r f44 yt oeibes iff the hi8t0by of the ameeioah bepublio bon england belt tended her the chicago interior when the civil war wu raging mens minds were brought to a recognition of the divine band as never before sinco the darker days of the war of the revolution bns even a brief survey of the remoter perils which threatened the possibility ol oar national xiatence gives a stronger though diipassionate impression of providential overrating it requires bus a email obstacle to dtflct the current of a young stream and send tea waters to a destination thousands of miles distant from that to which it was tending to the tropica golf to the ftizia bay of the north to the broad pacific or the turbulent atlantic and thus email not appreciated at the time hive givto results of enormous dimensions and importance in the building of our nation a chosen people if there were a chosen people of old the same desiro of the divine mind would remain and we may well believe that dis- criminating choice would again be made in the employment of a people for the accom plishment of a great purpose if the race were to be led np to a higher plane of life there most be human leaders america was discovered in 1402 at tbat time and for two centuries afterward the idea of religi ous liberty had ecaroly dawned on the mind of civilised man it had gone down with the fall of pagan rome religious perse cution of the most sanguinary character was regarded as a daty if men wero ever to have that freedom of conscience which is essential to the existence of conscience how was it to be obtained the pagan world was to have the light of tho gospel how was it to come oat oi a thoroughly pagan ized christianity there was no other way apparent except tbronvh tho leadership of a people who should be devoted to liberty and righteousness and be filled with a mission ary spirit bad es our country is it holds aloft the beacon of civil liberty and shows that the light is not a delusion it is the great missionary agency of tho world its miseionsry ships sailing on all seab and its evangels penetrating into all lands itwould seem tbat tho development of such a people was a thought worthy of tho divino mind tho more serious perils of the republio were those which aroso before it had organic existence england was asecondiato power till after the end of the fourteenth we may say of the fifceenth oentury spain had conquered and claimed half of the new world beforo a single british colonist had found a homo in it spain held all the lands i around the gulf of mexico all west of the m ssiasippi and thence sontbward to the antarotic cape beforo the eoglieh king had title to a foot of it it may be called a loose title tbat of spain bat she made it good tfeand put the impress of her semibarbarism r upon all the land which we did not wrest from her and that impress remains to this day all america that is not ecglisb is j spanish saveonty the little patch of acadia when eogland undei queen bees began to devolop her maritime power bhe opened tho first possibility for the american republic the tido of spanish power began to recede when tho armada broke to pieces on the white cliff of albion had drake gone down before philip he wculd have carried all our possibilities with him the great victory at quebec we were behind france in the occupancy of the lands of tbo republic while spain held the months of the mississippi and all the vast domain between that river and the pecifio ocean franco held the st lawrence the great lakes and had established a cordon of colonies and forts for the defence of all the domain weef- of the alleghanies and north of the ohio england won that for us at quebec wolfes viotory made the interior of the republio english instead of french it is not satisfactory to say that the english colonies would have crowded their way to the west england herself was opposed to it while tho french were full of colonial enterprise there is no defeat in fccnoh history not oven waterloo w hloh the frorioh statesman of to day regards as so disastrous as the fall of qnobcc nor was there brio won by british arms so important to ourselves not so important was the viotory of georga rodgers clarkover theeaglish at vinoarinea because the development of the country w mid without it have been under a british civilisation bnt for that small skirmish the republio would have been limited to the line o the alleghanies s failures of napoleons plans strange to say the next decisive viotory and of vast importance to us was fought i at the months of the nile we wero when nelson won trafalgar shut up to tbo domain ft east of the mississippi the title to tho vast main westward- badbeen knocked baok- ward and forward between franca and spain in their wars like a shuttlecock but france h ld it when napoleon was rising to imperial jnnors and tho fierce defiance whioh eng jjnd hurled at him from nelsons guns enter- el like a barb into his soul with all europe h had his will but england sat seenro on hsr cliff of chalk and resolved to fight him t the bitter end the wideranging eye of the conqueror was often turned to the re sources oi america how should he conquer the seas as well as tho land t doubtless ho iudied the geography of tho american coasts not with a view to oonqnering them but with a vlow of making of the americans a groat maritime ally ho said so when he virtually made a present of his remaining american possessions to the united states it was not for franco that ho did it but for himself ho was yet comparatively a young man ho looked forward to thirty years of absolute pewer over the civilised world he knew the yet fierce animosity whioh lingered in our hearts after the war of tho revolution and he fully expeotod by developing tho wonderful skill of tho americana as sea- fighters and enlisting them in his service to overmatch the british snpromacy oi the seas ft was traalgar which gave us tbo domain between the mississippi and the pacific 5 providential ouidakce with tho cession of louisiana our perils from extornal foes ended we are tions and aha finished the french occupancy though not intending the blow for that purpose by destroying the french fleet the war ains spain and the war against france excepting only the invasion of cncda by wolf were fought out to a finish on the high seas the possibility of the republio hung upon the bene of half s score or more of successive battles which were far separat ed by time and space defeat ji any one of which would have been fatal i to english civilisation on this continent every battle where viotory wu essential to this treat purpose was won while hundreds of non- essertlj battles were lost the seeming perils were not perils in every hiw of the storms when the divine hand was needed upon the rndder of oar barque there it was seen and when we exchanged our little ship for a great one the divine commander still t red the deck tee luuekilm club as soon as the meeting had opened in dne and aacient form brother gardner called for the report of the committee appointed to test the brown s qoard elixir and the same was promptly marie the report showed the f ol loving tests and results first the first trial was made on eider toots he being a man 67 years of aje stiff in the knei and humped backed an in jection of four ounces of the fluid waamje in his right arm in ten minutes he began to sing in fifteen he began to breakdown and at the end of twenty he turned to and licked shindig watkins oat of his boots on account of a grudge eleven years old ted like hid treasures that nature cares kindly for whatever treasures are committed to her keeping almost daily instances remind us two such cases have come lately to oar notice a color- sergeant of company g first michigan cavalry jingelo pacha was at the battle of gettysburg he had fought bravely through the long three days and on the fast day weary and exhausted had stopped to refresh himself with a drink of water from his tin cup just then the bufle sounded for a fresh charge arid he hurriedly placed the cup in the crotch of an appletree and joined his command a short time ago urged by the soldiers desire to fight his battles oer again he visited tho battle field and seeking out the tree that had sheltered him in his great weariness bought it for twentyfive dollars and had it carried home to be cut up into relics what wns his surprise in cutting into the crotch of the tree to find thero his tin cup completely imbedded as may be imagined angelo rets a high value upon these relics nature had accepted the guardianship and day and night had woven about tho cup a protective covering tho other instance was of a farmer of lincaster county perin familiarly known in the neighborhood as uncle bob caiso fortyone years ogo he went down to tho brook on his fathers farm to fitb ho waded out waistdeep and perched upon an old stump that protruded from the water the nsual waiiisg for a bite ensned and to while away the time bob thtust his hand into his pocket for some tobaooo in with drawing it out came bis new knife and his pocketbook containing six dollars and twenty cents and both fell into the water he searched diligently bat could not re cover his lost treasures fortyone summers have made tho usual changes in the place aid like many youth ful delights the brook has shrunk away leaving the old stump on dry land over shadowed bv a huge sycamoretree a few days since mr caise cut this tree down for fire wood and to his surprise as he split the trunk open thero was his old pocket- book embedded in its heart tho six dollars and twenty cents were dull and tarnished bnt safe and sound and of unlessoned value scratching around the rootof toe tree he soon discovered theremains of the old knife no longer valuable except as a rello these recent instances recall older but quite as well authenticated ones around which imagination loves to weave stories of romance in buoksport me a few years ago a tree was cut down and in its eighteenth ring a point whioh had been at the surface forty years before the woodchopper found to his amezament a diamond pin with twenty- four brilliants and a silver setting the rings of the tree showed it to be about one hundred and twenty years old no theory has been formed savo that which fancy spins to account for its burial in the heart of the oak in bethel eng an oak was recently cut down and sawn into planks in one of them wasi found a hollow peg containing a look of bright red hair two hundred and fifty years ogo some lover had bored a hole in the tree and deposited a loveknot therein the cap covered the token and there it lay concealed for two centuries and a half as is shown by the lines in the oak ttfm aihay palace there have been palaces of grass and of ico for some years then a corn palaoe was added to the wonders of tho world this year sees another material used in the con struction of a palaoe for exhibition purposes creston iowa has built a pilaco of hay and named it tho blue grass ths following do scription taken from the farmer and breeder wlllbo of interest to thoso who have been un able to visit it i as one approaobes the structure and tho eye takes in the massive outer walls which the baled hay gives the appsaranco of solid masonry with outings of a lighter shade represented by baled straw with dadoes aajd panels of thatch work in all the vatied grasses and groins of tho teglon the wonder grows and as tho eye mounts to the turret- ed round tower rising above tbo horse-shoo- arohed entrance to the top of the battlement walls with their fl ge and streamers their sentinel towers and thence still higher to the grand central dome surmounted by the central tower whose highest outlook is ninety foot and above whioh the stars and stripes proudly float the obsorver is lost in amize- he looked and acted like a man ol 33 and a second io j ectlon made him so frisky that an extra patrolman had to be put on his beat it is four weeks since the last dose but he shows no signs of retrograding he has an enormous appetite sleeps like a log and has licked every man who ever gave him any smb 2 sir isaao walpole was next experi mented on he is 70 years old stiff in the left leg lop shouldered and has had a liver trouble for twentyfive years only two ounces were given him as a test bat at the end of twenty uinutes his stiff leg limbered np his livor got down to routine business and he said he felt hungry for raw turnips at the end of two hours he received another dose he was acting very coltish then bnt at the end of a q larter of an hour ho offered to fight the committee singlehandod for a cent threw giveadam jones three times in seven mintes and went off singing old black joe at the top of his voice his condition is still the same after five weeks and from a humble peaceloving old man roady for the grave and eternity he has been transformed into a robust chap apparently about 40 years of age who goes about asking for some one to knock a chip off his shoulder 3 the third test wis made on samuel shin samuel is a sawedoff weak kneed stiff necked single man of 28 and for some years ho has been coughing up peach stones water melon seeds and other foreign sub stances which be ate to hold him down level in his youth he declared that he had no faith whatever in the elixir but how lictlo a man knows of the good thing3 fortuco may have in store for him i as the committee had about a quart of the elixir on hand and didnt want to waste any they gave samuel tho whole business at a dose it was at first thought he had been killed his eyes rolled his limbs shook and he called for his mother this state of affairs soon passed away how ever and with a sudden whoop brother shin sprang to his feet the change was so great that one could hardly recosrniz him his knees braced np his legs increased one foot in length and his neck limbered up until he could tarn his head liko a parrot samuel has also been easily identified by a cataract in his left eye in fifteen minutes this dis appeared with his other ailments and he jumped over chairs and benches turned handsprings and declared that he was a new man he has beon so changed that he was stopped at the outer door by the guard and had to call out some of the officers to iden tify him ho only got one dose and that was four weeks aeo yet he seems to hold his own right along 4 the member selected for the fourth test j was col kyann johnson the colonel is 54 years old tall and slim for the last year has been troubled with catarrh consumption torpid liver gout rheumatism and various other unpleasant things six months ago ho bought a coffin on the instalment plan and six or seven weeks since his wife called in the neighbors at midnight to see him die tho colonel was given his first dose twenty- three days ago it had no visible effect except to make him weep he sat down on a bench and declared himself an abused man and sobbed like a child the next- day he was given another dose and the effect wag magical his tears were dried at once a bright and happy smile played over his face and bis gaunt and cadaverous appearance fled away to be replaced by a portly well tound figure whioh was solid on its pins as be was putting on his coat after the operation he uttered several blood curdling whoops declared himself to be tho colored john l sallivan of the world and intimated that be would make komo howl beforo he was many hours older no further test has been made on the colonel and the effects of tbo last appear to hang right by him 5 the fifth and last was made on gig back smith brother smith is 40 years old has a voice like pounded glass and is cross eyed ha has been a bumble membsr for the post two years never advancing an idea and always submitting to be bossed around by judge cadaver he didnt want to be experimented on hiving been ran over by a butoher cart once upon a time after being vaccinated bathe was seizid and j flung down and held fast while six ounces of the elixir from an old sheep were injected into his arm he at first straightened out as if dying bat after a fow minutes came to with a wild yoll tho first change was noticed in his voice from a thin quaver ing complaining high g it at once changed to a roar in a barrot his eyes straighten ed themselves the end of his nose tamed ap and he became aggressive the very first words wero a threat to go out and hunt ap judge cadaver and pound bim to squash only the five tests bad been made and it was for tho olub to decide whether tboy had been successful and if farther ones should bo entered into it is a bio thing it peats to me said brother gardner as the chairman finished his roport dat de lonefelt want has at last bin filled do effect has bin mo dan wonderful as i hev myaolf off the coil are the vry ones who are hunting for the elixir we have failed to find a single honest nun that has lost a days work of whitewashing or fence posthole digging in the elimination of this new discovery please advise as respectfully tnbmitted misery wakeup president hardly holdfast secretary the secretary was instructed to advise in reply that j close track be kept of the proceedings of the parent club in invutigat ing the elixir theory and the meeting then j ad j nrned roeelgoews- the deficit of the turkish income will this year exceed 10000000 after october 1 the french soldiers pay will be 27 centimes a day or a little over 5 cents only one woman in france has this year taken oat a license for scooting last season there we- five miss toki mardira the daughter of one of the highest families in japan has decided to take the veil in munich tne family of richard wagner received 2690 as their share of tho profits from the recent performances at beyrouth la consequence of the smokeless powder experiments with egga- some of the phenomena of flaid metier ilstwfi may be beautifully shown hj very slmpwj f t kicd of ppw- experiments devised by sir william thom son the materials necessary are two eggs one raw the other hard boilei two rub ber binds of such a siza as to clasp an egg firmly when slipped on length wise two thin steel wires about tho siza of thes sometimes used as e strings on guitars and a mirror or large plate or other smooth surface with a ledge around it to prevent the eggs rolling off from a gas fixture or other convenient support the two wires are hung and to the lower end of eaoh one is fastened one of the robber loops into these loops the eggs are slipped with their long axes vertical grasping one egg in the fingers of each hand they are gently turned once or twice round and then let go toe eggs show a surprising difference in behavior the boil ed egg keeps twisting to and fro aftor the manner of a torsion pendulum whilo the raw one comes almost immediately to rest the explanation is easy the hard boiled egg beiog rigid throughout turns as a whole while the raw egg being soft inside has only its shell moved by tho torsion of the wire the contents remaining stationary because of their greater inertia the shell is thus made to rub to and fro on its con tents and being very light is soon brought to rest sir william thomson has used this experi ment to illustrate one of the proofs than the interior of the earth is solid if the earth consisted of a thin shell or crust of hard rocks surrounding a fluid or pasty nucleus as has been until recently generally taught ho says that tho observed swinging and swaying motions of the earths axis in preces sion and nutation would be impossible any such motion would soon bo stopped by interior friotion place tho eggs on the mirror or plate and try by a sudden twist with the sogers to spin them on end like tops with the boil ed epg one readily succeeds but tho raw egg will hardly make a single rotation before it falls on its side the finger twist has mere ly moved the shell the inside remaining at rest professor mendenhall has remarked that this experiment furnishes a solution to columbus problem how to make an egg stand on end first boil the egg hard and then spin it the third exporiment is the ono that oo casions greatest surprise the boiled egg is spun on its bide on the glass and the palm of the hand is then gently brought down upon itfor an instant the rotation of course stops at once but when the same thing is tried with the raw egg as soon as the hand that stops it is removed its rota hon begins again in this case when the shell is stopped its flaid contents remain in motion and robbing against it sets it in motion when the band is fcsken away it astonishes one to find how lone the egg may be held still before this effect stops- scientific amerioan the russian minister of war has ordered that military races shall be indulged in from time to time as a means of improving the cavalry in the section of the paris exhibition devoted to the historic da theatre there is a collection of wax models of feet of noted balot dancers inont at the magnitude of tho undertaking i tho boauty ol tho conception and the faith- j personally observed i go in furfurder tests fulness of its execution nowhere is anything let us invtstigate do theory to de fullest visible except tho hay straw and grasses exent the secret of eealth dant worry dont hurry too bwif t arrives as tardy as too slow simplify 1 simplify simplify dont overeat donc starve lot your moderation be known to all men court tho fresh air day and night o if you knew what was in tbo airl sleep and rest abundantly sleep is natures benediction spend less nervous enorgy eaoh day than you make be cheerful a light heart lives long think only healthful thoughts as a man tbinkethin his heart ho is ho s nk peaoe and pursue it work like a man bit dont be worked to death avoid passion and exjitcmont meats anger may bo fatal associate with healthy people is contagious as well an disease a mo- hoalth the railing fio3ffold tosnto oot 6 another scaffolding accident occurred on saturday but it is one in wmoh the popular cry against careless contractors cannot be resurrected although serious injury was caused to two workmen and one had afortunatoiescapo oa friday thomas bslrd 2 8 bellwoods avenue sup erlntndod tho erection ol a scaffold at poi sons iron works at tho foot of sherboarne street and on saturday he and james maoey of 01 davenport road and another man ascended the scaffolding to commence work on some metalllo shingling the scaffold broke and baird and maoey fell a distanoe of over thirty feet while the third man saved himself by grasping tha ladder bsird sustained a compouud fracture of tbo right thigh whilo miocy was irjnred intern ally they wero convayed to the hospital in the ambulance jj ittot accustomed to think of england excep lrva tyrannical mother but the truth of history is that wo owo to her not only our bting bnt nearly all wo possess she was fighting our battles for us at the same timo when she was seeking to ohastito us she broke the power ot spain and prevented the interior and western territory from beoom- lg spanish and mexican she drovo oat the french and saved ns from french religion irrollgion language and instita rxcept at the windows many of which are fancifully trimmed with corn in tho ear the first thing to strike tho eye as ono enters through tho central aroh is the round tower rising from tho centre of tho inner court and supporting the central dome this is beau ti fully deoced in fantastic designs and its beauty of decorationdefieo descriptive power for fifty or sixty feet this artiatio work extends upward to where the graceful arch of the vaulted roof sprjngs away from the central column or tower here nature ends in art blending so perfectly that the point of juncture is almost indistinguishable radi ating in all directions from this common centre on the tightly spread convas of the coiling are delineated exquisite farm scenes fex among the effects of introducing sleeping cars on english railways is this for 1 1 births i in sleoping saloon bars the chargo is five shillings in addition to firtt olass fsre ou motion of waydown beobo it was re solved that the touts be continued and reports made as results were obtained a pertinent inquiry j the secretary thon read the following dated at toronto ont brothor gardner rsspeoted sin thero are many members of this order 103 cf tho lime kiln club isbat arc anxious to know whether it is safe to pond 11 apiece in the uso of tho bromn- squard elixir of l it being so import ant and serious a question we have referred it to yon for on answer will it restore lost children t rsmovo spotojfrom coach dogs i fasten new robber on olothes wringers keep watermelons till christmas timo keep off rheumatism take the place of whisky tho persons londest in their demands for this new life are tho most useless shiftless and wickedest of oar city how do yoa account for that tho men the community arc patiently waiting to shako what the cities all jjeed the roan who will invent abolselossrabbar tire for the milk waggm wil deserve to rank with bell and e ilsou he will deservo the votes of every honest man who lives nr a pavod street it is a wollknown feet that the milk waggon is boyond uiy doubt tho noisiest vehicle extant to the city resident tho darkest boar of ths morning is not the ono before the dawning it is the hour joat after the dawning tbat is tho hour when he and morpheas areclinchodand tho milk wag gon rolls along and bids thorn break away everyoca realize the swootness of that doz ing sluaaber which accompanies tho sons first rays and the hoarse rumbling metal lic interruption of tho morning milk waggon is the immediate cause of a pro it tloal of sleepy pianissimo profanity chicago in terior 1 t- m it is reported that tbo marquis carlo glnorl of floronco nas bought tho island of monte crisio and will build a house worthy of its associations tho move to give a sunday holiday to the french railway employees has began on the paris lyons road it will probably extend all over france the amount given uvay by the empsror of austria during his recent visit to berlin was 24 000 marks of wbloh 15000 went to the poor of the city maurics sand son of george sand has died at nohnnt aged 66- he was the son cf george smds rogular husband dude- vant and indulged slightly in fiction the great churoh of ls sacre ccoar built on the highest point of montmartre is near ly finishedand it is thought tha tit will take its place among tho cathedrals of europe two climbers of mount ararat r wsians found in perfect preservation a minimum tbermomater which was left there last year it registered fifty degrees below zro cen tigrade the memoirs of the d jo do morny are to be published in november by his eon if his papers were published fully it would doubt less make the most sensatiocal volume of the century the gorman museum in nurnberg has bought prince salkowskia amnj collection of armor and weapons for 351000 special ists estimate the value of the collection at 3300000 the first section of the railway from pekin to chinkiang has progressed asfar as having tenders mado for its construotion tho sum estimated for rails and plant on this line is 370 0 the congress of orientalists at stockholm went lately to the grave cf oiin at upaala whero the minister of the interior drank to the health of tho congress in the rogolar old viking mead probably the longest word in the german language is in the last edition of the offi cial journal of commissions here it is mettamidomethlnthylmethylbenzyldiami- dophenylcarbinol froscuolo the spanish torero has retired with a fortune estimated at 600 000 although ranking among the greatest ball- fighters ho was freely criticised by many experts for being unusually liable to aoci- dents an imperial decree has been issued directing the conetractionof tho railroad between pek ing and hankow the eaiper jr recognizing the popular snepicion of such a work has called upon all the viceroys to issue procla mations explaining it a million mannlioher rifles have beon or dered by the gorman government from the steyr factories whioh have been working exclusively forthe austrohungarian govern ment for nearly a year past on oct i the whole army and the lindwehr will be armed wirh them probably the longest beo lino railway in the world is that from buenos ayres to the foot of the andes it covers 340 kilome tres or ab jut 275 miles and is as ntraight as an arrow the highest grade is about three feob to the mile it crosses no ravine and no seream and therefore no bridge the mobt famous barber now living pro bably fc bout to celebrate his silver wedding in paris he is m adolph paques he was the greatest of his kind sixty years afo ha numbered among his clients chateau briand lamartino viotor hugo theodolph gautier mil mors and mullbran thenoialess povder is not a new invention in tho third volume of ben venal 0 cellinis autobiography the author relates that when buffering from fever in ferrara bo cared him self by eating peaoook and that he procured himself tho birds surreptitiously by shoot ing them with powder invent d by him that made no noise there arc several good reasons for the attempt to train swallows for military mes sages instead of carrier pigeons the swallows are swifter and moro difficult marks to shoot at the experiment so far promises well a young swallow from roubafx flew home from paris 165 miles in an hour and thirty minutes a monument has been erooted over the grave of adolf von sjblagintweic the famous traveller and savant who in august 1857 was murdered by chinamen near kasabgar central asia it is in tho form of a large stone pyramid surmounted by a heavy puiu iron cross tho russian givornment paid for tho monument and the chinese govern ment gavo the ground a grani fete oat of compliment to amsrloa and corsica tho latter as the most form- i jable claimant to being the birthplace of dlumbus will be given on the 12h of o itober in paris for the colobration of the 397th anniversary of the discovery of the new world taere will be a procession of delegates from all the american stes and from the west indies daring some manoeuvres of tho german cavalry at breig a woman and her little boy iot in front ot a regiment of cuirassiers charging in full gallop the leading officer hooted to her to ho down and she did lying upon her boy the whole regiment passed over without injuring hor pery hotse in whose track she lay having been mado to j amp over hor tho ritsian army has just exhibited to tho world progress to an important degree at the manoeuvres at krascoe selo this is attributed chiefly to the work of gen vannofsky the new minister of war the event was marked also by tho cz ir being thrown he has prown very stoat and in going np a hill his horse fell and bis m jesty rolled away without injury