isjbfcfr vs the great new store no 1 daleys block next door west of bank stouffville a good resolve -for- the new year resolve to see the fresh importations at j j we beat them all every time and sometimes twice owing to the good value in dry goods gents furnishings car pets and oilcloths together with the good management and pleasing manner of my able manager mr porter we have built up the largest trade ever known in any country town in such a short time s we have been open i do heartily thank our numerous customers for their liberal patron age for the five short weeks we have been in their midst and i sincerely hope that in the future five years we will so please you that the great spofford house will never be for gotten our determination is to sell all goods at the lowest possible price we can and live we do a strictly cash busi ness in our city stores as well as out here both in buying and selling and by so doing we can undersell those who give credit or those who take produce in exchange so take your produce to our excellent market which is a credit to the village and get your cash and come to the great spofford house where you can save a large per cent and besides you will be treated well by our worthy manager mr porter dont forget the above facts nor the place where they are carried out new kaisins new currants new peels new figs new teas etc that coffee and cheese is ahead of anything- in town l crockery glassware and aval papers dry goods in abundance dress goods cloths flannels ladies and gents guernseys cardigans bustles etc all at rock bottom prices stoifvnif nov 29tli 888 fu s j burkholder have on hand an extra large stock of everything in the fdbniture line- the finest assortment ever of fered for sale in stouffvflle parlor and bedroom suites t lounges and extension tables etc picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets constantly on hand and all funeral sup plies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours mj cor main church sts stoufiftiidue furniture warerooms still to the fore we have decided to sell the balance of our hanging table and hand lamps silver plated ware and axes at 20 percent less than regular prices now is the time to buy we respectfully ask those who intend building to call and examine our common sense sash balance no weights used no pulleys to break no rope to wear out costs less than the old kind can be applied to any window and does not require a box frame silvester dougherty a vis has now in stock a varied assortment of furnilup prices exceptionally low- picture framing a specialty a fink line ok baby carriages undertaking in all its branches on shortest notice guve mk a call e j davis sasde8s block smlajlt pbofits and large business our motto mcrtlwjbmbbbiakfcgmbbaggbbirtflpbbgbbgkbpm mmjvbnbatsbsf we have no room for prices in this weeks paper but they are low er than ever and new goods every day are being opened head quarters toronto no more credit from the first day of february 1889 at thk foreign and domestic fruit store h johnson all my goods sold at the lowest living profit and for cash only see my stock of teas coffees sugars tobac cos cigars canned goods everything you want and cheap flour flour family flour uxbridge or mount albert new spring goods now in hats gloves laces and fancy goods at bottom prices mourning goods a specialty- mrs f wilson dont read this but call at hamiltons and buy vour stationery canned goods oysters fruit etc pipes and pipe mounts and the best brands op tobaccos and cigars in town toys fancy goods and pocket knives in endless variety jzsrremember tho place as the bulk of my goods are only to be bought for cash i am compelled to sell for cash also and my numer ous customers and friends will please take no offence if they are refused cred it all grades of customers rich or poor will be treated alike we sell the largest 12c loaf of bread to be had in the comity and anything you want in the pastry- or confectionery line always on hand or on short notice call and sec me but dont ask for credit hamiltons first door east of station stouffviiie jan 25th 880 h johnson subscribe for the tribune wmany manm who is weak nervous debilitated iphoiahia folly and ignorance has tri fled away his visor of body mind and manhood causing exhausting drains npon ho fountains of life headaohe baokaohe dreadful droams weakness t memory bashfulness to society pimples np tno faoeaudaiituo effeota loading to early decay consumption insanity m y our bpojuic no23 a positive ni impars youthful rigor rlc- a tlfl povter old and oung sirnina 30j ignratw tho brain arid nevoa builds w tho awular system md arourci into aetka the wholo physical ucrny of the human frame with our epociflo no 3 tho most olbtinsta oaso can bo cured in hrco months and ireosc ones in leas than thirty lays each pclroco contains two weoks treat nontt prico s3 cures gnnrantcod oour spoo- 6o no si is an infalliblo cure for all private dsoasesnomattoroj how long stand ing sold nndor our written guarantee to iffoct a cure prlsa 5 toronto modielaa te toronto out ladies only french regulation pills far superior to ergot tansy pennyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them month y never fail re lieve pain insure regularity neas- ant and effectual trice 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont t