Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 30, 1889, p. 1

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m m volume 2 no 27 stouffville ont friday august 30 1889 whole number 79 w travellers guide trains leave stouflfville station main line anu sutton branch as follows going wkst sutton mixed express mixed mail mail mixed sutton mixed express 1100 423 p 757 m 90s a 933 010 p m 559 souffville market fall lvlieit s 9slo 1 00 spring wheat 0 9s 1 00 flour per cwt 2 so 3 00 barley 0 40 0 50 rye 0 60 0 co peas 0 00 0 55 peas blackeyed 0 08 0 70 oau 0 2s 0 80 bran per ton 0 00 is 00 shorts per ton 0 of 20 00 hny s 00 13 00 potatoes per bush 1 i 0 25 0 ft appies per imsli 25 40 eggs c 32 o s butter c 14 0 16 lard 0 12 f 0 14 geese per lb 0 os 0 09 turkeys per id 0 00 0 12 chickens pur pinr 0 00 0 70 cedar posts for sale rphc undersigned has on hand about 000 fust class cedar posts for sale march 6th 1889 lccal items h mcdonald stouffville to rent carriage and blacksmith shops for merly owned by messrs j e kaymer stouffville possession given at once applv to j a todd stouflville may 3rd 1s89 m church directory methodist church rev george urown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting 1 hursday at 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev 11 w knowles pastor- services at loo am and 7 pra sabbath school at 236 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pm- baptist rev mr barker pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of englandj rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at 130pn1 meetings of societies and boards village council on tbe second tues day of each month director of mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w first and third monday of each month in daleys hall beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death h johnson master workman j urquhart recording sec public school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club each alternate friday lof first and third friday of each month the paris hair cutting and siiaving faklor stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haudressing fcr balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor goto mertens studio of artistic7h0t0graphy for your photograph work where vou can get firstglass work at lowest prices photos from a post stamp to life size copying viewing etc- crayon portraits u a specialty wj mertens main street 3sssss smwb a fred w hill b a darrister solicitor etc jj formerly with nforphy miller toronto offick sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mr mclean stounvieont james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario ordors by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffville out take notice i have now on hand a large quantity of dry flooring also all kinds of lumber shingles lath lime gray and white land plaster land and barrel salt cement plaster of paris hair all kinds of bill stuff on hand- arid cut to order joel baker stouffville april 10 1s89 taylor mccullough burns baiiisteih solicitor- 10tc mom ey to loan pdtys biocv t 5w tvillc upftcks manning arculc toronto 1 a mtaviok v b c j mcc l 5 lloittl bc w bokn look having done business in canada for years our reputation and responsibility is estiiblished we want three men in your vicinity to represent us to whom exclu sive territory will be given handsome outfit free salary and expenses paid week ly previous experience not required writcat once lor terms hardy stock for cauada may brothers a specialty nurserymen 0769 rochester n v i kerr macdonam- pivirlson patterson i 3atittistkrs solicitors i notaries public etc- i otces masonic buildings toronto st 1 toronto and main sf stoultville jr k kerr q c w mcdonald davidson jnoa patterson r argbasf j a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel stouffville on the isth and a the tremont house markham on tbe 20th of each month roscmans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria square on the 21st when these dates fall on sunday the monday following will be under stood- cmeats and reissues secured trademurks registered and ail other patent causes in the patei t ofllcc mid before the courts womptly arid carefully prosecuted upon receipt of model jr sketch of invin tion i make earoful eiminntion nhd advise as to piteniilhityvv of charge with my offices directly across from potent office and being in personal atten dance there it is apparent that i have superior facilities for making prompt pre liminary searches for tho more vigorous and successful prosecution of applications for patent end for attending to all busi ness entrusted to my care in the shortest possibe time fees moderate and exclmkt attention gkvn lofalent itisiness informa tion advice ami special references sent on request j r littell solicitor and attorney in patent causes washington dc opposite u s pateut offlco see spoffords double width cash meres for 20e to 25c per yard great value caution rwe are informed that a few young men- in town are in the habit of insulting- ladies who are walk ing in thoevening i will be well for perjons to discontinue such disgrace ful conduct- as they are known and will be exposed if found transgressing again ses monros new advertisement of cheap school books and stationary full stock ot public and high school books a present giyeh with each purchase camp meeting elder prosser has moved his teat to mr noah hoovers bush east of the townline between markham and pickering services will be held there on sunday next sept 1st at 1030 a in and at 2c0 and 7- p m elders prosser willou- ghbv and others will take part in the religious exercises school reopening the village school opened 011 monday last with tlie exception of miss wismerwho arrived on monday evening but was unable to take her class until thursday ori account of illness the teaching staff were all on hand looking- hearty after their vacations spent in health or- pleasure seeking in different places mr jas hand at jacksons point miss a anderson at whitby miss brown atwest toronto junction- excursion a large number from the village joined the already large crowd that filled the fiecars which brought the excursionists from cobo- conk and intervening points on the occasion of the g t r employes pic- nicon wednesday a start was not made till 11 and the point was reached about noon the crowd completely filled sevenears and must have numbered fully 600 as soon as the shady groyes of the point were reached everything that resembled a table and every shady nook was cover ed with a cloth on which was soon spread an array of good things which however suffered much in symmetry and bulk from the vigorous attack of the hungry crew the inner man satisfied each proceeded to find amuse ment hunting alone or in couples as suit id the circumstances tho stouff ville band added not j little to the liveliness of the proceedings by rend ering a number of the finest selections the prizes a-cbb- competed for during the afternoon with the following ie- sults flat race 1 v bell 2 e rainey 3 w jobbitt section mens race 1 j shaver 2 r davy 3 w west standing jump 1 w bell 2 d mcphail hop step and jump 1 w bell 2 j shaver smoking race ljassmith andrew marten fat mans hace 1 j young 2 w bell threelegged race 1 elliott sleman 2 boll johnson 3 booth hiidmore girls race under 15 1 mary j hosley2maggie smith3katc hogan 1 lizzie- odell 5 ada granger 6 minnie tailor boy hace under lll jesse odell 2 1 kayncrvh ross stewart 4 jos ilogan 5 g ilidmoro boys hace under 16 j rainriy 2 l smith 3whogiti-iwnotting- ham 5 lew odell cat race ljdiuanoe2lco elliott 4 geo muril- barrel kaccjle eraincy2hjohn ston 8 o oenahoe frog hace ltxmcphail 2 j dont fokoet the big big sale at the big big bargain house of fred spoffords come along boysand girls all welcome febsoxal3 spent mr fred haigh of toronto fewdays in town thisweek mr wm graham oftoronto spent a few days in town this week mr ernest dougherty leaves to morrow saturday foroshawa mrs james wilkinson of this usn has gone to markham on a visit mr bert robinson of markham was visiting his uncle dr irawfreel this week mrs j mclean of toronto is in town visiting airs t von buseck and other friends mrs m j milard has returned te orillia to resume her duties in the public school there miss maggie mccarty of lindsay is the guest in town of her cousin miss ada mccarty mr geo flint jr occupied the congregational pulpit dirv sunday morning in the absence of the pastor rev j smith parkdale toronto will preach in the congregational church next sunday morning and evening o sporting round about us on saturday last the return cridket match between markham and picker ing was played at the former place with- the result that markhain was again defeated 75 to 55 and an innings to spare stouffville was visited by another city team the excelsiors on saturday last a game of ball was played dur ing the afternoon between them and the village nine the spectators were few but those who were present had the satisfaction of seeing the home team win a very pretty game lasting about two hours features of the game were flies captured in left and centre field by shorty v mccarty arid the good work of clendenning be hind the bat score excetsiobs n stouffville k buckland 3 clecdenning 2 mclear 1 sangster 2 gibbons 2 cooper 3 lyons 0 walt mccarty 3 maxwell 1 stark 2 ridout 0 will mccarty 1 culross 0 hoidge 0 lyner 1 miller 0 thurston 0 wideman 2 8 17 a fiveinnings game of baseball was played in sutton on wednesday after noon between teams from sutton and stouffville which resulted in a win for stouffville by 20 runs to 6 the game was very hastily arranged and neither side had its regular nine on -summer- felt and miller were the battery for sutton and mccarty and clendenning for stouffville wideman knocked out a clean uomc run toronto slkeet market from fliursdavs globe the receipts of grain today were small wheat steady 1 load of old fall sold at 90c and 1 load of new fill at 85c oats steady 200 bushels sclhnr at 33jc to 31jc we quote nev red winter and spring nominal at 83c to 85c goose s3c barley surely nomina peus 57c hay steady 2h sales of 20 loads at 10 to j1350 1 load of old hay sold at 15 straw dull nnu firm 1 load selling at 11 50trcssed hogs 7 10 725 beef 3 to 5 for fore- quarters and 550 to 750 for hindquart ers mutton 6 to 8 veal 1 to s per carcase 8 a martin married mens race 1 e davey 2 denahoe 3 j shrver poke jump ldmcphail2w bell 3 j shaver tug of war sntton branch first small boy dye remember that day las week wen we got into farmer hayseeds orchd second small boy yes an dye remember what a lot of apples we got yes andye remember how the dog troi artcr us an tore our clothes yes an dye remember what a lot we ato wen we got away yes an dye remember how sick we all was yes didnt we have a bully time notes got bv hook orbv crook with scissoks olt pen in hand barnums circus is at barrie on sept 4th the licence for tho hotel at sharon has been transferred from mr irwin to mr h mcwhirtor of toronto all is lovelv in rifle club circles about aurora mr j wcrossleypf king has apologized for whathe might have said that caused the ihfeelings uxbridgo town will decide by pop ular vote on sept igth whether the uxbridgc organ co and pattersons tannery shall be bonused to theoxteht of 6000 and 2000respectiyefy it may only bo atpfling cold but neglect it and it will fasten its fangs in your lungsi and you will soon be car ried to an untimely grayed in this eouhtrv we have sudden changes and must expect to have coughs aiid colds wecantiot avoid them but we can effect a- cure by using bickles anti- consumptive syrup the medicine that has never been known to fail in curing coughs colds broncbitisand all affec tions of the throat flings and chest imported there arrived at the station here ion saturday last a pair of pigs belonging to mr l wpaisley of lemonvillo he believes them to be the only ones of the breedin ontario- they are known as blackohirias which must not be confounded with poland china the retail at frofn 20 to s30 each lor breeding purposes iulllinois and can be easily be made toveigh over 300 lbstat 7mos old farmers and sjviheraisers should see thisshni- mal which will bekept for service the reiormerof east york met in convention at markham to nominate a reform candidate for the next local election the attendance was large as was also the crop of names but all of them retired in favor of mr g b soiitb the present member the following were nominated david james thornhill geo flint stouff ville john richardson scarboro w d gregory toronto joseph tait toronto dr cruickshank ellesmere f g inwood toronto josh ingham toronto joseph gibson deer park e foster markham reeve vanzant h p crosby l annis- scarboro elgin schoff toronto mr john gib son of millikeu is the conseryativa candidate about one oclock on saturday morn ing glovers livery stables bowman- ville were found to be on fire the frame shed in which it was discovered was burning in three different places coal oil having been liberally used fortunateh by the use ot hand gren ades it was quickly subdued the people had only quieted down when the fire bell again rang out its alarm this time the incendiaries were more successful the large sheds and stab ling of w p power deputy reeve were a mass of flames the buildings and contents comprising twelve tons of hay two valuable- horses a glad stone a buggy and a quantity of furniture were totally destroyed mr powers loss is heavy as there is onlv a small insurance on the property as parmelees vegetable pills con tain mandrake and dandelion they cure liver and kidney complaints with unerring ccrtanty they also contain roots and herbs which have specific virtues truly wonderful in their action on the stomach and bowels mrea cairncross shakespeare writes i consider parmelees pills an excellent remedy for billiousucss and derange ment of the liver having used them myself for some time the cradle booth at stouffville on tuesday 27th inst the wife of mr john booth of a son the tomb wales ac markham on saturday 24th inst suddenlymr fred w wales in his 35th year v ns 5

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