Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 23, 1889, p. 7

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pa88ihghotb3 when a toronto citiz m neglects to pay nil taxes be is pnnishm only by the re groachfal glances of the collector and finally 7 the presence of the b jiliff bus fccnorth carolina the man ambitions to collect taxes is made of sterner staff a man who ref used to pay his taxes was taken in hand by the collector and hammered for three minutes at the end of which time he withdrew his statement that the tax was a robbery and pid the amount ex the right honorable joseph chamberlain and lord randolph churchill are having a tolerably warm time in birmingham where the former has held sway for many years mr chamberlains course in parliament and oat appears to have offended the lories of the constituency while the dash and vigor of lord randolph churchill have apparent ly touched a popular chord and the young independent tory peer is said to be cuttin theijtouud from underneath the old repre- sespve m tricoupis the grecian prime minister is appearantly some such man as bonlanger he is according to reports anxious to stir np a f ass in crete and wonld like to establish control of the island it may ultimately be found that the late troubles there are trace able to greek sources nevertheless the noti fication of the saltan that any attempt on ths part of greece to land troops or incite a rebellion will be considered a cause for war will probably dampen the ardor of the greek prime minister especially seeing that the great powers appear to endorse the turkish view last year a fearful acoident ooonrred in canada in connection with a balloonists feat at an exhibition ft was nob the bal loonists fault and was not down on the bills but even in the regular performance itself there was enough risk to make it a foolhardy attempt quite on a par with the suicidal ventures of niagara cranks this year the same crowd that shuddered and wept over the sight of a man falling from a great height to be killed on the ground will be enabled to regale itself by viewing a man jump over a hundred feet into a net this kind of thing will work out its own cure after a time the annual consumption of beer in the british j elands is over twenty two gallons per head and of wines and liquors about five quarts per bead while this consump tion represents a good deal of moderate drinking it cannot be denied that it has al so produced a large amount of drunkenness the conviction for drunkness in 1885 were 154 601 in 1887 they were 139 492 and in 1888 they were 156809 these figures do not represent the number of drunkards on the one hand there are drankarda who never get into the courts and on the other hand the aggregate is swelled by repeated oonviotions of the same person statistics recently published by the new york independent show that the growthof t le churches in the united states dnring the past year was very great the increase in the total number of communicants of all churches was 887000 of church buildings 3882 and of ministers 3865 the metho dist church is the strongest of the religions bodies having 4723887 communicants and atter it come in the ordernamed the roman catholic baptisr presbyterian luthsran congregational and episcopal churches the rapid growth of all of these bodies seems to indicate that those twho maintain that christianity is losing ground are very much mistaken the prospect of the mail route and the australian trade being diverted from san francisco to british columbia continues to cause intense uneasiness out there the san francisco examiner thinks that the steam ihip line ought to improve the servioe for it says so long as the canadian paoi- fie will carry passengers from yokohama to london for 300 and give them a less sea voyage by two days and carry them in a most luxurious style from vancouver to the atlantic seaboard and vioe versa without ohange of cars landing them in liverpool a day and a half earlier than by the american routes the british line will nnqnestionably oontrol the traffic the new frenoh law of nationality may give rise to tronble it provides that those whose fathers were french at the time of t their birth are frenoh oltiz9ns whether born in france or abroad and that they oan only cease to be suoh by securing the formal consent of the frenoh government to their naturalization abroad the constitution of the united states provides that every person birn in that oountry and subject to its juris diction is an amerioan citizen it may happon therefore in case of a war in which france is engaged that persons who are amerioan citizens according to united states law will be held liable if found in france to military servico the laws of the two countries on the subjsot of citizenship are directly conflicting the next distinguished visitor to this wuntry will be lord brassey who has so far interested himself iu canadian coloniza tion as to become president of a colonization comoany having 26000 aores in the qj appello valley one good feature about lord brasseys dominion enterprise is the faot that it was too large companies can not settle vast traots with success as many canadians who have interested themselves in experiments of the kind know to their sorrow an undertaking that will provide the land for a hundred or two hundred settlers has the better ohance of succeeding the company in that case has its resources well under control as lord brasseys com pany has a capital of 250000 it will be able by loans to eqnip all its sottlers well the new york tribune asserts that tho canadian journals in their excitement over the sezure and escape of the blaok diamond lose sight of tbo threatened ex tinction of the furseal species by unrestrict ed fishing and bunting this is not so nor have canadian journals discussed the matter in such a way as to justify suoh an assertion what they ohjsot to is that tho government of the united states after re cognizing the right of canadians to fish behriogsea by asking great britain to join in arrangements for the protection of the fisheries and after receiving a favorably re ply should without any attempt to make suoh arrangements adopt the high handed course that it has ex 5 the medical health officer in montreal y who proposes to examine into tho causes of tho excessive infant mortality in that city believes he will bo able to show that many gonag children die through the weakness of tfiev mothers omen who instead of spend- 1 ng their youth in healthful occupations have been consigned to factory life there can be little doubt that the unhealthy con dittous att ching to the average factory are srovocttive of disaster to lot operative in naaear future ic ew v supposed that they have cast the shadow of death upon posterity still it it probable that the onnatuval life the operative leads impairs the constitution and render the snpport of the young during the earlier period of existence impossible the place for workintr girls is not at the bench lub in the kitchen a montreal doctor prescribed ten grains of btraphate of morphine for a tick child by mistake he had intended to write bi- sulphate of quinine the result cf the pre- f cription was the death of the little patient there is no such thing at bi sulpfcate of mor phine the doctor therefore holda that the druggist instead of supplying the sulphate of morphine at he did should have enquired of the writer of the prescription what drug he really intended to administer had he done to the error ib it urged would have been discovered in time the occurrence shows how easily a fatal mistake may arise yet fortunately such mistakes are extreme ly and wonderfully rare in toronto they are guarded against both by doctors and druggist the former read and reread their prescriptions the latter call np the doctor and require hit consent to a danger ous prescription before making it np it is now announced that having made a six months test of electric motive power the boston street railroad company has found it satisfactory and will at once adopt the electric system the company has 250 miles of road and the cost of the ohange from horse power is estimated at 4500000 the reaaons given for the step are that one central plant will operate the entire system and the cost of operation will be less than onehalf that of running horse cars that the oleotric cars will run at a speed of from twelve to fifteen miles an hour which is oneeighth faster than the average speed of the new york elevated trains and that the earnings of the company will be increas ed from thirty to forty per oent these are certainly good reasons the day of the horse car in large cities on this continent appears to be coming to an end wives and sweethearts it is in domestio life that nntidiness cans- en the greatest mischief remarks ojcar wldes womans world it means waste of time waste of money waste of affootlon in nine esses out of ten it is the cause of strife and nnhapplness often of utter ruin far more marriages turn out unhappily through nntidinesss than from any other cause i do not mean the ordinary sort of personal nntidiness that so many women fall into after marriage the ceasing to make themselves attractive tjoagh that in itself is disastrous enongh but the mental nnti diness that prevents women from thinking onb a subject to the end many a girl has married full of love good resolution aid the best intentions resolved to be careful and economical in her house keeping and always keep her home in pris tine freshness and prettiness bub she soon finds putting down everything she buys is a very tiresome business besides she says to herself i only buyjusbwhabl want and putting down every penny wont save me a penny and she very soon finds that she loses a good many pennies the weekly bills grow in the most alarming manner the weekly allownace is no longer sufficient to meet them one has to be left over one week another the next and so on rill all are in arrears while the husband good easy man thinks everything is going on quite smoothly and praises bis wife for her good management and skill in being able to have everything the same when beef and mutton and coals and butter as so much dearer sbe flattered by his praise cannot bear to admit that she is all behind and so the matter goes on till it cannot be con cealed any longer if the husband is a prudent man and has made some provision for such a contingency he is fortunate but if he has been living np to his income as so many men do nowadays he is handicapped at the very commencement of his career with an ansnspected debt and ib may take him the best years of his life to shako it off for even the smallest debt has the most marvelous power of accumulating besides he has lost faith in his wifes management lost some of bis admiration for her spoken some words perhaps that can never be recalled and un consciously distrusts her she knowing she deserves to bs blamed womanlike resents the distrust and is impatient of any inter ference or supervision the simplest question about household expenses sends hor into a passion more hard words follow and so tho little rif b within the lute grows wider and wider until a dreary sea flows between those two hearts that had loved so truly i and a little mental training mental tidiness wonld have saved all that wbippihc in maeilabd fifteen lashes laid cpoa ike back ol a witebeaur the first whipping administered in tm county since the passage of the act of 1882 for wifebeating occurred here this after noon aaya a hagerttown md letter to the baltimore american the prisoner was david c herbert a resident of the carfoss district this county herbert it a tall wellprtfportloned white man while his wife who made the complaint it a fragile deli catelooking woman at the trial before justice bitner it was proved that herbert while intoxicated last friday bsab and choked his wife into unconsciousness white she was in that condition he grabbed a chair swearing that he intended to kill her he waa prevented from carrying his threat into execution by his ton wresting the chair from him herbert hat been guilty of the tame offense several timet before and the justice determined to impose a salutary restraint upon his future conduct by ten tenctng him to receive fifteen lathee and an imprisonment of five days in jail the sheriff was notified and atonoemade preparations to carry the sentence into ex ecution a thick piece of leather two feet in length tapering to the end and joined to a wooden handle was selected for the lash the prisoner after being stripped to the waist waa made to stand handcuffed to the bars of a door in the jail oae of the depu ties counted the strokes while the sheriff laid them on with force and in quick succession during the whipping the prisoner writhed considerable and several moans esoaped him after the last stroke had fallen ib was fonnd that a portion of the prisoners baok was covered with welts and bis right side which the end of the strap bad lashed waa badly discolored and in several places ridg es had been raised 4k 464 why you should use scotts emulsion of cod liver oh hypophosphites it is palatable as milk it is three times as efficacious as plain cod liver oil it is far superior to all other so- called emulsions it is a perfect emulsion dees not separate or change it is wonderful as a flesh producer it is the best remed7 for consump tion scrofula bronchitis wast ing diseases chronic cough and colds sold by all drugguts soe and 100 pioneer times- there aio still told in the western states some dramatic incidents of early history whioh illustrate the rough elements out of which the finer later clviliz ttion has frown thore was very little form or reverence for example observed even in the pulpit in the early settlements in illinois meeting was held once a month parson lindley was a powerful preaober and always drew a orowd he stood while preaching on a stump near ills own cabin on one occasion he was observed to ke p an anxious eye on bis wolftrap in the edge of the woods having given ont the text be said hurriedly mind that text bethren pondor on it a few minutes but dont move hand nor foot theres a wolf in the pen and i must kill the gentleman ill preach the sermon as soon as i get back most of the brethren we fear assisted in killing tho wolf leaving the sisters to ponder on the text a cure or no pay is guaranteed to those who use dr pierces golden medical discovery for catarrh in the head or for bronchial or throat affeotions or consumption whioh is lung scrofula if taken in time and given a fair trial money promptly returned if it does not enre virtue as understood by the world is a constant struggle against the laws of na ture a life preserver thrown to ycu in the sea of tronbles that threatens to engulf yon ladies in its dangerfranght waves so to speak and one that will float you over their threat ening crests with perfeot safety is found in dr pierces favorite prescrip tion yon make a dangerous mistake if you do not seize and make use of it if you are bffkoted with any of those distressing ailments peculiar to your bex styled female complaints for it is a guaranteed care for each and every ill of the kind the only medicine sold by druggists nnder a positive guarantee from the manufacturers of satis faction in every case or money refunded rsad guarantee on bottlewrapper madmen are always constant in love whioh no man in his senses ever was for biliousness sick headacheindigestion and constipation take dr pierjes pellets une a dose i find that mobt people are made only for the common uses of life while several nnfriendly aots have al ready charaoterizjd the administration of affairs at washington since benjamin har rison beoama president and james g blaine bis first lieutenant wo have to congratulate those two eminent gentlemen and thoir asso ciates upon at leasb one liberal interpreta- of the law it hat been decided that rail way cart rnnniog on canadian lines in tho states are not dutiable thsre is more than room to suspect that the fact that the ma jority of the oars and locomotives used and owned by bb the grand trunk and canadian pacific railway aro mado in the united states had something to do with the ruling apart from that other faot that onr neighbors might possibly have been the greatest sufferers from inoonvemenoa had the interpretation of the law been otherwise the book of lubon a man without wisdom lives in a fools paradise a treatise especially written for diseases of man containing facts for men of all ages i should be read by old middle aged and young men proven by the sale of half a million to be the most popular becauee written in langnage plain forcible and instructive praotical present ation of medical common sense valuable to invalids who aro weak nervons and ex hausted showing new means by whioh they may be cured approved by editors critios and the people sanitary social science subjects also gives a description of spec fi3 no 8 the great health renewer marvel of healing and koh1 noor of medi cines it largely explains the mysteries of life by its teachings hsalth may be main tained the book will teach yon how to make lifo worth living if every adulb in the civilized wrld would read understand and follow our views there wonld be a world of physiolal intellectual and mora giants this book will be found a truthful presentation of faots calculated to do good the book of lubon the talisman of health i brings bloom to the cheek strength to the body and joy to the heart ib is a message to tho wise and otherwise lubons spool fie no 8 the spirit of health those who obe y the laws of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath vast numbers of men have felb the power and testified to the virtue of lubons specific nj 8 all men who are broken down from sverwor or other causes nob mentioned in the above should send for and read this valuable treatise which will be sent to any address sealed on receipt of ten cents in stamps address all orders to m v lubon room 15 50 front street e toronto canada tho moral law is written on the tablets of eternity for every false word or un righteous deed for oruelty and oppression for inst and vanity the price has to be paid at last the turtle mountain bgion thousands of acres of oholce free govern ment land now open for settlers in the turtle mountain region of dakota here was raised the wheat that took first premium at new orleans exposition rioh soil timber in mountains good schools ohurches congenial society for farther information maps rates etc apply to v i whitney gp ta st p m m ry st paul minn or j m hnokins can pass agb toronto almost proof positive i thought yon saidpeterby ras a man of intelligence well ao ho is i dont see how that can be i saw by the morning paper that he bad been drawn for tho grand jury judge to the st leon mineral water 06 penetanguishenk angusb 1 gbktlemek i use st ljon mineral water three times daily find nothing hotter as a regulator and to promote good health and buoyant feelings st lson is aimply grand for the wbolo system h h tkoiirsox mayor testimonials as above come from all quart ers down to to loweab despairing sufferers after a freo use of st leon water all are changed raised to heights of health paat all former conception purchase st leon cancer end tumor specialist frirate hospital no knife book freo c ii hcuichau m d n063 niagara st hutulony look over 60 000 dressmakers now proclaim iho wondeifal mcdowell garment drafting ma chine to be the greatest invention of the age it cuts basques coats polonaises princesses wraps sleeve etc to perfection dont be without it rend for circular head offlce4 adelaide stitet west torono automatic safety elevator pat hydraullo hand steam elevators leitch turn bull canadian elevator work peter and ueen streets hamilton ont rtibacuerscan make money duuosr vacation 1 by canvasjine for one or more of our fast selling books and bibles especially history of canada by w h vylthrow dd latest and bast edition ver published prices low terms liberal write for illustrated circulars and terms wm briggs publisher toronto commercial education writa for circulars from the largea commercial and shorthand college la canada over three hun dred pupils laat year reopening hominy sep 2wl 1880 addrew aaiian iii sin i ss university public library bui dim toronto liios bksoough chas h- brooks president secretary and manager beatty chaowtck blackstock cilt barristers auad sclbrlton wellington 8t cor chorea over bank citonatt toronto ont choice farms fob sau hi ml pasts of manitoba parties arlahlog to purchase improved hanmeta farms from so sen upwards with lummlaa possession call or write to g i if adx803f me- furnished ires of charge and settlers attuted to making- selection at cctluot bans or imxtar toronto college of music ouciiestbil ana organ school f 11 term sod year commences september 5tb 1ssp thorough instruction in every braacb of mcaio vocal instrumental and theoretic 1 by the most eminent teachers in canada complete three manual o gan in college and largest church organ in prot ince for leasoos and practice orchestra of 60 and chorus of 250 accessible to students diploma prizes scholarships and certificates granted lecture con certs recitals and voilo class free send for pros pectus giving full particulars to f h tokbi vtitov director 12 and 14 pembroke st toronto bicycles iso secondhand send for list t lane mosika qtrs williams co slaters felt roofers manufacturers and dealers in r ofing mater- ial and building papers etc office 4 adelaide sf cast toronto proprietors of williams flat slate r of telephone 511 h leatherbelting best value in the dominion fedix0n g0 makers 70 king st e toronto send for price litaand discount queens laundry bar ask for it and take no other beware of imitations trade mark madebythealberttolletsoapoot proprietors or thc montreal worldrenowned babys own soap beaver lim ste sailing weekly between moxtreax and uvkbpooii saloon tickets 840 50 and 60 return tioketa 80 90 and 8110 according to steamer and accommodation intermediate 30 round trip tickets 60 steerage 20 apply to ii e mcbb a v general manager camilla snip ping co i custom houss square montreal or to lccal atrents in all towns and cities nitting machine send for illustrated catalogue and itbi advertisement witbyoironerf or our xew ririker d wo will allow you 10 prmim discount 1 address creelmajf bros fflfgs geoksktuwi ont engraving rs jxjones luitrtiva w00d engraver -purposes- d toronto canada the boiler inspection and insurance co of canada established f jr tho prevention of steam bailor explo sion by proper inppec oris sir alkxa- dkr campbell k cmg ltgov ol ontario prsident head olllce 2 toronto st toronto ont consult- ino knjineeks and solicitors of patents geo c robb chief engineer i a frbr fcoy wiialev royce co dealers in 11 kinds of musical instruments- agents for the bfcsson and hicham band in strument 38rebt kusio and music book manuiocturer of the imperial band instruments est in the world eight tears guarantee send or illustrated catalozuo and testimonials t 283 yongest toronto cowboys carriage topf have all the la improvements and are unequalled or durability le aud convenience the leading carriage builder tell them ask for tflem and buy tjo othpb 2 a dorenwend torcnio manufacturer ol hair goods for everybody ladies bang wares wigs switches etc gents wigs toupees kc the largest house for hair goods in canada goods ordered by mall guaranteed as satisfactory as by per sona selection send for deeoiptlons doren wends paris hair works 103 105 yonge s toronto canada marvelous invention electricity in a bottle wests electric cure for catarrh hay fever neuralgia headache asthma and rheumatism has no equal every bottle sold on so days trial prise si a cure guaranteed or money relundcd jfcjtacemts tvantkiklocal agents 811 from 12 to 24 bottles dally descriptive pamplet free the west electric cure go 67 yonge st toronto canada try the celebrated empire blend coitee guaranteed pure ellis keithley toronto allan line royal mail stoamsmpi sailing during winter from portland everytbureday and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in tram mar from quebec every saturday to liverpool calling at londonderry to land malls and passenger for scotland rod ireland also from baltimore via hall- fax and st johns n f to liverpool fortnightly dulng summer months the steamers of the glaa- go llnee sail during winter to and from haliffax portland boston and philadelphia and daring sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphia fortnightly for freight passage or other information apply 10 a schumacher co baltimore s cnnard h co halifax shea co w johns nfld wm tbomp son ft co st john k b allen k co chloago love alden new york h boorller toronto allans rue ft co quebec wm brookle philadel phia h a allen portland boston montreal ipflll provident life and live stock assoen chief office room darcade toronto canada incorporated a hivtvaii benefit assocn souk investment- bv paylntr to the above association one cent per day a person aged tmrentvtvro and two rents per day a person aged tortytonr can secure five dollars per week while disabled through sickness or accident also for two and three cents per day persona aged as above can secure or their dependants five hundred dollars in event of death live stock ewvebscan provide agains loss by doath througn disease or acehent of their stock at easy rates those interested send forprospectucs ef reliable agents wanted in unrepresented dis tricts wiioam jofteh managing director linkbelting best sawdust conveyor and cheapest all sizes and capacities send for 130 page catalogue on linkbelting improve your power bv using the pickering spring governor sensitive quick reliable cheap easily adjusted to any i engine special facilities for mak ing lias rcdncod prices waterous engine works co brantforo i if a and winnipeg ff a v

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