Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 15, 1889, p. 1

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volume 1 stouffville ont friday february 15 1889 number 51 travellers guide trains leave stouffrille station main line and sutton branch as follows main une south- mixed 810 am express 1102 mixed 423 p m express 757 korth- express 908 a m mixed 1102 mixed 545 p m express 604 sutton branch south mail 810 a m north mail 610 p in stouffville markets fall wheat 20 95 to 1 00 spring wheat 0 00 0 95 flour per cwt 2 80 s 13 barley 0 48 0 52 eve 0 60 0 60 peas 0 00 0 60 peas blackoved 0 65 0 70 oats 0 80 0 35 bran porton 0 00 15 00 shorts per ton 0 00 20 00 hay 17 00 18 00 potatoes per bag 0 35 0 40 egrs 0 17 0 18 butter 0 17 0 19 lard 0 00 0 12 geese per lb 0 08 0 09 turkeys per lb 0 09 0 10 chickens per pair 0 00 0 50 james obrien licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario orders by mail or telegraph will re ceive prompt attention charges mod erate james obrien stouffville out the tjsrxs hair cutting and shaving parlor stand one door west of sanders block main st stouffville a complete ladies and gents hairdressing parlor haircutting singeing shampooing curl ing etc haiidressing for balls parties thea tres etc in the most fashionable styles j w shankel proprietor church directory methodist church rev george brown pastor services at 1030 am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm pray er meeting on wednesday at 730 pm young peoples prayer meeting 1 hursdsy at 8- pm congregational rev j unsworth pastor servtces at 103c am and 7 pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meet- ing on wednesday at 730 pm presbyterian rev mr knowles pastor servicesat 1030 am and 7pm sabbath school at 230 pm prayer meeting every wednesday evg at 8 pm- baptist rev mr barker tastor bcr- vices at 1030 am and 7 pm sunday school at 230 pm prayer meeting on wednesday at 730 pm church of england rev mr os borne incumbent services at 245 pm sunday school at 130 pm meetings of societies and boards village council on tbe second tues day of each month director of mec hanics inst on the third tuesday of each month r t of t on the second monday of each month a o u- w first and thiid monday of each month in daleys fall beneficiary certi ficate given for 2000 in case of death johnson master woorkman j urquhart recording sec public school hoard on the first tuesday of each month masonic lodge wednesday on or be fore the full moon of each month farmers club second friday of each month i o f first and third friday of each month strayed from the premises of lot 25 con 9 whitchurch about the first of july last one yearling steer a roan color 1 yearling heifer spotted red and white parties giving information thatill lead to the recovery of same will be suitably rewarded james jgray ballantraeont february 1st 1889 dress making sswssssls smmwm fred w hill b a barrister solicitor etc formerly with nlorphy miller toronto office sanders block formerly occu pied by the late mr mclean stoufivillcont nj armstrong stouffville ont licensed auotioneer for the counties of york and ontario sales promptly attended charges moderate dickson taylor 4 mccdllough banisters solioitors ictc money to loan officbs dxley block mannlnj arcade stouffvuu toronto dickson a m taylor bcl j w mcculujuoii bcl on monday feb 4th we intend open ing a dress making establishment at mr a stouffers one door west of presbyterian church we intend following the latest american styles and have the selffitting ells worth model we guarantee satisfa ction both in style and price yc hope by strict attention to busi ness and courtesy to merit a fair share of the patronage of the ladies of stouff ville and vicinity miss h stoutevbukg miss vanzant stouffville feby 1st 1ss9 local items skating two loads of skaters from claremont enjoyed the fine skat ing on stouffville bink on saturday night last come again point match in a point match for a medal played on wednesday last among the members of the village curling club avm b sanders was the winner with a score of 26 points bihdeits from the appearance of the station yard one wouldfancy the farmers are anticipatinga bountiful harvest there wereabout twenty maxwell binders awaiting their pur chasers the other day which speaks well for the ability of the agent mr hi resolution was carried re round about us notes got bv hook oh by crook with scissors or pen in hand j c robertson hardware dealer of newmarket is reported to be in busi ness difficulties the position of modernlanguage master of uxbridge high school has been awarded to msr leacock of sutton at a salaryof 700 the chief oan australian tribe de livered the following temperance lec- jture in one lino one drink is too much two are not enough at the last meeting of the georgina hospital remedies what are they the growth of intelli gence in medical matters has given rise to a demand for a class of genuine reliable medicine the opportunity of the ignorant quack who grew rich curing everything out of a single bottle has passed to supply satisfactorily this demand this list of reme dies has been created they ore the favor ite prescriptions of the most famous medical practitioners of the day gathered from the hospitals of london paris berlin and vien na prescriptions which cost the patients of these specialists from 25 to 5100 are here offered prepared and ready for use at the nominal price of one dollar each not one of them is a cure nil each one has only the reasonable power of ouring a single disease and each one keeps is contract sufferers from catarrh diseased lungs bronchitis asthma consumption rheumatism dys pepsia liver and kidney complaints fever and ague neuralgia female weakness leucorrhooa or nervous debilityshould send stamp for descriptive eatalogue to hospital remedy co 303j west king st toronto canada it yonr druggist doe3notkeep these j remedies remit price and we will send direct a great chance by special arrangements with the publishers of toronto saturday night and canadian firej side weekly we are enabled to offer both those valuable journals together with ours at the following remarkably low rates good reading at this time ofyear when cvtrjone is en- l vanzant teachers institute we have received a copy of the programme of the south york teachers institute to be held in parkdale on thursday and friday 21st and 22nd inst papers will be read on interesting subjects by j d mckay of jiarkham win hous ton m a and others rose shamrock and thistle the entertainment given by john r clarke on friday evening last was a great success the attendance was large and thoroughly appreciated the capi tal stories and songs the royal templars deserve well of the commun ity for providing such an excellent entertainment union tea meeting the ladies of the lemonville methodist circuit will unite in giving a grand teameet ing in daleys hall stouffville tues day feby 19th 1889 after tea a splendid programme will be presented consisting of addresses by the resident ministers readings recitations and music by local talent the usual ad mission prices curling cup two rinks of our village club go to toronto to day fri day to compete for a silver cup pre sented by mr h lemon of the clyde hotel the competitors are wood- bridge aurora stouffville markham scarboro maple lsaf scarboro heather the draws will be played on moss park bink we hope to see the cup in stouffville next week sad news mr dbrooks of this vil lage has just received the news of the murder of his nephew arthur brooks at the hards of the natives on the east coast of africa mr brooks hod beenj engaged by the london mission socii ety since may 1882 in its missionary work among- the natives and was just returning to england on furlough and had travelled five hundred iitttcs in safety until he reached the region of the troubles with germany where he was shot dead i we extend our sym pathies to the bereaved family many of whom live in this vicinity the following is the standing ot pupils in the stouffville public school foi january 1889 the names are in order of merit fifth class wm mc- carty fred percy b dougherty fourth class walter barkey blanche pbricn mable flint senior third- charles flint jessie brown alice stover junior third no 1 laura obrien clarence monro libbie sand ers junior third no 2 ernest wales alex brown sarah kelly second class no 1 bessie dixon celia daley edith williamson second class no 2 minnie minns kenneth pollock harman marriot second class no 3 ethel cryderman martha take john brown first class no 1 rolph kerby bertram wijjoughby nancy armstrong first class no 2 william yake lilian widdifield may watts first class no 3 barbara robinson jacob jicmullen walter ibopker s4 gospel temperance r a kerr macdonald davidson 4 patterson barristkes solicitors notaries public etc- offices masonic buildings toronto- st toronto and main sf stouffville j k kerr qo w mcdonald w davidson jsoa pattkrson r a grant a robinson dentist will attend at millers hotel stouffville on the isth and a the trcmont house markham on the 2oth of each month rosemans hotel mount al bert on the 14th victoria miare on the 21st when thesedates fall on unday the monday following will be nuder- tood night should- be remembered as one of the best written cleanest and most elaborately il lustrated papers published in the dominion it contains twelve pages of read ing matter and pictures many of which arc reproductions of the finest work of art in europe while its pages of humorous selections are direct repro tactions of the choicest pictures and paragraphs of the english and american comic papers the publishers challenge tht world for an equally attractive iltiistrated fivecent news paper it constants the family herald stories which appear simultaneously with their origi nal publication in england and througout it is a paper for wmch every father of a family should subscribe by special arrangements with the publishers we are enabled to offer toronto saturday night and the tribune at 225 per annum it is certainly an op portunity of which all should take immediate advantage for we are really giving our paper and saurday night for the price of the latter the fireside weekly is made up exclusive ly of stories poetry and answers to correspon moving the cost of vaccination from the individual and placing it upon the municipality on sunday night fire destroyed the largestore of preston leeat bethany ont containing a large general stock the fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary mrs woods of deer park was get ting off the c p r train at west toronto junction on thursday of last week when she slipped and fell on the platform breaking her leg just above the ankle the peterboro bakers were up before the magistrate the other day to explain why their bread was under weight after examining the culprits the limb of the law discharged them as he did not think they intended fraud over 100 loaves were confiscated mr geo doan of sharon and his son john will go out this spring to their land in the neighborhood of re- igina n w t where they will be occupied in making the wilderness blossom as the rose during the coming- season wo wish them success the aurora borealis has removed to west toronto junction and will be known henceforth as the comet the borealis ranks among- the newiest and best of our exchanges and by its re moval aurora loses its best paper we wish the venture every success sun while frank n leavens of the pick ering news was running the gordon press monday morning he accidentally placed his right hand between the edge of the feedboard and the cogwlieel and the ends of his second and third fingers were pinched off below the first joints frank has just nicely finished his apprenticeship here and is built in such a way that loafinsr around for a month nursing a pair o sick fingers wont agree with him at all two young men one from zephyr and one from devils elbow were sur prised on sunday night by a vicious aniinal following- after them in the cut ter on the side road north of jit a ijwhich they state acted very savagely dike that of a link but one of the ad venturers says it was white like a rab bit the settlement is very much dis turbed over the strange animal 1 there is a great deal of excitement round about pine orchard through some person or persons having been poisoning dogs no less than five dogs have died inside of eight months it will be very interesting if the per petrator is found out the london advertiser wants mr browns committee on frauds on farmers to investigate inio the work- ngs of the n p mr wallaces com- ine committee could profitably con- ider the present tariff as it doubtless omes within the range of their sub- ect byron makesthe following charac- eristic note of a party at which sheri- an was present and the wine as usu al was freely circulated first silent meeting 4ithen talky then argumentative then disputatious then unintelligible- then inarticulate and deavoring to provide amusing and instructive l r reading for th fireside toronto saturday eregularmceting of the stouffville gts nits held on tuesday evening altogether- then last considerable interest was added then drunk to the proceedings by the presence of a powerful deputation of ladies hcad- the band who rendered some favorite jed bv dr emily stowe and mrs dr er whose cornet solo was well received the reading by mrsb eckand recl- tetions bv miss blanche obrien and master wilbert lehman were along the temperance lines the feature of the evening was an address by the rev h knowles who departed a little from the line of usual temperance speecees and delved deopto firunhe root of drunkenness athe cause of a gooddeal ofdrinking ifte saidyaaf lack of restraint in the appetites of children who were allowed to have what they wanted simply because the liked it and without regard to the good of their health he made an eloquent plea for healtby physical amusements dents t sheppard publishing company j as an offset tothe drinking habit truthfully claim it to be the cheapest family i story paper in a mreica its price being 2 per j g a dixon frankvillc ont year while that of its american rivals not says he was cured of chronic bron one whit better in style and much inferior as it to contents are each 3 per annum we of- chts that trouu for seventeen fer the fireside weekly and the tribune at years by the use of dr thomas elec- 200 per annum coufd anyone ask more t oil 5o53 selections and the lender mjv n stouff- parker waited on the attorney general an- friday last to enlist his support in favor of mr waterv bill enfranchising fe ladies another deputation from the ontario temperance alliance urg ed more stringent amendments to the crooks act j a terrible accident occurred on wed- nesdav night on the credit valley div ision of the c p r near islington by ishich mr george flemminc of that thn5flost his life the unfortunate man was on his way from his home to the residence of his brotherinlaw mr wm a thompson and was either crossing the railway track or travelling along it near the bridge over the mimico creek when he was struck by the evening express and instantly kill ed the body being frightfully mangled the deceased was a young man of ex cellent character and respected by all who knew him ho was a butcher by- trade and tho successor of messrs j j woollingsof west toronto junction english liberals propose and mean to insist that voters lists shall bo re vised twice a year and that a public official in each constituency shall be held responsible for their correctness canadian tories suspend revision of the list for two years hold elections on the three yearold registers make no provision by- which revisingofficers can be held to account for their work and yet do not succeed in byeelect ions journal it is in the air a few years ago outario wanted to find out where the best farm was of course rennies was far ahead last year andrew hood proved to the world that he was the best plowman in the dominion a short time ago walter clendenning was easily champion of canada with quoits who is the champion of can ada with checkers why a scarboro man eleming of course to be sura he lives in markham but then he was born in scarboro and where a match is imminent he comes back again to sniff scarboro air we are full of champions but we have broken out in a fresh place the horse shoers journal offered a magnificent prize for the best essay on contracted feet and lo our jas ley carries it off from competitors all over the north ameri can continent the shoer of maud s was among the defeated the best men in chicago yielded the palm it is reported that mr ley declined a position as foreman in the most fash ionable shops in chicago he is afraid to leaye our scarboro air economist personals miss woltz of toronto is visiting her sister mrs dr sangster mr wm wells and wife of king city are visiting friends in town the jtoivib speight at his residence markham village on thursday 14th inst michael speight aged about 56 years jerman on tuesday 21st inst infant daug- ter of john jerman aged 3 weeks 5 days simpson on saturday qthiust at ballan- trae mary jane simpson of inflammation aged 21 years 6 months who am i my native home merica im not animal beast or man of indian origin my name from the province of yucatan from the island of tobago my name derived some say and others from tobasco in the gulf of florida the letters of my wondrous name the golden number make the spaniards it to me transferred from one i truly hste- but homely as my name appears ive gained the polished ears im often found in palaces while kings my name hold dear with sir john hankins the ocean crossed and reached the britains home in fifteen hundred and sixty five by britains was enthroned sir walter raleigh and francis drake their homage paid to me and bore me from my native land across the great blue sea im found in the temples reared for god- in legislative halls in hovels where the poor reside within the prison walls- lama thief i dont deny the poor mans bread i take his wife and children clotned with rags their poverty is great im filthy too ill own the truth but what care i for that when knights and nobles kiss my cheek and lift to me tbeirhats my enemies are numerous they call me filth and slime they surely cant be gentlemen they must be feminine im sometimes black and sometimes brown im stamped as genuine im sometimes fiat and sometimes round dudes think me very fine to me rev sam jones bows the knee i must be fine indeed although some naughty persons say i am a filthy wad w percy toronto street market from thursdays globe receipts of gram on the streets today were fair and prices generally firm about 800 bushels of wheet offered and sold at 104 to 8105 for fall and 105 to 100 for red 105 to 110 for spring and 84c for goose barley dull 8000 bushels sell ing nt 45c to 56 oats sloady 200 bush els sellinu rt 37c to3jc peas quoted at 57c to 63c and rye nominal nt 60c nny quiet and steady with sales of 13s loads at 18 to 2150 straw sold at 0 to 10- dressed hogs 7 to 725- beef 350 to 450 for forcquarters and so to 850 for hindquarters mutton 6 to 7 lamb 8 to 850 veal 7 to r

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