varexamixe your oddrets label- the number on the bibel is the one to which you are paid up tlie receipt of your renewal it ackuowletlged by the change ofthe number on the hdel keep youfsubscriplonpaitlin advance tlie year ended last march and if you have not renewed yon owe ut i dollar thettribune stouffville may 24 1889 clubrates wo offer the tkiuuxe together with the following papers for one year at the prices mentioned weekly glebe and rural canadian2oo weekly mail and farm and fireside t75 weekly news and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly awsaai both pictures ioo weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara 175 family herald 1 75 ctentury magazine 450 xickelas 350 saturday viht 225 fireside weeklr 210 hamilton live sloek journal 175 address tle tribune stouffvilik ont grain market farmers resident iu the township of scott apparently prefer mount al bert to uxbridge as a grainmarket as they have petitioned the council for a grant to impiovo the road to the former place they claim that prises are live or six cents higher there than at uxbridge at some seasons the journal wants a board of trade or ganized to remedy this we have a board here and it is to be hoped that it will attend to its duty and endeavor to improve tlie tone of our grain market we know of no town more advantageously situated than stouffville for the purchase of grain and it to our excellent produce market be added a good one for grain it cannot but prove a great benefit and givu a considerable impetus to the trade and growth of our town let the matter be ventilated at the meet ing of the board on thursday evening next would over mrs folsom mother of mrs grbvcr cleveland was married on monday evening to mr h e lerrihe of buffalo a mass meeting numbering about 3000 in hamilton on monday evening met and passed a resolution condemn ing jesuit aggression public analyists have discovered that the adulteration of drugs has reached a high state of perfection twentysix samples were genuine 5 adulterated and 14 doubtful some new york doctors have got themselves into trouble by being too hasty in performing an autopsy on the body of mind reader bishop without authority his wile says they killed him the audience at the academy of music in jersey city n j showed marvellous pluck tuesday night the woodwork underneath the gallery took fire through a leaky gas pipe during the performance of the still alarm and the people sat and aatched the real fire scene unmoved a fire truck was called immediately and a squad of policemen were in the theatre in an incredably short space of time after the discovery of ihe blaze when the firemen entered the building a few persons showed a disposition to rush out but one fireman dealt a man a powerful blow with his fist and this had the effect of stopping the rush which might have resulted in a panic the police did good service in allaying the ears of nervous men and women the audience watched intently the firemen- as they battled with the flames the orchestra played with commendable vigor which imparted confidence during the excitement when the fire had been subdued mr harry lacey the leading actor ad dressed the audience complimenting them on the pluck displayed ai the citizens of toronto voted by a majority of over 1200 that the court house and city hall for city and county purpose be completed at an extra cost of 500010 above the estimates all that remains now is for the council to appoint the right men as commissioners to see the work completed and the money laid out properly in order that the metropolitan city and county of the provincemay have headquarters worthy of them the june number of lippincotts magazine contains the first of a series of papers of extraordinary interest these are nothing less than the re collections of george w childs writ ten from his own dictation by a personal friend in the present paper mr childs gives a sketch of his early life this bit of autobiography cannot fail to excite the widest interest portray ing the early struggles and ambitions of a representative american who has made his name famous throughout the civilized world to the youth of to day it points a shining example i owe mv success says mr childs to industry temperance and frugality the sketch is characterized by that modesty which belongs only to the really great this is especially evi denced in mr childss own story of his wonderful business successes many interesting personal reminiscences of great men with whom mr childs has enjoyed intimacy are given such as longfellow irving motley ticknor hawthorne benton bancroft lowell and a host of others in the next paper mr childs will give his recollec tions ofqen his long and un broken itttimacy with this famous man will impurt to the article a peculiar interest i sure but not slow people who have used dr thomas eclectric oil to get rid of pain find that is sure but not slow a cough even of long standing is speedily controlled and cured by it rheumatism neuralgia corns lame back and swelled neck rapidly disappear when it is used what a time people formerly had tryins to swallow the oldfasliluued pill with its film of magnesia vainly disguising its miter- utijss and what a contrast to ayers 1iiu that have been well ailed iueu- itej sugarilinus the only fear be- lajs tbat paiunts may bo tempted into tsuiii too many at a dose but the rlous aro ptaiu and should be strictly followed j t teller st t of cmtteimngo x yj expresses exactly wbat hundreds have written at greater length he says ayers cathartic pills are highly arcciated they are perfect in form and coating and their effects are all mutt the most careful physician could desire tliey have supplanted all tlie pills formerly popular here and i think it must be long before any other eux be made that will at all compare with them those who buy your pills get full value for their money safe pleasant and certain in their action is the concise- testimony of dr george e walker of martins ville virginia ayers pills outsell all similar prep arations the public having once used tiiein will have no others perry venable collier atlanta ga ayers pills prepared ijpr jc aycscco sold by all dealers in medicine errors of youth isftfttontoio swans specific remedy ohri never kn0wnt0 fail 10 cure weakness and early decay of mind nerves and liody nervous frostrati6n organic icay seminal losses weak memo ry wasting smallncssof organs its success has challenged the adimta- tin of every doctor who has studied it it strikes at the vjiry root of thk hvil sold only by sivaxs specific co p o box 53v toitonto gbnuivti without ouk trade makk to the farming community price by hail 100 six for 500 to rent carriage and blacksmith shops for- merly owned by messrs j e raymer stouffville possession given at once applv to j a todd stouffville may 3rd 1889 special announcement yoitk countv toll takers the lessees of the gate for the ensuing year conditions for two the york county commissioners held a meeting onthursday afternoon when the tollgate question formed the chief topic of discussion there were present warden ramsdcn and coun cillors anderson and humberstonc a deputation from the city council con sisting of aid carlyle and lennox waited upon the board and asked that the lake shore tollirate be not per manently leased as they expected tol notice is hereby given in pursuance make arrangements with the counry of u s 01887 chap 110 sec 36 that all tub results of the easter examina tions of the ontario agricultural col lege are just out in the first vcar mr e rowan of holt was 12th in general proficiency and in the 2nd year mr g- a brodio of bcthesda stands first in the honor examin ation mr brodio was also first in agriculture judging cattle metcor- ologv practical horse and second in a number of other subjects york comity boys generally give a good account of themselves in any contest of drain or muscle if the evidence in connection with the chicago insane asylum revelation is correct the wrong parties are in custody we think the attendants themselves should be under lock and key the evidence of george hill an inmate consists of one story of cruelty after another that are enough to make the olood boil in the veins of tlio meekest saint on earth besides the horrible cruelties inflicted upon himself he describes the treatment meted out to other unfortunates one of whom he declares was done to death by the brutal attendants lockc and julian the poor fellows offence being that he did not know enough to find his way to the dining room and eat- bis meals council at the june session whereby toronto would control that part of the road opposite city property reeve wilson of york township presented the resolution passed at the meeting at eglington on wednesday asking that the leasing of no 1 tollgate in yongestreet be so arranged that it maybe discontinued in view ofthe fact that it is hoped that all tollgates in the county will be abolished the board decided that clauses to this effect should be inserted in the leasesot the tollgates mentioned so that the leases might be avoided on a months notice the board granted licenses to the tollgates as follows the lessees being nearly all the same as last year and the figures differing but slightly yongo street no 1 joseph moat no 3 wm richardson no 5 h b mackenzic no 6 mrs susan bell nos 2 and 1 have been removed kingston road no 1 mrs thomp son no 3 george crandall no 4 s jakes no 2 is gone dnndasstreet no 1 mrs atkin son nos 3 and 4 patrick herbert no 2 is gone lakeshorerbadnol john hickey we have made arrangements with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases which will enable all our subscribers to obtain a copy of that valuable work why sending tlieiraddress enclosing a twocent stamp for mailine same to drt b j ken dall co enosbufgli falls vt tins book is now recognized as stanoard authority upon all diseases of the horse as- its phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold iu the pabt ten years a sa e never before reached oy any publieatiil 11 tlie same period of time we fuel confident that our nations will aopieciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of ootairiiug a valuable book it is necessary that you mention ths paper in sending for the treatise 1 his offer will remain open for only a short time i 61 66 noticeto creditors h l vanzant the leading implement dealer is now showing at his warerooms main st stouffville near the market a full line of the most perfect farming imple ments that is to be seen any where in the country consisting of the brantford light steel binder rear and front cut mowers manufactured by a harris son co of brantford over four thousand of these binders passed successfully through the harvest last year and not in one solitary instance was there one returned this is a sufficient guarantee that they are the leading binder of canada he is also showino- the tubular iron frame drill and the favorite sectional tubular iron frame culti vator manufactured by j o wisner son co of brantford this cultivator being in sections adapts itself to all inequality of ground and the way the farmers are catchingonto them they must truly deserve the name they bear he is also agent for the celebrated qananoque buggies manufactured by the gananoque carriage co of gananoque these buggiesfor appearance and durability cannot be excell ed and are meeting with very ready sale there is also to be seen the adams son truss rod waggon manufactured in paris this is a strong well finished wag gon and only requires to be seen to be appreciated a call solicited stouffvilll april 1889 h l vanzant richard knilll deceased the june number of godeys ladys book is on hand one of the earliest and most welcome visitors to our sanct um the fashion plates are plentiful and the descriptions full the short stories are plentiful and interesting and the whole number is above the average in excellence the price is 200 a year address godeys ladys book philadelphia pa persons lmvinu any claims of demands against the estate of hichafd knill late of the village of stouffville in the county of yorkhotelkeeper deceased wlio diet on or about the 20th day of jaimarv 1889 are required to send tomallssa kkill the administratrix of the estate of the said richard knill at the village of stotiffyil e on or before the 5th dnv of june 1889a statement in writing of their names and addresses and full particulars of such claims or demands and the nature and particulars of the securities if anyheld bv them and notice is hereby uiveniha after the last mentioned daje the said adminis tratrix will proceedjji distribute the assets of the said deceasea among tne parties entitled thereto haying regard only to the claims of which she shall then hnye notice and she will not behab e for the said as sets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose cairn she shall not have had notice at the time of such dfs- trioution dated at stouffville phed w hill may 1st 1880 stouffville solicitor for administratrix- braysi window we have decided to allow the to remain in one week longer along with our gloves collars cuffs we intend to make the finest display of gents underware and hosiery of every kind ever seen in stouffville from may tlie 22th to may the 29ni do not forget we are still giving 10 per cent discount j bray the clothier smrtjl m main street stouffville april 26tli 1889 mr henry graham wingham writes us for fifteen years i have suffered with indigestion and during- that time i could get nothing to give me relief although 1 tried a great many different kinds of medicine re commended for that complaint i now feel like a now man and this wonder ful chance has been accomplished by the ne of four bottles of northrop lymans vegetable discovery to me it has been a valuable medtcine cotton seed nlea is taking the place of all other feeds for fattening stock yellow and white corn hungarian grass seed millet flax flax meal mangold turnip seed 3 brands best roller flour 7 brands porridge meals bran and shorts a fall stock of groceries at a g browns telephone store stouffville may 8th 1ss9 m monkhouse co have just received a good assortment of hress goods prints shirtings gents jfurnishings hich we will sell at low jces ifbest value in tapestry union and hemp car pets s we have also a fine range of newest styles in hats tweeds clothing made to order we guarantee a perfect fit and good workmanship steel bros selected seeds and cheap fresh groceries always on hand r monkhouse co stoiffvime may 10 th 1889 i-