examine your address label the number on the label is the one to which you are paid up the receipt of your renewal it acknowledged by the change of the number on the lauh keep your subscript onpaid in advance the year ended latt march and if you have not renewed you owe us a dollar thettribune stouffville april 2g 1889 club raxes we ofler tho tiubuxk together with the following papers for one year at the prices mentioned weekly glebe and rural caiadian2oo weekly mail and farm and fireside 175- weekly a and one engraving christ before pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly news and both pictures 200 weekly advertiser and engraving falls of niagara 1 75 family herald 175 century magazine 450 st nicholas 35 saturday tfijat 2 25 fireside iveeklv 20 hamilton live stock journal 1 75 address tlk tribune stouffviiak ont uitk frequent recurrence of railway accidents in which the horrors of lire are added to the destruction of pro perty and li should teach this railway companies that it would be to their own interest to abolistl the deadly stove that is to ho found in every car and substitute some method cfhiating from the engine in this age of in ventions some cheap and effective system could surely be devised and if the railway companies do not take the matter up tliiiy should be compalled by law to render travel as safe as pos sible wklearn with pleasure that sir ed sullivan recommends the inarriiige of the eldest son of the prince of wales to some american 1uly and we take this opportunity of assuring- sir va that he may depend on the hearty sup port of the tkibuxe in the matter we forsee grave difficulties however that are sure to arise in making a selection and to expedite the business we respectfully beg to submit the name of miss murphy daughter of senator mike murphy of new- york sate that is if there is a miss murphy as a candidate for the position of future queen of enjrland one more name is added by the death of willie miller to the list of vic tims of the railway track and the wonder to us is that more are not kill ed or maimed at those opan crossings at a railway crossing such as we have here there should be gates with some one stationed to see that pedesfriais as well as conveyances are not allowed to cross ivhen trains are about to pass we will venture to say that such a crossing as we have here could not he found in the whole of great britain and we see no reason why in a village like stouffville that has such a dan gerous crossing there should he no precautions whatever taken to prevent such occurrences as the one which took place on tuesday the third party- as will be seen from oar local col umns those who were present at the meeting of the g t s on tuesday evening last had an opportunity to listen to an exponent of the new party as he dealt at some length upon the merits of the infant party whose plat form promises such good for 0r coun try if oue can judge from the leagth of time devoted to each plank pro hibition and anti jesuitism are the principal ones and un doubtedly recent events have justified an outcrv against the growing influ ence of the jesuits in the body politic we have no desire to join iu the race and creed warfare but 110 one with his eyes opeu can deuy that the time has come when every right-thinkiug-citi- zeu should raise his voice and cast his vote for thi complete reparation of church and state it is fatally easy for a body of men acting- under the impulsj of a strong excitement and disjustcd with a long coiiisa of misgovernment to lay down a platform embracing a number of re forms almost utopian in their nature and endeavor to unite under one ban ner all thos- who are dissatisfied de- srters from present partiev but it has been proved again and again that even it such a combination should succeed in obtaining members and strength enough to place them in charge of the nations affairs it would not take long- for them to yield to party exigencies forget the the planks tint floated them into odice and become a prey to place and pap seekers among- their friends and he as extravagant and corn as the resl on 6hciubjqct of the greatest im portance it is to be regretted that the new party is silent it vill be seen that an examination of their platform fails to reveal their attitude on mat ters of trade and commerce whether they would favor canadas treaty mak ing power unrestricted reciprocity imp fed annexation indepjndance or whether they would cling- to the n p is hot yet revealed but it is certain that in the prohibition of the liquor traffic and race privileges is not all that is needed to relieve the burdens of thi sorely tried land while there are many things in their platform that are admirable and call for our j hearty support we are not sure that we shall cast in our lot with the new party juit vet training heifers the eworld iu its anxiety to take a slap at hon mr mowat sees a chance to vent its spite in giving the circum stances of the insult recently offered to mr mowat by the new york state legislators after giving a number of extracts from american exchanges which severely censure mr murphy the world remarks in return for these prompt rebukes of colonel mikes rudeness it would be hut fair to inform the able editors of the repub lic that hon oliver mowat who sits for the north hiding of oxford in the house of assembly of the province of ontario is the attorneygeneral and premier of that province incident ally also it might he mentioned that mr mowat controls a powerful politi cal machine kifnwn as the boards of license commissioners a fast which had it been known to ciloncl mike would have brought the distinguished senator to his knees in thi dust at the feet of our christian statesman mrs harry pearson paw troy writes for about three months i was troubled with fainting spells and dizzi- ness which was growing worse- and would attack mo three or four times 1 day at last my husband purchased a bottle of northrop lymans vege table discovery from which i derived considerable benefit i then procured another and before it was used my affliction was completely gone and i have not had an attack of it since tin term breaking as applied to the domestic animals has an unpleas ant signification it indicates bad numiagement forcibly remembered a calf or a colt should be trained from rs birth and it should be gradually led i 1 he way it should go the word educated has precisely this meaning by a constant progressive course of kind and considerate treatment a heifer calf should be weaned at its birth it is natural instinctive pro clivities are to lie repressed and ob ligated this is the time to begin be fore the germs of these have had opportunity to grow into a habit iience a ciilf should not be permitted to suck the dam and should he taught to drink from a pail have a leather collar strong enough to hold it with a ring sewn in it and a rope with a snap hook attached to tit it with in a pen thou it should he handled brushed is better quitc frequently until it is used to it and makes no resistance but rather likes it as it grows older its udder and teats should be rubbed and pulled as if in milking this not only makes it docili but it helps the development of the wider and increases its future ca pacity a heifer may he broug lit to milk this way before it has had a calf and instances of this lacteal precocity arc not infrequent in dairies where calves are permitted to suck each other al though this is a great mistake and is provocative of vicious habits such as selfsucking and sucking other cows when the heifer has a calf it is already trained and breaking with tho dis cipline of a club a hoot or a milking stool will not be required american agriculturist for mav special announcement we have made arrangements with dr b j kendall co publishers of a treatise on the horse and his diseases which will enable all our subscribers 10 obtain a copy of that y tduable workrby bending tueir address enclosing a twocent stamp for mailing same 10 dr b j ken- dull co enosburgh falls vt this book is now recognized as stanoard authority upon all diseases of the horse us to phenomenal sale attests over four million copies having been sold in the past ten years a sae never before reached oy auy publication ia the same period of time we feel confident that our natrons will appreciate the work and be glad to avail themselves of this opportunity of ootaining a valuable book it is necessary that you mention tlrs r insendiog for too treatise 1 his oftvr will remain opeu for only a short time 01 5 pa godeys ladys book for may the favorite fashion magazine has reach ed us this number is full of choice illustrations of fashions and work while the literary matter is more than up to the standard of any fashion journal it is the pet of the ladies who when they first see it become so fascinated that never again can they do without it godeys ladys book philadelphia pa mrs celeste coon syracuse n y writes for years i could not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning excruciating pain in my somach i took parinelees pills ac cording to directions under the head of dyspepsia or indigestion one box entirely cured me lean now eat any thing i clioosi without distressing me in th least these pills do not cause pain or griping and should be used when a eathariie is required is o rr inuig i froro oaei l tire if iytlil run pvi ii- is aytrs 1 over lie 1 l the interest in fh- crossley can- field revival services in the methodist church j increases already about 70 have decided on leading a changed life the sabbath sermons were the most imprcssiye of theserhs at tuesday evenings song sermon gospel songs wore sung by mr d stouffer otstouir- ville and mr canhvid in imisoii the singing of these able performers was simply grand and impressive inspir ing the large audience who by an no inccmont had gathered to hear th m song service again on thurs day evening very successful reviv al meetings are being carried on in markham methodist church bv the pastor rev mr hill journal dsura for prople to expuct a ci turn uittiss viry ra wlnlt is inwinvoiii will sintrpen iii r to the jijeatkj o i saiarila thmsiis testify to tp ihtriis o tiinv mrs sarsih itiirroujhs of 2j8 eitth street south uiwioii wriris j band has tiikbii ayrs farsaparilla tor dyspepsia anil torpid liver and has been greatly uliictited a confirmed dyspeptic c canterbury of 141 franklin st boston jfass writes that suitirn for years from indigestion ho was at ut induced to try ayers sprsanarilla and by its use was entirely cured mrs joseph aubih of itigu street jtolyoke mass suffered for over a year f nt it dyspepsia so that she could not tat substantia food became very wjdc and was unable to care for her family xrither tho medicines jrcsvribed by jyiiins nor any of the remedies advertised for the euro of dyspipsin lupcd her until she commctieed the use of ayers sarsipiriihi three botlus of this lined iei tie t fdio writes eared hip ayers sarsaparih2 prerxued iiv dr j c ayer co lowell mass trleo ft ir bottle 5 worth s- a liottle notice to creditors of richard knill deceased notice is hen by given in tmisiiaiiei of r s 01887 pimp ho sec 36- ti at till persons liaviua any claims or demands against the eslnteof richard knill hiiu if thevillnge of stiuffyillc in tliecdimty if ytru hotel keper deetascil who die i ivii or about the 20th day of janmir- 1889 are required to send tomaxissa krlfj the administratrix of t lie eslae ot the said richard knill in ihe village of ptuil c on or before the 5th lav of aavl88a statement in writing of their mimes and addresses and full particulars of such claims or demands and the nature and pan miliars of f eseeuriiiesnf anywield h them and notice is- hereby ihvetimiii ifter the last mentioned date the said adminis tratrix will proceed lodistrihiue lheasis of the said deceased amniuj the parties emit led thereto haviliu regard only ti ihe claims ot which she shal- then have lievi ice and she wil not lie ihilive for the said as- seis or any part thereof so distibiited to any person of whose c aim she shall not have had notice at the time of such ds- trioutioti dated at stouffville fhed av hill may 1st 1889 stouftviili- solicitor for administratrix to rent carriage and blacksmith shops for merly owned by messrs j t k possession given kaymer stouffville at once applv to j a may 3rd 1ss9 todd stoufiville errors of youth iesu swans specific remedy rflncs nevr kn0wht falt cure wcakortstnd earlydcuy of mind mnrtmd bodjr nvnout ivournion or dcirsemliul ixtks welt meuorrwstliirsaullncxiororean i ojcell his ehheo the di f lied it it strikes at thk vrky koot op zzs2s5z j j sold onl br hivanh ntn uuuixh without ovk tadk mrlt picebymtiloo six fou 3500 to the farming community is now showing at his yvarerooms main st 8touffyille near the market a full line of the most perfect farming imple ments that is to be seen any where in the country- consisting of the brantford light steel binder bear and front gut mowers manufactured by a harris hon co of brahtford over four thousand of these finders passed successfully through the harvest lpst year and not in one solitary instance was there one returned this is a sufficient guarantee that they arc the leading binder of canada he is also showing the tubular iron frame drill and the favorite sectional tabular iron frame culti vator manufactured by j o avisner son co of brantford this cultivator being in sections adapts itself to all inequality of ground and the way the farmers are catchingonto them they must truly deserve the name they bear he is also agent for the celebrated gananoque buggies manufactured by the gananoque carriage co of granarioqne these buggies for appearance and durability cannot be excell ed and are meeting with very read sale there is also to be seen the adams son truss rod waggon manufactured in paris this is a strong well finished wag gon and onlv requires to be seen to be appreciated a gall solicited stouffville april 1889- h v 2ljni zlnj i we have decided to allow the 3- suitings to remain in one week longer along with our boys touch s and mens shirts we intend to make the finest display of of every kind eve i seen in stouffville from my tlie 8th to 3fay the lsthc do not forget we are still giving 10 per cent discount boav l sla vr q bttk the clothieb south side main street stoufwille april 26th 1889 t-uv- jls m monkhouse fe co fok new spring goods low prices are all the go with us we have just received our new stock of centlemeftls hats caps the nobbiest hat in town for the least money we have also on hand a fine range of all the largest styles in tweeds a great variety ard a large stock of all the latest styles in prints at away down prices give us a call farmers pro duce taken in exchange for goods will pay cash for 500000 doz eggs dr iwcoivkhouse co todds block stouffville april 5tli 1rs9 west end stouffville