Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 6, 1889, p. 7

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h young folks a bad beginning old mother fox one evening looked from oat her den ot rocks come here my pretty buihy tall she called her littlo fez youre getting larger every day youre growing strong 1 feel tie time that you shoald leave your play and should begin to steal the farmers eye ia quick and keen the cbickenrooata arehigh the ribblt be it flkot of foot the partridge she ia aly jfvou would live upon your wits jrlou mutt be very aly youll have to watch before you pounce j you mnat be very sly yea mother said young buahy tall i know just how you feel but ive begun to prowl about j ive really learned to steal the rbbu runs the partridge flies the cnickenroosta are high bat i shall wait a chance to pounce i ahall be very aly i mean to live upon my wits i shall be very sly so off they both together went and left the den of rooks and whloh one of the two was worse the big or little fox hammebiug brass some practical hints lor ingenious boys and oris a plain aud nnattraotive piece of brass can be made into a beautiful as well as use ful article with a light hammer and four simple tools the tools can be purchased from a hard ware store for from 25 cents upward one is a piece of steel called a tracer six inohes long and sloped towards the edge until a flat strip oneeighth of an inob wide is pro duced the edge should be about as sharp as a screwdriver another tool is made by roughening the end of a piece of steel by filing diagonally and across it still another tool is shaped like a gange with a screwdrivers edge and one like a shoemakers awl with a blunted end these tools are necessary but others will be found useful as our work progresses procure a piece of braaa the thickness of a bristol board and sorew it down on a table or board now for a design take a olover leaf draw it on the brass with a sharp lead pencil take the tool that resembles a screwdriver in one hand holding it with the thumb atd firat soger and plaoing it on the attm of the leaf with a constant tap ping of the hammer move the tool along the edge after you have sufficiently beaten the edge of the olover down with the tool that has the crossfiled end beat the background down when your work should stand out in relief once more go around the olover with the tracer to make a olean edge after two or three sucoeatful leaves try several leaves arranged on a round plea 3 ot brass with one and a half inch margin when it is done take it to a tinsmith and have a candlestiok ma le ont of it othor pretty as well as useful things that can be made ont of brasa are matchboxes picture- frames smoking sets the voice for then we guide them better going down the steep pitches pretend to drive your axe into me do now said the bear then the man took up bis axe and at one blow split the bows skull so that bruin lay dead in a trice and ao the mn and the for were great frieeds and on the beat term but when they came near the farm the fox said ive no mind to go right home with you for i cant say 1 like yonr tykes so ill jnst wait here and you can bring the wether to me but mind and pick one nics and ft yea the man would be sure to do that and thanked the fox much for hla help so when he had put up d ubbln he went across to the afceep stall whither away now aaked his old dame ob aaid the man im going to the sheepstall to fetch a fat wether for that cunning fox who set onr dobbin free i gave him my word i would wether indeed aaid the old dame never a one shall the thief of a fox get havent we got bobbin safe and the bear into tho bargain nd as for the pox ill be bound hed stolen more of our geese than the wether is worth and even if he hasnt his potato into many small rieces with an eyo in each the eys being in fact an undeveloped leafbud whence branches would issue in another season thna he insured in some way the continuance of the plant but alas i he only cared for his own squaws and papooses in the immediate future and took no thought for the convenience of the intrusive white man in thia then remote nineteenth century and considering how little the white man thought of his conveni ence some ages later perhaps his remissness in this respect is not to be wondered at at any rate what the red indian seems to have dooe was just this aa in almost every other case of primitive agriculture he brcught the wild plant into cultivation and improved largely its special yield but in so doing he destroyed its native type altogether whether he grubbed np all the wild ones and ace them on the spot or whether be merely encroached upon their open feeding grounds and so crowded them out as farms and fences are crowding ont the buffalo in the far west dees not appear but what is certain is that the wid poo itself does not now appear either w have lout all count of the primitive stock ao that we cant go baok to it to cross it with its own degenerate descendants or to develop anew from its bar baric tubers the sucoulent regent or the ash- stolen them he will- no no take a trace of yonr swiftest hounds in a sack and slip j leaved kidney them loose after him and then psrhaua we i shall be rid of this robbing reynard j i ttirn toe the mark well tho man thonght that good advice ao he took two fleet red hounds pat them into a sack and set eff with him have yon bronght the wether said the fox yes come and take it said the man a he untied the sok and let slip the hound i huf said the fox and gave a great spring trne it is what the old saw says well done is often ill paid and now too i see the truth of another saying the worst foes are those of ones own house that was what the fox said as he ran off and saw the red foxy honnds at his heels well done and 111 paid once on a time there was a man who had to drive his sledge to the wood for fuel so a bear met him out with your horae said the bear or ill strike all your sheep dead by summer oh i heaven help me then said the man theres not a stake of firewood in the house you must let me drive home a load of fuel else we shall be frozen to death ill bring the horse to you tomorrow morning yea on these terma he mlshb take the wood home that was a bargain but bruin aald if he didnt come baok he would lose all his sheep by sum mer so the man got the wood on the sledgo and rattled homeward but he wasnt ovor- pleaaed at the bargain yon may fancy so just then a fox met him why whats the matter said the fox why are you so down in the month oh if you want to know said the man i met a bear up yondor in the wood and i had to give my word to him to bring bobbin back tomorrow at this very hour for if he didnc get him he said he would tear all my sheep to death by summer stuffnothing worse than that said tho fox if youll give me your fatteat wether id soon bet you free see if i donc yea the man gavo hia word and awore he would keep it too well whenyoucome with dobbin tomor row for the bear siid the fox ill make a olatter up in that heap of atones yonder and so when the boar aeks what that noise is you must say tis poter the markaman who is the beat shot in the world and after that you muat help youreelf next day off sot the man and when he met tho bear something began to mpko a olatter np on a i ip of stones hist 1 whata that said the bear oh i thats peter the markaman to be sure aald the man hes the beat shot in the world i know htm by his voloe in tho wood have you seen any bears about hero brio shouted out a voice in the wood say no said the bear no i havent seen any said erie whats that thero that stands alongside your sledge bawled out the voice in the wood sty its an old bear oh its an old firatump said the childrens sayings- little charlie whoae grandfather ia a baptist minister took dinner at the par sonage the other day he lived at a hotel and before his venerable grandparent began the blessing charlie had begun eating voaao- iously oh donc mind me grandpa he observed between mouthf uls when the latter remonstrated go right on with your blessing george bit little cellas finger while they were playing ou being soolded for it he it he aaid by way of explanation really mamma i didnt know where my month was going little annie saw a hit of turquoise in her cousin lidies ring why she observed youve a piece of sky in your ring havent you a severe test two little girls returning hand in hand from school saw a small and very tiredlook ing dog lying crouohed with half closed eyes at the feet of a halffamished beggar on the street oorner the girls stopped bent curiously aud pityingly over the dog and began to speculate as to whether he was blind i dont believe he can aee us said one of them he doeant seem to tatte any notice hes blina perhaps ita only because hes so tired the other suggested tho poor dog slowly opened and closed hia eyes but paid no attention to the children no said the aeoond of the girla again he iauc blind ill show you bending down close to the dog with her face full of the utmost good faith the ohild opened her little hand before hia eyes and said how many fingers observant florence florence six years old mamma do doga get married 1 mother no my dear florence then what right has hark to grsnl at jennie when they are eating their breakfast differently cocstraoted a little girl of this village was crying bit terly the other evening about something that had happened when her mother endeavored to aoothe her she told her to hush and never mind and atop orying when the little one anawered between hr aobs ic- oant mamma cause i aint built that way george was a bashful lover he scarcely dared to touch his ladys hand he loved her well and she was worthy of his affection for she was modest intelligent sweet and lovable bnt like all good women abe yearn ed in vain george worshipped her he might kiss the hem of ber garment bnt to kiss her lips or cheek the very audacity of the thonght made him tremble they sab together by the sea looking out upon the track of the moons light whioh whitewinged yachts were crossing now vid then it was a witching hour a soene for love and calm delight suddenly she moved alightly away from him please george dont do that she aald what he asked in gennlne surprise oh 1 you neednt tell me different you were just going to put your arm around my waist and and were going to try and kiss me dear arabella oh l you neednt tell me different you were going to do it well after all i sup pose you are not to blame lb is just what a lover wonld do to his sweetheart and i suppose i must nob be offended if yon do do it and george grasped the situation and did exaotly what arabella supposed he would do and the moon grinned and the stars winked and the wavelets laughed and a mosquito that was about to light on the maidens oheek flew away and settled on the nose of a grass widow who was sitting near the band stand that settled it were you ever in poland mr por ridge never miss shawtair no well can you tell me why the poles aa a people aeem to be in such bad odor i can guess i met a polecat once and if the people are anything like the oats that set tles it not embarrassed doeant it embarrass you to be kissed by your husband before a car full of peo- plo embarrosa me replied the lady who was starting off on a journey as she seated herself in a seat and looked at the question er did john kiaa me when he aaid good- by i deolare i didnt notlae it is my hat on straight lanra prom different points of view first traveler looking out through the car window thebe continuous rains are bad for the business of this oountry second traveler not at all air they stimulate trade in many waya the far mers bother the farmer 1 what business are you in im an umbrellamaker air if you insist on knowing and im a stockholder in a professional bate ball club oonfound you i the wornout potato suoh fir stumps wo take in our country and roll them on our sledges bawled out the volco j if yon cant do it yourself ill oomo down and help you sy you can help yourself and roll mo np on the sledge said tho bear no thank ye i can help myself well enough said tho man and rolled the bsar on to tho eledgo such firatumpa we al ways bind faat on onr sledgoa ia onr part of the world bawled out the volco shall i omeandhelpyouf sy you can help yourself and bind me fas do aaid tho bear no thanks i can help myself well enough said tho man who tat to binding bruin fast with all the ropes ho had so that t last tho bear couldnt stir a paw such firetntrpo wo always drive our m into in onr part of the world bawled for the laok of frequent healthy oroaeing the entire vitality of cue race haa been slow ly dissipated jbbo entire stock has grown old together and we stand now face to face with the awful possibility of a potatoleta universe but why oant wo go baok to the fountain- head once more and start afresh with brand- new potatoes trom their native forest ay theres tho rub aa hamlet justly puts it wo cans discover the fountain head any longer nobody knows where the potato comes from the native forest itself la dead the aboriginal wild potato seems as exvnot in our day the wide world over as tho dodo or tho deinotnerlum this is often the way with important food plants nobody can trace with certainty the ancestor of wheat or indian corn the primitive father of the plantain or of the banana the fact is whenever a plant lays by those rich stores ot material for its own use either as toed or root or bulb or tnber man greody man is eure to divert it to his own purposes aa ruthlessly aa he roba the bees of their horey and the cows of the milk they have piepared for their calves in their own udders every firatunp said the i important human foodstuff is essentially at i bottom a soed or a tuber eggs in tho animal i world answering to the one fatted beatts answering roughly to tho other wheat barley indian corn poas beans dates and ooooanuts are instances in the first direction potatoes turnips yam beet root are instances in the second from the very firat moment then that tha ancestral potato began to lay np starches and foodstuffs for itaelf in its own under ground tisauea we may beperfeotly euro that rodents monkeys and other animal enomies did their levtl best to ciicnmvent its innocent design by digging thorn np and incontinently eating them presently man as tho red indian arrived upon the scene and subject ed the incipient and atarchy potato to some rudo cultivation in ons way he was less destructive no doubt thi tha rodents and monkeys whd had gone before him because whilo ho rooted up and grubbed out more indefatigably than they he kept a little back for seed for the future he cat np it was a boss job during the charleston earthquake a few years back aome very funny and ridiouloua things happened as well as the more sorrow ful ones and one of the former i reoall to mind just now just after the first shocks were over the negroes orowded the open squares and held impromptu prayer meetings and one old deacon ob de ohnrch offered up the following prayer in all sincerity after calling on the lord to help them etc he ended by saying and do good lord do help des people in de honr ob dar need aud do good lord please come your own self dont send vonr son jesua christ but come yourself dis am no time to fool wld ohilrnn peabls of tfiufh a string of opinions is no bin christian faith than a string of beads ia christian practice i do not wish to treat friendships daintily but with roughest courage for when they are real they are not like gleia threads or frost work but the solideat tilings we know perhapi the most delightful friendships are those in which there is much agteement much disputation and yet more personal liking i have seen manners that make a similar impeuion with personal beauty and in memorable experiences they are suddenly better than beauty bat they muat be marked by fine perception they muat all show self c jbio then they muat be in spired oy the goi heart justioj ia like the kingdom of god it la not wlchouo ua as a fact it la withlu na as a great yearning liberty h the word that all the good hav e spoken it is the hope of every lovio- heai t the spark and flame in every noble breast the gem ia every aplendld soul the many colored dream lu every honest brain this word haa filled the dungeon with its holy light haa raised the coniot far above the king and olad even the sffold with a glory that dimmed and darkened every throne the thibtthste is published every friday at the tribune printing h0us main street stouffyille subscription firat foxereoo 100 per abnum firat rnxertsoo per lias aoiid oocpjws at bacseqqed0 irpcrdog pcrnstt j prdvmsiona cards per far so sates under contract f o ao locax ooerwr so m ror an moaroa or rhrse raoottu ia tha sana rata hoidge bros publishers and proprietors centenial shaving parlor mrst- class shaving parlor hted up in neatest style hair cutting and shaving equal to any city barber shop ulios bouansers extradition the law of extradition between nationa ia what two or more nationa agree to make it there may be no extradition law or one that will surrender an alleged offender on any ground upon wbioh he might be arrested and held to answer in tho oountry in whioh the offense waa alleged to have been com mitted dually however it is only the graver classes of crimes for which extradition la provided the oonviotlon of general boulanger for treason wul raise a question in england as to hia right of asylum as a political refugee the crime of whloh the french senate has found him guilty is in it self a capital offense in all countries but treason is unlike murder theft arson or forgery in a measure a political offense j the most famous patriots have been at one j stage of their career declared guilty of the orime of treason boulanger claims that i the september eleotion will dissipate the i charge the senate has made against him of course the eleotion cannot determine the question of guilt or innocence but one may define the view the people take of the aots which the senate has declared to be treason in the present sensitive condition of euro pean politics a demand upon the english salt plaster coal water lime government for the surrender of boulanger av ooaitae might add to the chances of a general out- op paris coal tar break if war occurs probably it will not be long before france and russia will be engaged against the triple allianoe with which england is now reported to have cast her fortunes if a demand for the extradi tion of boulanger and ha associates duon j and roohoforte if refused as it probably will be if made the french will construe it fl m m aa an uufriendly aot should the sejjember rail wohdttsb upp0311cwdystea01kilflfllrthl election show an inorese in the strength of the catnot administration a refusal to sur- render a man whom that government haa declared guilty of treason might not be taken in good part and childrens hair dressed ia the latest fashion ladies please do not call on saturday after 5 p m vvm a bovair kurkholders block stouffviile lumber yard w i hart3ste1y keep ooastandr ia slock a full svpptr of lumbbr lath skinolss tar paper hire brick fire officf jao ot ac cash paid for hides woolshoepektn and all kinds of grain hindoo superstition the hindoos are early risers in the wam soason extending from april to oc toberthey ssep either upon the housetop or in the comtynd or in the veranda if i rain should be tbreaterng and are nually up at five oclock or earlier in the morning i in the cold weather when they sleep within doors they rise later bat tboy are out be- 1 foro seven rising in the morolng while bnt half awake the hindoo repeats ttu name of rama several times happening to yawn ho imrr idlately fillips his thumb and middle fi iger though he doea not know why he prepares for his morning toilet he plucks a twig from the bitter neem tree break off a torn lengch of it crushes one i end between bvi teeth and extemporize a tootb1iush ho next drws up water from the wei in the yard with an iron bucket and prepares to wash hia hands and faoe this 11 quickly done he then throws on an extra garment the thloknes aud texture do- e ending ou the season and weather lights ia hooka takea a few pulls with his euphon ious bubble bubble and ia ready to go out with a passing rama raaia to friend or acquaintance and a nelghboily fouip by the way he tepairs to his plaoe of business whiio goto he will aedulonelyavoid those signs and sounds whloh may augur 111 for the day should one aneezs or should he hear the cawng of a crow or the cry of a kite or should he meet an oilman or one blind or lame or see a ct ornss hla path he wonld be greatly distressed as to the day before him on the other hand if a fox orosses his pavb it he bears a gong or shell summoning him to worship or if he meets a brahman with his hear uno- tered he would rejoice hailing it as auspoiuaa seme are ao super stitious that if any evil portent ooours on the way they would return home have a amoke or chew a betel leaf and prooeed af resh solenoe sfceetssueoeeflfol remedy ever disco- in its eiteots and does d proof below kendalls spank me owicb n caoe9 a sirrcm v- baebdra ov c omvauim bat axd tnotxna eoto honass j ar gm kendalls spavin cure f tkmmad it to an borsomoti yours truly a h gruaatr manager troy laundry stable kendalls spavin cure df b jtfzsff 0m sjnte ifgil 1j mr duty to say what i bare d wlrh yrrar etndalls spavin cure ojyst soma toot liod bpj the latest style cohen yon dond like dhoae pants vy they wer finest goota custom made in lateat style customer but see the waist reaches to my ahoulderblades cohen triumphantly i told you ao i dot vaa one of dhess dlrootolro walata lateat style ond 1 what a baby is composed of a baby ia oomposed of a bald head and a pair of lungs one of the lungs rests while the other is running the establishment and letting people know that it is boss the baby la a muoh bigger man than its mother though it does not wear pants tho baby likes to walk around with its fathor especi ally after night tho father generally does all tho walking while the baby is singing the grand march arkansas valley demo crat tjncauedfor shook minnie i had such a shock last evening jnst as i started to go into the house a great horrid mm jumped out from behind a tree and tried to kiaa mo what do you think ofthattmamleiithirikjlt was the tabit causeless and uncalledfor thing lover heard of british money in canada one proof of the awakening interest in everything canadian that is apparent in the old country is seen in the snoceaa which ai tends the efforts to float canadian enter prises the amount of money whfoh haa found its way into canadian projects during the past two or tb ee years would make a very large sum in the aggregate and capital h still flowing in this direction it oomes here in many snapes the dominion borrows it the provinces borrow it the municipalities kjndslls spavin cure iharo aorsca that liod bpjitlua ton or sip afflicted with tilk fcadaul lac aw sines i hvo had ono ot yonr followed tho directions i havo riotor of any kind ourd truly ajbrett tcsircs horse uootoc kesf alls spavin oiire prwil por bottle or six bottles far au dree rtttiliavjltcracngiitlmoryou or itwinixsaaic sod by awfc iktjggri8ts well certified a rsw sihoolmaiter had juat been posted 1 1 the recment and he bad the reputation of being rather a scientific mm well np in bom branches of svady which army sohool- mutera do not always tike up in the or derly room the colonel was crtted at the table with the adjutant standing by adjutant the new rohoolmarus ooma to report ailval colonel entr school- borrow io and it is inveatcd in mining com- ma panles in farmicg enterprises and in finji- well air come to join eht oulooncnna of many kind britioh oapl- 1 t w x thaa you understand allata have large sums to invest as ia ovi- aidant plane trigonometry eh deuced from the millions whloh they are spending in buying up breweries and estab lishing gieat rnonop olios in the united btates there ia probably no way by which it could be pub to better uso than by btfog invested in developing the natural resources of this country american entoiptiae has done a good dcil in its way in its own field but it is not as potent a tactor in the production of wealth as british capital and british capital has found lu way to the ntwmoat oornets of the earth schoomaster vey unitaidy on hla legs yetbr got tuahclaih titcato for it colonel nnobiervaqt and youve eudied mlliciiy surveying too i bolleve schoolmaster yeahr got fushclaah shtffcatofort colonel looks up qulokly i think youve been drhkioy air schoolmaster yeahr got fushclaah ahtiffcate for it i loudon figaro serrywall in hia latest chapter on mans the bea3on why baalc i met mlaa shapely oit pg oda and i novo- before ahop- reajizid drcia and adornment lays down the rule that what a loid vobcthe haa otimle bub the bigger tho watch chain tho lighter the v t1 remmber my der that aha wta man who wears it akg for a pair of no 2 thoas

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