gggjg books hid stationery cheaper than ever copy books note paper envelopes moutii organs pigs iu clover novels autograph albums i tissue paper 8c each oc per quire oc per package from 5c up 10c 15c and 25c from 10c up lc per shec a largo stock of music books scrap books albums blank buoks purses games pipes violin strings dolls toys school bags and fancy goods t m full stock of public and high school books at lowest prices n b a present given with each purchase of school books monros book and stationery store srouffvirle august 21 1s89 district news suttox col wayling was in the village on monday mr brown of halifax is visiting his brother inlaw angus ego esq mr j k barnard who has been quite ill is able to be around again that proud and jolly tcr mr w e sheppard was in town over sunday mr f g tremayrio save a pleas ant smoking and whist party last thursday evening mr e p leacock grave an enjoy able hop on saturday evening at his summer residence since the 1st of september our local nimrods have been bagging large numbers of partridge mr mason of mason risch tor onto visited the local agent mr w d townley last week the pefferlaw saw mill was burned to the ground on saturnay night no insurance origin of fire unknown that rigorous tenor singer was quite a noticeable addition to the eng lish church choir on sunday evening moses kniffht contractor of brown- hill has begun the erection of a frame dwelling house for adolphus cherpon- tier jr our popular reeve mr jas ander son entertained a large circle of friends at his pretty cottage on satur day evening mr jas parks gave a quiet dance at the dining hall at the point on tuesday evening about a dozen couples attended and thoroughly en joyed themselves the sutton fair will be held this year o sopt 24th and 25th and pro mises to prove the most successful yet held an inviting list of special at- tractions has been provided the masonic picnic at jacksons point on tuesday was largely attended and a pleasant day was spent about 50 went across to barrie by the str kendrick on wednesday to see bar nauls circus the summer sojourners at the lake have nearly ail departed and quietness now rtigiis where lately all was life and crjoyment the point seems to be growing in popularly each season and we hopi to welcome back next sumnwr all our old fronds and many more the sutton tripo ci ah was reorgan ized on wednesday evening when all the old officers wcro reelected for the cnsuirg year the financiers report showed a balance of 840 in the trcas ury which will go to defray the ex penses of tho club which were hereto fore liquidated by voluntary subscrip- lipp the annual picnic will be held at thopoint on the 12th inst some of our s a converts have uacn falliig into dire disgrace since the withdrawal of the lady officers mr s out long is said to bo of so nitorous a disppsitian that he has found it halthy to seek seclusion for the time bcinc some o the other honuies of tin sic were around sat urday evonng trying to obnin some thing strohgar than water pivumably to ure their flagging religious zeal we move that those lazy loafers go to work or be shown a short route out of town horsemen will study tbir own interest v kindly takin note of the follovring to r aa a browu toronto out sir althouah yon may hve numrrou- tstimonials in fayor of your magic lijniment for hors9 yet i would like to tatc for the benefit of others that it has removed completely a bogspa via oit a horse of mine without even starting the hair when diluted according lo direc tions i can alo recommend it us a very useful remedy for sore shoulders yours respectfully wm turner green river to mr asa a brown toronto ont sir i hereby certify that i hate used your magic liniment for horses and have found it to prove verv effectual in the cure of sore shoulders havidg cur ed several very bad cases while tne horses were subject to the hardest kind of work bcinc used in lumbering i can recom mend it to others who have horses that are in constant use as au excellent remedy being far superio to any preparation that i have ever used yours respectfully jno yaknostrand whitchurch a word to the wise is sufficieit price 50 cts per notte sold by r rowan druggist stouffville farmers are sowing fall wheat a fair book agent invaded our town this week mrs geo kelly is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever mink are making sad havoc among- abes chickens and abe is making sad havoc among tho mink with a doublc- barreledjshotgun the camp meeting in noah hoovers grove are well attended and are con ducted in a quiet and orderly manner elder prosser receives assistance from a number of ministers from other de nominations as well as his own- on monday of this week leslie hodgson had the misfortune to receive a severe bite on the leg from a dog owned by mr casely as the dog had on one or two former occasions attempted similar feats his career was immediately ended leslie is do ing as well as could be expected but it will be some time before he will be able to attend school curemomt rev j trotter is expected home this week after a month at woodstock mr burrows and wife of sutton vis itcd his brolherinlaw mr j spauld- ing i mrs gerow is in a very low condi tion and hope of recovery has been sorrowfulv abandoned mr n burton having considerable driving to do has purchased a promis ing fouryearold mare mr john barry is still fluctuating on the borderland of life and death one day showing improvement and the next losing his friends still express strong hopes for recovery vvord arrived here tht a my rtle store was burglarized sunday morning but no verification or particulars can be secured home talent is responsible for most of the felonies and a big effort should be made to tracehhem up to tho right party a quoit tournament came off on the commons opposite mr d alacnabs resi dence last thursday and was yery well patronized ed derusba claiemonts crack pitcher took 1st money mckay of toronto took 2nd and malone of toronto 3rd the bundy camping party returned from lake joseph muskoka on friday last after a month of most solid enjoy ment mr bundy is of opinion that whenever a man loses his appetite it hies straight lake joe and can- only be found by following it there continued from 4th page committee rose and reported by law with blanks filled up mr cawfield on motion of mr dows- well was heard re a ditch along town line mr hardy was heard on motion cf mr williams in reference to a grant- to him a by law to establish and straighten centre road at a uniform width mr ewon in the chair committee rose and reported the bylaw as amended report received and adopted council adjourned until saturday cpt28th 1889 hospital remidlfs tliataii they tjo croinh of intelli- gcc- in medior natters cis zivca rla to a if iind for a cai3 of genuine reliauc medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew rich eariug everything out of a tingle bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies ha3 been created they are the favor ite prescriptions of the most fmons medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 25 to 5100 are here offered prepared ani nudy for use at tho nominal price of one dollar taeh not one of them is a cure alt each one has only the reason i wo power of caring a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from ctuuiu diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neurelgia feraao weakness lencorrhrea or xervou debility should send stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital remedy co 303j west king st toronto canada if your drug does notkeeptheso remedies remit price and we will send direct notice brs niv i will not be responsible for any de contracted in my name without l written order philip cook ringwoodaug29thls89 7981 for sale or to rent a house and lot iu stouffville east of mr henry johnsons on the premises are good stables and good fruit 12 apple treesll plum trees etc apply to mrs a yake stouffvillesept5th 8082 executors notice in the matter of the estate of john fockler late of the village of stouffville in the countv of york who died on or about the 5th day of october 1888 all persons having claims against the said john fockler are hereby notified that they are to send on or before the firstflay ofdecemljer ad 1889 to nicholas j armstrong one of the executors of the deceased their christian names and surnames address and description the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security held bv them after or in default thereof they will be excluded from any osnefit coming from said eslate hie executors attei said date will proccedro distribute said estate and no persons whose names are not sent in will have aiiy share in the said distribu tion dated this 30th day ot august 1889 nicholas j armstrong 1 executors henry dickson address stouffville p 0 ont cider making the subscriber in returning thanks for previous patronage announces that having purchased one of the most celebrated boomer bot chert presses is prepared to do custom cider making at his residence lot 81 8th con markham iu a quicker and more per fect manner than at any time hereto fore the cider being pressed through cotton cloth is entirely free from deleterious matter and tho yield much greater the cider is puror ard will keep better than when made by the old methods he invites inspectian the mill will be open for business on monday sept 9th 1889 for the first two weeks he will manufacture on mondays wednesdays and fri days and for the remainder of the season on every week day except saturday afternoon joseph ramer ringwood sept 2 1889 errors of youth iew5bba swans specific remedy 0hh1wihcs never known to fail to cure weakness aad earlydccayof mind nerves and body nervous prostration organic decay seminal losses weak memory wastlnfrsmabnessof organs its success has challenged the admira tion of every doctor who has studied it it strikes at the very root op ciijai aw the evil sold only by nwano specific co p o box w toronto none genuine without our trade mark pbicebymwlsioo six for 600 the medicine for liver and kidney complaint- mr victor augerottawa writesi take great pleasure in recom mending to the general public parme- lees pills as a cure for liver and kid- nev complaint- i have doctored for the last three years with leading phy sicians and have taken many medi cines which were recommended to me without relief but after taking eight of parmolces pills i was quite relieved and now i feel as free from the disease as before i was troubled there arc too many lazy shiftless aitcrnooti farmers thjy say that farming doesnt pay it would make no difference what business they were in it would be tho same story the reason it docs not pay is because they dont male it jay comfort if you want a comfort able home in cold weather heat your house with a hot air furnace come and examine the one on exhibition at the stouffville hardware store we can give yon the riglvt thing- for the right price silvester dougherty fabmebm mimimjesr threshers use mccoll bros lardine machine oil which as a lubricant has never been excelled best cylinder oil always in stock mccdl bros co toronto for sale by sanderson bros richmond hill the l h john brays gents furnishing departnt we still lead the van in furnishings and show better value and a larger stock of reliable goods than any other house in the trade the only way to convince yourself is to look at the goods and com pare prices and you will be astonished how much you can save by buy ing your furnishings from us clothing deft our clothing department is a pronounced success in every way for a number of years a great many people were forced to go to toronto for a good suit of clothes these people all get tneir clothes made by us now the cut and finish being equal to the best toronto make and the price is about onehalf if you want a good stylish suit drop in and see us insjettion ivitmi orders solicited john bray july 12th 1889 r monkhouse co have just received a good assortment of dress goods prints shirting gents furnishings which we will sell at low prices best value in tapestry union and hemp oar- pets we have also a fine range of newest styles in hats tweeds clothing made to order we guarantee a perfect fit and good workmanship steel jbros selected reeds iiis ifvhh groceries always on band r monxhoubi a co i stouffviilk may 10 th 1889