the ieat bargain house main st stouffville lueenst toronto the heat stock taking sale july is here and so are we as we intend taking stock in aug ust we commence this week our grand stock taking sale and will continue the whole of this month now remember the bargains we are giving this month are wonder ful as our fall and winter goods will be coming in all next month and as v store is very small we must re- our stock to make room for oods rr furirfure- spbxn oxeanxng fjpissk kxt j- jx ha a large stock of now is the time to buy your wall papers j j rae carries the larest stock in town just ab1vessiriings cottonales prints jress goods ac attall hue of those gramlteas from 1 cts up wards raisins currants pure imrd etc fresh coffee grotjnd daily alot oi that uicerig ood cheeseon haud yet spectacles ax1 eegasses suitable for all sights all at the lowest figures lb stouffvuxk ma 20th 1889 wm zanders is up to the times with fulx lines of to suit the reason also special lines in scottish tweeds imported direct tailoring to order a specialty diagonal worsteds fancy worsteds plain worsteds also special lines in teas coffees spices sugars glassware and delfware a call is respectfully solicited s small a stock as pos- j slouine doc il nr store the first of i rder to make it overy line of o you can great n the st v co 0s 5 as o i- x s s jv s- j v a w z vv a or d st0uffer co successors to have taken possession ot what is known as the leading shoe house stoiffville and will do their best to merit the patronage of old and new customers the same staff of helpers are retained throughout ock will be kept up to its usual standard of excel- i will be kept as low as possible and repairing well and promptly thon guaranteed t co hand an extra large stock of everything in the furniture line- the finest assortment ever of fered br sale in stouffville parlor and bedroom suites lounges and extension tables etc picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets constantly on hand and all funeral sup plies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours wm s i j burkholder oor main church sts stouff vlldciis fdrnitom ay arerooms still to the fork el j jd avis has now in stock a varied assortment of furniture prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fink link ok baiiy carriages tjisrt3er in all its branches n shortest notice ivb me a oikltj e j dave sasbirs block smlaui profits g and large blslkess io mllo new spring goods now in hats gloves laces and fancy goods at e01t0m pbices m0urk1kg goods a specialty mrs f wilson if y x o ts dont bead this but calt at hamiltons and buy your stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best brands of tobaccos and cigaits in town toys fancy goods and pocket knives in endless variety o remember the place hamiltons first door east of station with the o o mm fine range of printed any mann who li weak nervous debtlltatotf wholnhia folly o ignoranoe o trl fled away ihls vlaor ol body mind and manhood unung xlmnsting drain apoo tne fountains ot life headaohe baokooho droodtoidxeams weakness ot memory bashfulness soolety dimnlon tjcon the face and all tho effects 1 feff a k v n high class prints before ary thing in the market siutdch of i1ss oooji1 jached and grey cottons pillow cottons towel ings shirtings cottonades c 1 j urquhaht 22nd 18s9 or insanity will find ia onr epoclno no 03 a positive cure it imparts youthful visor restores tho vital power i id and yonng strengthens and invigorates the brain and nerves builds up the muscular nyatoir and aronsos into action the whole physical energy of the human xramo with oor epeclud no 23 the most obstinate oaso can be cured in turco months and rccontones in less than thirty days each paekaco contains two vrcojtn treat ment prico 62 cures guaranteed our epoc- inonomiaaninfalllblocureorall private dieoasos no matturot how long stand- i ing sold under our written guarantee to v efloot a ouro price 5 toronto medicine tl oo toronto out ladies only x fkench regulvtion pills far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them monti ii y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity pleas ant and effectual price i toronto medi cine co toronto ont t v