell who mounted it and made up to tho robbors he fired but they dismounted and from behind their horses potted at tho policeman but withoub effeot for ho suoceoded in wounding onoin the arm and forcing both to surrender shortly afterward others who hadjjolned in the pnrsulb oame up and the two one of whom by tho way takes tbe name o ch ard tarpln were seoured tho notes amounting to 2 000 were recovered but nob as yet the gold which must have been thrown away in tao pursuit there is no sign of thomlnlng actvity les sening but ratber tbe ro verce new discoveries of minerals aro being made every dav from the asbestos uilue dlsoovered near klmbsr- ley richer rpocimona than ever aro coming in belonging to the grlqaaland west copper and mineral syndicate and these are tar superior to any that bavo yet been exhibit ed boing rqial in color fibe and texture to the fineso whlto spun silk orders are arriving from different parts cf earope for the raw product this woik on important shipment has been despatched to hamburg in responso to several inqultlos hamburg offero a lucrative market for tho fibr the best qualities of whioh realzs from 60 to 70 per ton a good illustration of luok in share opecu iatlou here was affjrded the other day ia the avse of tbe volhardlng copper syndicate the shares are 10 ones in a week they went up to 75 the syndicates property it seems is on the oanga river and it bids fair to posses oneof tbe richest oopper mines in the world seven or eight oopper reefs have already been exposed the desirabil ity of treating the ore on the spot is bslog discussed there is an abundance of fuol and water near with copper at its present he v7asat hankering after vigof a man waa running down baxter street to ward the river the other afternoon when a policeman confronted him and asked for an explanation theyre after me i gasped the man who the dootors what do the dootors want of you they want to experiment on me with tho elixir of life please dont let em dont air i should think youd be perfeotly will ing to be experimented on it might set yon back ton years in vigor thats just the rob sir im aotlsfied ib would and ten years ago every time i was arrested for vagranoy i looked so strong and hoalthy that his honor senb me up detroit free press the lost cord mistah johaslng yu heah dat gal or miuo slug at the chanh las dleht i did b bootiful song dat de one aha lung it om called dj lost chord hah i das so well you want dar no i was to hum but she tole me she bunglt yea she did an some one got at my woodpile while i was at de ohaioh guess i lost about a cord too life in pizan creek tou 1st will ou indly direob me to hob cat city clonel whlpsaw of the ratttlesnake rj keep right np frozen miu s gulob ooos two milos till ye come to wboro two hoss thieves are hangtn on one tree turn to yor right till yer come to twohangiu on two treos keep to yer left pt mnrdorers troe with the llmbi all bruka off oat down aoross where youll bee bomo fellers lynohio anctber hoss thief then over tho hill an down through bill cbap- ar j g privato comutcry an up along wlnre rhu bheiiff and hia posse is beaiegin pike county fsce turn to the right an pass tnreo more nosa thieves bont ten feet from ther ground anouo down a side road paib the snst house- an there you be gooibyo ope you wont miss yer way ftexas sittings ia oase of accident- nervr us gentleman now bo oarefnl bow you drive cabby and go slowly over the stones for i hate to bo shaken and mind you rut up ai tho right house and look out f r those dreadful steam oars cabby never fear sir iii do my best and wbloh orsepltal would you wish to be taken to sir in ease of an accident