Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 22, 1889, p. 1

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tibtnte volume l stouffvillr ont friday february 22 1889 number 52 travellers guide trains lore stouffville station main line t sutton branch as follows main line soutll- mixed 8 lo a m express 1103 mixed 423 p m express 757 xokth- express 908 a m mixed iioa mixed s4s p- express 604 sutton iikanch south mail 810 a m north mail 610 p m stouffville markets fail wheat 0 95 to 1 00 spring- wheat 0 00 0 95 flour percwt 2 80 3 13 barley 0 48 0 52 live 0 60 0 go peas 0 00 0 60 peas blackovcd 0 65 0 70 oats 0 30 0 35 bran per ton 0 00 00 shorts per ton 0 00 00 hav 17 00 18 00 potatoes pur bag 0 35 0 40 eggs 0 17 0 18 butter 0 17 0 19 lard 0 00 0 12 geese per lb 0 03 0 09 turkeys per lb 0 09 0 10 chickens per pair 0 00 0 50 thurchdirectory methodist church rev george brown pastor services at 1030am and 7pn1 sabbath school at 230 pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting ihursday al s- pm congregational rev j unswortb pastor servtces at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev mr knowles pastor- services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pm baptist rev mr backer pastor ser vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730pm n cftu rev mr os- borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at i 30 pm james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffville on the paris hair cutting and shaving parlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haiidressmg for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor stbayed from the premises of lot 25 con 9 whitchurch about the first of july last one yearling steer a roan color 1 yearling heifer spotted red aud white parties giving information that vill lead to the recovery of same will be suitably regarded james jgkay ballantraeont february 1st 18s9 dress making meetings of societies and boards village council on tbesecond tues day of each month director of mechanics inst on the third tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u w first and thitd monday of each month in daleys all beneficiary ceiti- ficatc given for 2000 in case of death johnson master woorkman j urquhart recording sec tubl1c school board on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club second friday of each month i o f first and third friday of each month fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with nlbrphyisr miller toronto office sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mi mclean stoiiffvilloonl nj armstrong stouffville ovr xiiconsocl jvrielioixcei for the counties of york and ontario sales promptly attended charges moderate on monday feb 4th we intend open ing a dress making establishment at mr a stouffers one door west of presbyterian church we intend following the latest american styles and have the selffitting ells worth model we guarantee satisfa ction both in style and price we hope by strict attention to busi ness and courtesy to merit a fair share of the patronage of the ladies of stouff ville and vicinity iftfets mfsft stoutbnbukg miss vanzant stouffville feby 1st 1889 local items dicksosj taylor mull0u6ii ijarrissiovftf solicitors icto money to loan jn his cvs iljock maturing arcade siltvitc toronto r a bicksov a mtavukucl jv miciliovrhnc kerr macdoriald davidson i pailcrson barbreikks solicitors notaries purine itc- of ictisr masonic buildings toronto st toronto nil main st stpuftvihe i 1vkiri qc w mcdonald y davidson jnoa pattersons r a grant a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel jfvv stouffville on the isth and a y vn the trcmont house markham on the 2olh of each month roscmans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria ouare on the 21st when thesedates fall on unday the monday following will be nudcr- tood- catarrh catarrhal deafness hay fever a new home treatment sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious or that they are due lo the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the noe and eustachian tubes microscopic research however has proved tm to be a fact and the result is that 1 simple re medy has been formulated whereby catarrh catarrha deafness and hay fever are perman ently cured in from one to three simple applica tions made at home by the patient once in two weeks n ulor catarrhal discharges pecu liar to females white this remedy is a specific a pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by a ii dlxon s son 303 west kng street toronto canada scicntijic american sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read the above carefully a great chance uy special arrangements with the publishers of toronto saturday night and canadian fire- ide weekly we are enabled to offer both thoie valuable journals together with ours at the following remarkably low rales good reading at this lime of year when everyone is en deavoring 10 provide amusing and instructive reading for the fireside toronto saturday ight should lni remembered as one of the kit written cleanest arid most elaborately il lustrated papers published in the dominion it contains twelve pages of leading matter and pictures many of which are reproductions of ihefinest woikof artjn europe while its pages of humorous selections arc direct repro ductions of the choicest pictures and paragraphs of the english and american comic papers- the publishers challenge tht world fr an equally attractive illustrated fivecent news paper it constains the family ileruld glories which appear simultaneously with heir origi nal publication in england and ihrougout it is a paper for which every father of a family should suwrile by special arrangements ivith the publishers we are enabled lo offer toronto saturday night and tin tribune at 225 per annum it is certainly an op- poitunity of which all should take immediate advantage for we arc really giving our paper and gaurday night for the price of the latter the fireside weekly is made up exclusive ly of stories poetry and answers to correspon dents the sheppard publishing company truthfully claim it to be the cheaest family story paper in amreica its price being 2 per year while that of its american rivals not one whit better in style and much inferior as to contents arc each 3 per annum we of fer the fireside weekly and the tribune at 200 per annum could anyone ask more 5053 broke loose it is rumored that one of our lately weaned ones was met on a side road not far away smoking like vesuvius hope this report is false revival services kevival servic es are being conducted in the baptist church here by the pastor eyery night except saturday nights ah are cordially invited to attend notary public amoug the ap pointments recently mado by the lieut gov was that of f h sangster of stouffville to be notary public in and for the province of ontario fou saturdays trade a big slaughter m the price of wool shawls at spoffords bargaiu house iu daleys block just one third the regular price come and get one before they all go bread and butter social the gospel temperance society will give a bread and butter social in daleys hall 011 tuesday feby 2g 1889- the en tertainment will by furnished with music by the mount albert quintette club admission only 10 cts tea meeting 1 he union tea meet ing of the lemonville circuit was held on tuesday evening- last in daleys hall an abundance of ffood things were provided both for miud and body but the affair did noi receive the pat ronage it deserved curling match mr kennedy of the franklin house markham intends giving- a silver cup to be played for next tuesday the contest will be open to all clubs in the county of york we hope our boys will give agood ac count of themselves shovel your snow we are told that councillor leaney is after viola tors of the snow bylaw and intends to make things lively for all who neg lect to keep the side walk in front of their premises in a passable condition a word to the wise e t lemon cup our boys return ed ou saturday after a stirring con test rotflu the cup however as we anticipated but the knowledge that they can curl some on friday they defeated the aurora and scarboro maple leafs in the first draw and on saturday in the final draw scarboro defeated them look out for us next year missionary the sunbeam mission band in connection with the sunday school had a social entertainment in the basement ot the congregational church on monday evening- last- the kev mr smith addressed the meeting and a number of excellent readings and recitations were given and all wore treated to a bountiful tea by the ladies of the church the treasurer reported a handsome balance on hand sleigh ride about thirty of our young- people drove over to claremont- on tuesday to take part in the carnival there they report a good time and speak highly ot the success of the carnival perhaps the best part of it was the irivealthough the boys object ed to hie slowness of the pace home wards it is to be hoped that the boys will take better care of the young ladies skates it is rumored that t musical genius was discovered who was before never guilty of singing farmers club the regular meeting of the stouff ville farmers club was held on friday feby 15 in the mechanics institute rooms a large number of farmers were present from the surrounding municipalities showing that the inter est manifested at the last few meetings was increasing the question what are the best kinds of spring wheat oats and barley and the best modes of culti vating the same was ably handled by- mr jamieson whose extensive ex perience enabled him to speak authora- tively on the subject the different varieties of each kind the kinds of soil best adapted for the growth of each and the best mode of cultivation in order to ensure the largest yield and consequently the most satisfactory from a practical point of view were each taken up in turn and formed the sub ject for a most interesting discussion all present expressed themselves well satisfied with the meeting and a num ber of the most enterprising and progressive formers in the community became mombers before leaving the fact of the constantly increasing numbers is the best test of the efficiency of the club apart from the social intercourse it acts as an additional means of stimulating each to greater efforts in the perfection of farming the next regular meeting of the club will be held on friday mar 1st be ginning at two oclock mr brodie will deliver an address ou what are the relations of special fertilizers and manures to this locality as mr brodie is a pupil of the guelph agri cultural college the subject m iy be expected to receive a thorough venti lation a cordial invitation is extend ed to all ieitsojfals miss brennah olnonvood is visiting at mr jus obriens mrs elijah wismer of markham is visiting- her friends and relations is town mr fred obrien of markham spent sunday at home miss- ida smith of this town is spending a few weeks in newmarket visiting relatives and friends good wok us from changes our ex- i north york reformer the stouffville triiwne has absorb ed the plant anil business of the ad vance nid hereafter there willbeouly one paper in that village this will we think be much better for all con cerned as there is certainly not room enough for two papers in stouffville messrs hoidgc bros have shown a good deal of enterprise and should make the business a success in stouff ville york tribune the stouffville tribune has pur chased the plan and goodwill of the advance of that town the tribune is a live journal and contains each week a large amount of interesting news we trust that the union thus consummated may prove a source of strength and wish our namesake every success sunday school convention the annual sunday school convon tion of the east and west ridings of york took place in marsham on 13th 14th and 15th inst when there was a general muster of the s s workers of south york notably from the east side quite a discussion arose aboutdivid- ing the territory by yonge st the resolution was sent to the different township conventions to pass upon it before final action is taken the principal speakers were the rev messrs e harris r p mckay d mctavish and messrs d fothering- han p s i and a day provincial secretary of s s from toronto and a number of local men the thursday evening friday afternoon and evening meetings were tremendous gatherings a marked success on friday afternoon was the teachers meeting for the study of the lesson for next sabbath conduct ed by the rev jno mckay of agin- court who also answered the question drawer in the evening tho officers he ensuing year are president geo flint jim stouffville vicepresident jas stewart ag-in- court corresponding secretary d james thoruhill minute secretary levi annis scarboro treasurer a bathgate york mills mr geo flint jun in taking office as president on friday evening said he felt sensible of the groat honor con ferred upon him in being- called to be leader of so noble a band of sunday school workers as is found in south york he did not take it to himself so much personally but as representing the great and rising- town of stoufivillc which was preeminent formally things but in nothing was it so great as in this workhdving no less than six llourshing- sunday schools meeting every sabbath afternoon the collections on the plates were 87000 which with the contributions from each school enabled this associa tion after paving all expenses and leaving- a surplus in the hands of the treasurer to appropriate a10000 to the provincial association a prominent feature was the music conducted by ii b reesor esq ably supported by mr d stouffer with mr n stouffer cornetist after the usual resolutions the convention closed the meeting next year will be held at wes ton toronto street markst from thursdays globe the receipts of gram on the streets ire moderate and prices steady about j0 bushels of when offered and sid at 103 for fall and 103 to 107 for red 108 to 103 for spring ami si to 85c for tjoose barley steady 2000 bushels sel- ing nt 48c to 50e oats steady t 37c to 3sj for 200c bushels one load of peas sold at cljc and rye nominal nt coc hay quiet and steady with sales of a few loads at 17 to 2 straw sold at 950 to 1050 dressed boss 0 50 to 700 beef 350 to 150 for forcquartsrs and 8 tos50 for hindquarters mutton 0 to 7 lamb 3 to 850 veal 7t 9 ivhitchurch townp conucil ballahtrae feby 16th 1889 members all present council met at 10 oclock reeve jones in the chair minutes of last meeting were read ap proved and signed the tender of moses kuight for 10000 feet of cedar plank to be delivered at ballantrao not later than april 1st was accepted tenders for printing 200 copies of voters lists and 200 copies of township accounts at so much per page were received from l g jackson of the newmarket era at 58 cents and hoidge bros of the stouffville tribune at 55 cents oil motion the lower tender was accepted several bylaws were introduced passed through the various stages and adopted as follows 1 to appoint certain township offi cers for the current year poundkeep ers asa curtis n scheffer gideon uaker jacob fockler johu scott hugh walker j c wallace edward gray chas dennis j h ballard james grove chris stouffer fence- viewers john forrester john march thos lloyd j h ramer wrastorry jr clinton cook eleazer lewis john randall jas usiierwood chas spof- ford johuatau widdifield henry mcmullen pathmasters the names are put in ord er 1st con chas thompson wm thomas alf graham ashton lloydchas webb silas armi- tage 2nd con geo noble john crake allen brown marshall willson ed coltham jas a stephens 3rd jas l jenkins thos lloyd johu forrester stephen stewart john c wallace arthur pelch john fetch aloert lundy j k randall thos currey 4 con geo bell job gor- dan jos atkinson c lloyd nelson bostwick c wilson silas tool 5th con elias baker job scott thos guthrie wes anderson wm spald ing si vanluven luke doyle 6th con frank steckly pat cooney jno pattenden ez penrose john h widdifield wm case 7th con jas kennedy ab ramer wm a cook jas webster thos mauirhau jno larmon 8th con jno johnson ab baker l wfaisloy chas appletori ed mcquillen frank gray wm paisley w a mccormack chas spof- ford 9th con s hoover johnathan lemon albert law wm hill sr wm badgerow w h jonos james grove 10th con m rae robert clarkson john helmkey c reid town line south geo collard thos farmer d wideman c j brodie jab jolmstm mart fockler town line north l rogers s f vernon wm lloydt emerson jno graham town lineeast samuel cook bylaw no 2 to repeal previous bylaws oii the same subject and ap pointing j c lundy township clerk and treasurer fixing his bonds at 12000 and his salary at 125 in lieu of all fees emoluments etc excepting travelling expenses out of the townp and attendance on board of health bylaw no 3 appointing stewart wclker to the office of collectorixing his security at 12000 his salaryat 110 pay able when his work is com pleted the collector must begin tvork not later than oct 2nd and de posit the money collected every two weeks to the credit of the township bylaw no 1 to rpeal bylaws by which persons who build wirefences and plaut shadotrolis on the roadside were granted a bonus bylaw no 5 to regulate the amount to be paid to the owners of sheep killed by dogs henceforth no sheep will be valued at more than c each ou the sole evidence of the own er unless he can produce two wit nesses showing the sheep to have a greater value on motion the treasurers bondsfor 12000 were accepted accounts were presented and order ed to be paid viz iroidge bros print iug bills and postage so eens kerr mcdonald and davidson legal opinion and costs re murphy 1977 james uodgsen one half cost cost o 2g loads of gravel placed on town line east 130 on motion extreasurer collins bonds were cancelled to take effect when he shall have surrendered to he present treasurer ail papers docu ments etc belonging to the township on motion the west half of lot 17 and and the southwest quarter of lot is in the 7th con was detached fioiri the like road division and attached to div 5 in the 8th con the council then adjourn j to meet at ballantrao at 10 am on april 20th i have used ayers 1ihs for the 30 years and am satisfied i should not be alive today if it had not been for them they cured me of dyspepsia whan all other remedies failed t b bonner chester pa ayers pills are sold by all druggists

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