Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 1, 1889, p. 1

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t volume 2 no 36 stoufbvillr ont friday november 1 1889 whole number 88 travellers guide jjgins leave stouflville station main line ifttsutton branch s follows goino west sutton mixed express mixed mail mail mixed sutton mixed expres 823 a m 1100 423 p m 757 90s a m 985 g10 p m 559 stoupfville markets full wheat ft so to 90 spring wheat 0 80 90 flour per cwt 2 50 2 50 barley 0 35 0 50 ltye 0 60 0 00 peas 0 00 0 55 1cas blackeyed 0 55 0 60 oats 0 25 0 30 bran per ton 0 oo 12 00 shorts per ton 0 oc 14 00 hay 8 00 12 00 potatoes per bush new 0 25 035 appies per bush 35 50 eggs c 20 0 30 butter c 20 0 20 lard 0 12 0 14 geese per lb 0 08 0 09 turkeys per n 0 it 0 12 chickens pur pair 0 40 0 50 church directory methodist church rev george brown lastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting 1 hursday at 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth paslor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230pm prayer meet- lug on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev h w knowlcs pastor- services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 prrr baptist kev mr barker fastr ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at 130 pm flleetings of societies and boards village council on the second tucs- day of each month director of mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month i t of t on the second and fourth mon day of each month a o u- w first and thhd monday of each month in daleys hall beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death h johnson master workman j urquhart recording sec public school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club each alternate friday i o f first and third friday of each month mtoshs ssielidsk frfid v hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with alofphy ev milltr toronto office sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mr mclean stouuvilleont 14v taylor sangster uakiiislers a m taylor ltcl v h sancstkk i ii llurister solicitor barrister money to loan office daleys block stouflville ken- miicdonalil davidson k patterson halilustkrs soijicixolis notaries purine etc offices masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main sf stoufiville k ivkkit qo w mcdonald w davidson r a jnoa pattkusox git a nt a rd3iwson dentist will attend at millers hotel -n- stouffvillc on the isth and a jisjcls iremont house markham on the 20th of each month rosenians hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria square on the list when these dates fall on sunday the monday following will be under stood jas clarke veterinary surgeon filiate in honors of the ontario yelcr- itirry cell ie and honotarv member of 1 he ontario yeterinaiy medical society treats all diseases of domestic auimals by the latest scientific methods orders oy telegraph or otherwise niitht or dav promptly attended to charges moderate office and residence cor main wd aldert streets stouttyilc 3iy cedar posts for sale rpho undersigned has on hand about sale 1000 fust class cedar posts for h march 8th 1889 mcdonald stoukfville to rent carriage and blacksmith shops for merly owned by messrs j e raymer stoufiville possession given at once applv to j a todd stouftville may old 1889 the paris hair cutting and shaving arlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stoufiville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haiidressing for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor go to mertens studio of artistic photography for your photograph work where vou can get first- glass work at lowest prices looajl items photos from a post stamp to life size copying viewing etc- crayon portraits a specialty j mertens maix street m to call at money to loan at 5j per cent no commission fred w hill barrister stpuffyille 500000 to loan at lowest rates of interest by taylor sangster barristers daleys block stoufiville prize money the secretary of the whitchurch agricultural society wiu be at millers hotel stnuffville to ply prize money to those entitled to it on wednesday next nov 6th market next thursday being thanksgiving day and consequently a holiday the weekly market will bo held n wednesday next week those interested will govern themselves ac cordingly farmers club the discussion on the cultivation of small fruits and the advisability of establishing a can ning factory in stoufiville will be con tinued at the next regular meeting of the farmors club to be held in the read ing room on friday evening of next week spofford says sell your grain even if it is low prices he will make the difference in his prices so there is a good chance for you shooting match messrs o l brownsberger aniiouuce a shotting match for thanksgiving dayat stiv ers hotel ringwyood atfout 60 head of turkeys and geese yu bo shot for no 6 shot will ye ued and the dis tance for rifleswili be 90 yds no doubt there wifbe lots of sport concert the stouftville cornet band will give an open air concert on saturday night all the boys and girls are expected to don their best bib- and- tucker and show themselves on that night the boys have been doing lots of good hard work at practice and the public will doubtless appeciate their efforts the bargain house is chucked full of bargains spofford is beating toronto prices all hollow j the pulpits rev goo bwfwn preached missionary sermonsjkjn the sandfoid circuit hi rev w steward of ducted the services her worth resumedhis d t sundavand the thatftlace con- revjuns- in the con- tnar ivor tiles ii mrs great bargains in illiner y see our bargain able of 100 hats nice line of 3atitjs mais tt35s just in childrens mantles and wool goods all it prices to stria the itjvk33 timms fs p wilson j j james obrien y 1 censed auctioneer ior the i counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouflyillo on laesrqrss p youth are fovorablo all members of gregatlonal cfuircb mr david mac- donald contiiiuedrevival services in the presbwtcrjwi church with large audiences thanks giving services will be heurini the anglican church 011 the evening of nov 7th rook and rye this wellknown noise oiviied by j c smith j2sq of the firm of cooper smith toronto and kept at buttons hotel bingwood died 011 tuesday night ofinflammation of the bowels to which bc was predisposed jas g clarke aiid y vanzant worked to save him for abant seven hours but in vain rpvkaiid rve was valued at 10000- befob he broke his leg on the saratoga tyfck some years ago spofibrcvnitcnds treating everybody who lias ever wen inside of his great bargain house in the month of december gtsociett the next public meet ing of the gospel temperance society will be held in daleys hall 611 tuesday ovoning next the entire programme will be given by mr hb reesor and his markifcfm heroersmssisted by mr noah stoulver those who arc ac quainted with pur markham friends will autictpateyfery interesting time chair taken a oclock sharp admis sion 5 cents 6r expenses the elect on of officers for next term will take place at the close of the programme see spoitords bargains before you go home he will more than surprise you with the prices and goods singing class the meetinr on tuesday night of those interested in forming a clas in vocal music through the winter was quite satisfactory almost all present signifying their intention of joining the president mr d stouffer briefly stated the con- dititms which it must be admitted ladies attention wo have in stock all the colors of the finest tissue paper cheap at hamiltons book and stationery store social a social will be held on the evening of thanksgiving day nov r 7th in the presbyterian church here tea will be served from six oclock to eight after which a programme will be rendered admission 15 cents children locents thanksgiving roast to be held at the bloomington christian church on thursday nov 7th 1889 the ladies of the church are sparing no pains to make this the event of the season the bill of fare will include roasts of various kinds cakes pics etc not omitting the traditional tur key and pumpkin pies at the con clusion of the supper an excellent pro gramme will be rendered supper will be served frem 5 to 7 30 chair taken at 8 oclock admission adults 25c children 15c all are cordially invited magistrates court a charge of forgery preferred by mr thomas williamson against james dowswell of aurora was tried before messrs w b sanders jas dougherty and h johnson at millers hotel here on wednesday evening last tiie only evidence given was that of george dowswell brother of the prisoner whose name was supposed to have been forged upon a promissory note his evidence was to the effect that he could not state whether it was his sig nature or not and that it resembled his signature and he was willing at any rate to adopt it as his own upon this evidence the magistrate s dismissed the case hymeneal why is it that nearly everybody is more or less interested in a wedding unless it be that nearly all either have had or expect to have awedding of their own some day and how is it that these marriage oc casions though haying their touches of solemnity are generally times of rejoicing manifesting an exuberence of spirits shared in by the oldest as well as the youngest by the most sob er faced deacon as well as the most mirthful maiden unless it be that it is almost universally conceded to be an honorable estate instituted of god for mans highest good when entered into reverently discreetly advisedly and in the fear of god one of these hap py events took place on wednesday afternoon oct 30th at the residence of mr and mrs julius breulsof ring- wood when their daughter mary ann was joined in holy wedlock to mr john t bramleyof torontojin the presence of a goodly number of relatives and invited guests x the bride and bride groom were supported by miss i3o es of toronto cousin of the bridegroom and mr ralph breuls brother of the brideand were the picture of modesty neatness and loveliness the cere mony was performed by the rovlw hill of newmarket which though short was well and truly done the wedding presents were beautiful use ful and most of them costly till evinc ing the high regard in which the bride is held and what shall we say of the repast well well just give it up it was simply such as would have made old mr epicurus mouth water had he been there the happy couple j amid the hearty good wishes of thaii numerous friends left by the evenin train for toronto where they intend making their future home long life and we bast id echoes a horse belonging to ollie forsyth ran away from in front of his fathers place down the tenth and turning the corner at top speed which evciybody knows is a good gait ran as far as his own stable where he stopped no damage was done whatever in the death of mr james blackie wo lose oue of our most respected citi zens whoso consistent life for so many years has won for him a host cf friends and few or no enemies 1 will leave it for some more worthy pen than my own to write a sketch of his life- the low prices of jgrain must prove a terrible strain oiyxhe resources of the tenant farmer the magnincant price ot 33 cents a buskel for barley was of fered on wcdnedav lastat stoufiville and other grains proportionately low the storehoue atjsreen river is com pletely filled a great many loads of grain being turned away on account of the difficulty in getting cars to move the grain some of the readers of the tribune thought i was poking lun at a promi nent eastendor two weeks ago in the paragraph referring to the over grown kazoo they evidently had gosoon in tvketr minds for their information i may state that a kazoo is not an animate object but a musi cal instrument calculated to freeze the blood m a mans veins by its horribly discordant tones one of ourmost respected citizens has removed to goodwood wherohe- has permanent employmeihin mr win todds carriagjifrorks no cpnpiojjn town weeheld in higher regard thanmrtand mrs bev eck and theifadss will be felt not only by the band of which mr eck was a prominent member but by all who were acquainted with their good quali ties may success attend them happiness to them both say toronto street mahket ifcutwiiwiufc swans specific remedy canvwll5s htttrkkowntofalu io cuisv- inldfr sspkssmj isjiiti isv wcit tr xtu llfltl ncr doctor who hs tu i iajjkssy tiir iii somoolv by sman- srirn j box ttotnr niigixmink vtroutuiji trad ywk psic3ymailsioo six f03 s5c3 music pupils wanted- by a young lady who has had several years successful experience in teach ing the piano special advartgcs for beginners and a thoroughly classic al course for advanced pupils would also liko a few pupils in elementary english for two or three hours daily good testimonials or references for further information applv to miss aldrich at the residence of rev h w knowles stoutfville ont j the stouitville mechanics institute may secure the twenty nights tuition by the payment of fifty cents and in oritur to join the classyou must become 1 i inembr of the institute if 0110 i member of a family already holds a 1 ticket any other member may do so for 50 cents and an additional half- dollar will pay for the tuition fee mr andrew stoulver lias been engaged to conduct the class and tull value- for the money is thus assured the fee is certainly very low and no one need be bebarred on the account of the cost it is desirable to know as soon as possible whether a sufficient number can lie secured and any who desire to join can leave their names with mr d stouffor or w p hartney or at this office the world the toronto daily- world and the tribune will be sent to any address for a year for 250 both papers for less than the price of one from rinnsdavs globe wheat new fall busu so to wheat new spring bti so to wheat red winter so to wheat goose 03 to oats new 33 to oats old 00 to barlev new 12 to barley old 00 to pcasnew 0 to rye new hay timothy ton 11 00 to liny clover ton 7 00 to straw ton 10 00 t straw loose ton 7 00 to dressed hogs to beef forequarters 3 00 to beef hindquarters 0 30 to mutton c ooto veal carcase 3 00 t s3 70 341 33 33 18 03 30 u 00 8 co 13 o0 the notorious johnston taylor scandal of toronto has been concluded as far as the church is concerned three out of the five commissioners finding him guiltv johnston having disclaim cd all knowledge of the payment jt the ss00 hushmocv it is being used by tavlor to bring an action for 5000 damages for the seduction of his daughter tnc scandal lovers will have another savory bill of fare in the courts joaquin mtllett wouldnt jtoot if i were a woman what woald i do and not do now let us look into this thing as the man said when he fell in the well and jo back to the beainning in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth then we read in the good book that he rested on the seventh day then the lord god made man of the dust of the ground and then he rested again and then the lord god planted a garden eastward in eden and there he put the man whom lie had formed aud then the lord god rested again and i hope it was a good long rest for the next that the lord god made was a woman and i search the bible hi vain for any word or sign that the lord god or man either ever rested after that woman was made a flirtation and a figloaf as the doctors say there has been no mark ed change and how many leaves of other trees do yotf suppose she tried on before she found the figleaf to fit her fancy the late mr adam com ing home from downtown in the crowded streetcar and eve rushing in upon him with her arms full of leaves and she making him get up and swing his heavy frame ton greasy strap while she nursed her figleaves and flirted right and left with the simpering clerks what would i do it 1 were a woman i wouid quit fooling with fig leaves 1 would dress up once modestly tastily with great regard for health and comfort and comeliness and then 1 would rise up and try and do some thing else before the day of judgment for this fig leaf business has lasted long enough the very first thing laid down within the lids of the bible after the chronicles of creation is this fuss and trouble about womens dress for on the very next page we find eve stil unsatisfied about the cut and quality of her fig leaf dress and we read that unto adam also and to his wife did the lord god make coats of skins and clothed them next after i had given the clerks a rest and stopped running to the stores i would try to stop talking so much and let the world rest mentally a little as well as physically my omy if a woman could cnly learn how to keep quiet in word and deed and dress what a dominion would be hers ah the ships we sail are for her the gold and diamonds that we dig the deepest ruins we explore the lands w discover and subdue the battles- w fight where brother goes down to death against brother all all for woman yet here she goes ga16piiig up and down streetcar and store store and streetcar the same garrulous parrot as when she was the first to speak to the serpent the first to open her sweet mouth and eat of the forbidden fruit fig leaves and jlir tations flirtations and fig leayjm- get thee to a nunnery chicago- i- tribuni y- m

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