volume 2 no3 stouffville ont friday march 15 1889 whole number 55 traveuers guide trains leave stoultvilie station main and sutton branch as follows- main linb 7vbuth mixed y- express mixed express vortii express mixed mixed express line 8 to a no ii02 425 p m 757 908 a m 1102 545 p- 604 sutton branch south mail 810 a m north mail 6 to p m stolfkvime markets iycd fall wheat spring wluiii flour per cwi barley rye teas veas blue oat- bran per ton shorts per ton hiiy potatoes per hag eggs butter lard geese per lb turkiys per lb chickens per pair 1 hlo 0 00 2 so 0 18 0 60 0 00 0 05 0 80 0 00 0 00 17 00 0 35 0 00 0 20 0 12 0 os 0 00 0 60 1 01 0 13 0 5i 0 co o or 0 70 0 35 15 00 20 00 18 00 0 40 0 15 0 21 0 14 0 0j 0 10 0 70 church directory methodist church- rev george brown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm lray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting huisday at s pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor services at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian- rev mr knowles pastor- service at 1030an1anj7pnl sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday cvg at 8 pm- baptist rev mr barker pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pu prayer meeting on wednesday at 750 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at 130 pm- meetings of societies and boards village council on tbe second tues day of each month director of mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month tr t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w firstand third monday of each month in daleys all beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death h johnson masjerwoorkman j urquhart recording sec public school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club second friday of each month i o f first and third friday of each month sswsssriss slwb fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with nlorphy miller toronto office sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mr mclean stouffvilleont james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceives prompt attention charges mod- crate james obrien stouffville ont hair cutting and shaving parlor stand one door west of sanders block main at stoultvilie a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc hai dressing or balls parties thea tres etc in the must fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor cedar posts for sale mhe undersigned has on hand about -1- 1000 fitst class cedar posts for sale h mcdonald march stli 1ss9 stouffville thoroughbred bull i have for service on my premises rear lot 2 con 9 whitchurch a thor ough bred short hobn istjlrj abraham stouffer mar gtli 1s89- 543 mos- strayed from fhe premises of mr tyndall march oth a red mtiley heifer with a rop tied rmindher horns any person returhifijf her will be suitably rewarded john tyxdall march 6th looill items buy where you can get the cheapest chgams sold at a very low rate goous soid in the jewelers line at a small living profit- call and be convinced i have stlso opened a jlivery stable on jfair crround street s yake jeweler stouflyille march 1st 1s89 hospital remedies what are they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medicine tho opportunity of the ignorant qnaek who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they are tho favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 25 to 100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each not one of them is a enre all each one has only tho reasonable power of curing a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and f ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhooa or nervous debilityshould send stamp for descriptive catalogue to hospital remedy co 303j west king st toronto canada if your druggist does notkeep these remedies remit price and wo will send direot life the sun assurance company of canada dickson taylor mcgullough barristers solioitors etc money to loan offices daleys block manning arcade stouffville toronto r a dickson a mtayiorbcl j w mcculioich hcl kerr macilonalil davidson pattefon uakrisrisks solicitors notariks public etc- ofkicfs masonic biuldings toronto st toronto arid main sf stouflville jk kerr qc v mcdonald w davidson jno a patterson r a grant a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel stonfrvillc on the islh and a the trcmont house markham on the 20th of each month roseraans hotel mount al- bcrvvon the 14th victoria square on the 21st when thesedatcs fall on sunday the monday following will be nudcr- stood asskts 88000000 the sun is a home company invest ing all its funds in canada and has thus a spacial claim on canadian as surors it is a strong and prosperous com pany with large and well invested assets its rates arc low and its profits to policy holders large and equitably diviied the sun aionb issues an absolute ly unconditional policy there are no ifs or provisoes about it the only condition is the payment of premiums the sun has not one contested 01 disputed claim on its books thos wokkman esq k- maculay president man director a ii gilbert manager western ontario toronto e j daley general agent and impeclor for counties ff york and ontario stoufeville ont real estate transfer mr j a mitchell of ringwood has bought the rear half of lot 33 eighth concession of markham this property was former ly known as the milne place assembly the assembly in daleys hall on friday evening list was quite a brilliant affair markham port perry and the adjoining neighborhood were well represented and a most en joy able time was spent great bargains wonderful barga ins tremendous bargains awful bar gains at spoffords store sale of real estate mr james brown of the east end sold his proper ty there to mr win brown and we are sorry to say has decided to remove from town having bought a farm in the vicinity of hamilton whoa emma as mr dan cook was driving down street leading one horse behind and driving the other tho horse he was leadig jumped both front feet into his cutter the other took freight and commenced running up setting the cutter but he succeeded in holding the ono he was driving the other got away dan is quite a horse trainer nearing completion bakers new saw mill near the g t r is being rapidly finished the frame work being up and we expect soon to hear the merry buzz of the saw no doubt the easy access to a lumber market will give a great boom to the extensive building- operations that are expected in the spring great racket the great rush at spoffords store creates quite a sensa tion to see who srets there first is all the question the rev c 0 johnson will d v deliver his celebrated lecture on home life in the bethesda methodist church on tuesdav 19th of march 1889 at half past seven oclock he will also sing several pieces and play nil the guitar during the evening lie will also lecture at ballantrae on in fluences on thursday 21st march at half past seven admission 15 cents children 10 cents rev w p brown pastor gospel temperance meeting the attendance at the meeting on tues day evening was very good all the seats being well filled a volunteer glee club was formed which rendered some good music mr benson smiths solo being especially appropriate rev messrs w p brown and percy gave short addresses and gertie daley a capital recitation the rev n hill of markham made a capital speech brim full of anecdote and illustration and argument bearing on prohibition a number signed the pledge at the close of the meeting the boys who sit in the rear of the room and stamp their feet should be provided with front seats or else standing room outside spofford is doing a slashing trade in his large well filled store in daleys block the festive burglar on satur day night last some one crawled in tho window of the queens hotel and hav ing previously secured a key affected an entrance to tho barroom a bottle of brandy was the only thing missing constable dougall followed the thiefs footsteps around tho stable arid over to chinch street on sunday night a panel of tho back door of the building occupied by the devastators was re moved by the meansof a jackknife and a kick the bolt was then shoved back and the burglar was free to try the next door which proved an easy task operations were commenced on the third door with the knife but were in- terupted by tho noise of someone light ing a fire in tho neighboring room there is a room under the steps of daleys hall familiarly known as a cooler which would look well with a lodger in the person ot the burglar aforsaid if tho law could git a grip on him surprise on wednesday evening last about 8 oclock a load of young people might have been seen driving through our village filling the air with their joyous strains on enquiry they proved to be from markham they pulled up in front of mr s c fleurys residence where they disembarked and took possession of the house where they remained until tho wee sma hours began to strike on the town clock when they returned homeward filling the still midnight air with those sweet strains that a markham crowd so well knows how to produceand express ing themselves as delighted with the outing any parties wanting to purchase a farm should call on it j daley who has seven or eight now on his list prices low terms easy something new a big stock of mens ready made clothing will be shown at spoffords great bargain house on saturday ranging from 395 per suit up to 1500 d stouffer co must be anticipat ing an enormous trade in boots and shoes judging from the stock they are laying in so mote it be ladies aid social on tuesday evening next the ladies aid of the methodist church will hold a social at the residence of mrs clendeuen a pleasant time is expected ox deck all who are interested in the formation of a baseball club in town are requested to meet at tne tri bune office on monday evening next at 8 pm for the purpose of organiz ing no matter whether you are a player or not if you admire the game comi- along tho sale of magazines papers c at the mechanics institute rooms on thursday evening 7th iiisj was not a very great success only a few per sons wero present consequently only a small quantity were disposed of the sale will be continued on friday after noon lothinst at 2 p m previous to the opening- of the farmers club meeting this is a chance to get some cheap reading reform meeting a meeting of reformers of division no 3 whit church held a meeting for the election of officers last saturday evening at reeve jones offieebloomington john jamieson was elected chairman geo w patterson secretary committeo on voters lists m jones j jamieson g w patterson jjbrown l baker the devastators in church on sunday night last the gentlemen who have been making such a stir in busi ness circles attended one- of our popu lar churches and were shown to a front seat in the course of his sermon the minister to illustrate a point in his sermon leferred to the race for bar gains in cheap tinware the re mark caused quite a ripple of laughter among the congregation the leading shoe house has re ceived 23 cases of boots and shoes with more to follow which added to their already splendid stock will make an assortment unsurpassed in quan tity quality style and price the public will be cordially welcomed by d stouffer co home to be buried the remains of duke lloyd whose death was re corded in last weeks issue arrived here from california on the 530 train from toronto on wednesday the coffin was opened for a short time to allow his many lriends to take a last look at his body which was then taken to dixons hill cemetery for burial stolen robe on friday last con stable dougall received word that a robe and some tinware had been stolen from mr j bundys shop in claremont on ilie previous night the same afternoon a man driving a horse attached to a democrat cutter in which was some tinware and hidden in the bottom of a cutter a robe stopped at a farmers south of stouffville and after repairing damaged shafts he proceeded towards yonge st word was sent to mr buudy who after getting a warrant set mr w reynolds on the trail it is to be hoped that tho thief will be captured tho best way to repair strength and increase the bodily substance is to invigorate the stomach and improve the circulation with northrop ly mans vegetable discovery and dys peptic cure simultaneously with tho disappearance of indigestion it relieves that morbid despondency and tho norvousness which are as much the product of dyspepsia as the weakness of the stomach and loss of vigor and flesh which proceed from it as a blood purifier it has no equal around town ust boys mills st patricks day next sunday have you put your sig to the street lamp petition keep your eye peeled for tho bloomin burglar with a jack knife lent began on wednesday week remember your failings curling is about done and the are beginning to talk baseball the innards of the albert are being torn out to make room for the new machinery the new men are hustlers the bad old girl who struck town monday would not take the tram that night she had sobered down consider ably the next morning the gentleman who lost his rubbers during the sleigh ride on monday evening hopes there will be no more snow asie does not care to invest in a now pairvjl nothing ever grates more on my keen susceptabilities than the sight of a drunken woman a degraded be sotted man is bad enough but to see a form once beautiful ruined by drink and a nature once modest and chaste lost to all sense of shame and begging for fiye cents to get a drink causes a momentary shudder of disgust it begins to look as if the peck mnih dust will be forth coming tho hens want to get down to ness as easter will soon be here there were several games of fisticuffs among the small boys on tuesday niglit better let them fight it out and fthd out who is best man better a black eye or two than continual bad blood myrtle navy of busi- lkusonals is mr edward wheler of cataract in town mrs carveth of toronto who was visiting in town returned on saturday wo arc sorry to hear of the illness of mr r barnes paralytic stroke miss grove of little britain is visit ing her sister mrs j g clarke miss clara mccallum is visiting with her brother at duriville ont among the names of the successful candidates at tho dental intermediate examination we arc pleased to note that of mr bert sangstcr any person or persons knowing any thing of the whereabouts of john kel- lington who left home on march 6th will please communicate with his anx ious parents at goodwood when last seen he was driving north west round about us notes got by hook ok by crook with scissors or pen in hand we received a notice from the post master of a neighboring villagea short time ago informing us that one of our papers directed to a subscriber in that hamlet remained uncalled for in his office on the dotted lines following the word reason was written he is dead your paper will not reach him where ho now is we hope it is not because he is in that place where the paper would scorch on the mail route omemee herald on sunday night last a young man named albert wilson shot and killed sarah marshall because she refused to let him go home with her from a coun try church near the village of watsford he had purchased a revolver some time previous and had threatened that if she continued to refuse his company she should not keep company with any one else he is still at large it may be only a trifling cold but neglect it and it will fasten its fangs in your lungs and you will soon be car ried to an untimely grave in his country we have sudden changes and must expect to have coughs and colds we cannot avoid them but we can effect a cure by using bickles anti- consumptive syrup the medicine that has nevor been known to fail in curing coughs colds bronchisis and all affec tions of the throat lungs and chest the following which we clip from an exchange needs no comment ask a farmer to furnish the church with wood free of charge ask the painter to paint it without receiving pay for it request the carpenter to shingle the roof and do it without pay ab surd say you they will never do it of course they wont but these same people expect the local papers to give notices of entertainments c for nothing t a broken heart tiealbd with dr karn of woodstock was the cen tral figure of a breach of promise case in wnlkerton on tuesday last he did not deny the charge and the jury assessed the damages at 1500 the complainant i9 a pretty young lad7 of eighteen sum mers named olga nicrccier of neustadt the letters rend in court were up the us ual standard in point and sweetness fever and ague and bilious de rangements arc positively cured by the use of parmelees pills they not only cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter but they open tho excretory vessels causing them to pour copious effusions from the blood into the bowels after which the cor rupted mass is thrown out by the nat ural passage of the body they arc used as a general family medicine with the best results