the great bargain house main st stoxjffville queen st toronto sprimg oxj0an1ng now j everyday in the week except sunday is a bargain day with us j but we have arranged to have three special bargain days a week name ly monday thursday and satur- day when we will give you some wonderful bargains bargains that cannot be seen in any other store in canada here are a few of our bargains for the next two weeks on the special bargain days only the tiivie to buy your wall papers j j rae carries tee largest stock in town bust aismv3225 smrting cottonades prints urss cjoods c atull line of these cjrjiiulteas from 1 ets up- wards raisius currants pure jdard etc fresh coffee geound 3d aily a lot ot that nicekingweod cheese on hand yet spectacles akb eiegasses suitable for all sights all at the lowest figures stouffyille mar 20th 1ss9 -furniture- s j bttrkholder have on hand an extra large stock of everything in the furniture line- the finest assortment ever of fered for sale m stouffville parlor and bedroom suites lounges and extension tabled etc picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets constantly on hand and all funeral sup plies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours factory cotton 2 34 5 5 6 7c per yard come and see white cotton 4 127 12 88 12 and 9c per yard on bar gain days shirting 5 34 6 12 8 9 and 10c per yard wonderful val ue winceys 4 34 6 9 and 10c per yard great value fine doublewidth cashmere only 20 25 and 50c per yard fine dress goods 9 10 12 12 and 20c per yard seamless sox only 7c per pair worth 12c on bargain days grain bags the best quality only 229 per doz very large fine check muslins 4 12 5 12 8 and 9c per yard fine white lawn 40 inches wide for 6 348 and 10c per yard lace tidies 2 4 and 5c each lace curtains 39c per pair hoisery and gloves too cheap for anything spools2 l2c each on bargain days only great bargains in corsets our old gold corsets worth 50c for 29c on bargain days special drives in cashmeres hemp carpet 9 12 12 and 15c on bargain days tapestry carpet 23 12 28 and 39c on bargain days 12 l2c searsuckers for 9c on bargain days gents furnishing 33 13 per cent less than regular prices embroideries and laces half price great boom a perfect fair on baagain days spools 2 for 5c on bargain days only remember bargain days only special value in flannels pink flannel only 12 l2c on bargain days yellow flannel only 12 l2c on bargain days blue flannel i2 l2c on bargain days cardinal flannel 12 l2c on bargain days ladies 15c collars for 7con bargain days ladies collars 6 for 25c very cheap shaker flannels only 8 and 10c on bargain days sheetings tablings and napkins very cheap now these are the greatest bar gains ever shown on a counter but we want money and must have it and in order to get it we hwe de cided on giving great bargains on mondays thursday and saturdays but dont forget our store is chuck ed ml of bargains every day but special bonanzas on those three days so come along in hundreds theres room for all bargains for all- dont forget us but come di rect to the great spofford bargain house is up to the times with full lines op ill got main churcili sts stouffville furniture warekooms still to the fore to suit the season also special direct lines in scottish tweeds imported tailoring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delfware a call is respectfully solicited w stouffville dee 5th 1888 b sanders d stouffm i co 1 successors to a so have taken possession ot what is known as the leading shoe house stouffville and will do their best to merit the patronage of old and new customers the same staff of helpers are retained throughout stock will be kept up to its usual standard of excel lence prices will be kept as low as possible elj- davis has now in stock a varicdassortiiiedtoffummurfi prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specially a fine line of bahy carriages in all its brancheson shortest notice giyb mea jatxi ejjayinamrsblock new fall shapes now ir and cheaper tffm evm plushes in any quantity at 25 per cent cheaper than last years prices alsoa lot of fancy flannel and wool goods pur chased at factory prices moubmnggoomispejlalty mrs f wilson f importance of routine done ordered work and repairing well and promptly satisfaction guaranteed d stotjffer co feby 8th 5 m wmrrw i hi y v aug 9th 1889 tit till the end of 89 for the housekeeper routine iea ne cessity without it disorder misrule chaos reign pcacerest qujetoom- fort security find no place si a dis orderly household the two golden rules for the housekeeper are a place for everything ami everything in its place a time for everything and everything in its time let the routine be set in these twogrooves and it will run as smoothly as- cars on the track and allow the speed to be ui crevsed almost indefinitely in the wellregulated household their is a time for sleeping and when the hour strikes everybody is in bed and asleep there is a time for eating and when the hour strikes everybody is a table there are days for certain tasks and the tasks are done- on the days set for hem each day too is marked oil into portions and each jiortion has its all work the difficulty with most people i not in marking out a routine but in adhering to it when it is once marked out no matter whethesone feels lika it or not it isnt easy by any meamv to break ones self into a relentless routine and plod on and on like a ploughhorse but the work of the world is done by routinists poets painters musicians novelists those who we think must feci like doing their imaginative work areas diligent in routine as the dullest bookkeeper or most plodding kitchenmaid kings and queens and rulers are even more subject to routine that those whose heads bear no weight of crowns 1 v k