Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 15, 1889, p. 7

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iowh a mototaih xiek x sapid and hhtat kenxker than tobofxamln- then u an indefinable exhilaration in ra pid motion aa every schoolboy knows else lrby should he tug np hill time after time for the sake of sliding down again 1 bat an englishman touring among the alp describes a coasting exploit of two ladies of his party which however interesting for onoe would hardly have been voluntarily repeated in a small way and with some difference of method it reminds one of the oommon practice of sliding down the mount was iugton railway on a board the par ty had finished climbing and was ready to descend but then came the question how the descent should be made a we might teturn on foot of course but vthat would take two or three hours and be sides that was not a la mode- for all who can pay for it there is a peculiar contrivance of descent which sooth to say had been one of the attractions of the mountain though whetuer or not to avail ourselves of it was a matter or mcoh disc08siox standing about the house were two or three men with long spikes in their shoes and leaning against the walls appeared cer tain light wooden frames with long handles these are sledges and to do the mountain properly you should go down like a streak of lightning on one of them it seemed a queer and nervous operation as the sledge marks were visible down the steep crest for some distance and then pitched round a oorner into unknown space there were moreover but two men available just then so that our party must be divided the two ladies at last consented to try and all the little colony of the hill assembl ed to see them packed the priests assured us of their safety and tbat they wonld reaoh the bottom in twenty minutes one portly old fellow with a trombone of a voice was not only empbatio in his assurance but put ting a hand on tbe shoulder of each of the men preparing to descend warned them to take special care of the two eapliah ladies yet you should have seen them aa they were tilted over the edge 1 a small pillow tied on each sledge formed the seat two crooked pegs were all there was to hold by j the feet were pressed against the runners for precaution a string gathered in all habiliments lest they should catch against the rooks the men putting themselves between the handles in front and leaning well backward struck theirplkes into the ground in a minute they were bsvond shooting distance in a minute more they were shooting round the shoulder of the hill and whether for bet ter or for worse our wives were gone 1 as we could not know the result till we reached the bottom ourselves we made hur ried adieus to the friendly priests and set off at our best speed down the path reach ing saifnitz in an hour and a half we met two or three sledges coming up oarried on their drivers backs bnt could not learn the fate of those in which we were interested at the door of the inn however we spied them propped against the wall and within doors were s and a hardly yet knowing it seemed whether they stood on their heads or their heels they described their unwonted flight as a short agony which it must be also for the sledgemen themselves who were steam ing with perspiration and looking much ex hausted the men either ran with the sledges guiding them ronnd many turns and pulling them lightly over obstacles or when the descent favored suddenly seating themselves in front of each occupant left the sledge to its own momentum then down went driver and sledge and lady and all at a velocity which took away the breath if a check occurred or the ground varied the spiked feet were etruok out in a mo ment but what with the speed the shaking and the fright poor s and a were aching all over and though glad to have bad the experience were not molined to repeat it think on these things it is of ten said that we are the oreatures of habit onr habit of thought has a great deal to do with our character and influence our thoughts are of oonrne determined by our natural disposition and temperament but in regard to them as to everything else it is the truth that con sciously or unconsciously we form the habits which regulate them in the easy- going pleasureloving spirit which takes possession of most of us we are apt to forget that there is going on within ua a silent forceful growth of ideas and ten dencies wbioh will gradually gain an as cendancy over us and become the masters of our lives wo aro what our thoughts are it is thereforo ot the first importance that onr habit of thought should be elevat ing and that the subjeots upon wbioh we dwell should be those which will raise rather than debase us the great letterwriter who had the oareof the churches upon jhim under stood this a very long time ago and in his epistle to the fhllippians no emphasized it it was a true loveletter that he wrote to those people in whom he had great joy and satisfaction and for whom he wished the best and highest blessings there are peo ple and paul must have known snob in whom therr appears to us a homely phrase nothing to begin upon and it seems rather hopeless to try to make excellent ohaiaoters out of them bnt to this class the fhllippians did oertinly not be long they had proved themselves chris tians indeed they believed in christ and suffered for his sake j they loved paul and he loved them so muob that in every prayer of his for them he mado bis request with joy they were indeed so good that it seemed possible that they should reaoh the perfection which he desired for them and in order to this he told them what sub jeots they were to obooso tor their contem plation and reflection finally brethren whatsoever things are true whatsoever things are honest whatsoever things are ust whatsoever things are pare whatsoever hings are lovely whatsoever things are of good report if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things panlknew that if they did their whole lives would in consequence be more beautiful more belpfol more altogether chrittllke the advice is as good for us as for those members of the philippian church and quite as necessary to as as to them for we too need to watoh onr thoughts especially to those who are yonng and who desire to rise to th eminence which is truly christian are ths apostles words to be oommended bat some will perhaps say we cannot help oar thoughts ob yes indeed we can all sorts of thoughts may flash into the mind bat the disciplined heart will so ignore those which are wrong that they will soon pass ssrsy guests will fpreaent themselves at our doors but we may either harbour them or send them from as evil thoughts will not stay unless they receive a welcome any more than good ones will we may choose the inmates of oar hearts and minds aa cer tainly as we may select those who are to be the inmates of onr houses it requires some decision of character and energy of purpose it is true to think only of the things which are virtuous and praisdworthy but where a man is master ot himself it can- be accom plished i will elect to think good thoughts to be interested only in excellent things to examine into the characters that deserve to be imitated whoever comes to that reso lution asking for that help from the all perfect one which is never denied will have gotupon the up grade in very troth for he wiii dwell most of all in the presence ot the christ who is himself the personification oi everything that is lovely and of good report m sending a shock among certain eastern nations the eng lishman is supposed from the suocess with wbicb he uses certain simple remedies to be endowed with magio powers as a med icine man it is not only the people class ed as uncivilized however who regard medicine as a black art which can do any thing a woman recently visited the office of a physician who has become celebrated for his tnccessful use of electricity in various diseases and inquired if anybody had headaches in the back of their neck and was bo nervous they could fly do you think your batteries would help em i might recommend eleotrioity said the doctor but i must know more about your symptoms bless yon they arent my symptoms i then oome another day with the pa tient but i canbbring her why not because she lives out west i know you can telegraph that far and i thought maybe you could set your batteries to work on her m the glory of war departing thephiladelphia press says the new english drill book just adopted for the use of the army cuts the apace given to company drill to onehalf its old dpacs and expands toe pag3s demoted to taotlca to thrice the old number the meohanioal wheeling of com panies on whose perfection our militia com panies pride themselves is lef tout altogether so aro the movements for countermarching the drill is greatly simplified the figures and movements wbioh make so fine a show on the parade ground and are so useless in battle are omitted for the long straight wheel the rigid line volleyfiring counter marching and all the intricate drill to which go muoh time is given by our national guard there ia substituted a loose order in whioh the fire is maintained by the independent action of a cloud of skirmishers and tbe company officers are occupied in feeding thia skirmish line from the rear and keeping the company in hand over a wide area not by command but by the intelligent oo-op9ra- tion of the men couldnt eat the soap an elderly gentleman in a restaurant hav ing ben served with a plate of soup he had ordered sid to the waiter look here i cant eat this soup all right 111 get you another plate on receiving the recond plate the guest onoe more remarked it its no use i cant eat tills soup then the waiter went to the proprietor and aid that old gentleman over there it complain ing about the soup he says be cant eat it i you dont know how to wait on people ill ssttend to him the proprietor went to the kicking guest and said blandly i understand you say that there is some thing the matter with the soup i didnt say anything of the kind you said you conldnt eat it yes i said i couldnt eat it will yon tell why you oaut eat that soup 1 certainly i havent got any spoon texas sittings the favour he wanted jenkinaon wipedunks would not have ex changed situations with the president of the united states the prince of wales or the drum m jar of a brass band fellsty mcoinnis had answered yes in a voice as soft and gentle aa the sigh of muaio in a dreamlesa sleep or the murmur ing wail of a oarossing breeze from lethean waters soothingly fanning the whiskers of father time felisty he exclaimed rapturously aa his left hand and arm disappeared from night with a rapid yet sneaking motion to ward the baok of the sofa on which they sat and tho fingers of his right hand appeared to be feeling for something in his vest pocket you have undo me the happiest man in the world tho timid upturned glanoe of her liquid dark eyes and the warm blush that over spread the happy face of the lovely girl re plied moro eloquently than words oould nave doco and you will forgive my presumption darling he continued if in anticipation of your answere i have ventured to povide myself with with a with a jenkinaon paused in some apparent exalte- mont and hia finger and thumb nervously explored his vest pocket without seeming to find anything i i must have lost it 1 he gasped felisty it was a ring 1 ha i perhaps it is in somo other pocket bising to his feet he thrust a trembling hand into his trousers pobket there was a hole in that pocket jenkinson felisty a she noted with concern hla gastly face on whioh the light of a desperate resolve was breaking don t grievo over it it willl turn up you are excited is there anything i oan do to yes exclaimed jenkinson in a hollow voice felisty i think i know where that ring is if yoa would do me a favor i shall never forget until the last hour of my life got mo a bootjaok and leave me to myself for a few moments is any flower bom to blush unseen the old wives tell as hat blushing la virtues livery but alas i o many a maiden whose soul is purity itself has been denied the gracious privilege of wearing the delicate crimson and all because her skin is oovered witb bloiches pimples yellow liver spots and other disoolorations who oan tell how such a maiden loathes the sight of herself or who shall intrude upon her as she weeps bitter tears over her un comely appearance thrice unhappy she if by the use of cosmetics she shall seek to hide her wretched complexion but if she will use dr pierces golden medical dis covery to regulate the liver and ourify the blood of all poisonous hnmors she will find that her flesh shall come again like unto the flesh of a little child it cures scrofula tetter saltrheum pimplea blotohes eiuptions and all skin diseases drug gists considering that the united states sen ate recentlv rejected an extradition treaty with great britaid it is rathor amusing to find the new york tribune gravely saying it is a wonder that canada has consented so long to be an asylum for the criminals of the united states she oanuofc wipe out this stain upon her escutcheon too soon the fastest time on eeoord in the direction of the nearest drug store is not too fast for any person to make who is troubled with constipation dyspepsia liver complaint or aiok headache and is therefore in need of dr forces pleasant pellets gentle and effective one a dose if we wonld bring a holy life to christ we must mind our fireside duties aa well as the duties of the aanotuary spurgeon 100000 feople ferish more than 100000 persons annually die in this country from consumption which is but the ohiid of catarrh 500 reward la offered by the proprietors of dr sages catarrh re medy for a oase of catarrh which they oan- not cure the remedy is sold by drnpgiata 50 oents another lie nailed said the olerk as he tacked up a selling out at cost sign cofi ho more watson s cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and ahest for the voice unequalled see that the letters b t w are stamped on each drop minister who has jast driven bis horse to a wedding in the country can i hitch out here 1 prospective bridegroom wall no guess su and ths folks rather have the hitohin done in tho house consumption surely cored to tho editor please inform your readers that i have a sjsltlve remedy for the above named disease y its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured 1 shall be glad to bend two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have con sumption ft they will send me their exprest and p o address boapy ta slocum mc 164 weat adelaide st toronto a p 441 fil artificial nfansb address tfi an oo toronto oat barkers shorthand school 5 kins afreet eats toronto f atmerl j or over ore year principal ot theshoithasd institute in con nection with the canadian business university typewriting department under the 11 anagement or its george bbsgouoh agent tor the remington typewriter apply tor circular is writing mention till paper a ckxt wanted for the iuotratd hutokt or slrhoois by the bar w ii daniel 4m new and enlarged edition the only popular sad ac curate onevol me history ot the denomtnatitc thoroughout th world 35page2co illustrations urplbly bound in cl th gilt and in halt russia gilt marbled edges not dry cr uninteresting page in the whole bock from beg nnlag to ted terms liberal mr briccs pnblmwr toronto oot c- money ktublubed i8w to loam on farms lotrsstbstm ho delay oonfjtponamkv stiletto i kw o bsttusk it anotal aft 72 kin at e toronto lane meant oftrust und nrrtt class tecmrity apply to os ver r rate of interest on orst mps beattychadwkjk buibkstcck calt banisters and solicitors tcelcgtoa st oar church orer btai ot xoxcato toromto ont automatic safety elevators pat hydraullo hand and steam elevators i leitch turnbull canadian elevator work peter and queen street hamilton ont merchants butchers and traders generally we want a good man in your locality to pick np or ua cash tarnished on satisfactory guaranty address hiss pasjc verment u 8 allan line royal mail steamship sailing during winter lrom portland everytbnnd and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in sum msr from qoebeo every saturday to liverpool calllni at londonderry to land malls and passengers for scotland nd ireland also lrom baltimore via sail tax and st johns n f to liverpool fortnlghtl daring summer months the steamers ot the glas gow tines sail during winter to and from halifax portland boston and philadelphia and during oum mer lxjtween glasgow and montreal weekly qlaagov and boston weekly and glasgow and phuadelphu fortnightly for freight passage or other information apply to a schumacher co baltimore s cunard a co halifax shea co st johns kftd wm thonu son co st john n b allen aj co chloago love alden new tork h boarller toronto allans rae co juebco wm brookle phladel phla h a allen portland bonton montreal choice farms fob sale in ah parts of manitoba arties wlahlng to n rsjte lmrtocrd manitoba items from so aoraa weirds jidiats potseatwn call or write to i suulsox mo- arthur biock main t wlnnipe information fumiihed free 01 charge and settlers awated making selection 3mc0 to xoajch at crjuuut ran or ixuxxsx stained glass for churohes dwellings and public buildings mcausland son 76 klne st w toronto rennies seeds are the best ana may bo sent by mail to any post office in canada new hlustrateu catalogue now ready conuintnjy description and lrices f the choicest field garden flower seeds maded free every farmer and gardener should hate a copy before orderinjr seeds for the comfntr season handsomest catalogue published in canada w rennjemronto brown engines 1r0h and steel boilers any size toronto engine works princess and front sts j permns go toronto op all kinds dealers billed ou on favorable term hhhurds0h nunm rytoen bar hnjetton oat x dozen car loads very fine native onion trees fdrone cent 480 acres free la dakota or montana broad prararles fertile val 1 vs wood coal an clear mountain streams send your address on postal card to j m huckins 4 palmer house block toronto or f i whitney oed pa art 8t paul minn gjt orteutdnu vie ctetrfkltrjotn in cona win brcadmakers yeast is tit tubjtcl mortwm mamma tritd all th rest soshttnomsiesthtttst hgttmt gnu ker bread is tit viitest her bans an tit and we eat alt th pancakes she dart set befbrem boy the breadmakers yeast pr1ge6gehis tankde iawfardb bafhswirb ssp dewelons 4g em safe 0 and your crop is safe if ycu always use thor buythem try them prove them i their handsomo illustrated catalogue with a ocautiful lithographed pace of flowers mailed free to all intending purchasers on application by postcard send for it today itiyiixpay you tells all about new varieties of seeds bulbs vines roses sc and how to grow them address tho steele bros co ltdtokottto anns bapid treatment dmtor how is your husband cyntbiaj aunt cynthia hes wnss dis mawnin dootah lots wuss daotor did yon give him that medi cine aa i directed a teaspoonful every hour annt cynthia ho dootah i jest give him de whole bottle ter wnnst he wanted a single trial is all that is needed to prove that poisons nervilino is the most rapid and certain remedy in the world for pain it only costs 10 cents for a trial bottle a single trial bottle will prove nerviiine tobe equally efficacious as an external or internal reme dy and for pain of every description it has no equal try a 10 oent sample bottle sold by druggists wge bottles 25 cents avoid substitutes bronchitis cured after spending ten winters south was cured by scotts emulsion 16 centro st now tork 1 juno 25th 1888 j th winter after tho groat tiro in chicago i contracted bronchial affections and since then have been obliged to spend nearly every winter south last november was advised to try scotts emulsion of cod liver oil with hypophosphltes and to my surprise was relieved at onoe and by continuing its use throe months was entirely cured gained flesh and strength and was able to stand even the bliz zard and attondtobuslnoss every day c t churchill bold bu all druggists boe and 100 onr annual nescriptrveand illustrated ihsasf reliable seeds wilt be seat free to all ipplicants it contains nil the leadlne and most popular sorts of vegetable farm and flower scctlfi besides all the desiraule noveltiesof this and inst season and everything else in ourllncof business e vers farm cr market gardener florist private unr4eiior and amateur should see a copy of our catalogue before orttcrintt- it wilt payyou j aa simms rs 147 king street ithrcedoors west of tliemrket tokowjoowtaiiio n nthiiitikf when i say cork i do not moan merely to stop them for a time and then liavo them turn again i mean a radical oukk i have made the disease of fits epilepsy or falijinq sickness a ufa long study i waehant my remedy tf curb the worst oases because others hava falltd is no reason for not now recelvlnga cunt bend atonceforatrcatlsc and afitik jioit of my infallible bejiedv glvo express and post office it costs you nothlnp lor a- trial and it will cure you address h o boot mc 164 west adelaide st toronto ont prevention and cure if you are strong and well if ifou are sick try and keep eo by supplying your ystom with htrong ftoarisbnient tint will oorlch tho blood ncl build up tvury pxt of the body flrh muhcle and done and fortify you again- 1 the attacks of disease tour case demands food tbat in the bmallest bulk contains powerful nutrition that can bo easily oigfchted by tho weakest um- ach the food tbat will supply both these demands is johnstons fluid beef the great strength gi7er confederation ife n atbmt8 praon red patent attorneys and experts rstviim dnaidckidoutftcotoroiilo rpsb boileet msrucriosl and insnr l anee company ot canada consul toe engineers and solicitor of patents tobonto c boss ohlel auxlneer a fusts seortroai ganger aadtnntoncuruoi nowjmf book free da mcmichael no klaxarasu busuo k y evsry book woman should keep a visiting mcsical isstedmentssedd or our lujre iuustated catalogue ot band instru ments violins qnltars flutes etc and all kinds o trimming agent or frenches and dewitts plays buxlan08 music 8iore 37 king st west toronto ont business university building toronto students c arabian i poblio library building toronto student lrom british colombia california kaneaa illinois and quite a number of the other states and provinces now in attendmoe writs or descriptive ciroulart th03 bekoouon coas h brooks president stoy temanaj er ouelph business college gnelph oat xhs fifth scholastic year began septem ber lt the system ot education pursued it at onoe intellectual and eminently practical meeting in a very marked degree the requirement ot toll progres sive and commercial age few it anyof the gradu ate according to the showing of past result need be long unemployed to mention thelf training school ima rule a pasrport to eligible and lucra tive situation address h maccosmcs principal toeonto jei 3bc03mcz1 o t omc je- a wt st over 3000000 assets w c macdonald actvabt and capital- sis w p howlahd president wm eixiot hooper vicapuaaibists r k hacdoatlsstv mamaqixo dntxoiou enures boilers saw mills waterotjs engine works co brantpord and winnipeg one of many batttrtlcs or solicits furnishko luttaremcn sjend fob circulars and csttimatcov 0

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