the tribune stouffville april 12 1889 club rates wo offer thetitibuxk together with the following papers for one year at the prices mentioned weeuy globe and rural canadum2oo weekly as and farm and fireside 175 wecklv nevis ami one engraving christ befvr pilate or fathers of confederation 175 weekly nrfis and both pictures ioo weekly advertiser and engraving fals of niagara 175 family herald 75 century magazine 45 st nicholas 35 saturday a7 fireside iveekv 2 ifaiitoi live stork journal 175 address fle tribune stocffvilik ont o hepoicts from ottawa scorn to indi cate that parliament will not prorogue before easter and in that case the ses sion may last away into may pkaieie ires are ravaging dakota causing dreadful losses of property and life large numbers of families are rendered houseless and destitute scenes of suffering and escape are re corded that almost beggar description at the same time iicws from manitoba show the arrivals of emigrants there to be rapidly increasing oyer g000 hav ing reached winnipeg during last month despite the cold manitoba and our own korth west is greatly to be preferred to blizzard ami iirescourged dakota owing to the vigorous opposition offered by the press and others to this proposed postal changes postmaster- general haggart has considerably modified his resolutions some con siderable changes are to be made how ever drop letters in cities that have postal delivery will be charged two cents monthly periodicals are to be free as formerly printers copy pho tos etc except deeds policies one cent per two ounces or double the present rate postmaster may register letters that seem to contain valuables and col lect the fee on delivery the registra tion fee is to be fixed by order in coiui cil farmers who have been led to be lieve that thegrain standards are uni form are somewhat dubious since a little experiment was tried by prof saunders of the experimental farm ho procured a number of specimens of ladoga wheat and sent samples of each to the boards of trade of mon treal winnipeg and toronto the first graded it all as hard except one sample the winnipeg people classed it 11 as northern and said the best specimen was worth only 5 cents less than no 1 manitoba hard the tor onto board imported that it was all soft and worth 11 or 12 cents- less than red fyfo the samples in all cases wore exactly alike andthe result seems to show that there is a wide dif ference in the grading of wheat among the different buyers and while this may be unavoidable it is a sad blow- to the belief in the uniformity of gov eminent standards- a sumbkk ot ourcotemporaries are agitatinsr their righteoussouls concern ing hon mr merciers movements when it ivas supposed he was about to visit toronto they were certain there was u plot on foot he did no visit toronto and now they are just as cer tain that there must be something crooked because he remains at home the scott act defeat- tub result of the scott act vote is not entirely a surprise to those who know something of its working al- j though the fact that it was repealed in every county where it was tried shows that the feeling against it was strong er than its friends were aware of in colchester n si even temperance men opposed the act preferring the new license law to partial prohibition lhe smallness of the vote which is notice able in all the returns is doubtless due to the fact that the dominion voters lists of 1s8g were used in this contest and large numbers of voters were thus disqualified it is also certain that a great many men who voted for the adoption of the act remained at home during this contest the antis are jubilant of course and consider this a death blov to the prohibition move ment which the friends of temperance are anything but cast down and say that from this time forward tlure will be no compromise witli the traffic work will be commenced at once to elect a parliament that will give them a prohibitory law there is no doubt that if the temperance men of all par ties would bury all party politics and unite in this matter they could secure such a law some temperance workers propose and in our opinion the scheme is one worthy of consideration to utilize both parties instead of trying to form a temperance party out and out the plan in short is simply as follows let temperance people thoroughly organize retaining their party alle giance if they choose binding them selves however not to vote for any man unless he binds himself to do all in his power for temperance in case neither party succeeds in bringing out a temperance candidate then the temperance people regardless o tory or grit interests will unite and bring out a third candidate on the con trary should both the reform and the conservative candidate asrroe to serve the temperance cause then let the temperance people vote as they please as the cause will be represented in either case a stinging sensation in throat and palate called heartnuru and oppression at the pit of the stomach after eating are both the otlspriug of dyspepsia alkaline salts like carbonic ot soda slav relieve but cannot remove the cause a lasting remedy is to be found in northrop lymans vege table discovery tud dyspeptic cure i hose associate organs the liver and bowels benefit in common with their ally the stomach by the use of this benign and blood purifying remedy world over one of the meanest things in the world in cither newspapers or ordi nary mortals is to assign sinister mo tives to people fof doing certain things of which wo do not happen to approve nevertheless notwithstanding at the same time however also but the in genious and altogether too thin at tempts of a great many of our cotems of both political creeds to explain away the conduct of their respective mombers in the late vote in the house re the jiuits estates business are so ridiculous that any serious attempt to refute the arguments ad vanced would be simply absurd there is a constantly growing opinion among oven the older men that both rarties at ottawa are prepared to do anythitisr reasonable or unreasonable to secure the iilletriancc of the quebec members what the third party agitation will amount to is hard to predict but that a third party is needed and badly needed is a fact which it is too late for old party hacks of either stripe to dis pute meanwhile the globe and mail arc pounding away at the bill in the hope that the obnoxiou measure may yet be disallowed before the 8th of august next eight sets of twins and five of trip lets have been born in pike county ga within two days pitscal pratt cashier of a minnesota bank has arrived in toronto with 100 000 of the banks funds there is a woman in the case searle the australian champion oarsman will sail for england on may 4th and oconnor will row him on the thames this summer- on the gth inst the mayor of le- cesterreceived a letter stating that an attempt would be made to shoot the prince of wales who was expected to attend the races at that place on satur day the affair is supposed to b- a hoax aim vs iso000 the british printer perpetrates the following story on a member ol the fraternity a young man at the risk o his life saved a beautiful young girl from drowning her grateful fath er in a voice iremulons with eniotion said noble youth to you i am indebted for everything that makes life dear tome which reward will you take 50000 pounds or the hand of my daughter ill take the daugh ter replied the sero thinking thereby to get both the girl and the money now you have well chosen replied the grateful father i could aot have given you the socoo just now any how as i have not yet laid up that amount being only an editor but my daughter is yours for life illless you my children o in puichasing medicines dont try experiments the first and only con sideration should be genuineness ayers sarsaparilla has stood the test of forty years and today it is in great er demand than ever a triumphant proof of popular approval dont mh that we have moved to kemps new store where we always intend keeping 01 hand fresh groceries tobaccos roller flour porridge meals horse cattle food garden and field feeds if yon don t see what you want ask for it a g brown telephonx stof5s fkiv 8th to the farming community k tlie leading 3t 9 route bills horsemen requiring route bills tliissfirihij will find a larre assortment of 1k s w at the j r fi ilwh ie m hflndffl offic re work done promptly and at lowest rates a free notice of your horse given in the tribune if you get your bills printed at the stouffville tribune office ont wait until your hair becomes dry thin and gray before giving tho attention needed o preserve its beauty and vitality keep on your toilettable a bottle of ayers hair vigor the only dressing you require for the hair and use a little daily to preserve the natural- color and prevent baldness thomas muntloy sharon grove ky writes several months ago my hair commenced falling out and in a few weeks my head was almost bald i tried many remedies but they did no good i finally bought a bottle of ayers hair vigor and after using only a part of the contents my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair i recom mend your preparation as the best hair- restorer in the world my hair was faded and dry writes mabel c hardy of delavan 111 but after using a bottle of ayers hair vigor it became black and glossy ayers hair vigor sold by druggists and perfumers pimpias and blotches so disfiguring to the face forehead and nock may bo entirely removed by the use of ayors sarsaparilla tho best and safest alterative and blood purifier ever discovered drj c ayer co lowell mass sold by druggists 1 elx bottl for as is now showing at his warerooms si stouffville near the market a full line of the most perfect farming imple ments that is to be seen any where in the country consisting of the brantford light steel binder rear and front out mowers manufactured by a harris son co of brantford over four thousand of these binders passed successfully through the harvest last year and not in one solitary instance was there one returned this is a sufficient guarantee that they are the leading binder of canada he is also showing the tubular iron frame brill and the favorite sectional tubular iron frame culti vator manufactured by j o wisner sb11 co of brantford this cultivator being in sections adapts itself to all inequality of ground and the way the farmers are hatching onto them they must truly deserve the name they bear he is also agent for the celebrated gananoque buggies manufactured by the gananoque carriage co of iananoque these buggies for appearance and durability cannot be excell ed and are meeting with very ready sale there is also to be seen the adams son truss rod waggon manufactured in paris this is a strong well finished wag gon and onlv requires to be seen to be appreciated a gall solicited stouffville april 1889 jul i- v alsloajnt brays 10 per cent disct sale is still going on each line remains in the window one week the clothing which we are now showing comes out on the 1 7th next wednesday to be replaced by neck ties for one week we have the finest stock ever brought to stouffville and will sell them at a genuine discount of 10 per cent j administrators tiotice in thf mill tor of tin estate ot andrew snider or shbil file manitoba carpiiter detc s 1 pursuant f r o cap 110 st e 80 notice is hcrcb vtii that till person hiiviiifr any claim hjrisc the above estate are hereby required to send by post prepaid to abraham heisey administrator alinira v o or to the undersigned 011 or before tin fifteenth dav- of april nexr tiir names and n statement of their claims and the nature of tticseciiriti s iiiiny held by them aid further raki notice that the aduiinisrator will after said date proceed to ristrihute th- proceeds of the aid estate ainonr the parties entild thereto having reirarl rmlvo the claims o which notice has been re ceived nid miat he will no be liable for any part of tin- proceeds of said es tate to anyone of whose claim he shall not then have received notice r daod this 15h dav of march 1889 kerk mcdonald paudson paterson solicitors for administrator toronto 5659 south side mai street march 27th 1889 the clothier stouffville m monkhoxise m go new for goods- we have just received the key mr westney on his re moval from whitby to uxbricljro fairish was prrfonted with a pure of 100 spuing low prices are all the go with us our new stock of ceeutlemens hats caps the nobbiest hat in town for the least money we have also on hand a fine range of all the largest styles in tweeds a great variety and a large stock of all the latest styles in prints at away down prices give us a call farmers- pro- duce taken in exchange for goods will pay cash for 500000 doz eggs dr monkhouse co todds block west end stouffville stouffville april 6th 1889