volume 2 no 30 stouffville oxt friday sefpejiber 20 1889 whole number 82 travellers guide trains leave stouffville station main line sutton branch as follows going west sutton mixed ev press mixed mail mail mixed suttod mixed expres 825 a m 1100 423 p m 757 003 a m 085 cio p m 550 stouffville markets 3 eallwbeat j so to 90 spring wheat 0 80 90 flour per cwt 2 50 2 50 barley 0 40 0 50 rye 0 60 0 co s 0 00 0 55 leas blackeyed 0 55 0 co oatu 0 25 0 30 bran dcr ton 0 00 12 00 shorts per ton 0 0l 14 00 hay 8 00 12 00 potatoes per b ush new 0 25 0 35 apples per bush 25 40 egs c 12 0 5 butter c 20 0 22 lnrd 0 12 0 14 geese per lb 0 os 0 09 turkeys per lb 000 012 chickens per pair 0 40 0 50 cedar posts for sale the undersigned has on hand about 1- 000 fust elass cedau posts for sale march 8th 1889 h mcdonald stouffville to rent carriage and blacksmith shops for merly owned by messrs j e raymer stouffville at once apply to j may 3rd 1889 possession given i todd stouffville the pabis hair cutting and shaving arlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haiidressing for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor locax items r church directory methodist church- rev george brown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting ihursday at 8 pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 1130 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev h w knowles pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pnv baptist kev mr barker pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at i 30 pm meetings of societies and boards village council on tbe second tues day of each month director of mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w first and third monday of each month in daleys hall beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death h johnson master workman j urquhart recording sec public school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club each alternate friday lx f first and third friday of each month go to mertens studio of artistic photography for youk photograph work where you can get firstglass wobk at lowest prices monev to loan at 5i per cent no commission fred w hill barrister stouffville accident- on saturday the daugh ter of mr nighswander of 8th con pickering fell off a fence and broke her arm she was brought to town v- here her injuries verc attended to trial probably among your friends in or out of town you have one who ought to take the tribute and doesnt in the interest of his welfare drop in and leave his address and a quarter and have the tribune sent him for the vest of the year improvement the east end of our flourishing- town is greatly improved by the tearing down of that uusightly building on the corner of the 10th of markham why not continue in the good work by removing the equally useless structure- on the 10tb of whit church photos from a post stamp to life size copying viewing et0- crayon portraits a specialty wj mertens main street swotsis 8mmw3 fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc 1 formerly with nforphy cv miller toronto office sanders ulock formerly occu- jio pied by the late mr mclean stouffvilleont b i james obrien licensed auctioneer tor the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telograph will re- ieivc prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffvillo out take notice i have now on hand a large quantity of dry floosutfg also all kinds of lumber shingles lath ltme gray and white land plaster land and barrel salt cement plaster of paris hair all kinds of bill stuff on hand and cut to order joel baker stouffville april 10 1889 wanted baplv would someone kindly rise and explain why the gap in our sidewalk extending from daleys hall to mr m h flints is allowed to gape for so many years one would think our town was part of the town ship and permitted to have sidewalk only on one side bell ringers will l smiths company of bellringers who gave an entertainment in the hall last march will be here again n friday evening tonight the company has been added to and no doubt a good many people will wish to enjoy another laughable evening base ball it is about as good as settled that there will be no more base ball played here this season as the evenings are too short to allow the boys to practice- a meeting will bo held at this office on mondav evening next to which all members are invited to close uo business for the season stouffville fair an omission occurs in the class lady equestrian in the fair prize list which those who notice this paragraph will kindly rec tify by mentioning the correction to any who may think of competing the lady rider must be accompanied by a gentlemen in order to claim mr r underbills prize of a pair of french kid boots toronto fair a very large num ber from this town and vicinity went to the fair on wednesday last a special train has been running both ways this week to give the public a longer day in the city the atten dance on wednesday was 75000 and the gatereceipts over 15000 the largest ever known in canada stolen a horse belonging to mr adam yako of this town was stolen from the place vhore it was kopt ou the 7th con of whitchurch on sunday morning last mr yake sought the services of the xvssociatiou tor the ap- prehension of felons and a committee meeting was held ou tuesday morning when it was decided that as mr yake had allowed his membership to lapse by the nonpayment of fees the as- sociation could not act in this matter it pays to bejong to this society g tsooietv the next meeting of the stouffville g t a will bo held in daleys hall on tuesday evening next an excellent programme has been prepared in which rev and mrs- j w millard of uxbridge miss braund of chambersburgpamiss l jamieson of lomonvilleand others will take part see d stouffer cos advertisement on last page they have the confi dence of the public and with their im mense stock and other facilities are in a position to do a very large trade during the comingfall and winter music on saturday last three peri patetic musicians struck town both in appearance and style of music they were considerably above the average the sound of the harp violin and pic colo seemed to remind some of the boys of something and it was with difiicultv that they kept their feet still hers here 600 bags no 1 qual ity just arrived at the spofford bar gain house selling at closer prices than other stores sell the 2nd grade ft- runaway on monday morning as mr l hoover of thlothofmarkham was returning froni stouffville driving a fine valuable cnesjrrar blood mare and kicked her- lilky and darted up the bill shewas stopped in front of rev j willoughbys uninjured saye a few scratches mr hoover too es caped without damage although the rig- was completely wrecked correction the statement that was made in public a week ago last sunday and frequently repeated that tbe young man joseph pipher drove through the village here under the influence of liquor just before he was drowned has caused his friends con siderable pain they wish to have it publically denied the young man was lying drowned at the bottom of the pond when those young men drove through moreover ho was never known to dririk strong drink of any kind those who have heard the false story will kindly give this denial due publicity j f building a good many of our neighbors to say jiothingof residents are perhaps lufawaro of the large number of newtcsidences that have personals c mr chas mccallum left on monday last to resume his medical studies at detroit taylor mcgullough burks nxvristovs solicitor ktc money to loan daleys block stoulfvillc offices manning arcade a m taylor b c l s wj mccullouch bcl toronto w burns kew macdodaldj davidson 4 pallerson babeisters soiicitors notaries public etc- ohkices masonic buildings toronto st toronto and main sf stouffville j k kkrk qo w mcdonald v davidson jnoa patterson r a grant a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel stouffville on the lsth and a the tremont house markham c on the loth of each month roscmans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria square on tbe 21st when these dates fall on sunday the monday following will be under stood a caveats and ceissaes secured trademarts registered and all other patent causes in the patelt office and before the courts promptly and carefully prosecuted upon receipt of model or sketch of inven hod i make careful examination and ndvisc as to patentability free of charge willi my offices directly across from the patent office and beidg in personal atten dance there it is apparent that i have superior facilities for making prompt pre liminary searches for the more vigorous and successful prosecution of applications for patent and for attending toal busi ness entrusted to my care in the shortest possible time fees moderate il xik the animal ranflw self clear of the j l mechanics institute the usual additions to the library will be made this tall members are requested to make out a list of books which they may desire to have procured before october 10th if possible thequestion of winter classes was discussed at the last meeting of the board and a com mittee appointed to formulate a scheme for a singing class particulars may bo looked for in this column at a later date big plumb fred spofford has just purchased 90 fine all wool black cash mere shawls with silk fringe worth 4i each which he intends to run oft at 2 25 each dont wait too long as they will soon go opexaikconceut although the been built durrng the present year or in course or erection some of them are exceptionally fine and will rank among the best iii town notably those of messrs john baker and s m war- rincr the former at the corner of main and albert streets and the latter on church a long list to the number of twenty or more could be made out if space permitted all of them good sub- mrs w j mertens and two children nave gone to stratford for a couple of weeks visit mr john bray of our town return- ed on wednesday from a trip in the united states mrs pugsley of richmond hill was the guest of mrs jos devlin a few days last week miss mary gormley of toronto formerly of gormley is the guest of the misses bruce mr t park left on monday for british columbia where he intends to pursue his fortune missmary campbell of markham was staying for a few- days with miss taylor of this town mr major of toronto was in town over sunday the guest of his soninlaw mr j a todd mr and mrs eldou gamsby of oro- no have been spending a week at the home of mr n j armstrong rev mr smith of newmarket preached in the congregational church stantial houses and all adding to the on sunday m01 and evening attention gkenxo patent business informaotico ol the bands intention to play tion advice and special references scut on request j r littell solicitor and attorney in patent causes washington d c opposite l s patent office music pupils wanted by a young lady who has had several vears successful experience in teach ing tho piano special advantages for beginners and a thoroughly classic al course for advanced pupils would also like a few pupils in elementary english for two or thrco hours daily good testimonials or references for further information applv to miss aldkich at the residence of rev h w knowles stoutfville ont some selections in saturday iigh was the open ai on omitted from list appearance as well as the size- of our town when neighboring towns brag of tne addition of every building and herald the erection of a shed with a blare of trumpets it becomes necessary that stouffville should make some re mark about really rapid growth stouffvillites are often over modcstand do not show up the advantages of their town at every opportunity as they should some of these days folks will wake up and find that their village has become a town garden part v a- verv pleasant garden party was held at mr w bruces 6th con marknam on sept 11th under the auspices of the cashe presbyterian churchj cricket and foot ball took up tho afternoon the boys from almira were victorious in the former while the cashel hustlers car ried everything before them in the latter i dont know that these are the exact names of the different clubs but as they were made up from all over the township one mime is asapprppri- as another the chief feature of the evening was a couple of recitations adages ilubcnsleins piano bv wccks piper the intention was earned j mr brown oi victoria square mr brown is certainly a gifted elocutionist and well deserve the hearty applause he received tho stouffville band played a number of pleasingscleclions during the afternoon and evening the band boys are an agreeable lot of fellows not afraid to play iiio- than one tune and are appreciated not only for their musical ability but for their general good fellowship uncle dave makes n good drummer tho ladies of tho church are to be congratulated as tho party was a success in every respect into execution to the delight of a num ber of promeriuders who were out thai night the whole length of the town was trayeised by the boys playing their choicest musc in their best style the evening was still and the strains came floating on the evening air in charming harmony there are yot a number of weeks before the weather may be expected to become too cold for playing in tho open air and every body hopes the boys will keep it up every saturday night as long as they can dr walt saiigster of this town has oponed an office in markham all join in wishing walt every success mr wm urquhart of essex centre a former citizon of stouffville is spend ing a few days with relatives in town rev mr johnston of the west in dies formerly of scotland occupied the presbyterian pulpit on sundav last mr frank moore formerly with mr john bray of this town now of toron- tocalled on us monday morning on his way to the city miss r groye who has been staving with her sister mrs j g clarke in town for a number of months returned to her home in little britain on mon day last mr a e sangster left on monday morning for philadelphia where he intends pursuing a course in the phil adelphia dental college success at tend him toronto slrekt market from thursdays giohn wheat new fall busti 7 to wheat new spriog bu 87 to wheat red winter 87 to wheat goose oats new oats old barley new peas now rye new hay new toa hay old fon straw ion 9 ooto straw loose too 6 00 to dressed hogs 6 50to beef forcquartcrs 3 00 to beef hindquarters 5 60 to mutton 6 00 to veal carcase 5 jo to 7 to 30 to 32 to 11 to 57 to 0 ooto 12 ooto 90 no 7o 31 33j 15 63 50 12 50 13 00 10 50 7 00 7 co 500 800 800 800