wa m exxmine sour address ubel- the number on the label the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal is acknowledged by the change of the number or thelabel keep ydur subscription paidtn advance the year aided last march andifyou have not reneiccl you owe us a dollar the tribune stouffville octs 25 1s89 new advertisements millinery mrs f wilson- special bargains j urquhart dissolution of partnership s holder burk at the baptist convention now in session at ottawa the question of tax- exemptions was brought up by a resolu tion from the president to the effect that tfic exemption of church property was in consistent with church principles this is ceruinly a step in the right direction and should the resolution be carried the example should be followed by all other protestant denominations no that it will lighten the burdens of the people for perhaps the result to the average rate payer will be of little financial import ance but the principle is a sound one that church and state should be entirely mparatedand it they pay their rates churches and ministers would be able to hold up their heads in municipal and political discussion without being open to tho charge of clerical interference by all means let the ministers take their position among other citizens as rate payers and not be afraid to have their say in matters in which they shall share the general interest because a man holds a position at the head of a church is no reason why he should be less a man a citizen and a voter and by all means let the church be relieved from the charge of receiving charity from the state following out the recommendations of the commission appointed to investig ate the state of french schools in pres- cott itussel and essex the minister of education has issued a circular contain ing instructions and regulations to teach ers and trustees in frenchenglish schools the principal clauses are those pertaining to model schools in distriots where there is a scarcity of teachers mak ing it imperative to hold two sessions an nually and authorizing a series of bi lingual readers used in the french schools in the maritime provinces these measures will scarcely meet the views of the root and branch men who would incontinently oust the french lang uage from our schools and let the little children who know no english in the soup as it were but those who are at all acquainted with the difficulties of acquiring or imparting a knowledge of english must acknowledge that these measures if conscientiously enforced must go a long way towards im proving the state of french schools as the mail points out the duty of the government does not end with the issue of these regulations but a rigid enforce ment of them and the exclusion of all unauthorized textbooks must be carried out i of course the umpire considers them for merely stump purposes but nevertheless the calm honest opinion of everyone must be that the intention of the government is in the best interests of ontario ho who thirsts for information con cerning sheepraising in the tcrritorries as a business and wants hints which will enable him to begin and proceed in 4hls occupation will find just what he wants in the november issue of the american agriculturist a highclass magazine published in new york by the orange judd co an exhaustive article entitled sheep liaising in montana bj f w anderson is what we refer to no family living in a bilious country should be without parmelees vegetable pills a few doses taken now and then will keep tho liver active cleanse the stomach and bowels from ali bilious matter and preyent ague mr j l price shoals martin co ind writes i have tried a box of parmelees pills and find them the best medicine for fcvor and ague i have over used spofford is making things lively in stonffville this fall thins goes with spofford yes oow prices too pretty kvery and at local items king thk bell very few villages can boast of such a fine toned bell as ours and very few village bells are so seldom heard what is the reason could not some plan be devised for having it rung daily sundays in cluded the would the toronto daily- world and the tribune will be sent to any address for a year for 250 both papers for less than the price of one phizes the secretary treasurerof the whitchurch agricultural society will be at millers hotel stonffville on wednesdav afternoon next oct 80th to pay prize money to those entitled to it after which he proposes to take a vacation prize winners will oblige him by callinr for their prize money on that day ladies attention we have in stock all the colors of the finest tissue paper cheap at hamiltons book and stationery store singing class a public meeting of those interested in the formation of a singing class in connection with the mechanics institute will be held in the reading room on tuesday evening next oct 29that 8 pm the course will include twenty weekly lessons and the fees will be very siasu a large attendance is desired spofford says he has only dozen of those fine black cashmere shawls with fine silk fringe at 2 25 left worth 4 75 each credit sale of stock and imple ments belonging to mrhl vanzaot on thursday oct 31st 1889 at his warerooms in stouffville as he has given up the local agener and is going on the road as a general agent for j 0- wisner sou co of brantfoid the whole will be sold without reserve sale to commence at 9 so oclock the local agency will be managed by mr ollie forsyth gone what why 10 barrels of sug ar sold to purchasers of 500 worth of goods at warriners sfore its aston ishing how many people have bought 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar thanks the thanks of the whole church going population of stouffville ought to be given to those friends of humanity who kindly place a lamp in the window or a lantern on a verandah to light churchgoers on their way and help them to reach their homes in safe ty what with the narrow sidewalks and the aanger there is from being permanently entangled by burs it is almost unsafe to walk down our streets on a dark night let us by all means have more light litjdrarv club the next meet ing of the stouffville literary and de bating club will be held on thursday evening oct 31st in beaver hall above warriners store which has been secured and will ha fitted up for the clubs use a full attendance is de sired at this meeting when officers will be elected about sixty names have been given in and it is desirable that this number should be increased to one hundred so that the intention of making the proceedings take a par liamentary form may be carried out at oncct come and join teachers convention the reg ular halfyearly meeting of the south york teachers institute will be held in the assembly rooms of the county model school at west toronto junction on thursday and friday oct 81st nov 1st 1889 at 10 a m school trustees v friends of education gen erally are cordially invited to be pre sent during the evening session thursday 81st inst at 8 p ma pub lic lecture characteristics of our school system will be delivered by hon g w ross m p pminister of education the public invited baseball there was a loud time on the diamond on saturday the east and west had a game of ball and the rival teams assisted by their sym pathizers succeeded in making more noise than a boilerfactory the game was quite interesting however and re sulted at the end of seven innings in favor of the easterns by a eore or 16 to 12 mccarty0bnen and rae for the cast and harry and art sanders for the west did the battery work and marshal raymond and fred miller were umpires as this makes one game each for the rival teams it is suggested that a third game be played toja finish catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a mew home treatment sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved bie to be a fact and the result is that a simple re medy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrh deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n bkor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatments sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dixon fr son 303 west king sireet toronto canada scientific american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully months for four 35 cents subscribe for the detroit free press and read its 3000 prize stories and the tribune the best local weekly 20 lbs sugar for at s m warriners stouffville to every cash purchaser of 5 00 worth of dry goods groceries and crockeryf sugars excepted we will give 20 lbs of sugar for one dollar haviug bought a tremendous stock at the very lowest cash price we are now enabled to give our customers such inducements never before heard of in the history of stouffville sltemembsr this we will not be undersold see our stacks of new dress goods from locts per yard upwards cashmeres black and colors from 20cts per yard upwards remnants at less than halfprice 100 pieces of grey and check flannels from 12 cts per yard upwards great loads of mantlings below what you could ask or think see our piles of overcoats mens and boys from your price don to mine see our piles of mens and boys clothing bought at gocts on the dollar the customers will get tho benefit light sugar 14 lbs for 100 whitesugar 12 lbs for 8100 granulated sugar 1 1 lbs for s100 japan tea for 25cts worth 40cts try it the best 50o tea in stouffville g lbs good tea for 100 all canned goods at big bargains we guarantee to sell goods cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in the country and give 20 lbs sugar for 100 with a five dollar purchase space will not permit a more lengthy price list suffice to say we keep a full as- sortment at prices to suit the hard times and help the farmer to bear the burden of the low price of grain m mi waeeinee the xjajdobr iist prices both papebs for four months for 35 oeistts all cut up the pricos at urqu hart s fire about 8 oclock on th ursdav morning the blowing- of whistles and ringing- of the town bell gave the alarm ot fire the fireengines wore quickly manned and soon reached the scene of the fire at the southern extremity of albert street the building was a double frame one owned by mr e g tranmer of braiitford and occupied by george keys and jas young the fire originated in the bottom part of the southern half and as a breeze was blowing from the southeast the best efforts of tne brigade couldnt save the building mr youngs furniture wa mostly saved three or four wells were pumped dry and the fire prevent ed from doing any other serious dam age although steels house on the south was scorched a little mr young was intending to move into his new house today look at spoffords overcoats 4 59 all sines worth 1000 each suits at 675 worth 12 00 now is your chance bovs they are going fast call in and look at them for yourself dissolution of partnership notice is herebv given that the partner ship heretofore existing between us as cabinet makers undertakers and furniture dealers has been dissolved by mutual consent mr jacob burkholder retiring the business will be continued by mr samuel burkholder who will pay all claims against the firm all accounts due the firm must be settled by dec 30th 1sso thanking the public for the liberal pat ronage given us we remain yours re spectfully s burkholder j burkholder stouffville oct 21 1889 we defy competition in teas until tie first of noveilier we will give 10 lbs best green 50c tea for 450 10 lbs best mixed 50c tea for 450 10 lbs that celebrated japan 35c tea for 300 10 lbs extra 25c green tea for 230 in continuing tho above mentioned busi ness 1 bave decided to do so on a strictly cash basis in order to reduce the very large stock on band prices will be cut down very- close many lines will be sold consider ably below wholesale cost hoping to receive a continuance of public favor i remain yours truly s burkholder tf as personam mr brig crosson of west toronto junction was in town over sunday mr john reynolds of toronto former ly of this place was in town last week mrs geo wales of kingston jamaica started for home this week dr f rae of oshawa was in town last friday giving evidence at the arbitration 4 mr wm gilbert has gone to ux- bridge to work in the organ factory for a week or two master walter barkey has gone to london to live with his brotherinlaw mr jacob burkholder mr wilmot shankid our enterpris ing young barber has employed mr wm blunt of torontoto assist in the winters work q aiesmen wanteh 7safary expenses paid i i ibur liberal commissions to lqciillv mcii oulfltfrce no collecting permanent positions guaranteed exper- iciiceiinnwcssiiry choice of territory if apply ul once l p thurston co- empire nurseries rochester n y 852m to settle the championship the brightest flowers must fade but young lives endangered by severe coughs and colds may be preserved by dr thomas electric oil croup whooping cough bronchitis in short all affections of the throat and lungs are relioved by this sterling prepar ation which also remedies rheumatic pains sores bruises piles kidney difficulty and is most economic hugh mckay contractor was on monday acquitted on a charge of man slaughter during a dispute in the rom an house last summer in which jas smith lost his life the contest in richelieu resulted in the electing of the conservative can didate the lories claim a set back to unrestricted reciprocity while the grits attribute the defeat to the popu larity of the government candidate and mr chspleaus influence petersons thanksgiving number is among the handsomest of the november magazines the numerous illustrations are all excellent from the beautiful stcel- ongraving to tv double fashionplate the literary contest are exceptionally strong frank lee benedicts serial is one of his best and alice maud ewells wyelmnis ordinary is the finest and most dramatic of her productions howard seely has a capital sketch a thanksgiving in the southwest to which un illustrated stojy at crosscut farm makes nn admir able contrast out of the night by elizabeth p train is a beautiful tale of halloween minnie irving contributes one of the lovcitst lyrics we have read- from her pen and sirs marion e picker ings poem thanksgiving dayisagem miss eisrbcth scovih the newport hospi tal superintendent fives a valuable paper oa the treatment of burns the needle work department offers any number of charming designs for holiday presents peterson has a wondeiful hold on its subscribers once taken always taken seems tobe the rule in regard to it and no wonder for it is in every respect a thoroughly nrstclass periodical the prospectus for next year promises new contributors new and inrtrcr type and various other attractions which cannot fail to keep peterson far in advance of all the ladysmagazines terms two dollars a year club rates two copies for 350 three copies for 450 with a handsome premium to the getterup of the club four copies jm0 sir copies 900 with an extra copy of the magazine for one year to the gctlerup of the club for large clubs still greater inducements aie offered address petersons magazine806 chestnut street philadelphia pa a samblecopy will be sent to anjone desir ing to get up a club the employees of the uxbridge org an co met op saturday evening and formed a mutual benefit society a rather stormv meeting of the east york and markham agricultural societies directors was held in mark ham on monday of last week there was some shortage in tho printing contract and mr lawrics account was reduced from 76 to 65 we guarantee to give good value in teas as you can buy why not patronise those who buy your produce instead of going away from home t2r y xjs a g brown telephone store hamiltons stationery statiobeby wo have just received and placed in stock a intew and complete stock of stationery school books ac these are not old and shelf worn goods but new and fresh from the mariu facturers which we are offer ing at ridiculously low prices merchants account books and french tissue paper a special line fe rremember the place hamiltons first door east of station the sun life assurance compinf of canada assets 2 ooo ooo low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly thos- workman esq- r maculay pretident managing director rjdaley general agent and inspector stouffville ont u