5 books aud stationery cheaper than ever copy books 8e- each xcte paper 5c per quire envelopes 5c per package mouth organs from 5c up pigs in clover 10c novels 15c and 25c autograph albums from 10c up tissue paper 1c per sheef a large stock of music books scrap books albums blank books purses games pipes f violin strings dolls toys school bags and fancy goods full stock of books each public and high school at lowest prices n b a present given with purchate of school books monros book and stationery store stouffville august 21 1889 district news ctakkmont mr david palmer of markhiiiu is visiting with mr wm donrswell landlord hastings is busy repairing his house and will imptoveicgrcatlv e- derusha won first prize in the jree- for- all quoitiug tournament at leslies in whitby last week john palmer and wife have returned home after visiting manitoulin where they enjoyed themselves greatly no wonder italians can work cheap and make money report says those workiug near here have eaten all the red squirrels along- the track our remarks last week about burtch burnips uncle toms cabin company were evidently too severe the show while not up to many others of the kind was very fair the musie fur nished was good and the members of the company are said to have conduct ed themselves very properly the show was called a pretty slim affair at several other points where it held forth and we are pleased to know it is im proving news catarrh cat sri vi 1l fness hyey ft kgme trejtiieiit sufferers are not generally cware that these diseases are contagious or that ity are die to the presence of living parasites in the lining raeiri rane of ihe nose and eustachian tubes microscopic resench however has proved tiie to be a act and the result is that a simple re medy lias been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness and bay fever are perman ently cured m horn one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks x bfor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a h dlxon c- so- 303 west king street toronto canada scientific american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read he above carefully bethesda on tuesday sept 3rd at mr albert allius lot no 10 6th con whitchurch late residence of dr hunter the ladies of bethesda will provide a sum ptuous tea ice cream lemonade etc will also be on the grounds the rev le roy hooker of the metropoli tan church uoronto will x v de liver a lecture on the political future of canada the vandorf iglee club and others will be present ana render choice and suitable music several lootball teams have been engaged and other innocent ainmusements will be provided to commence at 230 p in no pains or expense will be spared to make this on of the grandest enter tainments of the season tea served from 5 to 7 p m admission to lec ture and tea etc 25cts children 15cts wsgwood mr john button and wife spent sunday with friends at buttonviue a number of people took advantage of the excursion to jacksons point on wednesday miss phillips who has been spending a few weeks at hr parents returned home last week mr silvester has improved the ap pearance of his place by putting a new fence along the front reports must be true as i see john has built a new stable and is fixing up his place as if he intended to take possession of it before long miss perkins who has been a long resident here has secured a place at eatons toronto and leaves to enter her new duties on monday we are very sorry to loose her from among us but our best wishes go along with her lemonviixb mr and mrs morgan of auburn n v are visiting at mr suttons mrs m cook has gone on a visit to her sister mrs king in barrie mrs william young had the mis- fortuno to fracture her collar bone by a fall last week mrs mclaughlin and daughter who have been visiting friends in this locality have returned to their home in lindsay there was a fair attendance at the oospel temperance meeting in tho methodist church last friday evening the president mr m cook occupied the chair select music was rendered by tho lemonville orchestra and inter esting readings by some of tho friends the rev mr newman delivered an appropriate address the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter mr thomas stoitfter president miss maggie lemon vice president mr w l collard secretary rmiss millie baker treasurer w lwhit- chaplain kxcoutive committee lames kesinedv nettie coofckttin jariiicsori alexi lemon the next mcetinr will be held on die 20th of september a bold attempt wos made toburgul- arize corners hardware store in new market on tuesday night of last week a neighboring boarder over heard the noise of breaking glass and gave the alarm the crooks escaped pickering council council met in town hall brougham on monday august 19th 1889 all members present reeve mackey in the chair minutes of last meeting read and approved petitions were handed in from vari ous sources one from d reddin and 21 others asking that a new road be opened to the g t r station at pick ering village communication from george leng jr complaining- that the thistles had not been cut on sideroad between lots 20 and 21 on kingston road and that these thistleswere injurious to proper ty in that vicinityi he standing committee on con- tingences beg leave to report and re commend payment to clark bros the sum of 140 for advertising contract on account of voters list 25 george parker chairman ou motion report was adopted messrs parker and mowbray moved that the assessment bylay read a first time at last meeting be now read a second and council go into committee of the whole thereon council went into committee of the whole mr parkor in the chair bylaw went through it in various readings and passed the rates were 15 for township 110 for county 2100 for educational pur poses thustanding committee on roads and bridges report as follows- pay ment to w s dunsheath repairing bridge on 7th con 2075 john coinp- ton grading gravelling and building bridge between lots 2 in 9th con 62 r davidson grading road between lots 6jand 9 kingston road950 alvin orvis building bridge cutting down hill and drawing material from clarc- mont between 4 and 6 on 5th 66 hav king new top on bridsje between 14 and 15 on 7th con 49 jas taylor percentage on whitevale sidewalk 930 andiew hickenbottom gravel 11 john powell gravel kingston road 83 75 caleb forsyth gravelling road to claremont station 274q joseph slack grading and gravelling between 18 and 19 on 9tb 10750 john philips gravel 4760 david annis gravel and opening new pit 1780 wm barnes cutting down hill between 32 and 33 6th con 40 we also beg to acknowledge receipt of a petition from pickering asking that a more direct roadjbe opened from tho village to the grand trunk station and would recommend that a committee composed of george leng w t dunbar dennis oconnor george parkergco gerow and the chairman of this com mittee report on the mtter at the next meeting of the council a communication has been received from geo leng complaining that the thistles have not been cut between 20 and 21 bothiiorth and south of the kingston roue which is detrimental to the farmers on either side and would recommend that overseers be instruct ed to cause them to be cut forthwith all of which is respectfully submit ted tl westgate chairnan on motion report was adopted mr mowbray seconded by mr parker moves that the reove grant his order on tbe treasurer in favor of the parties for the amounts recommended for pay ment in the reports of the standing committees as presented this day carried mr westgate moved seconded by mr gerow that this council do now aujonrn to meet again on monday sept 23rd 1889 at 10 a in carried notice i will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name without my written order philip cook ringwoodaug29th1889- 7981 executors notice in the matter of the estate of john fockler late of the village of stouffville in the county of york who died on or about the 5th day of october 1888 all persons having claims against the said john fockler are hereby notified that they are to send on or before the firstday ofdecemlier ad 1889 to nicholas j armstrong one of the executors of the deceased their christian names and surnames address und description the full particulars of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security held by them after or in default thereof they will be excluded from any benefit coming from said estate the executors atter said date will proceed to distribute said estate and no persons whose names are not sent in will have any share in the said distribu tion dated this 30th day ot august 1889 nicholas j armstrong 1 executors henry dickson address stouffville p 0ont human greatness is wonderfullv small when the individual is set over against the whole number of reading people in a land like this a man seventylive yeare old was buried in new york this week of whom not more than a thousand people out of sixty million had ever heard and who probably not a dozen of our hundred dred readers knew even by name yet he was one of the richest men in new york city and leaves au estate worth nearly lorty million dollars he was head of the greatest carpet making firm in the united states before the war a millionaire was spotted whor- over he went how the couatry is spotted with millionaires and pretty soon the man who isnt a millionaire aill be a curiosity like the last of the buffalloes the newspaper jenkinses seem to roll the title millionaire in their mouths like so much chewing gum and after all its more than likely that half of those credited with ten or twenty millions havent one million at real solid value in their possession exaggeration has become a fixed habit with writers on mans possessions and social qualities detroit commercial- advertiser the york county public school ex aminers met in the court house on saturday to make arrangements for the sessions of tho model schools there wore present mr d iothering- ham chairman mr davidson in- spector of north york mr thompson principal of the aurora public schools and mr rw doanc secretary ot the board it appears that there are 25 model school candidates and they are to be divided between newmarket and west toronto public schools the board confirmed the suspension of the certificate of carrie m mckcnzie who is at present serving a term in the mercer for robbing her employers bargain davs spofford has three special bargain jays each week monday thursday aid saturday so as to give all a chance if you want a comfort able home in cold weather heat your house with a hoi air furnace come and examine the one on exhibition at the stouffville hardware store we can s yo the riglit tiling tox tlio rigfat piice silvester dougherty f1bmers mimlmest fc threshers use mcooll bros lardine machine oil which as a lubricant has never been excelled cylinder oil always in stock manufaottred bit cctoll bros co toronto for sale by sanderson bros richmond hill john brays gents furnishing departnt we still lead the van in furnishings and show better value and a larger stock of reliable goods than any other house in the trade the only way to convince yourself is to look at the goods and com pare prices and you will be astonished how much you can save by buy ing your furnishings from us clothing dept our clothing department is a pronounced success in every way for a number of years a great many people were forced to go to toronto for a good suit of clothes these people all get tneir clothes made by us now the cut and finish being equal to the best toronto make and the price is about onehalf if yqu want a good stylish suit drop in and see us inspection invited july 12th 1889 orders solicited john bray it monkhouse co have just received a good assortment of stress jools prints shirting ei sluiiishings which we will sell at low prices best value in tapestry union and hemp car pets we have also a fine range of newest styles in hats tweeds clothing made to order we guarantee a perfect fit and good workmanship steel isros selected eels iuiti cheap fresh groceries always oss hsuscl ouse co stouffville may 10 th 1ss9