how the oowbon bracd cattle the word round up so often seen in print ii known by most people to be a west ern term bnt its real significance is not gen erally known caya a denver letter to the philadelphia press on the northern ranges in dikota mon tana and wyoming territories the cattle are all allowed to ran at large through the win ter and summer they do r o t stray a great distance off however and unless stampeded may usually be found within thirty miles or so of their respective ranges to collect these immense herds of cattle in the spring and fall is no easy matter and to do this a round up is formed this is made up by the owners of the ranches which are on the same range sending a round up outfit and their quota of cowboys a roundup outfit consists of besides the indispensable cowboys a camp- wagon drawn by four horses or mules at least live tjkirses for each cowboy branding irons cooking utensils and last bnt not least a cook who generally drives the wagon these respective representatives of the diffrent ranches meet at the end of their range of district and slowly go through the country collecting and branding the cattle and calves the wagons do not drive more than ten or fifteen miles a day but the cowboys in search of cattle ride sixty or seventy miles this is where the necessity for each cowboy having so many horses the days unexpected passenger a corrtspondent of the lewiston journal tells a story of a fishing trip in the moose- head region itwas ju at daylight and his boat vraa about a hundred yards from the shore he had cst anchor and was getting ready to smoke his pipe just as he lifted the lighted match he saw a wake in the water the animal making it wa heading toward ce clearing in such a way as to lead him across my bow immediately i started to bull the anchor and at the noise the wake at once headed for me this was a surprise and thinking the animal might be a water- snake i took np the paddle ready to do battle i necessary on came the wake but as 1 was about to strike i saw the creature to be a small one i dropped the paddle into the water think ing to hip it into tha air and get sight of it but before i could do this like a flash something ran up the paddle across my wrist ana out to the bow and then i saw that i had a red squirrel for a companion he was panting his sides worked like bel lows yet he watched me keenly i did not approach him and aa the fish now began to bite at the end of my one hun dred foot line he sat there unmolested until long after the sun had risen a hail to breakfast was a welcome one and as i ap eis beasons for choosing there must necessarily be great variety in the reasons which irfluence membera of a congregation in choosing a to- some of theiare amuiing as well as mstruotlve recently a promising young minister was fpplmted to a parish in ayrshire one of ttaeuers who w zealously supported him laving been asked on what ground he had done replied weelihadeeveralreasons first of a when he cam up to the kirkm stmornuimaneebour elder an me was r the plate an he said in a frank orr thatineienin ou iwice 1 likit that then again when he was preachin some of them in the kirk w coughing wither much he just stopjt uluhey ierldnne an then gaed on again j man i thochl a deal of that 1 was pretty well acquainted are you pretty weu scquamted withyour mothertcngue my boy aaked the school teacher of the new scholar yes air answered the lad timidly me a good deal sir comes in the cattle collected during riding are all driven to the nearest ranch where there is a corral cattle are collected every day as every other day to brand the sat tie cang rm the cattle collected in a day a ride by a roundup of thirty cowboys niao an fj this herd is watched very immense herd ants ext roundingout is the term applied to only by very expert cowboys lhey rioe into the herd and when they find one of into as many small herds as these brands are represented in the round up after the small herd is separated the cows wiacalanduabrandedcattleare rounded nn from tho branded cattle the branaeo cattle a put into a herd and drtyen sejerd miles back over the same ground turned loose a fire is built a corner of the sor ral where the roundup is the bars are kwtand one oi the herds of cows w th cllvestnd nnbranded cattle are men in two ropers walk their ponies into the cor- raithebarsareputup the brands of the mvn who own the cattle in the oornjg heated in the fire the work of branding begins the ropers ride around the corral bwmging their ropes around their heads as they aeetingle calves on the edge of the herd their lassoes leave their rhanh yntt i snap and wind around the calves y f this is called heeling and ii a great deal more difficult to do than catch thom by the neck tho oalves whn caught are saggeduptotberire where they are held and sanded branding does not take long and soon the corral is ready for the next held the ropers are quite expert with the lasso and kevp the men at the fire busy the calves are not only branded to markjhem proached to ths bow to pull the anchor mr squirrel took the stern sheets paddling in i put my end of the boat against the rock intending to keep the squirrel aboard but as the piddle touched the rock as i fended off the craft the tquirrel came i along the gunwale of the boat over my arm i rlnwn the daddle over the boots of my what scons emulsion cures mother scolds down the paddle over t pinion anu up a spruoetree all in the twink ling of an eye and their he chirped and chattelred gaily the tquirrel must have swam a mile before i saw him and evidently was bound for the scraps which fishermen throw out around the camp for he lingered all day and then dis appeared an old guide told me that he chose an hour when the night birds hawks and owis had gone to roost and before the day hawks had come out in which to swim across and that he jes knew what he war about and i dont doubt tho statement a liurions story george nisbet alias osman digna oohstjmption scrofula bk0sch1tis coughs golds wasting diseases wonderful flesh producer scotts emulsiou is not a secret remedy containing the stimulating hypophos- phites and pure norwegian cod liver oil the potenoy of both being largely in creased it u used by physicians all over the world palatable as milk sold by all druggists bor and sloo for the ladies embroidery silks all colon 10c per dozen skein berlin wools all colors seper oz aadtamor cukkd i ol me i his way of managine blinks think your wife would object to heving you go off duck shooting with me jinks im afraid she would if i asked her but ill tell my littls son to order her to let me go she always obeys him cleamings of humour inveterate loafers bakers invariably a scapegrace a man late ati dinner the difference between the dude and the turkey is that one ib dressed to kill and the other is killed to dress john what would you do if i were to die said a wife to her husband bury you my dear he replied it requires long practice before a lawyer can smile kindly on the jury with one eye and glare at the witness with the other a convict with a ball and chain attach mentgave sb an excuse for not taking a summer vacation that ho was too closely tied to business it a wrfr dvs mcm1ciiael virlvviallholkoxutstbusuoky choice farms for sale in all parts shetland and andalcsian wools so per os fleecy wool extra quality loo per ftkein arnaeno all colors 30o per doxen skeins macrame ccrd 15 colon 10c per ball felt beet quality 9100 per yard woolen java canvas all sradea 15a per yard stamped toilet seta 5 pieces s5o set tidy s5o each splathera 40 and 60 cents each a laigo stock o newest stamped goods for outlining to band letter orders bar pampl and careful attention goods can be sent by p si to any partol canada write or price list hbknt ay is importer ist yonge street toronto oni of please mention this paper manitoba i leather belting partle wishing to purchase improved manitoba bes vlvb in the dominion sssjntaii w5e 2f it m avsstmc fedix0kco makers 70 king st e toronto poasetticn call or write to i m aulstui mc- 1 im arthur- btock muji t winr-i- inform- seiid for prloe lists and discounts mc- information farnhheo free t chaise and settlers assisted in makiog selection at currsxt rates or intersst ears in were but some owners cut their oars in different shapes other owners even go so far as to cnt one of the ears off entirely after a herd that is marked this way has left the corral the ground is sometimes covered with ire in almost every herd that is driven oarer to the corral there are some cattle that ere not branded the year before and these 8 have to bo handled more carefully or else they gore the handler one of the ropers walks his horse around nntil he sees a gocd chance when quick as a flash he catches the steer by the hind legs tho steer knows he is caught and turns at the man who caught him as soon as he turns the other roper throws his lasso around the animals horns which holds him fast tho steer is thus held fast and in that con dition is branded when done tho lasso around his head is taken off and be is allow ed to rise the men all get out of tho way and then the rope is taken off tho steers hind legs by a skillful twist of the ropers hand when the whole herd is branded they are driven ont of the corral and tho next herd is put through the same process when all the cattle are barnded they are driven back over the same ground that the ronndnp traversed the day before and turned loose on tho round up each man leaves his horses to tho oare ot men called wranglers who keep the horses in herds whioh are eas ily guarded every morning one of the herds is driven in near the wagons and after breakfast some good lassotbrower stands near the herd and as the cowboys come after horses he catches ponies for them so the cowboys dj not ri their own horses but have to take whatover is given to them some of the horses are bucking bronchos any ono may be tho unfortunate man that gets a bucking broncho breakfast on round up is at 3 oolock and by 4 the wagons are all moving and the cow boys are riding off in different directions they rido all morning and at noon stop an hour for dinner after dinner they change horses and startout again life on tho roundup is hard work the cowboys are in all sorts of danger have to sleep on tho ground rain or snow ride hard one day and work hard the next at branding born at rouen in 1836 and attended a school in paris till he was thirteen the nisbet family then removed to alexandria and shortly thereafter the father joseph nisbet died madam nisbet lone is tempted to say mrs nisbet the namo looks so english having mado the acquaintance of a mussul man merchant from up country married him and she and her boy george went first to cairo with him and then to suakim george attended the military school at cairo his stepfather was much attaohed to the youth who was thenceforth brought up a mussulman he took his step- fathers name osman digua and joined him in his business as a slave denier in suakim the young osman digua had the whole business to himself when the stepfather died in 1865 he became the m ihdis friend and general and the enemy of the egyptian government such is the tale that is being told osman dlgna is described as a tall man of an im posing figure he has a piercing dark eye and his jet blaok beard roaches to the pit of his stomach he has adopted the calm and dignified attitude of a sheik since he be came recognized among the desert tribesmen as a leader he is a man of temperate habits and has only three wives who be ing onnecced with some of the best families of the soudan tribes bi ing him much in fluence all the other women about osman digna are concubines and slaves oiman digna has only one arm the other having been lost in battle he was a fellow stu dent of arabi pasha and the latters insur rection paved the way for his present such is the description that is being ho fisaballs that day an honoured guest at a city hotel re cently was a portly and dignified old lady increasing deafness led the old lady always n with her few mornings to carry an ear trumpet with brown engines iron and steel boilers any size toronto engine works m j permns co toronto look oct fob bvstetjtb 700 000 stolen from the bank at hull i protect your sim houses stabks as well as goods hudjj on i tho outside by using the champion burglar alarm i xo one can get into a room or building without alarmiug the whole neighborhood can be put up in a minute commercial men can attach one to any door by simply closing it does not mar the door in th- least this is no toy but a wellmade article maie patented and sold by a wellknown house i ass your hardware dealer for one and be sure my i i ame is on it or send 1 and receive one free good i scents wanted in every pa 8 8 kimualt po box 015 salesroom 517 craig st moxtrsau a great speech alawyerwhoseeloquenoewasof the spread- eagle bort was addressing the jury at great length and his legal opponent growing weary went outside to rest lawyer b is making a great speech said a countryman to the bored attorney oh yes liwyer b always makes a great bj eecb if you or i had occasion to announce that two and two makes four wed be just fools enough to blurt it right out not so lawyer b he would say if by that particular arithmetical rule known as addition we desired to arrive at the sum of two integers added to two integers wo should find and i assers this boldly sir and without the fear of successfnl contradic tion we i repeat should find and by the particular arithmetical formula before men tioned and sir i held myself perfectly responsible for the assertion i am abont to make that the bum of the two given integers added to the other two integers would bo four it happened however a tew mornings ago that the old lady reached the breakfast table without her trumpet she did not seem troubled at forgetting it but adjust ing her glasses inspecting the bill of fare and ordered the breakfast concluding with a request for some fishballs there aint any fish balls maam sail the waiter respectfully i prefer them done browi bhe said there aint any fish balls this morn ing and i wish you would tell the cook not to fry them in lard use a little piece of salt pork there aint any and wait a moment tell her to be very oireful not touse halibut for fishballs intend of codfish i understand it is frequent ly done thare aint any fishballs today re peat d the waiter in lond tones yon really ought not to serve fishballs every day john she said pleasantly the old way was to have them for sun day breakfast there aint any fishballs shouted the waiter yes serve them with pirsley the unfortunate waiter glanced helplessly about and then bending down to the old ladys ear in tones that proclaimed it to the entire diningroom he roared out again there aint no fishballs today why didnt you say so then- john she added gazing at the flushed waiter severely over her spectacles i think yon have been drinking you have been mutter ing to yourself there for the last five min utes never mind about the fish balls bnt i shall report you to the manager beware of imitations royal dandelion coffee none genuine but the royal ellis keighley t repared by toronto i cure fits ulan line royal mail steamship samne during vlnter from portland eveiytbureda and halifax every saturday to liverpool and in bub mer from quebec every saturday to liverpool callin at londonderry to land mails and passengera lc scotland ind ireland also from baltimore via halt fax and st johns n f to liverpool fortnight during summer months the steamers of the gla row lines ball during winter to and from hluvx portland boston and philadelphia and during sum mer between glasgow and montreal weekly glasgow and boston weekly and glasgow and philadelphli fortnightly for freight passage or other information apply to a sohumacher oo baltimore 8 ounard a vv halifax shea co st johns nfldj wm thorn- son d oc st john n b allen h co chicago love alden new york h bourller toroi to allans rae co quebec wm broome phllao 1 phi h a allen portland boston montreal but when i say cuke i do not mean merely to stop them lor a time and then have them re turn again i mean a radical cure i have made the disease of fits epilepsy or eaiiling sickness a life long study i wabbaht my remedy to cmtk the worst cases because others nave failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure send atonce for a treatise and a 1bkebotti of my infaiilibue ebmkdy glvo express and post office it costs yon nothing lor a trial and it will cure you address h g boot mo 164 west adelaide st toronto ont standard choppingnuus usesbestfrenchb millstones pihestcrinoermtk world horenewmc nttsasimr0r y o un g men suffering torn the effects of early evil habits the result of ignorance and folly who find themselves weak nervous and exhausted also uxddisaokd and old mrn who ara broken down from the effecte of abuse or over work and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess send for and read m v lnbons treatise on the diseases of men the book will be eent sealed to any address on receipt of two so stamps address m v lubon wellington 8t k torontooni toe life currant deprive the vegetable world of moisture h it nales withers and dies the whole and it pales withers earth becomes parched and desolation pervades the landscape deprive the hum- and health is im- an system o pure blood possible disease inevitable how he accounted lor it how do you account said a north oountry minister of the last age the late rev mr m bean of alvei to a sagacious old elder of his cession for the alnnst to- taldisappeaiance of the ghosts and fairies uatesbetweentwent yand tweutyfive yerrs e uioco the skin be- oomes charged with repulsive humors the lungs loaded with foreign secretions fevers ensue and unless speedly arrested death follows renew to healthy action the hver the great bloodpurifying gland with dr pierces golden medical discovery and health flows through every avenue restoring vory organ to vigor all druggists it is cot the best man at a wedding who gets the bride a ladys chances of marrying kvery woman has a ohance of catching husband but it is conceded that young that usod to be common in your young daysv tut my word fort minister replied the old man its a owing to the tea when the tea came in the ghaisis an fairies gaed out weel do i mind whan at aoor nabourly meetings bridals christen ings lykowakes and the like we enter tained ane anither wi rich nappy alej an when the verro dowiest o us used to get warm i the face an a little confused in the heads an wcel fit to sco amaist onythlng when on the mujr on your way hame but tho tea has put out tho nappy an i have remiarked that by losiog the nappy we los oath ghaists and fa iries rra muur hugh miller think over this there is food for reflection in a couploof advertisements which appsar side by sido in a contemporary which read with tho 3 1 fallows publishing office quick writer 4 a week wanted an experienced girl for goo- assist- read omission of address as follows wanted young lady in nuick writer 4 a week oral hoasowork in a family of seven td with washing wages s4 a week it will bo observed that tho rate of com- nensation is the same in both theso casss kt that while tho lady receives simp v i week tho experienced girl gttj in a on her board and lodging vw ntilitytho word most wtilnhy tx- s the thing ii worth what it u must seem at least an open question when the raw is so highboston conner as if there were not already sufficient legal grounds upon which divorces can be obtained in the united states a connecticut man has petitioned the legislature of that state t sever tho knot whioh binds him to his wife on the ground that she has become insane so far as we know insanity is not a legal ground for divorce in any of tho states except where ono of tho parties was unknown to the other insane at the timo of marriage it seems however that two precedents have bon found ono in 1691 and the other in 1s56 in which tho con necticut legislature granteddivorces on tho ground of insanity after taarriape the petitioner in the present cose however is not likely to have his request granted as euoh a proceeding would render necessary tho repeal of a statute giving the superior court of the state cxluive jurisdiction in all divorco matters laaies uctwcuu v f of age are more likely to draw the matri monial prizes however in ii not an unusu al thing to hear of the mirnage of a lady who has passed the three qu v mark yet hdw oan a woman weak du- pirited enelvatedand tormented by duea- es common to her six hope to become a happy wife and mother oi course she can not vet hy tho magic aid of dr fieicss favorite prescription all these obstades k0 awav as a powerful invigorat- mg tint dierce favorite prescription imparts strength to the whole system and to the womb and its appendages uwtm lar for overworked wornout rus- down debilitated teachers aiinor dress makers seamstresses shopgirls house keepers nursing mothers and feeble women generally it is che greatest earthly boon being unequalcd as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic kyery french bank has a photograph of every employee do hot think for a moment rytfmerbxeltoece t would bo peasant if true but it is not u sdbnr syk somodisease speedily by the same meaar at all drugaists fine heads of hair if you are bld have gkkyorthin haw fend to a dorenwend toronto and fct p rticuiors of hia wigs toupees switches etc also frontpieccs bang etc made of tinebt qnality human ha r as natural aa life a dobexvtenii paru hair works 103 and 105 yooge st toronto whaley royce co dealers in all kinds of musical instruments agents for he blssox and hiobam bmd in stramentsl its sheet siusio anj music boos manuacturer oltbe imperial band ihstrumlnts best in the world euht years guarantee std for illustrated catalogue and testimonials 2ss yongest toronto ew cbrahtfflbo cananft- if art childrtn tto rhttrfatlrioin in tk dona wix breadmalcers yeast is a tubjtct btfortu mamma tried all thtrest so tit hum its th best llgutda i coat kir triad i tk whitest her buns an urn and v tat alt th pancake ht dart set befartut buy the breadiuakeils yeast p6ige5cent it is a genuine leat preparation m tohtfstor ffislf s h m tha natr5fciooa and s gma elementb 1 h e s r eat meat ltaeu 8rj it has stood the test of years and has earned for itself the reputation of being the great strength giver strengthsiverj a perfect food for the sick a warming nutriiiousbeverage i emm i mum i m a powerful inyjgoratpn brick machines with all the latest improvements spring press box white oak posts cross and iron head braces ot ritvors seso for clltoular terms to odit bors the e o gurney co tobosttoi ojsfltp