Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1889, p. 3

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adbtbii8 empj3s0b waseuhg pet- a canon ciluta- twere poor ytomen oil men to have thar feet wabea brine emperr or austria vxbskia feb 2ih the twelve old men and twelve old women who will have their feet wished by the euprcas and emperor oi austria on maundy thursday march 18 have been selected from the ranks of the vienna pxw 0- the particular morning they will assemble at the palace gates and bo escorted by a chamberlia to the hall of tnrones certain clothes will have been sent to their place of abode so the men will be wearing black tnniea with broad white collars knickerbockers and shoe and the women- black dresses with olosffitting siarohedcapa a these poor people take their seats at two og tables set on opposite sides of the yoom and punctually at 10 the emperor and npress arrived attended by the archduke and archduchesses a throng of court officials and the clergy of the metropolitan ohapter headed by the archbishop of vienna a priest assends to a lectern and intones a prayer after which the serving of a sumptu ous meal to the atrmfolk is at once proceeded with fourand twenty stalwarth life guards men in goldlacod scarlet coats and plumed helmets mrjh in oarrylog trayaon which tands a tureen of soup and two plentffol dishes of fish the trays are cleared at the mens table by the emperor and eleven arohdukes and at the womens table by the empress and as many archduchesses this ceremony is re peated thrco times more for a tray with three entrees follows the first then comes a tray with three sorts of roasts andvege- tables and lastly a tray with sweets and fruit the almsfolk however do not touch these daintiea the empreror and empress ask them if tbey desire to eat and on a negative sign bilng made the tables are cleared in tha same order as me serving that is the lifeguardsmen come in and go out four times with their trays afur this tbey enter once more to remove tho jug of wine silver goblet plate knife fork spoon and napkin from each cover all those articles along with the dishes of food are carried to an anteroom and there packed in large white boxes cmble zon ed with tho imperial arms and an cour later these boxes are delivered at the houses of the different almsmen i and almswomen and become their property the wine jugs are of a peculiar pattern colored green with the imporial escutcheon highly gilt and the date of the year on a white scroll they are much prized by collectors as only twentyfour are made yearly and theie oan only be purchased from the actual recipi ents once the meat has been carried out the tables are removed and the footwashing begins a number of pages kneel and take off eaoh almsmans right leg stocking and shoe the same cfrbe is performed for the women by the maids of honor another prayer is intoned and tho lumperor and em press drawing off their gloves kneel and proceed respectively to pour over the foot of each man and woman a little water out of a golden ewer this ewer is handed by a chamberlain another chamberlain holds a golden basin and a third a lawn towel this towel serves for the dryingof the feet this also being done by the emperor and empress when the function is over pagjgfand maids of honor advance again to replace the shoes and stockings and the last act of the cere mony consists in the bestowal of twentyfour purses containing each fifty florins in gold coins fresh minted thes purees are hung round the necks of the recipients the whole eervice lasts about half an honr and is cohduoted with the most impressive order and gravity 4 h r oapt lugaids pleasure trip it is fourteen months since the arab slav ers in central africa attacked the mission station at karonga on the northwest shore of like nyassa and announced their pur- pose o drive all the whites out of nyassa- land the cable tells as that the white men and their native allies commanded by capt lngard still hold karonga against the enemy who are in possession of a lar e tcr- ritory north ot nyassa capt lugard must thoroughly beliovfe in the saying it is the unexpected which always happens in africa he is a british army ifficcr who went to africa on a leave of absonoe to wander for his own pleasure among the highlands rich in game at the south ond of nyassa when tho news was brought down the lake that the arabs had attaoked the white station at its north end he was asked to take command s therelief expedition oonvinoed that figist- ing was necessary he consented todo so and there he has been confronting the arabs ever since a wholly unlookedfor outcome of his plceauro trip it is a curious faoi that while this mere visitor to africa is stijl able to direct all the movements cf the de fence all but six of tho white men who ac companied him have been compelled by the unhealthful olmateto return to he shire highlands- nt v sun j a horses sijaoit- some of our contemporaries hava ltely chronicled wonderful instances of equine and canine sigacky a marvellous instance occurred at ma years ago the veracity of which 1 can personally vouch for as it hap pened on the glebe land ot my fathers rrc tory ic was in the autumn during oar ploughing time uae of the hones had been taken suddenly ill and we borrowed a neigh boars horse to take its place the new hone being bind stumbled up agiinst the hedse at the end of the forrow this it did twice but on its third ending of the farrow oar own horse remembering the two previous stumblings pushed the stranger back from the hedge into the return furrow now what about a horses calculating and reason ing powers on another occasion this self- came horse of ours did a very much more marvellous thing during the summer we used to change our winter residence to our tummer one 75 miles off by the seaside in pembrokeshire and our personal imeedi- msnta and sundries were taken down in a van drawn by this said horse on one oo- cisios we engaged a new waggoner who was totally unacquainted with the tortuous and difficult route be would have to tiavel he having expressed his fear that he could not find his way was assured by my father that if he trusted to the horse he would reach the deanery all right and he actually did so though the journey was donu in the dark ness of night through an intricate and sparsely populated country and those who kesw the mountainous paoses and defiles of wild wales will cordially and readily substantiate my statements paoyessor lewkixin l d cv driven mad by cruelty the russian sohooner johannes had hardly left riga late in november 18s7 when jaa umb denied an accusation of hav ing stoles clothing induced alternately by floggings and captain harboes promises a confession was extol tad which was followed by farther whipping and confinement in a dark cell for several days without food or water when released he was abused by the crew and to put an end to his misery jumped overboard the captain promised better treatment if he would allow himself to be rescued end a boat being lowered he was brought back while chang ing his wet clothes he received a a brutal kicking about the head and naked body and was again put below next night december 7 1887 he was ordered to take the wheel and unable through weakness to perform that duty the captain struck him in the face and ordered him to follow seem ingly for further punishment as the cap tain was picking up a piece of rope umb now a perfect maniac seized a handspike and struck and killed the captain he then killed in a like manner the two siilois on deck procuring a sheathknife he stabbed the mate and proceeding forward killed two more sailors in their sleep the cabin boy was killed next a danish steamer sighted tho schooner which it towed to co penhagen where jan umb was delivered to the russian authorities snag wintering place for a snake- a daughter of editor mortimer of the new blocro field times brought up out of the cellar a large bead of cabbage to prepare for the familys sunday dinner she cut it oen and immed lately began to scream loud ly a member of the family ran in and found a snake nearly two feet long tquirm- uig about on the table it had been snugly colled around the oabbage head under the outer leave where it bad probably been making its quarters all winter thomas a ejison celebrated the forty- second anniversary of his birth on monday the ninety employees of jhis laboratory at orange presented him with a 700 set ot furniture for his library taking him com pletely by surprise the set consists of thirtyfive pieces all solidly and substan tially made of quartered oak handcarved in very elaborate designs and each piece bears mr edisons monogram 0thr presents were a large and handsome electric clock and a phonograph made of gold and silver limbs for circa ian address doas co toronto oat artificial stained glass for churches dwellings and public buildings mcausland son 7 kins st w toronto money to loaxoa fasti iovsst bitot 17 tcmuhaiwl jti de7 oarreiponaeoos soudtej e it b bum eb financial aft xr 72 king fit- k toronto agents dont forget dr withroirjj history of cttuda from the discovery of aorrioi aown to tho latest event if ycu want a bucdard bcoxtocanrasith ever canadian houiethould have the wot active agents aro making big money wm briggs publisher toronto ont cas km ax bcsleh extyekhtt pohc library building toronto tucenta from it ni it columbia california kanea illinois and qui a oumber of the other states rd provinces now in atnrtince write fordeairlptlve circulars thos brkgough chas q brooks p eehient- stfy manage barkers shorthand school 45 king ircet east toronto formerly for over ave years principal of the shorthand institute in con nection with the canadian business university typewriting department under the management of ma georg k beng 0 ugh agent for the remlrgton typewiiter apply for circular mention this paper in writing forikent 480 acres free in dakcta or montana broad prararles fertile val- 1- vs wood coal an clear mountain utreams send jour address on postal card to j m hcckins 4 palmer house blotk tororto or f i whitney gen pas agt st paul minn fit when i say cuius i do not mean merely to stop them lor a time and then have them ra turn again i mean a radical cuitk j nave made the disease ot fits epilepsy or pausing sickness a life long study i jtaebant my remedy to cokk the worst cases because others have failed is no reason or not now rccelvioga cure send at once for a treatise and afrse bovti b ot my infallible remedy give express and post office it costs yon nothln lor a trial and it will core you address h 0 boot ho 164 west adelaide s toronto ont a laree amonnt of trust funds to loan a m vr low rote of interest on stnt class security apply to beatty chadw1ck blackstock gait barristers asd solicitors ffnl1lngtnnstoor corch ovubsnk ot toronto toronto ont choice farms for sale in all parts of manitoba pirue wishing to purohsw improved manitoba farm from so acres upatrdy with immediate pojeastion call or write to i jiaclsos mc- arthurs bioek vila at winnipeg iniormattoa lurnlhed res ot charge and settlers assisted maaicg selection f at cosxixt rates or istsxsst allan lino boyal hail steamships sailing daring winter from portland everylhureday and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in sum mer from quebec every satnrday to liverpool calling at londonderry to land mails and pauenxen for scotland and ireland also from baltimore via hall fax and st johns n p to liverpool fortnightly during summer months the steamers ot ths olas fow llnea sail during winter to and from halifax ortland boston and philadelphia and daring sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and- glasgow and philadelphia fortnightly for jelght passage or other information apply to a sohuroaoher co baltimore 8 onnard a ox halitax shea si co stjohns nbd wm thomp son ml co st john n b allen k oo ohioago lovo aalden new york h bourller toronto alhmvb el co qnebeo wm brookie phlalel phla b a allen portland boston montreal johnstons op ali kinds dealers billed cat on favorable terms titii bt it hlhhhurdson b bbss savbwr nuratrymen bur lington oat a dozen car loads very fine native unions superstitions and iigtires virgil tell as that tho pods esteemed odd numbers r y there wero seven wise men inantfqait and soven wonders of the wotld miraculous powers are supposed to be pos sessed by the seventh daughter nine grains of wheat laid on a jourieavod olovef enables one to see the faries it is an ancient belief that a change in the body of a man occurs every seventh yearv falstaff says they ssy thereis divinity in odd numbers either by nativity chance or death the nnmbor three was ihe perfect number of pythagoreans who raidit repre sented the beginning middle and the erid in the aaroe islands there- is a supersti tion that seals oast off their kins every ninth month and assume the human shape among the chinese heaven is odd earth is even and the numbers 1 3 6 7 nnd 9 belongs to heaven while the other digits are of the earth earthy the siamese have a regard for odd numbers and insist on having an odd number of doors windows and rooms in their houses and that all staircases mast havo an odd number of steps monrning brooches composed of playing dominoo in black onyx with pearl dot ewe receiving patronage diamonds in the snow sao the diamonds in the snow 1 as across the fields we go how they glitter how they gleam on the pale moons silver beam see each scintillating light i green and bine and crimson bright galaxy of tiny stars intercrossed with brilliant birsv diamond sars so pure and frail sver all earths virgin roil where no shadow comes a creepire where the moonlight pale ib sleeping hnsh i a wind is on the lake heir its echoes softly wako wooing from each gleamy spray diamonds through the air away from the branches bonding ion with a sninhjg orown of snow all the lovely gems are falling at the nightwinds gentle calling all the wintor world is fair silver moonlight fills the air 1 diyin i night and night in day fleet the iomontsspeed awaj i helks m merrill pioton sfraip thrust some men who pass for very respectable oitizsnsi and who really aro not withont good qualities have a habit not only of find- in fault with their wives at every leastprb- vocatiotf but of doing it in torma suoh as no gentleman would over think of applying to any lady eotoept hiiowp wie or possibly his own sister there is a story that such a manoame homo from tho shop one night and found his wifo touch excited over the outrageous be- havior of a tramp he had begged for some thingto cat aiid not liking what the woman gave him had abused her in roundest tsrmr i f johnny- said the man thoroughly indignant when you heard that cowardly rascal abnfngyour mother why didnt you rim at once to the store and jet me know i would havo made short work of him didnt you htr v yes pa i hejrit i was out in the barn and board what he said about the victuals but butwhatl fwby pa i thought it was you scolding mother he used the very same words yon do when the dinner doesnt suit you i didnt think anybody else would dare talk to mother in that way merchants butchers and traders generally we want a good man in your locality to piok up owh larniahed on awtlafactorj guaranty or as address hydb park vcfmont u s irennies seeds arethe bestg land may b sent by mail to any post office in i canada new illustrated cataioguo now ready i containing description and iricc5 of the choicest ifield carden flower seeds bmalled free every farmer amlcartlencr should hato a copy before orderinff seeds for the coming i 10ft haiidsomcstcatalojucpublishcdin canada i wyreninmi0rlnto brown engines iron mp steel boilers any size toronto enorne work3 princess and front st3 fluid beef contains all the elements without a single exception necessary for the for mation of flesh muscle and bone it is indispensable to thk invalid seeking to regain strength to the athlete seeking to develop strength of muscle for children to lay the foundation of strong bodies to the house wxfb to make rich gravy and strong soop the gre1t stbengthgivek brick machines with all the latest improvements spring press box white oak posts iron gross head ano braces teems to suit buyers send for crjmroxajt the e o gurney co j perkins go toronto onr annnnl descriptlteanil lllnstrntcd v reliable seeds will be sent free to all applicants itcohtalnsalltheleadrne aid most popular sorts of vcttclawc farm and flowof bcril5besucsalhhedesiramenovelticsoft last season and every thine cse in ourllnfoflmsines evcpj fitrmor llnrkot arrtcncr florist ihvnio iardouor anil aiuatcur should see a copy of our catalogue before crderin it tsrtll pay you j rl smwftb 147 kng street three doors west of the market tokon 3s ontario ontario mutual life cash income for 1888 393074 00 new assurances written in 1888 2518 650 00 assets as at dec 31st 1888 1313853 00 assurances in force jan 1st 1889 12041914 00 special features prompt payment of claims annual distribution of profits guaranteed surrender values and liberal policy conditions wm hendry w h riddbll manager secretary rr fireproof ohampions with upright or horizontal boilers 12 l6 20 25 1 suitable for all vork and 30 h p f bnckmakincr tc i traction engines 2 16 and 20 horse-power- jirc r- 1 strawburning engines f forthenprthwest htmdfav circular to owe a oorn ibors is no task of so cullod cares for tho oomraon ailment known as corns the vege table animal and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for onres it is a simple matter to remove corns withont pain for if yon will co to any druggist or medicine dealer and bny a bottle o f ntmans painless corn extraotor and apply it as directed the thing is done got potmans and no other john grnndy of polk county is the largest msn in arkansas he is six feet ten inches in height weighs 32s pounds is active and in strength is equal to three men still be entertains a wholesome regard for tho opinlrni of mrs grnndy tankde lamforde bartdwire deweldns em safe and your crop is safe if yon always use tho steele bros gos seeds buyisem try them prove them their handsome illustrated catnlopic with a beautiful lithocraphed pace of flowers mailed ikee to all intending purchasers on application by postcard send for u today itwillpavyou tells all about new varieties of seeds bulbs vines roses 4c and how to grow them address the steele brosfottdtorosto fnorr ctvdrrn vie cheerfully ma in lit do wttx breadmakers yeast it tie adject lifot intttchona ijectbejortu mamma tried alt the rttt soththumtictthecett vigiua catatker bread u the vrttettter bum art tit and teai ali tie fancale the dare et heforeuk buy the bbeadmakebs yeast price 6 cent waterons engine woifeco brantfprp and winnipeg pqostbe steel frame grain drill guaranteed the world so other brill mads oan bs instantly regulated to run at any desired depth without stopping the team 1 no other drill will sow all kinds of trraln thoroughly even and properly ooreradand at a uniform depth u all klcd of roll so other drill oommeooes to sow ths jwnt the horses commence 0 move and misses no trroaad whan bbs startlnk in alter turning no other drill equals the booster t hcu uedaa a oultlvatcrand no slngls cultivator turpatses it this comblotng two implomenta in ono noxons new steel binder ses the greatest invention of the age in our aewknotter which cuts but ons cord makes no waits snsts and saves cord in binding bead our new descriptive catalogue for 1889 soxos bros mtflco ingersod out s fe

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