bound about us notes got by hook ok bv crook with ricissors ok pes is hakb- word comes from canaan that news is scarce wonder if the cor respondent means the pickering news messrs summerfeldt sous of sut ton are making preparations to put in new rollers in their mills in that place owing to the lively opposition of bakers from newmarket bradford and queensville bread is on- locts a loaf in holland landing the rumor that the wilkinson mtg co of aurora intend removing to the west wing of abels bloek toronto is untrue iccording to the banner the wire of w h higgins late pro prietor of the whitby chronicle is dead she was almost a life lbngresi dent ol whitby and much sympathy is felt or the bereaved at whitby on wednesday of last week a twelve year old girl from bcvertou was convicted of shoplift ing by the county judge and was sent to the industrial school a number of sports interviewed e j davis as p- recently with regard to modiiieations in th8 game laws o ontario it is wished that the eloso season for deer should be raddd longer oniemeb races were held on tuesday and wednesdey of last week and were a yroat success t grahams jack the- hipper dwycrs contest juafloiver and a elliotts lady b werothe win ners mr and mrs alfred graham of aurora celebrated the 25th nntavor- sary bfjheir wedding on friday even ing january 25th a number of guests were present and spent an en joyable time at the recent meeting of the toronto teachers association it was decided to endeavor to secure the next mccjinpof the national educaiional association of the u s for toronto there will be about 5000 visitors if they come a railway man named ed fletcher is in the toils for alienating the aiicc- tions of the wite of wm ii kiel a toronto traveller fletcher and the woman both deny the charge and meanwhile fletcher is held for 10000 bail the spring criminal assises will open before justice rose in toronto on monday march 18th and civil assizes on monday april 15th the ontario co assizes will be held in whitby on march 18th before justice falcon- bridge acircular from the educational de partment states that the next entrance examination to high schools and col legiate institutes will be held on the 4th oth and 0th of july next it is expected that henceforth there will b only one examination in each year and that in july i saw your new play last night charlie remarked a friend and i was delighted with it save one thing you kill your characters all off in the last act well answered the young play wright what could 1 do why kill them all off in the lirst act the epoch somebody has been abusing- an edi tor you may bet when he breaks out in this manner it is astonishing what terrible insults some people can find in a newspaper when they get their back up at the editor and com mence reading between the lines the editors sins ot omission are then transformed into crimes committed mr thos conant of oshawa receiv ed from the united states fishery de- partment at washington a lino lot of healthy carp which he has placed in in the bay at the port and for which the thanks of the community are real ly well earned the fish were strong and lively measuring about four inches in length and give promise of food and fun for anglers who may lxi clever enough to catch them the schoolmaster the tencher has no e z time to teach the a b cs it per c v ranee takes sublime and all his n r gs tn k c doscut use the birch and kindness doth s a the scholars nho x l at church in school will v t play they cant c y he makes them learn i s n and the niles they c k chauce to overturn preferring z b fools we p t him because his nerves from teaching must d k we think we should as c d serves receive x v of pay g r graph e iron m e greek l o qtion prose a t mol o g g ol o g and l g bia he knows- in d d must be very wise or i c never could teach n e little boys to prize aned u k lion good ifin the n d find hes made i boy a prudent 2 c his labors so repaid in p c dies content- in my young a g gave me tpanks to make me y 7 said for which he has my it t thanks- it filled my m t head a correspondent of the aurora ban ner writes the sad intelligence reached your correspondent hist week that it poor unfortunate had suicided upon making inquiries we found it to bo too true the unfortunate refeired to had lived in this vicinity for some years but still had scarcely passed the prime of life he was lacking iu intellectual powers has been seen pursuing birds and butterflies and sometimes it was necessary to tie him up he was of scotch descent and was known by the name of scotty the poor fellow was tied in the barn at the place where he had been living and wishing to get loose and no one coming to his relief he jumped over the barn door and hunjr by the neck until he died no doubt his hide would make a good pair of dogskin mitts if property tanned for the restoration of faded and gray hair to its original color and freshness avars hair vigor remains unrivalled this is the most popular and valuable toiir preparation in the world all who use it are perfectly satisfied that it is the best iuiiovivnitvmiint as was intimated in the speech from the throne the new franchise bill has been introduced in the house of com mons we clip from the globe the following summary of the proposed scheme the list now being printed which are those of tholas- revision in 1ssg in the government printing ollice will be sent to the respective revising offi cers who will use them as the basis of the new list after the lirst of june each revising officer will make up a supplementary list from the assessment roll eleetorial list and such other in formation as is available to him as provided for under the present fran chise law and as was supposed to be done on the only occasion when lists were prepared under the act this sup plementary lists shows both those 10 be added to and those to he struck off the lists as well as corrections to bo made these being- returned to the queens printer changes will be made accord iiigly and the lists thus preliminarily revised sent to the revising- officer again by whose direction i hey will be posted up and a day fixed for hearing- parties who wish to be heard at the final revision the changes made at this final revision will bo sent to the government printing office and the lists corrected accordingly and thin corrected they will be final another provision of the bill was to establish polling subdivisions each one eon rain ing not more than- 200 votes instead of 300 as at present in other respects sir john promised that the present law will be materially simplified and the cost of its administraton reduced other bills to be considered refer to commercial law to assimilate the laws of the different provinces on the sub jects ot bills of exchange checks and notes to prevent frauds by tree ped lars ard other fakirs who prey upon farmers rev j b huff florence writes i have great pleasure in testifying to the good eoccts which i have ex- from the use of northrop lymans vegetable discovery for dyspepsia for several years nearly all kinds of food fermented on my stomach so that after eating i had very distressing sensations but from too time i com menced the use of the vegetable dis- coyerv 1 obtained relief now is the time to subscribe for the tribune one dollar a year in advance i ft life iraieuily roouiryt j init action a hours delay wait hi for the dortor uiiy in attended with serjyiis cohsuquwiiei iri iu casus of roup pneumonia i titer throat ad lun troubles e no family should be without a i ves cherry ieetoiil which has voved itself in thousands of eases the best einergciicy medicine ever diicovciod itgives prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough cure which is certain to be effected by its continued use 3 ii latimer m t it vernon ga says 1 have found ayors chem- pectoral a perfect cure for croup in ail ases i have known the worst eases relieved in a very short time by its use tiril i advise all families to use it in sud den emergencies for coughs croup c a 7 ellison if i middletown tenti says i have used avers cherry pectoral with the best effect in my practice this wonderful prepara tion once saved my life i hail a con stant cough night sweats was greatly reduced in flesh and given tip by my physician one ivottlc and a half of tho pectoral cured me i cannot say enough in praise of aycrs cherry pectoral writes e liragdon of palestine texas behov ing as i do that but for its use i should long since have died todd gos for fresh groceries dry goods clothing boots shoes glassware and crockery gents furnishings a lame and complete stock to choose from dont buy until you have examined our goods we unll not be undersold goods delivered in the corporation promptly at 10 a m and 4 p m a call solicited todd co silvester dotjgherty money wanted for- season able goods at the stouffville hardware store we have it kinds and prices of wood cook stoves and 5 kinds for coal and wood all guaranteed to work satisfactorily box stoves round wood heaters with or without oven coal surface heaters art garland and art countess bus burnorsboth taking the cold air direct from the floor and are the best made cross jcut saws maple lxaf disston robertsons corpor ation fiddles 3 kinds files axes 9 kinds 75c to si 50 see our handmtulo aiscl axe whips 10c to 300 curry combs 10c to 80c horse brushes from 15c up rope and web halters cow ties sausage sinners and grinders etc we still have an immense stock of lamps cheaper than ever before those for parlor and hall use are unusually handsome our hues of table and pocket cutlery are complete we have received i h- largest assortment of silverplated goods vxv have ever had ltidics call and see horse shoes and nails very low silvester dougherty no more credit from the first day of february 1s89 ac thk- foreign and domestic fruit store k p all my goods sold at the lowest living profit and for cash only see my stock of teas coffees sugars tobac cos cigars canned goods everything you want and cheap flour flour family flour oxbridge or mount albert as the bulk of my goods are only to be bought for cash am compelled to sell for cash also and my numer ous customers and friends will please take no offence if they are refused cred- itall grades of customers rich or poor will be treated alike we sell thejargest io loaf of bread to be had in the county and anything you want in the pastry or confectionery line always on hand or on short notice call and see the but dont ask for credit stoukfvimi jan 25th 1889 h johnson for ayers cherry pectoral mteparkd by dr j c ayor co lowell mass sold by ill drugg sit tricc 1 ix bottle ti tribune 100 a year in advance 90 days without hard labor listen s j burkholder who keep the largest best and cheapest stock of furniture north o toronto will give 10 per cent discount on all cash sales of furniture for 90 days picture framing a specialty undertaking coffins and caskets con stantly on hand and all funeral supplies funerals promptly attended orders received at all hours s o sjrkholder furniture warerooms h still to the fore d has now in stock a varied assortment of furniture pkicis exceptionally low- a l llnbok baliy carriages in all its branches on shortest nouce gxv033 tvlls j cvxi e j bayie mm1 block fifi eat reductkks at wirs wilsons 0 some choice mantles left knitting wools saxony berlin and j antlilusian also childrras wool goods old ladys dress caps call and see onr goods before pur chasing- elsewhere mrs ywilsqix mil head this jiuj call at i h- m i l t o ns and huv youll- stationery canned goods oysters rruit etc pipes amd pipe mounts and tik best kkands of tobac cos i and cioaps in town toys fancy goods andpocket knives in endless variety 753 remember the place hamiltons kirst door east of station sisssmawy man who la weak nervous debilitated nbolahla folly and ignorance haa trj- flecs way hla vigor ot body mind ana manhood causing oxhansung drains npon is fountains of life hoadaoho bsokaohe dreodful drooms wookneaa 7i tnnoc boshfulnosa in society pimples 1p u faoo antl nil ilio efoot9 iiiib to early peony consumption itioanlty v v s- pvtttly t tuf voittitful fctl po-tj- it rjjiuul ttumul9tta ano vigorato tho brain iricl rvoj unltdat t an alar uystoni j rrj460ij nt actkct ujo wnolo phyalcal ftirty of tha human finino wltu our eicciuo c i i lb tnt tibetiorto caao oanbo cured in v raontlu nittl rococ0no3 in co than thirty jd jaoh jmriftko contntna twowooka treat- rtirlco oi cnrea onarantcoalour spoo- tc no 24 in on infalllblo cure tor all private paoaaea no matter ot how long etand- sold midor our wrttton cuarantoo to rtluct a cure vtlco 83 toronto modlelni sax toronto oat ladies only french regulation pills lar superior to ergot trnsy icnnyroyal or oxide endorsed by the thousands of ladies who methem month y never fail re- lieve pain insure regularity tleas- ant and effectual price 2 toronto medi cine co toronto ont