Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1889, p. 4

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the tribune stouffville march 1 889 club rates we offer the tribune together with the following papers from now till the end of 1889 at the prices mentioned weeuy globe and rural canadtaii2oo weekly ft and farm and fireside 175 weekly ae n one engraving christ before vkte fathers of confederation i75 weekly news and both pictures weekly advertiser and engraving 175 falls of niagara oo eamify herald s century magazine 45 st nicholas 3s saturday mr ja 2 fireside weeklv 2 address the tribune stouffville ont s to the farmers of york and ontario cos abstract statement of the assets and liabilities 1889 janv of all kinds and balances on hand assets s e office furniture and fixings 200 00 uncollected taxes 1888 c2 48 county assessment fer schools 471 00 clergy reserve interest i year 402 78 municipal debentures 13314 68 cash special deposit c r f loan repaid 728 64 bal township general account 495 17 8 c bal dog tax account 360 09 1s89 janv we must insist on having the name of our correspendent unless it he our regular one as a guarantee of correct ness we have a letter from sutton signed with a fictitious name and if the writer will send his name and signify that he is a subscriber we will be glad to publish the letter next week godevs lady book speaks for itself and needs no praise the march num ber now before us is a fair indication of the value of this favorite indication the year round it is sparkling spicy sensible and sure to please all iudies who want a magazine for home im provement fashion intelligence and general culture subscription price 2 per year address godeys ladys book 1226 arch street philadelphia pa a year old today fiftytwo times the tribune has gone on its rveekly visits and from the many complimen tary remarks we hear there is reason to believe that it is growing in popu lar favor during the year we are now entering upon we intend with the cooperation of our correspondents to make the tribune a regular bud get of news and interesting items if there is some subject that you would like to see discussed start it yourself and we will give you space if possible liabilities over due bills and accounts county assessment for schools clergy reserve interest i year bal assets in excess of liabilities signed 16035 si c c 96 64 471 00 402 78 15065 42 16035 s4 w collins treasurer to the municipal council of the township of whitchurch gentlemen we your auditors appointed to audit the accounts of this township for the year ending december 1888 and to report thereon we hereby certify that wo have examined the books very carefully and ound them correct and also the securities pertaining to the clergy reserve fund all of which are quite satisfactory we find the books well kept and vouchers for each transactiou balances being fully accounted for 15th febv 18s9 signed john vannostkand inr robert mckee j a great chance j by special arrangements with the publishers j of toronto saturday night and canadian fire- j side weekly we are enabled to offer both those valuable journals together with ours at the lollowing remarkably low rates good reading world over it is reported by lieut baert at brussels that stanley will not return either by way of the congo or zanzi bar but will attempt to conquer khar- toom and wrest the soudan from the mahdi the pamell commissioners business is about concluded pigott from whom the times purchased the famous letters has been pretty well pumped by sir chas russol and there is very little doubt that pigott himself was the au thor of the letter later he admitted at this time of year when everyone is en deavoring to provide amusing and instructive reading for the fireside toronto saturday night should be remembered as one of the best written cleanest and most elaborately il lustrated papers published in the dominion it contain twelve pages of reading matter and pictures many of which are reproductions of the finest work of art in europe while its pages of humorous selections are direct repro ductions of the choicest pictures and paragraphs of the english and american comic papers- the publishers challenge tht world int an equally attractive illustrated fivecent news paper it constants the family herald stories which appear simultaneously with their origi nal publication in england and througout it is a paper for wilich every father of a family should subscribe by special arrangements with the publishers we are enabled to offer toronto saturday night and the tribune at 225 per annum it is certainly an op portunity of which all should take immediate advantage for we are really giving our paper and saurday night for the price of the latter the fireside weekly is made up exclusive ly of stories poetry and answers to correspon dents the sheppard publishing company truthfully claim it to be the cheapest family story paper in amreica its price being 2 per year while that of its american rivals not one whit better in style and much inferior as to contents are each 3 per annum we of fer the fireside weekly and the tribune at 200 per annum could anyone ask more 5053 great results are s peedily aceom pli6hed by the leading alterative it is absurd for people to expect a euro fur indiges tion unless they retrain from eating what is uhwholcxoirio but if anything will sharpen thehpjiatitc awl give tono to the digestive organs it is ayers sur- saparilla tliuuxaiuls all over the land testify to the inrnts of this medicine mrs sarah burroughs of 24s eighth street south boston writes my hus band has taken ayers sarsaparilla for dyspepsia and torpid liver and has been greatly benefited a confirmed dyspeptic c canterbury of 141 franklin st boston mass writes that suffering for years from indigestion ho was at hist induced to try ayers sarsapariila ami by its use was entirely cured mrs joseph anbin of high street ilolyoke mass suffered for over a year from dyspepsia so that she could not eat substantial food became very weak and was unable to care for her family neither the medicines prescribed by physicians nor any of the remedies advertised for the euro of dyspepsia helped her nntil s cojhmenccd the use of ayers sarsaparilla v three bottles of this medicine she writes cured me ayers sarsapariifa prefabbd bt dr j c ayer ic co lowell mass trio six bottle 5 worth j5 a battle gentlemen if vou want to get a cultivator bulky plow twin or gang plow single plow land poller iron harrows or scuffles go to the stouffville agricultural works if you want the best articles manufactured in these lines our cultivator is ur- surpassed by any in the market our lever raises the teeth two inches higher from the ground than any other spring tooth cultivator made this is acknow ledged by all to be iitvery great advantage our twin plow has been very greatly improved and thoroughly tested having last fail been brought in competi tion with nearly all the leading twin plows in the market and in the practical field contest have taken the bun every time in their construction we use the very test material and they are put together with very great care our single plows are so well known for their superior working qualities that it is useless to say anything in their favor here more than that weave thisseason using in their con struction the best soft co iter steel mould hoard manufac tured in the united states winch is a sufficient guarantee of a good cleaning and consequentlyan easy running plow our lad rollers iron h arrows scuffitrs etc are also of no 1 quality and unsurpassed by anything in the market to those who are in need of anything in the above lines we would invite an inspection of our stock before buying be sure and get our prices especially our cash prices as we are prepared to make things very interesting to the man who buys with the cash kindly note this in your cranium repairing done as usual vtfbjv stouifvilib fvk 2aud 189 52- 5 i in presence ot witnesses that he forged northrop and lymans vegetable die- the letters and next morning he had skipped f e clark a druggist was as sassinated last nlghtwhile at work in his store corner of harrison street ard hermitage avenue chicago the victim w6 shot in the hack a bullet penetrating ma heart no one saw the deed eone people living above the store heard a cry for help then the shot followed by hurrying footfalls the perpetrator and his motives arc unknown the murdered wan was a yonrg sarnian who had fceon in chicago for two or three years and had a couple of months ago open ed a drug store fere he was highly respected in his native town covery and dyspeptic cure indiges tion ceases biliousness disappears constipation gives place to regularity of the bowels in consequence of taking it ladies suffering from complaints peculiar to their sex experience long wished for relief from it and impuri ties in the circulation no longer trouble those who have nought its aid give it a trial and you will not regret it sale onthursday olid friday last the teachers of south york gathered in convention at barkdale there was an average attendance and the pro ceedings were full of interest on ac count of the illness of the president ix fothcriugham the chair was filled by the vicepresident james hand a number of papers on echool subjects were read and discussed the most amusing of which was that of j w milne of don school on drawing parmelees pills possess the power of acting specifically upon the diseas edorgans stimulating to action the dormant energies of the syuom there by removing disease in fact so great is the power of this medicine to cleanse and purifv that diseases of al most every name and nature are driv en from the body mr d carswell arswell p o ont writes i have tried parmelees pills and find them an excellent medicine and one that will sell well now is the time to subscribe for the tribune one dollar a year in advance jtuxicia1l of farm in wuitchurcb pursuant to the order mode in the matter of ab raham snider deceatcd baker-n- snider there will be offered for leby public auction at millers hotel in the village of stouflt- vllle in the eounty of york by mr ndcon smith auctioneer on saturday march 2 1889 at one ocloek p m- the following farm pro- party- the east sixty acres of lot number eight in the 4th concosslon of whitchurch let the two rods re- orved off on the south for a lane the farm is about a quarter ot a mile from dethesda p o 7 nilcs from aurora and 7 miles frs stouffville upon the came are a large two storey brick house containing ten rooms and a large cellar also a sraa ii frame dwelling house now rented a framo driving house stable and barn a young orchard garden and two wells the soil is principally clay loam oboat seven acres in hardwood and a few pine the land will be offered subject to a reserved bid the land will be sold subject to the right of the pic- scnt tenant of the small house the purchaser will be required at the time of the sale to pay down one tenth of the purchase money so much more wlthinone month thereafter as will with the deposit amount to drooo the balance in rive years with interest yearly at six per cent to be secur cd by mortgage or at purchasers option the remain der of said purchase money after payment of the said one tenth into court to the credit of this matter in hirty days after sale without interest the other terms the sale will be made known at the time of sale and in the meantime can be ascertained froa the vendors solicitors for forther particulars apply to mcmichaei hoskik andocden 46 church street vendors solicitors mccarthy osler hoskin and creelattn toronto street toronto and dr hunter umonville bated february 7th iso if bix molban chief clicrk ivi o look out buy where you can get the cheapest organs sold at a very low rate gooqii sold in the jewelers line at a small living profit- call and he convinced i have also opened a iivery stable on fair ground street j yake jeweler stouffville march 1st 1689 t dont forget that we have moved to kemps new store where we always intend keeping on hand fresh groceries tobaccos roller flour porridge meals horse cattle food garden and field seeds if you dont see what you want ask for it a g brown telephone store fkbv 8th cbe uisciaei sale in order to reduce my large stock of winter goods previous to stock taking and to make room for spring goals i now otter to the public the following lines at actual cost and below cslovesj mittm tien dress fejoods iflannelh and underwear litidics and cent furs bojn youtlw and bscnsv overcoat and ready made clothing ordered clothing aid ui nhhings is our specialty so the above lines mast go to make room for the immense oider of spring goods which are now on the way coming buy quick the best bargains go first come early and pick em up j bray ml site main street lioilli attention attention all former quotations knock lis x o tj t 1g it bright sugar10o lb good green ten 100 12 bars a 1 laundry soap 25cts 7 lt baking soda 25 cts 3 lb box christies soda biscuits 25ets 2 good brooms 25cts 3 lb best javacottee 100 15 lb of currants for 100 13 lb val encia raisins 10 canned salmon 15cts 2 cans mackerel 25 cts 6 lb figs 2rs 25 id like 100 12 lb washing soda 25cts dress goods for 7ots worth iocts dxess gxu locts worth 15cts dress goods i5cts worth 20cts dress goods 20cta worth 30ets dress goods 25cts worth 3 dress goods 35cts worth 45cts good tweeds 40cts gocte good tweeds 85cts worth i 25cts white cottons sets worth i2cts gray cottons 4cts worth 7cts gray cottons 5cts worth 8cts gray cottons gcts worth locts all winter goods at almost your own prices ready made clothing sacrifice prices union flannels 12cts worth 20cts hats and caps in great variety at the lowest prices we will no be undersold hv anv hoiifc in the trade a call solicited- todd co west end store- l terms cash stouffviiame

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