3 iobeigh bews jcho grand dacheta sergiua of rasafa b a distinguished anthoreia now writing the uvea of the empresses of ratala the lateao parisian novelty in glovea baa a small pons inserted in the palm wherein women can carry their railway ticket and mall coins an eiffel tower in diamonib which has been on exhibition in paris may trc expected in america soon ic baa been purchased for exhibition in this country in the recent autumn matcenvrea in ger many the fortifying of an intrenched position with barbed wire fencing was found to be very efficacious bo roman catholic eoldiars in the hptan army complain that various under hand means are token to induco them to re ceive the ministrations of greek priests the emperor willhm has ordered every branch of the german cavalry to be armed with the lance as its chief weapon though neither the aword nor the carbine is to bo discarded the erection the other day of a monument to the danes whoitll at overeee in sohles- wig in 1864 is regarded as the first public xidmlssion of complete reconciliation between the danes and their conquerors one of the visitors to the eiffel tower has expressed in the paris figaro his sense of its height i would throw myself down from tho top he writes but thai i am afraid of dying from hunger before i reach the botem m nantet reached thoparkethlbltion after a geven flija journey froojbr flssejs la a photon drawn bya pair of dega he is a humaqe roan and whin his dogs were tired he want between jheshsijawhile they mounted the box gen- faldhorfea ywfcoltf iediony in paris was almoab the only french com mander who in thewar of 187071 gained a disunoftnnoniablevaggeffpver the enemy and quhethelpnly onewho in a pitohed battleoauvtd ffio glrmanb to re- tt k il sill mill thb postal card was twenty years old on tho firot of last month- austria has the credit of first adopting tho invention hough it wasjfirst j advocated by thoqsrman poist master- general drfsfephen on oct i 1866 a correspondenz karte first burst on tho astonished continental world complaint is madeofjjhe wholesale de struction of egyptian antiquities in conse quence of the permission given to greek and arab treasure seekers to dig on condition that they show everything found to the boulak museum i as la matter of fact the museum does not see every thing they find a bismarck museum is to be opened at borlin next april on the- chancellors seventyfifth birthday it is to contain every species of object relating to the princes public life including a jarge collection of poems praising denouncing or ridiculing him and an immense number of caricatures it may be that the new powders now be ing invented for european use will lead to a marked change in the style of guns the german powder is said to i explode in a manner to render tho gun liable to be blown ont near the mczzw tho new french powder has burst several guns in the i same way v a subterranean river has jest been dis covered in the department o lot france the discoverers worked their way down stream for a couple of miles through a euo- cesslon of wonderful grottoes sparkling vrich stalactities they found seven lakes on their wayj and had to shoot thirtyseven cascades or rapids a frenoh statistician has just ascertained that a human being of either sex who is a moderate eater and who lives to bo 70 years old consumes during the days of the years of his life a quantity of food which would fill twenty ordinary railway baggage oars a good eater however my require as many as thirty on tho day of a general elcotion the french it would seem- allay their excite ment by heavy eating on sunday sopt j2 they ate 432800 pounds of oysters and 152000 pounds of fowls on the previous sunday a voryi fine day they consumed 100000 pounds loss weight of oysters and 8000 pounds less weight of fowls the bank of russia has just disoovred that tho new bills of 25 roubles whioh wero put into circulation only a ahort time ago have already been forged in a very perteot way sovoral hundred thousands of other forged bills are supposed to be in circula- ion throughout russia it isaupposed that the hills are manufactured in eogland or in the united states it was notioeable at the paris exposition this anmmer how rapidly twowheeled vehicles in franco are- supplanting four- wbeeler there wero 300000 fourwheeled and 1 800000 two wheeled vehicles in the country in 1874 the number of the former is now 1100000 while that of the more aristocratic conveyances remains just what it was fifteen years ago a circular has been addressed to the artists ot the dresden state theatre warning them that for tho f uturo it will bo considered a breach of discipline to aocept offerings of fiowera and other tokens of admiration or in any way to recognize the presence of the audience during the course of the perform- ance of serious operas and dramas this regulation has been in force for aome years at vienna and at other places in germany tho german pariota are smu continuing their campaign against tho french element in the language of the fatherland finding that they cannon cp joy theitj cigar under that name thoy have bad somo difficulty in finding a auitablo german term to take its place the cigar manufacturers of dassoldorff however recently offered a prlzs for tho beettoutooio substitute for tho obnoxious foreign vocable and their choice has fallen on a coinage of pastor z slier of walblingcn rauchrolle the festivities at athens tocplebrato tho marriage of the duke of sparta and prin cess sophia of prussia aro to jbe on a scale of jnagolfiocnoe hitherto unknown in greoce thi marriage ia something moro than popu lar among the greeks who now expect that the famous prophocy will bo fulfilled according to whioh tho morqoo of st sophia at constantinople will bo restored to chris tian worship by greek emperor whose same shall be constaatlno and whose wife is to be called sophia tho dake of spartas namo is constantino and that of hh bride sophia account havo been reoeived of a socalled count anthoskoff in the molt northern portion of siberia where the ground i continually covered with treat the wonder ful object shoots forth from the frczsn soil only on the first day of each succeeding year it uvea for but a single day then resolves to its original elements the leavea are three in number and each about three irehes in diameter they are developed only on that aide of the atem toward the north and each ceems to be covered with microscopic crystals of snow prince adalbert the third son of the german emperor la nob yet promoted to the dignity of trousers but he baa already shown that he possesses a cuteness beyrnd his years at an exhibition of the phono graph before the german court circle the other day each of the little princes were re quested to say something into the receiver of the machine when it came to prince adalberts turn instead of following the example of his elder brothers and reciting a vcreo of poetry he shouted into the machine which was to stereotype his utter ance for faroff ears will papa please give me a peny it is not recorded whe ther this reasonable request was granted a short time ago a young student applied for admission as pupil to tho priests semin ary at ealoosa hungary and being duly provided with examination certificates was at once received the new pupil led exactly the same life as the other inmates of the establishment and showed a marked dis position for study a few clays ago cardinal haycald visited the seminary aed in the garden met the newcomer who bowed respectfully but contrary to custom did not kiss the cardinals hand his eminence not only noticed the emission but it led him to examine the candidate priest somewhat oloser the effeminate face of the young studonb turned scarletuudcrthe scrutinizing gazer whereupon the prelate uttered a few words in a low- tone that oaused the former to return qulcklylo the house five min utes attorward this mysterious personage had lett tho premises and hai not sinoo gone back rumor saya the individual was a lady wflo feltaajbrtesqljls vocation to become a priest ettnvjred metfan jipur fy i sir edward watkin lias on behalf of the metropolitan railway company offered the manager of tho water railway a piece of ground near ijohdonon whioh to lay down aline two miles in length we shall therefore soon have an opportunity to try what if the accouritsare true must be the very poetry of motion the carriages ran on skates or slides bub between the slide and the rail is forced a film of water whioh prevents all jolting bumping and- shaking and in fact makos the carriages skim along as a boat does on the sea then too the pace is a hundred miles an hour if the new railway is really practicable for long distances all england will ba a suburb of london and surrey wlu be saved from beoomiog a ohosaboard covered with what tho auctioneers call villa residences stand ing in their own three acres and a half of psrklike grounds a hundred miles an hour would make bath as accessible as brighton is now while manchester could be reaohed in an hour and fifty minutes- london spectator it seemed queer it seems queer that yellow fever is al ways packed in oases remarked mrs snaggs i dont quite understand you said her husband well occasionally i see in the papers that a case of yellow fever has arrived in new york gentle sarcasm- mrs mulligan said mrs ginty is it well yer falin the day yis very well an shtrong tela quite shtrong- then pvaps its able yed bo to bring back tho two washtubs ye z borriod last monday merchant traveler never got over it miss pyrte what makes you suoh a confirmed womanhater mr olebach 1 mr olebach well when i wab a young man a woman made a fool of me mies pyrte and you never got over it i jaow fljwer said to have been discovered b prtcedented so plsaao order early good points in a woman a dear bright eye that can pierco the sky a rounded cheek where the rosea speak a chest ao grand that the longs expand a steady brain 4 that can bear the atrain a manner bri hi and a spirit light who doea not wish for these or having them wish to keep them yet when weak ness irregularities sick headache nervous ness and inflammations attack her icstora- don can bo accomplished by the use of dr pierces favorite prescription a medicine designed for womans use and placed with all druggists for their relief- sold under the manufacturers positive guarantee of satis faction or money refunded entire dresses of crocheted wool are worn by english children etpsulally delicate ones in cold damp weather the tight ooat sleeve is dead h mat a dunce suffered with fever hot head and foul breath with etomach disordered was rick uato death 1 bore it a week surely i was a dunce 1 then 1 took a tew pellets thevoored me at oner what a dunce indeed to riegleotsucb a remedy and suffer a week when quick relief ooula have been found in dr pierots ploa- sant putgitivbpelleta i tho small bonnet ia moribund if you have catarrh nae the surest remedy dr sages the wopieoo dress is morlbnnd joy indesoribable day and night irritation pain burning kidney trouble etc madellfe to me miser able for the past four months have used st leon mineral water it cured mequick- ly have travellod muoh and havo tried many things but have found nothing in thb world to tqoal st leon i the flow of high spirits and joy it brings is indescribable wat gin jewellery case m iter 4 adelaide at west toronto v head oftnc toronto ont demands un- a heme intue west- join the great army of homeseokers and aesure 480 acres of government land in the dsvila lake turtle mountain or moure river districts of dakota for further in formation maps rates 4c apply to f i whitney g p t st paul minn the looped iablier is tnfrcquentlys een on new gowns consumption surely cared to the e liter please inform ycur readers that i have a positive remedy for the above named disease by its titrely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured i ahall be glad to s6nd two bottlea of my remedy fkke to any of your readers who have consump tion if thay will send their express and p o address respy t a slocum m c 164 west adelaide st toronto ont ap 473 beater l1x ste i samoar weekly between hoftke4x sad i hvkkpool saloon tickets w0 850 and i 160 itetura tickets sso 930 and s1i0 according to steamer and accommodation intermediate 830 round trip tickets 00 steerage j33 apply to ii e sh7bbav general manager canada ship ping to- i ccerox hocas satraaa moirauus or to lccal aeenra ia all towns and cities x 8500 x pair every rxpeoe exept buadry tot 20 mxeksvoikse la ius1ess tie aimsi iccludld huoam asd and t p ibituo fre e irr lt- koq to primary drawing and collegia civses one college yer 100 pkct bcadiv ot toledo ohio x director faculty of m terhr mjr a15ikkt c0ixege beixeviixejt w p dyerma prixcital cures 00nstjmpti01 s0e0pula br0h0hitis 30ughs v 00113 wasting diseases wonderful flesh producer scotts emulsion is not a secret remedy- contaiiung the stimulating hypophos- phites and pure norwegian cjod liver oil the potency of both being largely in creased jt is nsedby physicians all bver tho world j u jjj uulio patatabls mltk sold by all xfrzcaisu soc and siod f a meat flavor butmeat itsblf sf itelph brsiveut cotleoe cnclph vx out the alxtn ecaoloatlo year bealua sept 2oo anartjpirtrrenhm hen omed in which drawing and woodcarttotrwill be tautrht bv the mojt noted specialist intha dominion oar short hand department has accoiipllshed phenomenal re eulb- we ldthe van in practical bkiuoohon j kl m 3 i principal piatbits ptoaruea patent attornevs and experts sfdisar ounlilc mjout i toroblo a and tumor speciailrt private hospital no knife book ireo q o h mcmiciiabi m p i no 63 niagara st bucalo ny o a i o r o r ca8wos season 188 new tl hi u rill 1 1 c iiportatlon ot englih shreps vnuunul firet amerloan hog casicm orders dled tor any desired quantity vfritetor price i jamespabk son 41 to 47 st lawrence market toronto ont smrajifnc ljorjes wwivw 1 0wr138 3iadvebtisingv puips tbaciiek3 can make money daiinjr vacation oycanvasrinitforoneorraoreotourfaat selling books and biblesespedaliy history ot canada by w- h wlthrow di latest and best edition tsr published prices low terms liberal write tor illustrated circulars and termai wm bbioqs publisher toronto barkers shorthand school 45 king htrcct east toronto formerly for over five years principal or the shorthand institute in con nection with the canadian business university typewriting department under the nranaeetnent of mr george benqough agent for the remington typewriter apply for circular in wrlttnu mention this paper merchants butchers and traders generally we want a good man in your locality to pick up or us gash furnished oa satisfactory imarantp address htob pais vermont u s allan line boyaii ma ste the pioneer canadian line acd etllt to the frooto regtrd t the provision made for the safety an1 comfort cf its customers weekly sailings between liverpool csias goir and the bu lawrence fortnight jy service lrom london during hummer sfontu9 mall steamers run between liverpool and portland via halifax during winter glasgow steamers tai- throughout the year to boston and philadelphia call jnz at irih porta and halifax en route for rates of passage and other information apply h bourmer cor kingaod yoojtests toronto h a allan montreal or to the local agents in your county fjliatls delivered anywhere la canada lowett price largest stock mccausland son 72 to 76 who street west tor0ht0l larce amount oftrust funds o avoan at avery loir rate ot interest on urat class security applrto vj0ney bcatty chadiriek blaekstoekcai barristers and solicitors wellington st cor church over bank ot toronto toronto ont choice farms for sale in all parts of manitoba parties wishing to purchase improved manitoba farms from 80 son upwards with lamiduh possession call or write to c i hkvtsoh mr arthurs block main st winnipeg tntormattoa tumisbod tree ot charge and settlers assisted to making oolectlon at cmutiat rath or istsssst contains all tho nutritions cosstitdbsts of msat mid ia thcroforo the mobtstbexoth igivinaboar that can betakes athon i say cuke i do not mean merely 6s stop them lor a time and then have them n turn again i mean a radical cube x have made thodlsease o fits epilepst or falling sickness a life long study ittabitairtmyremedytt cobe the worst oases because others have failed is no reasonfor notnowrecelvlngacure sendatoneeforatreatlseand afree bottu of my infallible remedy give express and post office it costs you nothing lor a trial and it will cure you address h g boot mo 164 west adelaide st toronto ont ooijst the great sirny ot bomewskerj and secure 408acresof free gotermiient land b- i 1 in the idevlls lake turtle hens tain or mouse blver districts of dakota for farther in formaoo maps jt3 apply to j si bvchlats canadian passeocer agent st p m m ry 4 pnliner house block toronto standard chopping usesbestfrenchbu 1 millstones piufstcrlndea ihthe world korehewlrlq eiaksislslbosm ewcbrahthird camada confederation lfc vc2 toeouto zi ecoxsarei oojxkkjsrsr over 3000000 assets sib macdokaom aoilakt j and cap i t a l w p howl and president wm elliot e hooper i j k macdosaxd ttcbrjurainzkyt l mahaodto dtksctob live men wanted jo sell oar hardy horriegrown fruit treks rrices low good pay and steady work free outflt the d w beadle nursery company rltdl st catharine ont artificial limbs foe cikcraab addbess j do an co 7j ifarlbcote ave toronto oat the albert toilet soap coyf oatmeal skin soap makes the hands soft and the complexion beautiful seo that the coja namo ir stamped oo tho soap ami oa ihc wrapvtk bcivaro at imitations for salsa- a le he itodel itachinea much below tho omlnaiy prides when th are ffone no mdro aro to be had those in want of a good machine should not miss the opportunity and all ore guaranteed new perfect and first class in erery retptct a c it alias dealer in all kinds oi metals maoninery eto 38 yongc street toron pajmentmay bo made by oaot or wrought iron scrapfor which highest cash price will be allowec writ for particulars provident life and live stock issoen d1ef ojfhoe j roomd arcade t0b0mt0 canada inborpprated a sivtval benefit assocn 801inlvvest3ifvlf by paylna to the abov aawciitionone cknt per day a person aged twentttwo and two cents per day a personated fortyfour can secure five dollars per week while disabled through slclcoess or accident also for two and three ovate per dar persons ad at above can aeenre for their dependants fire hundred dollars id crest of death 11 k stock owsehs can provide airainat lost t otath throjo disease or acdlent ot their stock as easy rates tnoee iaterestrd tend for proer ectues et reliable agents wanted tp odrepnrsentfd djs irixuuf joes maaajiag director trku c copp szctsiut