Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 25, 1889, p. 8

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the going out 01 es main st stouffville having sold out my toronto busi ness i intend devoting my whole time to the wants of my stoufiville customers as well as those of the surrounding townships we intend giving bigger bargains than ever yes thats what i said you will think that is impossible but we are going to do it every time glance over the following prices as a small hint to what we are doing factory cotton 2f 5 5 6 7 and 8c while cotton 5 7 8 and 9c per yard sixxils 2ic each to our customers only not to the storekeepers heavy grey flannel 10 15 20 22ji 25 and 30c a large assortment of colored canton flannels a big lot of bleached and unbleached canton piles of fancy flannels 50 pieces of the finest mantle cloths to be seen north of toronto carpets in big variety at terrible prices canadian yarns scotch fingering and baldwins 4 ply all at mill prices the largest stock of flannels in town and lower than any other store large white cutter robes at wholesale prices gloves and hosiery at close prices laces and ribbons in endless varieties dress goods to suit everybody and trimming to match the largest and most choice stock of gents furnishing in the village gents shirts and drawers at 25c each and they are good too well worth 40c a few odd shirts in fine scotch goods at 75c sox sox sox at terrific prices the large piles of our 1st grade grain bags numbering in all 800 are gone but will be supplied with 300 more on saturday remem ber our first grade bags are sold cheaper than the 2nd grade in other stores our shaker flannels tab- lings tickings oottonades sheet ings flannels towels towlings table cloths floor oilcloth car pets readymade clothing and every other article iii our large store will surprise you hi quality and price another case of lace cur tains at 39 50 60c and 100 blankets blankets comforters comforters i everything to make you warm and happy and all at smiling prices we never do any puffing or blow ing but give straight facts we have another case of gents fine 1200 suits to be opened in a few days and will run them at 675 overcoats for every body and at giveaway prices ladies shawls in great variety dont forget we are the leading boys in the dry goods trade come come come keep your eye on this double column a week from nest friday it will do you good balance of stock must be sold for what it will bring inn m mm mm at cost to make room for our large fall pur chases which are now coming forward fsesh stock of wall papers and borders that 30c tea still leads pure jlard ringwood cheese pure spices crockery jsjstd giassware styles latest quality excellent prices low the pioneer st0uffvi1xe sept 11th 1889 wm b sanders is up to the times with full lines of to suit the season also special direct lines in scottish tweeds imported tailoring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds tla in worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delfware a call is respectfully solicited special discount for the uext nxntety 13ays i will give a special discount of 10 per cent 1 off regular prices on all cash purchases i have a very complete and well selected stock of furniture bedroom sets parlor suites sideboards chairs springs mattresses lounges sofas etc everything to make your home comfortable those in need of furniture will do well to tako advantage of this oppor tunity to secure bargains as these goods must be sold in order to make room for fall stock picture framing a specialty k j davis sanders block stouffville too if weak nervous debilitated whoinhi folly na ignorance bas tri fled trjr vigor ox body mind ana manhood causing exhausting drains upon g fountains of sfo headache backooho drafrjiieams weakness ox memory bfiahfulness in society stouffville dec 5th 1s3s b sanders the leading shoe house stouffville business for the past six doing a large we beg to announce that our months has been very satisfactory we are making every preparation for trade during this fall and winter our new stock of boots shoes trunks valises c is arriving and will be found complete in all required styles sizes qualities and prices ordered work receives our special attention repairing- promptly and neatly done we guarantee satisfaction we are thankful for past favors and will do our utmost to suit you when you call positive our it imparts youthful vigor xwtorai til vital power old and young 8trongthnl and invigorates the brain and nerves builds np the muscular system and arouse into action the whole physical energy ot the human frame with our specific o as the most obstinate case con bo cured in three months and recent ones in leas than thirty days each package contains two weeks treat ment price ea cures guaranteed our spec- iflonosis an infallible cure for all private diseases no matter of how longstand ing bold nnder our written cuarantee to effect a cure ftdoe c5 toronto medicine oosoranto out ladies only fkench regulation lls far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them month1 y never fail re- lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont patents caveats and reissues secured trademarts registered mid nil other piiteui causes in the patei t office and before the courts dromptly and carefully prosecuted upon receipt of model r sketch of iiivcn tiou i make careful examination and advise ns to patentability of charge with my offices directly across from the patent office and being in personal atten dance there it is apparent that i have superior facilities for making prompt pre liminary searches fur the more vigorous and successful prosecution of applications for patent iiid for attending to all busi- rcss entrusted to my care in the shortest possible time fees moderate- exclusive attention given to patent business informa tion advice and special refeienees sent on request j r littell solicitor and attorney in patent causes washington d c opposite u s 1titciit office a stews h aar xner stouffville sept 11th 18s9 in dress goods mantle cloths flan nels plain and fancy winceys tablings oottonades and in all lines of dress goods d spofford as i intend giving up the clothing business i will sell the balance of my stock of overcoats at cost price be sure and see them j urquhart the moat successful remedy ever dis covered in it in certain fn its effects and doos not blister read proof below 8trect8vhjuc p q may 8 18s3 da h j kendall co enoaburgh falls vti gentlemen ihavo used ken- dells spavin cure for spavins and also in a caso of lameness and stlflmointis and found ttaauro euro in every respect i cordially recommend it to all horsemen very respectf ullyyours cuabuss j blickaix kerdalls spav1h gdre l st tnomas p q april 22 1ss9 dj b j rfxdax co knosburgh jfullsvt gents 1 nave used a fow dottles of your ken- usljs- spavin care on my colt which was suffering from influ enza in a very bad form and can say that your kendalls spavin cure mailo complete and rapid cure i can recommend it as the beat and most effective liniment ihavo ever handled ktndtyscnd mo ono of your valuablo books entitled a trea tise on too horse yours respectfully ik wilkissom kendalls spavir cur i fobt euice mas may 1ft 16s9 dr b j krtoauco euosblirgu falls vt oonucmen- i always keep your kendall spavin cure and blister on hand 1 and they nave never failed in i what you state they will do i nave cured a bad caso of spavin and also two eases of itlngtjono ofyearsstandinronmarewhlcn i bought to breed from and ha c- notaeen any signs of disease in their offspring tours truly prlep 81 per bottle or six bottles for ssau druggist have it or can get tforyou or it will bo sent to any address on receipt of price by the broprletor b bj kendiix co enosburgh falls tt sou by au druggists

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