the tribune stouffville june 21 1889 evidence in the case against the city billposter connecting him with putting up indecent posters is all in and the decision is reserved the result of the prosecution has beeu crowded houses for the company the above paragraph appears as a news item from winnipeg in mondays mail and a whole sermon on human depravity might be preached there from the world probably is growing better every day in some ways but the rat of progress is so slow that any ex hibition in one of our large cities cau not bo better advertised than by a pro secution such as the one referred to the ripple of excitement which agi tated the salvation army in toronto a short time ago in connection with the attempted publication of a book entitled the new papacy or behind the scenes in the salvation army is revived by the fact that the book has been reprinted and is now being sold the author an oxofficer in the sal vation army appears to be an able writer and in his book makes some very serious charges against the superior officers of the army what importance is to bo attached to these charges is not for us to determine but we think they should bo taken with be proverbial grain of salt as deserters from any camp have generally tough yarn to tell- there is however a certain amount of reasonableness to the minds of somein the authors nar rative but it is to be hoped the armv officials will be able to successfully re fute his statements the army has undoubtedly done a great work es pecially in large cities and it is to be hoped those charges will be met and disposed of in such a way as to prevent the usefulness of the organization from being impaired i bloomiugton miss sarah j seaton returned home on tuesday h keiiedys children have the scarlet fever reeve jones and deputy reeye baker are attending county council this week our town was almost depopulated last sunday as everybody and then- relations attended conference at altona mrs legitt and mrs kennedy were summoned by telegram on friday evening to toronto to the deathbed of their sister mrs walker our boys hold a meeting on tuesday night to organize a baseball club they are anxious to do up lemonville aud baker hill clubs at the coming picnic on the 29th oscar lloyd and sister laura of bethesda visited our burg on jlonduy evening- miss s williams returned home with them where she has been visiting tor a week our principal street has been beauti fully macadamized and boulcvardcd at first it presented the appearance of being struckwith an imported cyclone but as it neared completion it looked as if it was in the hands of a toronto contractor some of us have come to the con clusion that we shall have to wear our underclothes all summer and those of us who moved the stoves to the backkitchen sit afound and shiver while we read the letters in the tri bune its mud mud rain rain sneeze and cough better described in the poem called agony which runs thusly wheezing sneezing all the day eyes watery and streaming coughing in a shattring way poor nose red and cheeks grav now voiceless and now screaming pains and aches in every limb poor features sadly puffy hearing gone and eyesight dim sad dejected solemn grim heavy head hot and stuffy to feel all this and then bo told my dear youve only got a cold o the north york farmers picnic was held in hartmans grove on tuesday last and was a great success the attendance was largo and the weather fine the president mr chas webb opened the proceedings and stated that the institute was the most prosperous in the province having a membership- of aoout two hundred and fifty there arc cases of consumption so far advanced that bickles anticon sumptive syrup will not cure but none so kid that it will not give relief for coughs colds and all affections of the throat lungs and chest it is a specific which has never been known to fail it promotes a free and easy expectoration thereby removing the phlegm and gives the diseased parts a chance to heal the lloyd picnic at aurora the annual picnic of the lloyd fraternity vas held at the public park on thursday the 13th inst and from ten oclock in the morning until two in the afternoon one continual processiou of conveyances could be seen comlug to town on the four principal streets leading to aurora- the picnic dinner was served from one to two oclock when upwards of 400 hundred lloyds sat down to satisiiiy thocraviugsof the innerman who was pretty hungry by this time a few minutes after two sweet strains of music were heard in the distance which proved to bo the aurora citizens band inarching to wards the park after the cloths were removed mrw g lloyd alderman of aurora was appointed chairman and speaking from the platform was the order of the day among the most distinguished speakers were w mul- ock m p toronto e j davis m p p king nelson gorham newmarket senator w r hutchlnsou michigan city indiana ii l bennett batavia n y15 j kennedy totontob lloyd toronto also a yule sethashtonl l hartman sstoufferrovmramos and j p wells wore on the platform among the friends from stouftville weru dr and mrsslfreeledllovd mr and mrs a von buseck mr and mrs walter miuormrand mrssimeon stouffor miss ella stoufferand misss williams of bloomington at three oclock it was thought by competent judges that fully six hundred people wero in the parkand as all the lloyds and their nearest friends wore beautiful badges of blue silk ribbon it certainly assisted materially in breaking the monotony of the usual old fashioned picnic the largo crowd began to dis perse at five oclock when everybody seemed pleased to think that they had made everybody else happy dont wait until your bair becomes dry thin and i gray before giving the attention needed to preserve its beauty and vitality keep on your toilettable a buttle of avars hair vigor the only dressing you require for tht hair and use a little daily to preserve the natural color and prevent baldness thomas munday sharon grove ky writes several months ago my hair commenced falling out and in a few weeks iny head was almost bald i tried many remedies but tbey did no good i finally bought a bottle otayers hair vigor and after using only a part ot the contents my bead was covered with a heavy growth of hair i recom mend your preparation as the best hair- restorcr in the world my hair was faded and dry writes mabel c hardy of delavan 111 but alter using a bottle of ayers hair vigor it became black and glossy ayers hair vigor sold by druggists and perfumers i pimples and blotches so disfiguring to the face forehead and neck may be entirely removed by the use of ayers sarsaparllla tlie best and safest alterative and blood purifier ever discovered drj c ayer co lowell mass soil by drujjmn 1 lx bottlta for i its we want and for ten days we will reduce the greater part of our stock to cost call a8d get bargains s m warriner stouffville may 3rd 1889 bakes hiix mr john lane cwstirea showed us on thursday an indian tomahawk ap parently used as a pipeheud that was turned up by mr john bartlett on lot 17 con 9 cartwright on the shore of lake scugog a few days ago it is composed ot lead and though home made is nicely traced and ornamented it looks like silver and is bright and clean it is many years since the red man basked on these shoresso that it must have lain wheie found a long time it is quite a curiosity bow- manville statesman the sun life assurance company of canada assets 2qooooq low rates large profits to policy holders claims paid promptly titos- workman esq- r- maculay president managing director it j daley general agent and inspector stoviffville ont the hambletonian membrinr stallion u the toronto baptist association met at baker bill this week commencing on tuesday at 2 oclock and ending on thursday noon a number of delegates from the various churches throughout the district wero present improvements- mr altred baker and mr carleton baker have each raised their barnsbuilt an addition to the end and built stone stables under neath mr jno jamieson has built a new wire fence along the road sev eralrepairs fchave been made to the church aud cnurch grounds which im prove the appearance both inside and out the annual picnic of the baker hill baptist s s will p v be held in the grove at baker hill on the afternoon of saturday june 29th the neighboring schools have been invited and outside of this a general invitation is extended to all we hope every body will feel free to come and spend the afternoon with us but do not for get the one thing needful for a picnic a baseball match will b e played dur ing the afternoon stouffville v lemon- ville also a football match is ex pected green river v gormley besides other games provided by the various schools that have been invited come one come all dyspepsia and indigestion c w snow co syracuse n y writes please send us ten gross of pills we are selling more of parmelees pills than any other pill we keep 1 hev have a great reputation for the cure of dyspepsia and liver complaint mr chas a smith lindsay writes parmelees pills are an uxcellent medicine my sister has been troubled with severe hcadacho but these pills have cured her fire fire liverpool london globe insurance co no quibbling about paying losses the available funds behu 48260297 a g brown agent telephone store parcel no 1- houseand corner lot on south side of main st stouffville 1st house east of booker bros low price terms to suit purchaser parcel no 2 70 acre farm within one mile of stouffville in excellent condition good new housebank barnandgood stables and sheds 2 fruit orchards spring creek on the place occupied at present by owner will give pos session this fall price reasonable terms easy parcel no 3 100 acre farm si mills east of stouffville good soil well cultivated and clear of stumps will exchange for city property or sell at a low price on terms to suit purchaser if small amount is paid down balance may remain for a long term by paying the interest a very easy chance to get a farm parcel no4 100 acre farm 5 mi s from stouff villo 80 acres cleared balance well timbered new frame houso good barns and stabling only 350000 on very easy terms of payment parcel no 5 50 acre farm 2i miles from stouff ville 21 miles from goodwood all under cultivation good house and barns 250000 long time offered to pay for it parcel no- 6- 100 acre farm about 6 miles north of stouffvillo nearly all cleared good soilhouse and barn good water will take 2000 on very easy terms of payment owner only wants interest upon the money parcel no- 7- 24 acres with good house and stable good fruit trees and small fruit in stouffville an extra good chance for any one wanting te culti- 1 vate market produce price only i 650 easy chance of payment parcel no- 8- two houses and small store directly opposite queens hotel stouftville rents for 15000 por annum is offered at low pricesmall amount down five years or more for balance parcel no 9 100 acre farm adjoining the vil lage of stouffville in good state of cultivation well wateredgood build ings largo orchard has all the ad vantages necessary to make it a very desirable property possession can be given immediately after the present crop is taken off parcel no 10- good brick house on church st lot nearly 100 feet frontage and 175 feet depth hot air furnace every convenience and 1st class situation prices reasonable possession given in three months parcel no- 11- firstclass brick house in west end of stouffville on main st at a bargain parcel no- 12- brick house with choue of one or two lots on church st stouffville all well finished a very comfortable place will sell at low price on easy terms parcel no- 13- 25 building lots cast and south of daleys hall new street will be opened through this central part of stouffville during the present season and 25 good building lots offered at low prices with good chance of pay ment parcel no 14- the large public hall south side main street stouffville specially fitted up and used for market build ings public meetings concerts part iescurling and skating rinks in basementone of the best investments in town being so centrally situated it is just in the right spot rents amount to gc0 per annum maxey cobb 4 years old a beautiful mahogany bay over 16 hands high with black points iiir paisley stop faibvibw earm lemonville ontario will visit regularly during the season of 1889 mount albert sandford lisdale zephyr ravenshoe unionville gormley victoria square parties desirous of breeding good road stock should see this iine young animal befoiv breeding elsewhere lemonvillc april 12th 1889 i i stouffville with a population of over 1200 is one of the most prosperous towns in ontario it is an important junction station on the midland divi sion of the grand trunk railway and is surrounded with wealthy and prosper ous farmers stouffville has many advantages amongst which are the following its farmers market is recognized as being one of the best the municipality is free of debt keeps up with the times in improvements and has a low taxation is supplied with a first class public school numer ous churches a firstclass local newspaper the tribune good fire brigade mechanics institute library and reading rooms bank telegraph and tele phone one of the best roller flour mills in the province steam sawmill agricultural implement works c- c it is a safe place to invest money in property or to engage in business farm property in the vicinity of such a thriving gonhcad place enjoys these advantages also the above described farm and villajrc properties and several other places not mentioned are offered for sale on easy terms parties wanting full particulars about prices location etc are requested to call on or write to e j daley real estate and insurance agent stotjfjrvillis ont p s money to loan on real estate mortgages bought etc lowest rates of interest no delay business strictly confidential wool wanted s at the mt albert woollen mills for which the highest toronto prices will be paid or goods given inexchange our stock of cloths flan nels yarns sheetings cover lids shawls bed and horse blankets etc etc is more complete than on any previous year and we are now prepared to give our customers the very best value in exchange for their wool custom work in all its branch es as usual give us a call ham theaksr formerly george haigh 6g 74 errors of youth vcomewthhm swans specific remedy omuywincs never known to fail to cure weaknrssandearlydccayof mind nerves and lody nervous rrotralkn organic decay seminal losses weak meniorysa asrlng smannessofonsnt its success ins ehaucufccl uc arfmlra tlon iof every doctor who has studied it it strikes at the very hoot ok specific co rx nosh genuine without oui 4ade makkt price by mail sl00 six for 600 look having done business in canada for years our reputation imj responsibility is established wc wain three men in ynur vicinity to represent us to whom exclu sive territory will he given handsome outfit free 3alaty mid expenses paid week ly previous experience not required write at once lor icuns hardy stock for canada may brothe rs a specialty nurserymen 6760 rochester n y