young folks the wiuiws heart one bitterly cold november day a colonel in the union volunteer army gave a hastily considered order to ditch a stream that was hooding camp the cfficer of tne day ex ecuted the order bat the men grumbled all the forenoon the colonel himself came oat later in the day to look at tha work it was indeed a freezing job the men stood op to their waists in the icy water much of the time yet it seemed steeasary to torn the stream or the whole brigade would be deluged how is it my boy he shouted to a big frank childfaced young fellow that you dont fret and growl with the other men 1 well colonel i dont know but my mother god bless her 1 used to teach me that a willing heart makes a light task years have passed since that day the raw vermont boy is now the successor of the colonel in the presidency of one of the largest manufacturing establishments in new england and it all came from that quaint ready reply in the virginia ditches the sa dainty a creature that she cannot fall to please the most fastidious little lady in the land the model is about eight inches tall handsomely dressed in modern style and is really quite a work of art and would be if the little ones wished to help a charity a desirable contribution to fairs and bazaars a corn cob la the foundation for the body meaanre and mark the waist line below this wind layer after layer of husks leaving them full size and fluffy at the bottom but catting out gores at the top so as to mske ie shapely stick a pin through anywhere it is necessary to k eep the skirts in place small strips of huiks are wound closely and pinned to the body for arms after having wound a few extra strips across the shoulder to make the requisite breadth a bit of cotton is laid over the end of the cob for the head shaping it as well as possible this is covered with a very smooth piece of husk and the eyes nose and mouth marked with a pen or pencil and a little bit of carmine is put on the cheeks to give her the flush of health some of the bean husks are selected for the dress a few of them being stained with pink aniline dye for trimming two full widths of hneks are nied for drapery in tho back colonel nevf r forgot it returning to civil i the join and puff befog fastened with pina life he sought out the oheery soldier took j which are hidden under the folds a full- him into bis office made him in time his partner he says i may tell this story he tells mo the secret of his hardworking lifes health and success with men is all in that line a willing heart makes a light task how is it young men are you willicg to bo useful or is it simply to get ths wages the most valuable man is not tho ablest man but he who does his work with a cheerful spirit we like to have such a fellow around us he wears a smile he is hopeful that a thing can be done send jim b cried the head of a firm whose members were consulting who mould be dispatched to austria to introduce an improvement on thor patent jim is one of thoso fellows who isnt afraid tc take a bit of extra trouble to make a thing go yes responded the secretary of tho corporation jim is ono of your willing chaps send him to europe what he diesnt know yet hes willing to learn the upshot of that is that a boy not yet twentythree years old the son of a plain honest farmer is off for ilx months in the land of the ferdinands and will return with that polish on him whioh travel alone can give wages going on expenses all paid and a big prospect ahead in tho house yon can hardly do anything for the un willing man he will not let yon help him for he will not let yon use him ho repels yon if he works he does ft ungraciously he has no interest in the job ycu dare not ask him to lift a hammer after the whistle blowb for shutting down not even ucne place was in peril of fire or flood no yon either go and do the extra thing your self or you bethink you of some employee who is always willing to lend a hand and send for him and a cheery helper becomes dear to you yon do not forgot this favor it seems so strange that we do not all of us realize this more for every ono is in some ones employ and has sooner or later the chance to show the willing heart as a giant elm hits np a woodbine willing strong and neighborly among trees so can the vino return the favor in many ways it can pre vent cormorants from ascanding and gnow- ing out tho giants willing heart it can pro tect from borers by the shade it spreads round tho trunk where tho big fellow has no leaveb of his own it can offer its own leaves to the first batoh of tho omnivorous inbeot lite that often strips an unwilling elm and the leaves of the woodbine poiaon the insects so that they desist the willing man i repeat is approach able he lays himself open to kindness he exposes himself to a good turn he is open to a favor in return the world is not all ungrateful and somebody remembers the snn may be clonded muoh of the time with many of us but ho who stands in the open field of goodwill is snre to get all the sun- shino that is falling if there fs any cheery jolly whole souled good nature among men the willing fellow gets it no doubt the willing heart is often impos ed upon yet so are we all who is so shrewd that no one gets che advantage of him and besides do we not all and each sometimes impose upon others the willing heart has this batisfaotion that he does not deserve tho ingratos kick nor tho mean mans contemptible tricks ho smiles and whibtles his song as he goes on his way jait as willing to do the nexa man a favor his sun is still bhinlng he knows that it is the gouge who is the moan fellow not himself and he knows too that imposition on a generous heart always has its remorse and its punishment he spends no lime in kick ing himself but yonr oloao and hard heart is as mad as a bear when in spite of all his shrewdness of selfprotcotion he has boon imposed npon he does nob get over it for days ho reminds mo of a snake on which i put a shuflb hoe last week and the crea ture writhed twisted and tnrning oven stung itself back of the blado that pinned him down no to savo onos life is to lose it to lono it is to find it a willing heart is protected by tho goodness of all decent paoplo in a community if a kindhearted neighbor is abused the vicinity ories out shame 1 consoienoo and all good angels are on his aide in this selfish world but whon a crabbed neighbor is severely nsod by some sharper evorybody laughs even though it were a bit unlawful and the langh be in tho sleeve is it not worth everything to have the best of this world on your aide and things cumo back again they do 1 bread that is scod of rioe cast upon the nile waters returns again after many days tho kindness of a cabdriver in the streets of boston to on aged man was rewarded onco by alogaoy of 20000 nearly eix years after as 1 heard tho story i asked was not cabbio surprised yes was tho reply but ho is a kindhearted follow and alwa s doing some ono a good turn willing hands woar longest willing eyes see the most willing muscles and nerves have tho boat health and endnve beyond tho selfish willing hearts boat on whoa tho cloao stony hcarta are dust for my part i am suro x have not obiervcd iccorroctly they who endure most accumulate and en joy and prcaervo most ore tbev who work willingly slvo and take they certainly aro tho best men to work for the best men to have in your employ the boat men to work bosldo at bench or counter in office or field as for homelifo ib u the light of beauty in son or daughter husband wifo or friend draped apron front covers the front and tho sides the edges are vandyked that is iquarea cat ont and a row of the pink husks cut fn fringes set underneath where it is impossible to hide the pins stars are made by- cutting a tiny disk of the straw- colored husk and one of the pink and sticking the pins through the middle giving tho appearance of a very small roeette a hunch of tho corn silk is fastened on to the head for hair the back falling loosely to the waist while the front is cut into shapely bangs tho bonnet made of colored husk fits the head olosoly a coachmans oapa oovers tho shoulders by using different oolorlng matter a groat variety of dolls and dresses may be mado whole families of fathers and mothers little ohildien sailor boys and gypsy girls can be made to spring into being almost like magic for the husks are very pliable and not at all troublesome to handle his season why friend what on earth are you pho tographing the umbrella for dear boy amateur photographer you said yon wanted to borrow it to go home with and im getting something to remember it by thats all maternal interest i love so muoh to hear herbert talk said mamie to her mother yon do j yes there is suoh a ring about his remarks a ring perhaps his intentions are really serious bollihq up wealth pallmm palaee car corporation president george m pullman suppement- ed nis annual repors with the following general information extaicrs there have been bciit and placed in service dnriog the year 141 sleeping parlor dining and special oirs costing 17 23123 eich or an aggregated 2 511 00 17 there are now under construction at the companys works 64 cars tho estimated cost of which is 935000 thoso rs when completed will with toe 57 mann 127 wood- raff 51 union palace and 3 miscellaneous cars purchased mako a total of 443 standard oars bnsldr which there aro now being operated 239 tourist cars there has been expended daring the fiscal yoar for additions tc the companys shops and plant the sum of 563 09s 20 the value of manufactured product of alt the carworks of tho company for tho yoar was s652746 89 and of other interests at pullman including rentals 173541764 making a total of 10388- 104 53 against s10s232351sfor tno previ ous year tho roduotlon is duo to a tem porary lull in tho demand for freightcars in tho spring of tho prosont year tho average number of names on the payrolls at pullman for tho year was 4541 tho wages paid s26295317s making an average for oaoh person employed of s579 06 against 691 tho previous year but still a high rate per capita compared with the av erage of other manufacturing establishments of a similar character tho total number of persons in the em ploy of tho company in its manufacturing and operating departments in 1 165 wages paid during tho year 5770345 2g the employos for tho previous year was 10530 and tho wages piid 561020155 tho number of oars employed in the service is 1769 standard and 239 tourist or second class thenumhor of persons carried during tha year was 4242542 the numbor of miles run by cars was 144842618 tho total mileage of railways covered by contracts for the operation of the cars of this company 13 now 117854 an increase of f the l6 0 by dugouts 11723 miles over the previous year down a email stream whioh flows into the i tudaw river about three miles below bobtfahs jademi2je3 where ther lie and the method ot itorlc- lnz thrui according to a recent british offbiil re port on bsrraah the jade producing country is partly iaolosed by tho cuindwin and urn river and lies beau th twenty fifth and twentysixth parallels of lati tude jade is also found in the myadaong district and the most celebrated of all jide deposits is reported to be a large cliff overnanglng the calndwin or a branch of that river and distant eight or nine cays journey from the coiflaence of the urn and chiodwin of this cliff called by the chinese traders nantclung or dlffiiult of access nothing is really known an no traders have gone there for at leist twenty years within tho jade tract described above small quantities of stone have been found at many places and abandoned quarries are numerous the last old qnurry cf any siza is sanka situated seventy miiei northwest of mogaung i the largest quarries now doing worked ate situated in the country of tho merip kachin the largest mine is about 50 yards long 40 broad and 20 deep the season for jade operations begins in novembar and list till may the most produotiro qairrlts ar generally flooded and tho labor of quarrying u much increased thereby iu february ana march when the floor of the pit can be kept dry fur a few hoars by baling immense fires are lighted at the base of the stae a osreful watoh is then kept in a tremondcu heat to detect the first signs of n splitting when this occurs the kiohins attack the atoue with pickaxes and hammers or detach portions by hauling on levers inserted in the cracks the heat is almost insupportable tho labor severe and the mortality among tho workers is high tho ktchlne claim tho exclusive right or working the quarries ant there is not much disposition on the part of others to intorfore traders content them selves with buying the stone from the k china all payments are made in rapses and barman or burmosaan brokers are employ ed to settle the price tne jade ia then taken by shan and kaohin coolies to namia kyankselk one long days journey from columbus amd isabella- x great womans share in lite glory or america discover between g coi and a ice iu that incompar ably lovely carve 0 olive and plm crowned land known as the rveira that bends with infinite beauty into the blue of the sea there etinds in a dingy somewhii bedraggled street a stone and stucoed house now a shop frequented by the simple peasant folks the towuucogoleto and this bouse is its one thow plice or treasure for on the mil dewed giffron wall an inscription states that christopher columbus was born there it is not of much moment whether he was botn in this soiall town or in the grand city o p daces then not so grand however fifteen miles away the interest and beauty of columbus life are fadeless fired with scientific zal and the adventuresome spirit of the real navigator ono sees him as he waj across the centuries crowding into tb mr a paitioular woman qaarterresb they say that mrs bloodgood is fearfully particular will keep nothing but trained servants in tho house mrs pervann y6a and i have under stood she would wear nothing but trained skirts time for all things daaoon ebony now that the waterrail- lion orap is bout ovah it seems ter me mis- tah jett it would be a good time ter start a rovival parson jett not yit bruddor ebony not yit the spring chicken crap is jss begun the population of pullman as shown by the census of july 31 1s89 was 10610 per sons a gain of 529 compared with the pre vions year the population immediately surrounding pullman has considerably in creased during the year chicago times whebb c0l0bs come eb0m one good turn deseives another fond wife its so kind ot you george co go to the intelligence office and get a cook for me yon know how i dread that ordeal huabaud thinking of bnttonless shirts and holey stockings well my dear now how are yon going to pay me let me see oh i when you need a typewriter ill select ono for you sarah besources of tne language guest at oheap restaurant bring me a ham sand wloh an 1 glass of milk waiter fortissimo maoadamiza a pork 1 one whitewash i chicago tribune couldnt understand it surprised passenger my goodness 1 yon dont expeob a man to sleep in a little place liko that do you 7 sleepirgoar porter yo can have awholesootion if yo want it bah passenger what a section porter this ere berth an that ono above it bh passenger looking at the berths both of whioh have been mado up ready for ooonp- auoy hml dye think im a siamese twin i explicit instruction do you want mo to oall again at mr browns for the bill he owes you 1 said the office boy to the physician yea and use every possible effort to get it if he wont pay miy i do him up yes good and brown yea dun brown expresses the require ments of tho ciso exactly a variety of sources that carries one over tuc clone tho coohineal insects furnish a great many of the very fine colors among them aro the gorgeous carmine tho crimson scarlet carmine and purple lakes the cuttlefish gives the sepia it is tho inky fluid which the fish discharges in order to render the water opaque when attacked indian yellow comes from the camel ivory ohip3 produce the ivory black and bono black tho exquisite prussian blue ib mado by fusing horses hoofs and other refuse animal matter with impure potassium carbonate this color wa3 diaooverod accidentally various lakes are derived from roots barks and guma blu9 black comes from the charcoal of the vinestalk limp black ia soot from certain resiuous substances turkey red is made from the madder plant which grows in hindobtan the yellow sap of a tree of siam producaa gamboge the natives oatch the sap in cocoa- nub shells riw sienna is the natural earth from tho neighborhed of sienna italy riw amber is also an earth fonnd near umbria and bnrned india ink is made from burned camphor the chinese are the only manufacturers of this ink and they will not reveal the secret of its manufacture mostio is mado from the gum of the mastio tree which grows in the grecian archipelago bistro is the soot of wood ashes sakaw and down the tudaw river itaelf to mogauag the sawbwa of tho jade produc ing tract kansi levies 5 on every load of jade that leaveb his country the looal chief at namia kyankselk takes another 2j and the farmer of the dnties obtains an ad valorem duty of 33j per oent the kaohins and chineseshan ooolies who worst in the mines pay to the sawbwa kansi 10 par cent of the price they get from tho jade merchants iv e farming of the jade duty of 33j per cent ad valorem for the year ending june 30 1888 aold for 5000 the great london strike court of a king waiting with bit charts in anterooms for audiences repelled oheated pat aside penniless but patient rich in the hero stuff pashing on and certain under bis uncertainty that some day the snn would shine for him and his plans when wo understand a philosophy thrill to an epic it ia bociuse the same fine qualities that wrought them aro in some shape in ourselves it takes a diamond to cut a diamond bung cat and exquisitely fashioned the commonest mind may admiro a poor feeble na ture oannot have much illaenco for good a little nature nover inspires us many a man and mauy a woman die dumb and in glorious becauso there was no diamondlike influence to illuminate his or her own na ture no chiseling forco to sculpture out all the poasibe faceto free the imbedded cry stal and give it the divesting powor that should show it off in all ita unysided beauty cariatopher columbua would nob bo the pedestaled great man imporishably great that lie ia today had it not been for the large brain ad comprehension tha sympathy the iutuitipn and tho faith in him of a wo man it took a woman to discover the man who was to discover a now world there are somo who may say that what a woman does not discover is nob worth knowing and women like that fine enterprising brave- naturod isabella of spain who was behind the door of the great fame of columbus prove thia trua in so noble a sense that at her name every fez and turban every stove pipe hat should be removed in honor of her great men havo almosb always been back ed up in their moat notable and adventure- some enterprises by bome great women every columbus has had his isabella men might jeer and deride might sufpeob and ridioule bub she was rocklike in her belief her intuition marked out unerringly the path hia genius would take hsr heart and her hope shot ahead of him liko a star light ing the night of his sky very little real ultramarine is fonnd in the market lb is obtained from the precious lapis lazuli and commands a fabulous prioe chinesa white u zinc scarlet is iodide of mercury and native vermilion is from tho quicksilver ore oalled cinnabar a surprise- mr nicofollov to adored ones little brother thero yon did that errand very nicely hares a penny for you little brother oh ma mr nicefellow gave ma a ponny ma well my dear you should say ji littlo brother yea i know i should say thank yon but i win ao uprised i for got you said ho hadnt a cent a doll mado of oorn busis a doll made of corn hoiks and dreued entire in tho earns material is auovelty iad thoro can bo nothing moro gratifying than tho progress of odnoatlon ia tho nortn- wcst litest statistics show that thero are now in the jarisdioion of tho northwest council 161 ordinary and two high schools attendod by 4574 pupils and conducted by 183 qualified teachers this shows an increaso in 1889 over 18s3 of 33 aohools and 1121 children compared with an increase for 1s88 over 1887 of only 20 schools and 240 children as an esteemed contemporary says the ploncors of the nations yet to be in tho far west aro laying thcir-founds- tion in the right placa i shall be satisfied by m s c i shall be satlefiid whn i awake with thy likenebb psa xvii 15 knowing tho way and yet so often straying hating the sin that keeps me from thy side but sinning still loving yet diobaying conrago my soul 1 thou shalt bo satisfied yea even to thee tho viotoy shall bo given poor doubting ono through christ tho crucified thoa shall awake and in tho light of heaven seeing thyself tbon shalt ba satieficd o joyful change i o wondorful transition i sinning and sorrowing now then glorified doubting and fearing changed to glad fruition thon in his likenc3s shalt bo satisfied like to thy lord o rest tho vain endeavor e igcr and rash to tear tho veil aride thi ia enoughthou ahalt be with him over wake in hia likoncsa and ba satitfied american meaaecger anonymous letters the mascab thing in tho wurruld said mr dolan iawriten anonymous lotthors did yon never write anonymous lotters mybe oi f id maybe oi wor always mon enough to soign me came to thom the current number of a leading msfsziue contains a composite article or porhaps rather two articles on tho great dock strike in london the authors are the two man who figured moat conapicuoualy in the oon tost cardinal manning and john barns as the two men oach in his way are interest ing personalities in the highest degrco so are their noteranoea pregnant with instruc tion for the guidance of laboring men and employers the world over whan tne vener able prelate came down from hia retreat at brompton to mingle among tho angry mobs of the e 1st end of london to labor with strikers and capitalists alike restraining each by moderate counsel soothing eaoh by his oxaltcd philosophy he waa a figure be fore whioh all tho world doffed its cap in reverence when burns on the othor hand a man of toil an ardent socialist and a professed agitator assumed the ieaderthip oi theslrikn and exercising supreme oontrol over the impassioned men under mm held them in check taught thom to endure in silence and patiently to wait he furnished another spectacle for whioh humanity did nob restrain its admiration mr barns paper is an interesting resume of the strike and its results from hia standpoint to boos not only the bettered condition of eaabend laborbnt the improvedsplrib result- ingfromalongatrugrlo in whioh principle was the chief stake he sees in th outcome a promise of still other victories to come his praise of the modoration and honesty of the strikors la without stinb i have baen says he in the thick of starving men with hundreds of pounds about me hey knowing it and not a penny havo i lost i havo sent men whom i did nob know for change for a gold piece and have never been cheat ed of a penny not a man through all tho strike asked me for drink money a west ender eame down to the docks in search of burns and was guided by a striker to the committeo room a dlstanoj of two miles the man refuted to accept a shilling for his services one ia nob accuatomad to suoh examples of independence among the english lower clauses oo tho whole mr barns rejoiceb at having discovered what ho cilia two poweifal levers in the hands of labor against capital organization and selfrepres sion contrast with theso conclusions the lessons whioh cardinal manning deduces from the strike j tho immense suffering whioh falls on women and children tho ruin of careful thrift whioh ia drawn out from savlngb banks and prudential societies the bankruptcy cf leaser tradesmen 2 tho unknown and incalculable dangers whioh in a momenb by tho act of a fool or a madman may b3 lot looso on a community 3 toe spread of a roatlcss sympathy in tho labor market all over tho land 4 tho certain and permanent injury that cornea from frightening oipltal away from tho strike oantcr tho cardinal adds his praise to that of mr burns for tho eelfrepreasion of tho sfrfkern since the cotton famino of the north ho saya thero baa boon no nobler example of eelfcommand than wo have aeon in tho laat month thus adop ting cither viow what lcaaona may not bo loarned from that memorable conflicb over tho sea a bishop speaks his mind at a missionary council of the episoopil convention in now york on monday bishop johnston the missionary biehop of weetarn texas gave an addroea whioh will atir the dry bone8 in the church if anything will among other things ho said this great church ot ours with ita four hundred thousand coromunicantsai the close of the present year in september will have givon 125000 to vvastorn misaion work a contribution of icbs than thirty conta a head- wo havfi had to call upon the dead to make up the 180000 of oar appropriation oar great need ia what tho mothodiats call a re- vival of truo and undefiled religion oar church needa a john tho bipiist i am nob aahamed to say it i would to god this church had life enough to produce even an other john wesley wo havo somothing batter to do my brethren than tinkering cmona and patching tho prayerbook oar old men should dream dreams not of oor- nors trusts villao on tho hudson palaces falsely called cottages by tho soa and steam yaohts on tho souud tbey should be dream ing how the world may be reolaimed for the redeemer of how it is thab after eighteen contnrie8 of the gospel more than twothirds of tho human family havo not effjotively heard of him oar youag men should bo dreaming not how they should accumulate wealth but of a world converted to god and mado a fib habitation for the son of god oar ministers should not be crying for soft placoa in kiatorn communities but for a hance to go to the frontier in thomaaters work tho betoit commercial mra grubb have yo any moro sugar ike tho iast yo sonc mo grocer briskly yes madam plenty of it bow muoh do yon want i mra grabb djnt want nono a professional hitch a middleoged firmer camo to a yonng vormont minister tho other day and said parson i dont want to trouble yo too much but i wish yod tio tho knob for ma and lz iboth over again why so asked the young man werent yon legally married beforo yes i suppojo so was tho reply but twas dono by a justice of tho poacs and was a kinder cheap job id bo willln to 1 pay two dollars for a ginooine pcrfcahional i hitcb white hair turned black the patient was a woman agod 72 who had snow white hair for twenty years for tho symptoms of commencing uiceaoia due to oontraotcd kidoy twenty to thirty min ims ot oxtraot of j iborandl wa3 proscribed aovoral timea daily tho drug waa taken from october 1880 to february 188s dur ing the autumn of 1s87 the oyobrowa wero becoming darker and tho hair of the head baoame also darker in patches this con- tinned until the pitches of hair were quite dark contrasting with tho natural patohea of snowwhite hair tno hair did not un iversally change beforo her doath in 18s1 dr pronties had published anoth- or case of kldnoy disease pyleonephritia treated with pilocarpine tha hair of the patient a lady aged 25 changed from light blonde to black undor tho influencoof the drug the pilocarpine was administered hypoder- mically onesixth of a grain twenty two times in tho course of two months tho dose was then inoreascd in ono month after commencing tho treatment tho hair chanzod from a light blond to a chcenut brown four months later it was almost a puro black it ia satisfactory to find that eight yearb after ward the hair is ogiin a dark brown dr prentiss ascribea tho phonomoucn to the j iborandi aod its aotivo principle pllocrapino cases whero as tho result of tho inflocnco of iho nervous system in piin or fright the hair haa changed color aro pathological curiosities so littlo is known however of tno phyaiologioil icfliocce of tha nervous system over the growth and nutrition of hair that it ia at present quite impossible to understand how a drug admiaatcrod inter nally oan alter tho color of tho hair it would bo intereeting to learn from othor practitioners who have moi j iborandi or pilocarpine for an extendod period whether any ohange in tho color of the hair has been noticed therapeutic gszatto a horso at glcnelg n sw swam thrco miles oat to sea of its own accord and return being in tho water threo bonrs singers and pnblio spoakors chew adams tntti krnttl gam to preserve and strength en tho voice sold by all druggist and confectioners 5 cents