Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 1, 1889, p. 3

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wobdlsbrul jopiter- ome sarprlsinz stents taking place la the mute planetau hkrwli abject tieh all should bind astronomers hive ot lette been making some exceedingly interesting- duooveriea about the huge plane jupiter whca is now visible in the eveciog sky when we axe thinking about worldaitujiuiaaweli to think of jupiter for thit is a globe worth ponder- iog over thirteen hundred times aa large aa this big earth of oora and ulaminated by four obedient moons japiter haa uncommon claims to consideration bat it is not so much the gigantic size of that wonderful planet as the extraordinary appearances and occurrences upon its surface that command par ticuhr attention at present most readers know that when jupiter is looked at with a telescope certain bands or bf are seen extending in parallel lines across its disk wo ordinarily see the great planet thus represented in illustrated bocks of astronomy it is among these bolta of jupiter that the astronomers have observed some very surprising things the meet con spicuous belts lie on either side of the planets equator in what upon tho earth we should call the tropical latitudes j apitert equator however ia so bllgktly inclined frost tho plane of his orbit that his tropical oirclea do not extend a3 far north and south as the belts lie the first explanation that natural ly occurs to tho observer who waters these belta ia that they must be exormods bands of clocd encircling tho giant planet on each 6ido of its equator if he hab a powerinl telescope and a pmient mind ho ditoovera that changes of form and position occurin the belts which strengthen tho probability that they are composed ol clouds the various colors that they show and in particular tho prevailing red tint which character iz8 tho lagest belts may excite wonder as to tho nature end con dition of masses of vapor that could present such an appearance but upon the wholo thero seems to be nothing to soriomly dis credit the idea that the greater number of these phenomena really are clouds and now we come to the most surprising facte it is evident that a tremendous curront is continually sweeping right around tho huge globe of jupiter over its equatorial regions the cloud belts are all in motion but not all with the same velooity the nearer they are to the equator the faster they move the observations of mr stanley williams and others show that in the north temperate zone there is a broad light baud encircling the planot whiuh may possibly bo the actual surfaoa of jupiters globe by com jaringthe rate of motion of cloudlikeobjeots seen in thi region with that ot the adjacent cloud belt it is found that the latter is moving much more swiftly the general period of jupiters rotation upon its axis notwithstanding enormous size of the plonet t appears to be a little short of ten hours but the equatorial clouds go around ia about nine hours and fifty minutes while the clouds 30 north and south of tho equator require five minutes longer to complete a circuit in other words the equatorial part of the atmosphere appoars to bb flowing past the regions on either side of it at tho rate of aomj cloud strata then there is the commonly accepted theory that japiter i3 yet ia an early stage of development to support the hypothesis of the elevation of a large region of its surface in the manner in which parts of the earths crust were thrust up folded and crumpled in the fiery ages of its history however we look at them thess strange discoveries on jupiter indicate that but a very small part of the energies of creation are centred upon our own little globe jupi ter has winds and storms and clouds and geological convulsions that make the great events of terrestrial existence teem but a miniature representation of planetary iife after all the man who is said to want the earth doesnt aopear to be so very grasping if he wanted jupiter his ambition wonid be truly gigantic a legend of maces bay- about a century ago a rakishlooking schooner bore down to macos bay which strikes in from the bay of fandy on the new brunswick coast after some niancca- veiing she ra into tho bay and cjcuo to anchor a boat was lowered aud with mnf- fl d oars tho men pulled for the shorn tho moon peeped through the clouds luffiolently bright to throw light upon the whole proceed ings tho men dug a bole and buried their treasure tue bearings were taken and tho boat again headod for the vessel which wan soon running out of the bay with a stiff breeze after her the men who woro en gaged in this bnlsness have all long since bean placed under the ground aud tho whereabouts of tho treasuro has been kept a secrot until recently the chart locating tho tressore found its way into curious hands who determined to investigate the acoret was known to two only who ono year ago wont to the snot dug up tho longhidden box and returnedit to its hiding place they admit finding the treaeuro in evidence of which it is said that one of the men haa be gun the erection of a fine dwelling near st stephens tuny refuse to divulge their ecoret or make any explanation he was a muff my hands are awfully cold said tho girl suagostively on the last quarter of a starlit sleigh ride why didnt you bring a muff with you ashed the practical young man prosaically i did sho snapped but ehe wouldnt explain where the muff had gone to and he has been wondering ever sinoe just what she meant payohites of f 03tuhe two cleveland men draw large amount in the louisiana state tottery a sua reporter ha vine learned that d w gibbons who lives at 49g lorain streetnear tho corner of tracy street hold one- twentieth of ticket 39 52c which drew the second cap ital prizj of 100 000 in the recent drawing of the louisiana state lottery sept 10 called at the residence of mr gibbons a day or two since to see if the rumor were true mr gibbons was away at work being s maker ot washers at the upson nut and bolt works the young lady who opened the door of the humble cottage informed the reporter that the rumor was true mr gibbous and seven others had drawn 5 000 in the lottery and the money had already been paid each re ceiving a share of 625 i w gibbons is not the only lucky man thero is another heart made glad on the but side c a file a young mechanic of 35 or 20 who livtson dent street near wade park avenue and works at the brush eleo trio works near wilson avenue held oae- twentieth of ticket 08 159 whioh drew the third capital priziot 550000 j h maekell of 40 willet street purchased ticket for mr file at we request the latter never for once dreaming that the lightning would strike htm great was his snrpriso when the eons came that he was one of the favorites of for tune and greater wa3 his jay when the tan- fible reality o 2500 was put in his poaiea- sion oaly a few months have elapsed sinoomr peter weber of liberty street a bridgo tender had a windfall of 15000 from a lucky drawing in tho same lottery cleve land ohio sun oot 2 live men wanted to sell our hardy eomegrown fruit tltees prices loar 3ood pay and steady work freeotflt the d w beadle hu3seby company fltdl lit catharine out a large amount ortrust funds to loan at a very low rate ol luterot ou hint elas security apply to f purp0sestoronre canada lkagents taebos bhothbrs lmportri and manufacturers of household specialties axd patehte0 cq0d3 exclusive territorr riven illustrated 0talcocbs frm address gil king lit w3 loiomo beatty ckdmek bkekstoek gall barrister and ssltclton wellington st cor cmnch over bank o toronto toronto ont 2 a dorenwtnd ja tokont0 manuartir chairs goods foa evkhboy lidies baugs wavee wigs switches etc gectjwigstoupees s the iiircst hoasi or hair eccds in canada gwda orreted by mil guaranteed asfatisfaetbry as by per sonal ichcttoc sud for descriptions dorenwenbs paris 1iair works 103 and 105 yonge st toronto canada r hi choice farms for sale in all parts of anitoba parties wishing to purchase improved uaahcty farce bom so in upwards with lamicuit possession call or write to c j mlltsjx me- arthurs block mala et winnipeg iniormattra tarnished tree ol charge and settlers assisted tc making selection jsooa33asr oco ioajs at ccsjuxt kltu of istiust 240 miles an hour 1 this an m flammniion ban remarked is incomparably faster than the most violent cyolono upon earth aud this gioantio cur rent of wind if so i may be called forms a perpetualihurrioino blowing arouni jupiter as unremittingly as our trade winds but with inconceivable power and energy the result of the varying velocities with whioh adjacent portions of tho jovian atmosphere apfear to move should naturally be the formation of enormoub whirling storms oyolones ond tornadoes of incredible fury it is probable that looked at in a vertical section tho atmosphere of jnpuer would present an equally remarkable contrast and conflict of motions thero is evidence that the dark oolored spots or olouds aro at a greater elevation than those of a lighter hue and it has been observed that tho dark spots move more slowly than the bright ones it follows that the deeper you go into the at mosphere the faster it is found to be moving and hence it may be that tho actual solid surfaces ot the planet if any solid surface it has rotates within its shell of clouds consi derably faster than the shell icself turns another very singular phenomenon of tho strange and tremendous planet japiter is the great red spot which has been seen upon its southern hemisphere ever since the sum mer of 187s incredible as the thought s8kms and difficult as its explanation upon any analogy drawn from terrestrial gejlogy un doubtedly wonld be there are certain faots which suggest the possibility that this yo phenomenon may be an elevated region of the planet thrust up through its environment of olouds it must be remembered that the so call od red spot which really ppears only as a small oval blotch upon tho disk of jupiter is in roallty some 30000 miles long and 7000 bioad think of a mountain of those dimensions raised above the clouds 1 then to add to the startling suggestions of tho hypothesis the color of this gigantio elevation or protuberance ia a sery red perhaps tho strongest reason for regarding tho red spot as an olevated mass is the fact that the clouds of tho southern cloud bolt oloso to which it lies uover piss over it but on tho contrary in passing by it are driven out of their cuan and curve around its southern hnrivr jo 6 as clouds in the earths atmosphere glide along tho shoulders of lofty mountain teaks whoso summits rise above their level it might bo urged in bsbalf of this vie that inasmuch as tho forco of gravity on jupiter is nearly two and a half times a3 iiroiic as on tho oarth tho major portion of its atmo sphere must be pressed clofio to its surfno on that consequently its clouds do not fbo at such a hoight as tho gigantio proportions of the placet might otherwise lead us to expect so that tho elevation of tha red spot need not bo supposed unduly great ia order to place it above tho general lovol of the m iii temper is more rapidly improved by relief from physical suffering than in any other way step oa your friendj corn and tho impulss to strike is strongest putnams painless corn extractor by quickly and palnlsly romovlng them ininres good nature fifty imitations prove its valus bswaro of substitutes pumms iuro afo pain- eta the b6wers of paris are one of the modern wonders of the world that marvelous network of underground streams over whioh tho tourist can trovel by rail and in boats constitutes tho bowels of the gay oapital this labyrinth of streams is kept with scrupulous care for any ob struction in tne flaw of tho sewage would bo attended with serious results to the health of the inhabitants of tho city above tho sewers of tho human system are the liver and bowels and ia order to keep diacato out of the wonderful city of whioh they are a part they smust be kept always free and unobstructed dr pierces pleabant pur- gativo pellets aro tho best laxative and cathartic known for tho purposo tiny sagarcoaed granules in vials always fresh tho catogan stylo of airanging the hair is most popular with young girls and a second and timallor bow ia tiod at the top ot the head keeping back the front locks of hair thousands of cur s follow tho uso of d sages citarrh ramedy 50 cents a large and handsome white pearl held in ulace by tho curled apices of tie leaves in a laurel wreath forms ono of tho prot tieut lace spin beads shown this season ton were once jbearttifn madam bu your glass tells you that you aro so no longer why is this it is bi cause you are suffering from functional derangement you may paint an inch thick as hamlet says but you oannot conceal the ravages of disease no wonder you aro lowspirited bat why suffer any longer jjor pierces favorite pro scription will restoro i he bloom to your chek the sparkle to your eyes the oldtime light ness to your step it will make a happy wo man of you again it cures all thobo weak nesses haokaohlng bearingdown pains peculiar to your sex tho only medicine sold by druggists under a positive cuaranteo from the manufooturcrs that it will give satisfaction in every caeo or money refunded see guarantee on bottle wrapper round turrover collars of embroidory are two inches and a balf deep in the back and slope tu a mere nothing in front whore thoy fasten with a round oval brooch so as to show a trifle ff th6 tin oat begone dull care and dyspepsia adams tutti frntti gum ia natures own panaoea for indigestion and dyspepsia sold by all druggists and confootioners veils may be worn juat to tho chin a trifle below or only to cover tha noso lareo spots aro coming in again on net veils tho long scarf veils are still worn twisted around tho neok twice and thon pinned with a fanoy pin with an air of seeming carelessness wnich is impossible for some women to catch ia ether pure in sunbhlne glow- in units in crops in spring that flow all clvitg lite la them we see thy hand flawing ixoroy deliy from birth to manhood we increase lc bulk ond weight after growth the repair ing process goos on living tissues aro ctoad ily broken down tho waste if not carried out and onstntly retraced with proper elements tho body suffcts sickens down down vitality so lowered many drop into a prmaturo grave among tho diccoverios of tho ago nature towers over all a mineral spring is found containing all the olemonts sixteen tho same rs that composing tho body ths watsr the famed so lson effects such marvelous curci its name is spreading to all quartirs tho ablest physicians are lost in wonder aud pronounce it a mir ecle of healing power unequalled few know heh such as st lon brings it is safe certain its duplex action no fathomable it expels the most deadly pciono and all through life long its building bracicg regulation ioflaoncoalast after a freo uso tho wasted organism be comc3 firm the pale wrinkled skin assumes its summer bloom a frosh charm is l nt to ltfo never beforo experienced purchase the water drink freely and continuo until the system is built up with natures puro elo- menta that nourish the vital forces rogulate and tone the mechanism so that tho tear wear and worry of lifo may bo overcome with thoao buoyant feelings perfect health alone can maintain her bidaie why ia summer like prids inquired clara of george as ho strolled about the moonlit lwn i cannot answer love why becauso itgoeth beforo a fall she answered laughingly wo had better go in now was all tho voung man said as a deep sigh escaped between his teeth black lace fiohus aro worn by voung ladies with black surah or light silk gowns the large meshed nets threaded with tinsel or ribboj are used for dainty collarettes and nhus consumption surely cured to the elitor t i please inform your readers that i havo a positive remedy for the above named disease by its timely usejthoubands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured i uhall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy fbek to any of your readers who have consump tion if thay will send their express and p o addresb raspy t a slocum m c 164 west adelaide st toronto ont ap 474 the baem of toronto dividend eo 67- notice is hereby given tiut a dividend cf fiv4 per uent for the currvnt hal year beiojr at tha rate of tbn pbr cbst per annum upon ihe paidup capital cf tho bink hai thi day betn decared and that th samo will be payable at tho bink aud its branches on and after monday the nd day of bee next the tranrer books will be cl sed froai the lftth to the soth da of november both day itcluded by order cf the board 0 coulson caahier the bank ff toronto oronto oct 23rd 183 knitting machine send for illustrated catalogue aoxj tbia advertisement wubyoororjeit or our new hiitttkk tdwo whs allow you s10 premiusi disooune pmm bros mfgs esokktdvry ont the albert toilet soap coys has tho largest sal of any toilet soap in tho country on account of its uni formly excellent delicate and frag rant qualities royal mail steamships after spending ten winters south was cured by scotts emulsion 110 cintre st tsew york 1 jkuo u3tli 1883 1 tho winter after the groat fire in chicago 5 contracted bronchial aftectiori3 and since thon havo been obligecito spend nearlyevory winter south lastmovomberwas advised to try scotts limulslon of cod liver oh with hypophosphltos and tomy surprise wasrolieved at onco and fey continuing its uso three montlis was entirely cured gained flosh and strength and was able to stand even tho bliz- zartf and attend to business every day c t churchill sold lij all druaaisx hoc and 100 ota mng- c foreign or old canadian olalllroor unitrt stitcs wanted addrcs collector box ills post office t jrontc tmgtmmmmssbaseaaabmmbmb asthrfla caglbg cured anyone tillicted vss tapi bros eem krao tt rochester y j and tumor specialist prirat hospital no knife book free 1 c ii mcmichakl m d ko03 niagara st buffalo n v guannterd sure cure for ion etanc iog coughs cnldt etc ask vour drujghtfor it or write to ua tkenoociir uo skider co dructtsts tjronto look- ih over 5u 000 dreasmsfcora now proclaim he wondetful mcdowell garment drjfclrfr ma- chiue to be the greatest invention ot the age h cuts bisques coati polonaises princesses wrap sieeve etc to peifictlon dont he without it stnd lor circular head offlcc1 adelaide stitet west toronto tkaciieim can mane money duilng vacation by canvassing for one or more of our fast selling books and bibles especially history of canada hy w h withrow dd latest and besh edition vjr fmbllshcd prices low terms liberal writs tor llustratcd elrculws and terms wm briogs publisher toronto commercial education write for oiiculara from the largess commercial and shorthand college in canada over three hun dred pupils last year keopcnlntr monday sep nd 1sso addresf tlvsiuuvn imkss uxiveusitv pabliollbraiy buiding toronto iiios hiisaoooii chas ii brooks president secretary and manager oafioflflr eislxrssjatcn 1ss new is a 1 1 s h i h importations of engu- h sh cp uhuuhul finest american hog casiogi orders fl led far any desired quantity wdiefcr price james phek sox 41 to 47 s lawrence market toronto oat jbavek like steamships i h sailing weekly between montjee it anil svwveupowl saloon tlckts s4c m and 100 uaturo tickets ss0 30 and silo according to earner and accommodation intermediate 530 round trio ticketa 30 sterago 20 applv to ii e jicke1y general manager csiadu ship- pine co i custom housk rquark monikeai oi to lccal agists io all towns tnd cities the pioneer canadian line and till to the froot regard t- the proviiou made for the safety ani comort cf its customers wecfcly sailings between hverponl ias- gow and tlic t- latvrcnrc fc foitnltht- ly service irom lodon uuniih summer hontli mail steamers run between lnpipool and portland via halifax during winter glasgow etiantera tat- throughout tho year tf boston and r hilar elphia call jnir at iri h ports aud halifax on route for rates of pasga and other infrotation apply h jjouulihu cor king and yonge sts toronto h a allan montreal or io tha local agents in your county avhon i say coke i do not mean merely ta stop tnem tor a time and then have them ro turn again i mean a kad1ca1 cueb i have inaele the disease ot fits ephibpsx or failing sickness a lifo long study i warrant my temedy t cuitk the worst oases becauso others nave failed is no reasonfor notnowrecelvincacure- sfiidatonceforatreatiseandafitebllottif of my lnfarliile krhkdv give express- and post ofllco it costs you nothing tor trial aud it will cure you address h g k00t mc 164 west adelaide st toronto ont am ixae provident life and live stock assoen chief office t t room darcade toronto canada incorporated a mutbaii benefit assocn sotm lwestsievr by paying to the abov aseooiationone cent- per dv a person aged tivcntvtwo and two rents per day a person aged fortyfour can secure five dollars per week while disabled through eickneoa or accident also for two and three cent4 per elav persons aged as above can secure for thtir dependants tfive hundred dollars io event ol death live stock owjveuscan provide against los by death thruugn disease or accl tent of their stock at easy rates those interested send rorprospectuei eti reliable agents wanted in unrepresented di- triots viiudi joies managing direotor standard choppuigtylllls usesbestfrekchburb millstones riestcrlkbirilhthe world hl rehfwikc haiesas in iohmiasys brahtfobo canada- a positive cure a paikless cure this the patent ago ol new invention facts for men of all ages diseases of ill tho great health itenowor mawol of noalln and kohinoorot modicines the terrible consequences ollndiscreiion exposure and overwork 9res miung rdlddleagedold men who aro broken down from tho effects of aliuso will find in no 8a eadicalcuro for ncrvou3dobility or ganic voaknoss otc send your addroso and 10c in htamp3 for treatiso in book form on diseases of man address mv lubon47 wcllingfortt etorontocan a man without wisdom lives in a fools paradiso a permanent cure gffjgrf miritfa pleasant cure

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